Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender

Chapter 132: The emperor who ran away (4)


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"This..." Su Jie was also a little worried. If he was the only one, Su Jie could have waited until night to get out of the city gate, but he also brought a Tuo Ba Qing Heng who didn't know martial arts by his side, so obviously climbing over the wall wouldn't work. .

"It's really impossible to temporarily buy a house to live in for a few days, and change the disguise on the face again, and it won't be too late to go out of the city after the wind is over." Tuoba Qingheng thought for a while, and said.

"No need, I've already thought about how to get out of the city." Su Jie's mind flashed and he laughed.


Jinxiu Pavilion.

This is an attic known for making friends with celebrities all over the world.

Jinxiu Pavilion is divided into five floors.

No matter whether you are a scholar, a scholar or a knight-errant, you can enter the first floor of the Jinxiu Pavilion.

And those who can ascend to the second floor must be people with a certain reputation.

As for the third floor, only those who have been recognized by Jinxiu Pavilion in terms of wealth, literary talent, or martial arts can chat and laugh upstairs.

However, the fourth floor of Jinxiu Pavilion does not ask about background or talent. You only need to have the gilded gold leaves of Jinxiu Pavilion.

Su Jie took Tuoba Qingheng into the Jinxiu Pavilion in Guangcheng.

"My lord, please stop. You must have the gilded jasper of Jinxiu Pavilion on the second floor to enter." An elegant man in green shirt stopped Su Jie at the entrance of the second floor with a warm smile.

Jinxiu Pavilion is opened all over the country. In order to let the talented and knight-errants who travel all over the world enjoy the same status in each Jinxiu Pavilion, the owner of the Jinxiu Pavilion adopts this method of distributing tokens. Those who can enter the first floor do not need to have any tokens. And if you want to enter the second floor, you need to have gilded jasper as evidence, and if you want to go to the third floor, you need to have gilded sapphire.

"I don't have gilt jasper, but I have this." Su Jie flipped his hands, no one saw how he conjured a thin golden leaf.

The gold leaf is engraved with meandering lines. Such vivid patterns must be drawn by extremely delicate and skilled craftsmen.

"May I ask what your name is, young master?" The man in the blue shirt was stunned. There are very few people in Yan Lingguo who own the gilded gold leaf. Unexpectedly, this unattractive young man took out the gilded gold leaf lightly.

"My surname is Wen." Su Jie replied indifferently.

"Mr. Wen, please wait here for a moment. There will be a special person from the Jinxiu Pavilion to receive you." The young man in Qingshan's attitude was neither humble nor overbearing. He pleaded guilty, turned around and went to a cubicle not far away. After a while, A delicate and lovely girl came out following the young man in blue.

"Show me your golden leaves." The delicate girl was wearing a light yellow dress, with a pair of bright brown eyes embedded under her curved willow eyebrows, a pretty nose, pink lips, and a voice like The oriole out of the valley is tactful and melodious.

Su Jie handed her the gilded gold leaf.

This piece of gilded gold leaf was given by the second prince when Su Jie was still by Xiao Shengnian's side. Su Jie always carried it with him, but because he was not interested in places like Jinxiu Pavilion, he didn't use the gilded gold leaf. Unexpectedly, this thin gold leaf came in handy today.

"This is the gilded gold leaf issued in Yanhui Country." The delicate girl looked at the gold leaf over and over again, then frowned and said.

Su Jie looked indifferent.

"Let's go, follow me upstairs." The delicate girl seemed to find Su Jie boring, so she took another look at Tuoba Qingheng. Although Tuoba Qingheng had changed his appearance, his bright eyes were still eye-catching.

The three of them went up to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor of Jinxiu Pavilion is elegant and fresh. The tables and chairs are made of sandalwood. There are exquisite vases on the table. The flowers are in full bloom. There is a painting on the clean wall. , The green water is sparkling, and the lonely boat is paddling away.

"My name is Qijingmei." The delicate girl led Su Jie and Tuoba Qingheng to the cubicle, and introduced herself.

"Under Wen Nianxuan."

"Tell me, what wish do you want to achieve when you come to Jinxiu Pavilion this time?" Qi Jingmei didn't exchange many greetings, and went straight to the topic.

"Wish?" Su Jie was taken aback. This was his first time entering the Fairview Pavilion. Hearing that the Fairview Pavilion was powerful, Su Jie had the idea of using the power of the Fairview Pavilion to leave Guangcheng. However, he didn't want to. Knowing what the gilded gold leaves of Jinxiu Pavilion represent, Yuan Sujie was still thinking about how to make his request. Who would have thought that Qi Jingmei would ask just that when she opened her mouth.

" this the first time to come to Jinxiu Pavilion?" Qijing's hair color was strange.

Su Jie nodded.

"Only the pavilion master and the seven young pavilion masters are eligible to give the gilded gold leaf of Jinxiu Pavilion to others. Those who hold the gilded gold leaf can enjoy the most preferential treatment of Jinxiu Pavilion. At the same time, Jinxiu Pavilion will satisfy the leaf holders. Three wishes. But these three wishes must be reasonable, if you wish to be the emperor of Yanling Kingdom, we will not be able to fulfill your wish." Qi Jingmei smiled and narrowed her eyes.

"Then I want to be an official of Yanling Kingdom, is that okay?" Su Jie asked calmly.

Although he has become the emperor of Yanling Kingdom, Su Jie has not fully grasped the situation in Yanling Kingdom. If he left the palace this time because of impulsiveness, then Su Jie who came to Guangcheng has calmed down. Take a look at the life of the people in Yanling Kingdom, and experience the situation in various places for yourself.

Of course, one must go to the frontier fortress. Now the frontier fortress is guarded by Deputy General Yan. On the day Su Jie ascended the throne, someone had already sent someone to deliver the imperial decree of reward to Deputy General Yan.

Yuan Sujie came to Jinxiu Pavilion just by accident. Now hearing Qi Jingmei's tone confidently asking him to make a wish, Su Jie couldn't help but feel curious. Could it be that the Jinxiu Pavilion still has the ability to interfere in Yan Lingguo's political affairs

"No." Qi Jingmei shook her head, without further explanation.

Qijingmei's original name was Jingmei. Because she was the seventh young pavilion master of Jinxiu Pavilion, she added the word "seven" in front of her name. She was planning to go to the capital of Yanling Kingdom to meet the monarch in the palace.

The reason why Jinxiu Pavilion can be opened all over the world is that it has a certain connection with the royal families of various countries. In the past ten years, the owner of Jinxiu Pavilion and Libuhui made an agreement to hand over a certain amount of gold to the national treasury every year. with jewelry. Greed Buhui promised that Jinxiu Pavilion would be protected by the government.

Now that the land and rivers of Yanling Kingdom have changed hands, the business of Jinxiu Pavilion in Yanling Kingdom has been affected. Because it was once protected by the Invincible Army, the literati, inkmen and knight-errants in Yanling Kingdom rejected the existence of Jinxiu Pavilion. For this reason, Qi Jingmei deliberately ran all the way from Liukong Country to Yanling Country. I plan to talk to the newly appointed king of Yan Lingguo.

Qi Jingmei just arrived in Guangcheng yesterday. To be precise, her itinerary was the same as that of Xiguo's marriage team. She planned to meet the king of Yanling Kingdom with the prince of Xiguo.

But early this morning, Qi Jingmei suddenly learned that yesterday's prince had escaped, so she had no choice. Qi Jingmei had no choice but to delay the trip, and went to look for the Prince Heqin together with people from Xiguo in Guangcheng.

However, the dramatic thing is that the one sitting with Qi Jingmei now is the king of Yanling Kingdom, and the other is Prince Heqin.

Qi Jingmei didn't have a good impression of Su Jie, she felt that Su Jie's eyes were too indifferent and cold, this kind of eyes made Qi Jingmei feel uncomfortable, so she wanted to end this conversation early, so she said perfunctorily: "In addition , you can also buy some rare treasures from Jinxiu Pavilion, but the prices are relatively expensive."

"I'm here to make a wish." Su Jie said.

"What wish?"

"My brother and I are leaving Light City."

Hearing this, Qi Jingmei frowned, she felt strange, firstly the gilded gold leaf that Su Jie took came from Yanhui Kingdom, and now Su Jie wanted to leave Guangcheng when the prince of Xi Kingdom disappeared...

"My younger brother and I came from the capital of Yanling Kingdom. Because there was an urgent letter from home, we were in a hurry to go home to visit our mother who was seriously ill. After staying overnight in Guangcheng yesterday, my younger brother and I planned to leave the city this morning, but we didn't Thinking that the city gate is closed." Su Jie said with eagerness and helplessness on his face at the right time.

"Yes." After thinking for a moment, Qi Jingmei nodded, seeing that Su Jie's words were sincere. It shouldn’t seem like he’s lying, and the prince who escaped from Xiguo doesn’t know martial arts and escaped after closing the city gate. He must still be in Guangcheng, but it will take a while to find it. There are notices posted everywhere in the city, Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, and I am not afraid that the prince will not be found.

Thinking about it this way, Qi Jingmei felt that it was okay to let Su Jie and Tuoba Qingheng go, so she nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, I'll go talk to the guards at the city gate. But it's a waste of your wish to be used on such a trivial matter." Qi Jingmei said.

"Family matters are very important, even if I use up all my wishes, I am willing." Su Jie smiled.

Hearing these words, Qi Jingmei's impression of Su Jie changed somewhat, she never expected that Mr. Wen, who seemed indifferent, was actually a filial son.

After arriving at the city gate, Qi Jingmei communicated with the soldiers at the gate, and the gate opened a gap for the two to pass through. Let Su Jie and the two leave.

"Thank you Seventh Miss." Su Jie thanked lightly.

"Be careful all the way." Qi Jingmei nodded.

There were a few carriages parked here and there outside the gate of Guangcheng. After hearing that the city was closed, most of the coachmen chose to leave. Only three or four coachmen stayed at the gate of the city, waiting for business.

Su Jie called a carriage, and the coachman drove Su Jie and the two of them further away.

When Qi Jingmei learned that she had let go of the prince with her own hands this afternoon, she almost fainted out of breath. At that time, Su Jie had already taken Tuoba Qingheng to nowhere, and Qi Jingmei gritted his teeth angrily and said the name "Wen Nianxuan" twice, and began to send people to investigate "Wen Nianxuan".

Jinxiu Pavilion has the most excellent intelligence network, and does some intelligence business in private. However, Jinxiu Pavilion is very measured. As long as it involves information between the royal families of various countries, it will keep silent. This is one of the reasons for the safe existence of Jinxiu Pavilion .

Since it was Jinxiu Pavilion's investigation that found that the prince of Xiguo was with Su Jie, Qi Jingmei did not notify the government, nor did she inform the envoy of Xiguo. Anyway, she had already let him go, so she would not take the initiative to admit responsibility.

If you want to blame it, blame that Wen Nianxuan!

Qi Jingmei angrily kicked a stone under her feet, and said to herself: "Wen Nianxuan, you dare to deceive a girl. Is it easy to bully a girl?"

However, Qi Jingmei didn't immediately go to Su Jie to settle accounts. The only important thing now is to let the king of Yanling Kingdom issue an imperial decree to acknowledge the existence of Jinxiu Pavilion, otherwise Jinxiu Pavilion will always be rejected by literati and knights in Yanling Kingdom.

Qi Jingmei embarked on the road to the capital. However, what she didn't expect was that when she went to the capital, she hadn't seen the king of Yanling Kingdom for several days. Only then did I learn that the emperor was ill, and he hadn't been to the early court during this time.

The investigation on "Wen Nianxuan" also fell into a quagmire. Qi Jingmei thought it would be easy to investigate a person with gilded gold leaves, so she sent people from Yanhui Country and Yan Ling Country to investigate "Wen Nianxuan". There was no news from Yanhui country yet, but Yan Ling country sent someone to control her.

"Miss, although the Jinxiu Pavilion is spread all over the world, some people cannot be investigated." It was Zhu Ce who was ordered to solve this matter. While investigating "Wen Nianxuan", Zhou Lao guessed that Qi Jingmei had seen Su Jie.

"I'm investigating people with gilded gold leaves. Could it be that they offended the Yanling imperial family?" Qi Jingmei felt baffled. The purpose of the Jinxiu Pavilion was not to quarrel with the officials of various countries. Qi Jingmei asked politely.

"Young lady's investigation is not small." Zhu Ce's right index finger was bent, and he tapped on the table again and again.

Qijing's sleeves are unknown, so Wen Nianxuan's background is not small? What's the background

"Who is the girl here to meet?" Zhu Ce is wise and handsome, and he is used to talking around corners. He likes to talk to smart people.

"To see..." Qi Jingmei's brain seemed to be stuck.

She wanted to meet the king of Yanling Kingdom, Zhu Ce asked this now, and she had already pointed out that the person Qi Jingmei was investigating now was the person she wanted to meet.

She is investigating the emperor of Yan Lingguo

Qijing was stunned.

Not only did she meet the emperor, she also let him leave Guangcheng herself!

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