Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender

Chapter 133: Misunderstand


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"Wen Shaoxia, where are we going now?"

"Go to Huicheng, when the time comes, you stay in the city to prepare spices, and I will travel around." Su Jie replied.

Huicheng and Guangcheng are separated by more than a dozen counties, and they can be reached within a day by water. As the emperor, Su Jie has seen the most detailed map of Yanling Kingdom, and he has already memorized some major cities and counties by heart.

"Wen Shaoxia, why don't I follow you?" Tuoba Qingheng is a smart person. At first he just wanted to use Su Jie, but later he worshiped Su Jie. Now he thinks that Su very secretive.

A young man who knows martial arts and disguise. He is obviously dressed in ordinary clothes, but has the gilded gold leaves of Jinxiu Pavilion. When he knew that he was the prince of Xi Kingdom, he was not panicked, but was willing to help him escape from Guangcheng.


Could it be that Shaoxia Wen is a kind of person

So you want to thwart the good deeds of Emperor Yan Lingguo

Tuoba Qingheng's mind was spinning fast. It is not easy for him to trust strangers, even though Su Jie helped him last night, he is still wary of Su Jie in his heart.

After thinking for a while, Tuoba Qingheng positioned Su Jie as Greedy Buhui's subordinate. Otherwise, Tuoba Qingheng really couldn't figure out why Su Jie, as a citizen of Yanling Kingdom, would help the emperor's future concubine escape.

"I'm going to the frontier, it's a long way, are you sure you want to follow me?" Su Jiedan glanced at him and asked.

"Front fortress?" Tuoba Qingheng was taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to refuse, after all, the frontier fortress is very close to Xiguo, but then he remembered that Su Jie might be someone who would not destroy his subordinates, there might be some conspiracy in going to the frontier fortress, Although he Tuoba Qingheng doesn't know martial arts, but his mind is very good, maybe he can do some damage

"Wen Shaoxia, I've decided to follow you. It's impossible for me to do spice business in one fixed city. I always have to check the situation in different places before buying raw materials. Walking with you, we also have mutual support." Tuoba Qingheng Eyeballs rolled, smiling brows brightened.

"Alright." Su Jie frowned, he always felt that Tuoba Qingheng's eyes were a bit strange.

In fact, Su Jie didn't want to have too much interaction with Tuoba Qingheng, if Xiao Shengnian knew about it, he would definitely be jealous again.

Su Jie intends to get rid of Tuoba Qingheng halfway, but Tuoba Qingheng's identity is quite special, he is a relative/beauty sent by Xiguo, and was brought out of Guangcheng by Su Jie, Su Jie can't leave him alone.

but. Concerned about their identities, Su Jie kept a distance from Tuoba Qingheng intentionally or unintentionally, and did not say a few words to Tuoba Qingheng along the way.

If Tuoba Qingheng took the initiative to say something, Su Jie would nod coldly. It turned into an iceberg just like a living creature.

"Wen Shaoxia, I heard that the river in front of me is the mother river of Yan Lingguo. Is it true?" Tuoba Qingheng racked his brains to find a topic, because he mistakenly thought that this Wen Shaoxia was a greedy and indestructible subordinate. Qing Heng was afraid that one day he would be discovered by the royal family of the Yan Ling Kingdom, and it would be found out that Wen Shaoxia had a relationship with him. At that time, the Emperor of the Yan Ling Kingdom would think that he was bribed by Greed Buhui, and what would he do if he wanted to execute him

For the sake of my own life. Tuoba Qingheng made up his mind to get some words from Wen Shaoxia. If he can smash the conspiracy of greed and immortality, he will be considered a meritorious service. When he meets the emperor of Yanling Kingdom in the future, he can also propose that he does not want to be a concubine. idea.

Little did he know that all of this was Tuoba Qingheng's own conjecture, and his conjectures were all wrong. When he mistakenly thought that Su Jie was greedy but not ruining his subordinates, Tuoba Qingheng's thoughts had completely deviated from the norm. And it was wrong.

"Yes." Su Jie replied concisely, he didn't know that Tuoba Qingheng's mind was so flexible, and he thought so far-reachingly.

If Su Jie was not the emperor of Yanling Kingdom, Tuoba Qingheng's conjecture is actually quite reasonable.

"Wen Shaoxia. I plan to buy some raw materials in Huicheng, let's find an inn to stay first." Tuoba Qingheng found that Su Jie's interest in speaking was not high, and he was very frustrated for a while. Could it be that he should get Su Jie drunk. Then ask what is the relationship between Su Jie and Greed Buhui

So, that night, Tuoba Qingheng bought spices with a stun effect, and asked the waiter in the inn to deliver ten altars of good wine to the house.

"Wen Shaoxia, it is fate to meet you. You saved Qing Heng. Qing Heng has nothing to repay you for the time being. We will not return tonight until we are drunk!" He rolled up his sleeves boldly and said.

Su Jie looked at the ten jars of wine coldly, wondering if Tuoba Qingheng was plotting something wrong.

"If you don't get drunk, you don't go home." A cold smile slightly raised the corner of his lips, and Su Jie's voice sounded calmly.

After the waiter in the inn brought the food one after another, Tuoba Qingheng began to persuade him to drink.

Tuoba Qingheng has a good capacity for drinking, so he is very confident in getting drunk and recovering from the abstinence.

Su Jie never refuses anyone, as long as Tuoba Qingheng toasts, he will drink up the wine in the bowl very simply.

After eating a few bowls, Su Jie began to speak sluggishly.

Tuoba Qingheng toasted even harder.

But it's strange. Although Su Jie seemed to be in a state of drunkenness, no matter how much he drank, he kept looking like he was going to be drunk or not.

On the contrary, Tuoba Qingheng himself started to feel dizzy.

After drinking for a while, Tuoba Qingheng's watery eyes became confused, his tongue was tied, and he stammered: "Wen, Wen Shaoxia, why aren't you drunk yet?"

Su Jie took a mouthful of vegetables and put it into his mouth coldly, without answering, he just left Tuoba Qingheng to dry.

"I came here to get you drunk, but I didn't expect you to drink so well..." Tuoba Qingheng's thoughts began to be mixed, his wine taste was not very good, and he would talk about everything when he was drunk.

Su Jie continued to eat the food on the table. He didn't intend to pay attention to Tuoba Qingheng.

"Hey, Wen Shaoxia, you must be someone sent by Greed Buhui. There must be some kind of conspiracy going to the frontier, and I will... stop you." Tuoba Qingheng hiccupped and continued.

"Greed is not ruined?" Su Jie's expression was strange, how did he become one of Greed's not ruined subordinates

"I, I still know... I know why you took me out of Guangcheng, because you don't want Xiguo and Yanlingguo to get married...then the enraged Emperor Yanling may order to attack Xiguo...and then take advantage of the opportunity Seize the throne again..." Tuoba Qingheng said intermittently.

After hearing what he said, Su Jie asked dumbfoundedly: "You got me drunk just to ask me what kind of conspiracy I have?"

"Yes..." Tuoba Qingheng said the word weakly, and he lay down on the table in a dazed state, feeling his stomach churning, and then--vomited.

Spit all over the table.

The first time Tuoba Qingheng came to Yanling Kingdom to drink, he wanted to get others drunk, but he got himself drunk, and even vomited indistinctly in front of the Yanling Kingdom's monarch.

Su Jie's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

After calling the waiter to clean up the filthy vomit on the table, Su Jie changed Tuoba Qingheng's coat, then threw him on the bed, and covered Tuoba Qingheng with a quilt by the way.

After doing all this, Su Jie took a deep breath, looked at the boy who had fallen asleep somewhat complicatedly, and then went back to his room.

Nothing to say all night.

The next day, Tuoba Qingheng woke up with a severe headache. He just wanted to turn over and continue to sleep, but the bed under him suddenly jolted, almost causing him to roll out of bed.

Tuoba Qingheng was stunned for a moment, thinking that there was an earthquake, he rubbed his eyes, looked around, and realized that he was lying in a luxurious carriage, and that Wen Shaoxia was sitting beside him, squinting his eyes Eating chicken wings.

"Wen Shaoxia??" When he saw Su Jie, Tuoba Qingheng suddenly became sober. He sat up and called Su Jie with a guilty conscience.

Damn, did he say something he shouldn't have said last night

Tuoba Qingheng's thoughts were disturbed and his expression was restless.

"Are you hungry?" With a cold face, Su Jie threw a greased paper bag containing grilled chicken to Tuoba Qingheng, choking the other party's unspoken words in his throat.

The two stopped and went like this, and walked for nearly half a month before arriving at the frontier. On the way, Tuoba Qingheng collected the materials for making spices, and planned to sell the spices to Jicheng, which is the closest to the frontier.

But Su Jie arrived at the barracks alone.

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