Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender

Chapter 131: The emperor who ran away (3)


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"Well, it's changed." Su Jie nodded.

Late last night, after Tuoba Qingheng fell asleep, the waiter in the shop colluded with the cook and blew incense into the room. Su Jie was very alert and would wake up at the slightest sign of trouble. Then he walked to the door of the room quietly, holding his breath straight.

When the waiter and the cook opened the door, they saw a person standing in front of them, and they were almost scared to death.

Shouldn't the people in the room be stunned? So who is that at the door like a ghost now

The shop clerk and the cook were still in shock, and they screamed directly, while Su Jie did not say much, and clicked on the dumb acupoints of the two. To catch two people is to beat them hard.

After beating the two until their noses and faces were bruised, Su Jie tied them up again, gagged them, and threw them into the stable.

But Tuoba Qingheng smelled the fragrance last night and fell asleep all the time. No knowledge of the matter.

"It's good to change the cook. If the food is delicious, there will be more customers. With the level of cooking last night, it's no wonder that the business of this inn is not good." Tuoba Qingheng wore the clean clothes that the waiter helped to buy yesterday, and touched them with satisfaction. Touch your belly.

Su Jie remained silent. In fact, he cooked the meal, and the chef in charge was still in the stable at the moment, so Su Jie had to cook the meal by himself.

"When I open an inn in the future, I will hire the person who cooks this breakfast." Tuoba Qingheng didn't know that the cook he praised now was Su Jie in front of him, let alone that he was sitting with him for dinner Su Jie is the emperor of Yanling Kingdom, and he was lucky enough to eat the first meal cooked by the young emperor after coming to Yanling Kingdom, and dared to hire the emperor as a cook without shame.

"Give up, you are holding my money now, and you still want to hire me?" Su Jie glanced at him coldly.

" made this breakfast?" Tuoba Qingheng was taken aback. He thought that Wen Shaoxia was good at martial arts, but he didn't expect him to be able to cook

"In order to enjoy my food, of course I know how to cook." When Su Jie was living in Yangcheng, he had to settle three meals a day by himself. Over time, he developed his cooking skills.

"Wen Shaoxia, whoever marries you in the future will definitely enjoy the blessings." Tuoba Qingheng didn't know that he was the one who was going to marry Su Jie, so he joked.

Su Jie ignored Tuoba Qingheng's teasing, he prepared the medicinal ingredients for disguise, and told Tuoba Qingheng to sit still.

Tuoba Qingheng closed his eyes and said nervously: "Young Xia, although I don't rely on my face to do business, but you must not ruin my face just because I look good."

"It's just right to ruin it, so that you won't be caught as a concubine." Su Jie asked while applying medicine to Tuoba Qingheng's face, "Do you know who you will be given as a concubine?"

"I know, but I dare not say it." Tuoba Qingheng snorted.

The movements of Su Jie's hands paused, and even his brows frowned.

dare not say

Could it be that Tuoba Qingheng's future husband is doing all kinds of evil, with his hands and eyes open to the sky

Seemingly aware of Su Jie's serious attitude, Tuoba Qingheng explained: "To tell you the truth, my family is going to give me to that person. I heard rumors that that person is not bad, but my family elders have I asked him, so I was given to him in exchange for the country... for the stability of the family."

Tuoba Qingheng chose a more euphemistic rhetoric. After all, he knew that most of the people in Yanling Kingdom were believers. If he said that he was going to be the new monarch of Yanling Kingdom. Maybe this "Wen Shaoxia" in front of him is about to switch sides and send him to the capital.

Tuoba Qingheng concealed his identity, but he didn't expect Su Jie's identity to be even more outrageous. The two people who should meet in the palace now meet in Guangcheng.

"Then where do you plan to start your spice business?" Su Jie nodded. He heard that Tuoba Qingheng didn't want to mention this matter, so he stopped asking, but changed the topic.

"Just in Guangcheng." Tuoba Qingheng didn't want to go to the capital city, because the capital city was at the foot of the emperor, and he was given to the emperor's concubine. If one day he was caught in the palace, he didn't know what was waiting for him Woolen cloth.

"Okay. But I still have things to deal with, so I will leave Guangcheng today. Before I leave, I will help you kill those who chased you." Su Jie skillfully smeared Tuoba Qingheng's face. drug. It's a pity that he doesn't have a ready-made disguise skin now, otherwise it would be much easier.

Su Jie used a special method of disguise. As long as Tuoba Qingheng cleans his face with a special medicinal liquid tonight, a layer of disguise skin will be removed. From now on, he will apply the face with clean water every morning and put on the disguise skin. Can maintain the appearance after disguise.

Because Tuoba Qingheng is too beautiful and does not know martial arts, it is inevitable that he will encounter inconvenience in doing business, so Su Jie planned to use the method of disguise.

"Wen Shaoxia, I have already started to admire you..." Tuoba Qingheng squinted his eyes and snorted. Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he stared at Su Jie with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Wen Shaoxia, you also wear the disguise technique?" Tuoba Qingheng asked.

Su Jie didn't refute or admit it, he pursed his lips and continued to move his hands, and said in a flat voice: "Close your eyes."

Tuoba Qingheng closed his eyes according to his words. But in his heart, he was more and more sure that Su Jie's face had been disguised, but he didn't know what Wen Shaoxia's real appearance was

After thinking wildly for a while, Tuoba Qingheng opened his eyes and took a look at himself in the mirror until he heard what Su Jie said.

The boy in the mirror looked a little handsome, but his eyes were still as lively as before. The face is not very outstanding, but it makes people feel very comfortable at first glance.

"Wen Shaoxia, you can make me look like this, your skill is amazing." Seeing Yuan Jue's face being changed into this way, Tuoba Qingheng looked in the mirror for a long time, then raised his head and said.

"Your boastful words seem to be hurting me." Su Jie smiled, and after paying the bill, he left the inn with Tuoba Qingheng.

As for Xiaoer and the cook who were thrown into the stable by Su Jie last night, they were already suffering from hunger and cold. After they were found and rescued, both of them fell seriously ill. The cook hesitated and couldn't explain why, and from then on, the two became more honest.

Su Jie and Tuoba Qingheng were walking on the road. It was still early in the day, and there were only a few stalls here and there. Tuoba Qingheng approached the stall owner very interestedly. I didn't have a good experience of the local conditions and customs of Yan Lingguo, so I got freedom at this moment. I just feel that everything is very pleasing to the eye.

Su Jie waited on the side boredly, and did not rush to urge Tuoba Qingheng.

At this moment, Su Jie found suspiciously a group of soldiers running from a distance. This group of soldiers seemed to be in a hurry, and would post a notice on the wall at regular intervals. When they ran near Su Jie, Su Jie glanced at the notice.

There was a picture of a beautiful woman on the notice.

"Xiguo and the prince were hijacked by the gangsters and disappeared in Guangcheng. Today, Guangcheng is only allowed to enter and not leave until the prince is found..." Su Jie looked at the words on the notice, and his face suddenly became weird.

There is no doubt that the beauty pictured on the notice is exactly Tuoba Qingheng.

Tuoba Qingheng also noticed the actions of the officers and soldiers. He had been tense these days. When he first saw the officers and soldiers, he subconsciously wanted to avoid them. Then I remembered that I already had a disguise technique on my face, so I didn't need to hide anymore.

However, when he noticed that Su Jie was reading the notice, Tuoba Qingheng secretly thought something was wrong.

Although he thinks that Su Jie has a good character, who knows whether this martial arts master Wen Shaoxia who can cook and disguise will hand him over

Tuoba Qingheng felt uneasy, he knew that many people with martial arts skills in Yan Lingguo dreamed of becoming famous and serving the country one day. Although this Shaoxia Wen was a little cold and impersonal, he seemed like a decent person.

"Wen Shaoxia??" Tuoba Qingheng couldn't tell what it was like, he sighed, and lowered his head as if resigned to his fate.

Are you going to be arrested again

Tuoba Qingheng was depressed and desperate. He didn't know how the guards of Yan Lingguo's palace were. Maybe he could escape after entering the palace and plan for a while, but he didn't want to commit himself to anyone, even if that person was Yanlingguo The king on high.

"Let's go." After knowing the identity of Tuoba Qingheng, the corners of Su Jie's mouth twitched. Unexpectedly, the beautiful young man beside him was the concubine sent to him by Xiguo, which made Su Jie feel a little delicate.

Tuoba Qingheng thought that Su Jie wanted him to "surrender himself", angrily took out the 10,000 taels of silver note he got from Su Jie earlier, and said angrily: "Wen Shaoxia, I know that people like you are loyal to the emperor, patriotism and loyalty, although I have concealed my identity before, but if you want to take me back this time, it is already considered a breach of contract, our previous agreement is void, the bank note will be returned to you, you rescued me before, and now you take me back, we are also settled!"

"Who said I want to take you back?" Su Jie cast a cold glance at Tuoba Qingheng. Although the young man looks good, but Su Jie had promised Xiao Shengnian that he would have no concubine in the sixth palace before, and now he would definitely not accept it. Tuoba Qingheng.

"You..." Tuoba Qingheng couldn't believe it, Su Jie didn't catch him back? There are so many rewards from the government, which are rewards enough to drive ordinary people crazy. As long as Su Jie handed him over, the official fame and fortune will be at his fingertips, wouldn't he want it

Su Jie didn't reveal his identity, but said in a cold voice: "You can't stay in this city anymore, today I'll see if I can bribe the city guards to take you out, yesterday I thought I saved a rich man and came back, Now I know that I saved a trouble."

"I..." Tuoba Qingheng's lips moved, and the gratitude in his heart was beyond words. He followed Su Jie all the way to the gate of Guangcheng with an extremely complicated mood.

"What are you doing! No one is allowed to leave the city!" The soldiers guarding the city looked solemn, and the weapons in their hands moved forward, blocking Su Jie's way forward.

"Brother, my younger brother and I came from the capital, and we are in a hurry to go back to our hometown to visit our seriously ill mother..." Su Jie stuffed a silver coin into the soldier's hand.

"That won't work either." The soldiers rejected Su Jie with a cold face without even looking at the money.

What a joke, the one lost in Guangcheng was the emperor's future concubine, how dare they let her out, even if they dig three feet, they must find the prince of Xiguo.

"We're really in a hurry." Su Jie showed an anxious look, and entangled with the soldier for a while, before taking Tuoba Qingheng back to the city reluctantly.

"What should we do now?" Remembering that the little girl in the inn had seen his own face, Tuoba Qingheng was a little worried, fearing that he would hurt Su Jie.

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