Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender

Chapter 130: The emperor who ran away (2)


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"Wen Shaoxia, can I go in?"

Tuoba Qingheng came and wanted to follow Su Jie into the room, but unexpectedly the latter closed the door, almost causing Tuoba Qingheng to bump into the door. Although he was itching his teeth outside the door, he still knocked on the door swallowing his anger.

"come in."

In the room, Su Jie sat on a chair, was pouring a glass of water, and looked at Tuoba Qingheng who walked in indifferently.

"Wen Shaoxia, I have a request, I don't know if I should ask..." Tuoba Qingheng seemed a little hesitant.

"Then don't open your mouth." Su Jie took off the burden on his body, opened the oil paper, and the meat buns inside were already cold.

"I..." Tuoba Qingheng lost his temper by Su Jie's unreasonable and indifferent attitude. He always thought that his stunning face would always get him preferential treatment, but he never thought that he would be treated favorably by Su Jie. Here is a touch of ashes.

Tuoba Qingheng put away his thoughts of underestimating Su Jie, and said sternly: "Then let's open the skylight and speak honestly. If you do me a favor, I will reward you."

"What reward?"

"This..." Tuoba Qingheng's words got stuck in his throat, he wanted to use fame and wealth to lure Su Jie, but suddenly remembered that he was not only penniless. Still homeless, the only valuable things on his body are the clothes on his body and a small jade pendant, other than that, he really has nothing to give away.

Such a desolate situation made Tuoba Qingheng a little helpless. After all, he was still a prince, but he couldn't return to his country, so he could only live in this foreign country.

Tuoba Qingheng comes from Xiguo. His concubine mother was once the most beloved concubine of the emperor of Xi country, but after the death of his mother concubine, he became a thorn in the eyes of the emperor of Xi country.

Tuoba Qingheng's mother is the most beautiful woman in the country of Xi. She was originally married to a knight, but the emperor of Xi country was injured when he went on a tour in disguise and was rescued by the knight. The chivalrous man took him to his home, and because of this, Emperor Xiguo was shocked when he saw Tuoba Qingheng's mother.

The emperor of Xiguo fell in love with this disastrous beauty. When the imperial army found him, he revealed his identity to the knight, and proposed that he want to take the knight's wife as his concubine, and promised the knight a lifetime of prosperity and wealth.

But that knight had a strong personality. When he heard that the man he had rescued coveted his wife, he raised his sword in anger and wanted to kill him, but he was no match for four hands. stand up.

The emperor of Xiguo took this as a threat, and made Tuoba Qingheng's mother a concubine as he wished.

After a few months, this stunning beauty gave birth to Tuoba Qingheng.

The emperor of Xiguo suspected that this child was not his own, so he didn't like Tuoba Qingheng in his heart, but because he loved that beauty, he had no choice but to treat Tuoba Qingheng specially, and in the name of doting, he arranged two guards all year round." Protect "Tuoba Qingheng, and not allow Tuoba Qingheng to practice martial arts.

It wasn't until two years ago that Tuoba Qingheng's mother and concubine died in a sad mood that the guarding of Tuoba Qingheng was relaxed.

Tuoba Qingheng made an escape plan. He knew that the emperor would not tolerate him, but he was alone and weak. After nearly two years of hard planning and buying some eunuchs and maids, he found a way to escape from the palace of Xiguo.

However, at this time, Emperor Xiguo issued an imperial decree to dedicate him to the new emperor of Yanlingguo.

When Tuoba Qingheng heard the news, he couldn't catch his breath and fainted.

After waking up, he was already escorted by a group of people and embarked on the journey to Yan Lingguo.

Along the way, Tuoba Qingheng tried various ways to escape, but he was arrested without exception. Today he escaped again with great difficulty, but he caught up with the city gate being closed. Fortunately, he met Su Jie, who is a master of martial arts.

In order not to be caught back again, Tuoba Qingheng had to find a way to persuade Su Jie to help him.

"I have a smart brain." Tuoba Qingheng tilted his head and thought for a while, then said.

"Oh?" Su Jie raised his eyebrows. Taking a sip of water, he waited for Tuoba Qingheng's next words.

"You rescued me today, I will never forget your kindness, I need you to help me avoid the hunt, and provide me with some silver in return. I can make your silver more and more, how about it?" Tuoba Qing Heng sat across from Su Jie, and said seriously: "Don't believe me, I can make spices, this is what my mother... my mother taught me, and I am good at talking with others, when I grow my business , Wen Shaoxia can come to me to get money at any time."

Tuoba Qingheng almost blurted out the word "mother and concubine". He lived in the palace since he was a child, and he can live to this day. Tuoba Qingheng is not a simple character, except that he does not know martial arts. In terms of literary talent, Tuoba Qingheng has always been outstanding, but he knows how to hide his clumsiness and has never shown it.

After leaving Xiguo, Tuoba Qingheng didn't plan to go back. What he lacks now is a noble person who can help him, let him step out of the fate of being manipulated, and control his own life.

"You want to do the spice business?" Su Jie wasn't too surprised. He had previously felt that Tuoba Qingheng was not a simple person. Tuoba Qingheng's appearance was too beautiful, and his skin was delicate and smooth, which was very eye-catching, even though the clothes on his body were dirty. He looks like a beggar. But you can see that the patterns embroidered on the clothes are exquisite and detailed.

"I plan to do this at the beginning. When the business grows bigger, I can also open a tea house or something like that." Tuoba Qingheng thought for a while, and replied.

"I can help you, but the specific details need to be discussed in detail. I not only want the silver taels you earn, but also the property under your name in the future. They all have a part of me." Su Jie put down the water glass in his hand and said.

Tuoba Qingheng was stunned, he didn't expect Su Jie's ambition to be so big, could it be that this "Wen Shaoxia" is also interested in doing business

"This is a 10,000 taels of bank note. I will contribute the money and you will contribute. From now on, the property will be divided into 50-50. If you agree, you can take the bank note. And I can help you get rid of the people who are chasing you. If you don't agree, we will go separately." Each way." Su Jie pushed the 10,000 taels of silver bills in front of Tuoba Qingheng.

"You... are very courageous, are you afraid that I will lose if I fail?" Asked, Tuoba Qingheng felt ridiculous again, a person who can take out 10,000 taels of silver bills at will, just put the silver taels on him for a gamble, that's all. However, what surprised Tuoba Qingheng was that this ordinary-looking young man in front of him was wearing the clothes of ordinary people, how could he casually take out such a large amount of banknotes

"If you fail, I will treat it as a lost bank note. There is no unnecessary loss." Su Jie smiled. He has not been on the throne for a while now, and the power in his hands is still relatively weak. If the beautiful woman in front of him If the young man can succeed in business and make a big career, then he will have a lot of help. If this beautiful young man only has a small achievement, then he will be regarded as sponsoring a passerby, and he will not need to do it again in the future. Follow this boy.

"You are a smart man, I am sorry for my previous rudeness. It is a great honor for Qing Heng to cooperate with you." After a moment of silence, Tuoba Qingheng's thin lips curved slightly.

This smile is like a hundred flowers blooming. Qunfang burst into beauty, and the waiter who just came in with the food was fascinated.

Su Jie had to sigh in his heart again for the beauty of Tuoba Qingheng's appearance. Seeing the obsessive look in the eyes of the waiter in the shop, Su Jie frowned slightly, thinking that it would be better not to cause any trouble.

"Xiao Er, I'll give you some money, and you can help me buy some medicinal materials. If this matter is done, you will benefit." Su Jie waved his hands, and ordered the shop's Xiao Er in a very straightforward tone.

"Okay, guest officer, please wait a moment." Xiaoer took the money with a smile on his face, and repeated what Su Jie wanted to buy. After confirming that it was correct, he took another sneaky look at Tuoba Qingheng, then turned around and planned to leave.

"Wait, I'll give you another three taels of silver, and you can buy some suitable clothes for this young man."

"Okay, okay." Hearing that he was buying clothes for Tuoba Qingheng, Xiaoer couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. However, he didn't dare to look at Tuoba Qingheng too much, after all, Su Jie's appearance after disguise was not a kind one, Xiao Er didn't dare to provoke Su Jie, a rich and powerful young man.

When the waiter came out of the room, Su Jie sighed, and said: "It's such a troublesome thing to take you with me, I hope the waiter doesn't think anything evil."

"Isn't there a young hero here, he can't do anything to me." Tuoba Qingheng laughed a few times, but didn't take this matter to heart.

Su Jie didn't answer, just silently ate the food on the table, and when his stomach was almost full, Xiao Er also bought a bunch of things and came back.

"Okay, you go out, this is your reward." Su Jie took out a few pieces of silver and gave it to the waiter in the shop. It is a habit that Su Jie has developed for many years without revealing his wealth when he goes out, but he can't leave now. Ba Qingheng was afraid that Tuoba Qingheng would be taken away, so Su Jie had no choice but to ask Xiaoer to buy what he needed. As for the bounty, if you give too much, it will make Xiaoer greedy.

"Thank you, young master, thank you very much, young master." Xiaoer thanked repeatedly, but had bad thoughts in his heart.

As the saying goes, wine is red on people's faces, and money is touching people's hearts. Although the waiter didn't have bad thoughts about Su Jie's money, he did have evil thoughts about Tuoba Qingheng. The beauty seduces people, and now the waiter's mind is full of Tuoba Qingheng. His appearance made the soles of his feet a little vacant when he left.

The shop waiter walked out of the door in a daze, and took another look at Tuoba Qingheng when the door was closing.

beautiful! It is so beautiful!

The shop clerk secretly admired, and his heartbeat accelerated a lot, he felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Tuoba Qingheng knew countless people, so he naturally discovered the greed and abnormality in the eyes of the waiter in this shop. He deeply felt that his situation tonight was worrying, so he said to Su Jie: "Young Xia Wen, do you mind if I make a floor in your room?"

"Up to you." It was Su Jie's indifferent voice that responded to him.

"Thank you." Tuoba Qingheng was very relieved of Su Jie. Firstly, Su Jie's eyes were indifferent and quiet, like someone with a pure heart, and secondly, Su Jie's martial arts were so strong that he couldn't resist any thoughts about him.

That night, Tuoba Qingheng slept soundly.

When he woke up the next day, Su Jie came back with two bowls of porridge.

"Get up and eat something. It just so happens that I know how to change your appearance. I will change your appearance for you. It will be convenient for you to do business." Su Jie put down the bowl and said.

"Okay." Tuoba Qingheng washed up, the table was already covered with delicious food, even the clear porridge seemed to have an attractive aroma.

"This meal is better than last night's. Could it be that the cook of the inn has changed?" Tuoba Qingheng asked after eating, licking his lips with a big appetite.

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