Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender

Chapter 134: Frontier turmoil


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The soldiers of the frontier are still stationed in the remote areas of Yanling Kingdom day after day. At this time, the soldiers have already started patrolling well-trained before the sky is bright, and Lieutenant General Yan personally trained hundreds of soldiers. elite soldiers.

There are quite a few elite soldiers in the frontier, but Lieutenant Yan has divided these elite soldiers into teams, each team has 100 people, and he only trains 100 people every day.

Generally speaking, there are very few opportunities for Deputy General Yan to train himself. Although the training process is painful, it is undeniable that every training will have a lot of gains. Therefore, no one will miss the training of Deputy General Yan, but today something happened. exception. A handsome young man with a healthy complexion said loudly to Lieutenant Yan: "Report to Lieutenant Yan, I want to ask for leave!"

"Yue Wanzhi, what's the matter with you?" Lieutenant Yan Yan was known for being ruthless and selfless, and he had always been strict in training. He likes soldiers who are resolute and willing to endure hardships, such as Yue Wanzhi.

Yue Wanzhi was ruthless before he met Su Jie. He was not only ruthless to others, but even more ruthless to himself. Yue Wanzhi had never had the opportunity to practice martial arts before, because his father, who was a civil servant, didn't like military generals. Now that he was lucky enough to experience the hard life in the frontier fortress, he gritted his teeth and insisted on participating in the training of Lieutenant Yan.

At the beginning, Yue Wanzhi was so tired that he could crawl forward after running five kilometers. When he reached the finish line, Yue Wanzhi immediately fainted. However, now he has been able to keep up with Lieutenant Yan's training intensity.

It is precisely because of Yue Wanzhi's unyielding and stubborn character that Lieutenant General Yan appreciates him so much.

If it is said that Deputy General Yan was polite to Yue Wan at first because the latter called Su Jie a master, but in the next period of time, Yue Wanzhi used his actual actions to impress Deputy General Yan.

Now, Yue Wanzhi's height has also increased a lot. He is already 1.8 meters tall, and he has developed strong muscles. His handsome face is less fierce than when he was young and frivolous, and his body is more The calm and solemn temperament seems to make people feel very safe.

Yue Wanzhi has never been absent from Lieutenant Yan's training, and Lieutenant Yan will occasionally give Yue Wanzhi a little trouble. In private, the relationship between the two is very good.

"Report to Lieutenant General Yan, I'm going to find Jia Le." Yue Wanzhi replied loudly, with a high-pitched and powerful voice.

Ever since Yue Wanzhi joined the army, the virtuous king of Yanhui Kingdom seemed to be very interested in Yan Lingguo, and he lived in the frontier and refused to leave. Over time, Xiao Shengxian and Yue Wanzhi got close and allowed Yue Wanzhi to call him Jia Le.

Xiao Shengxian usually goes out early in the morning. I will be back before sunset at the latest.

Yue Wanzhi went back to training yesterday and fell asleep, until this morning, Yue Wanzhi suddenly found that Xiao Shengxian was gone.

After inquiring about the patrol post last night, Yue Wanzhi learned that Xiao Shengxian hadn't returned all night.

Yue Wan was afraid of something unexpected happening to Xiao Shengxian. So he planned to go out to search, but his strength alone was too weak. Therefore, when he participated in the training this morning, Yue Wanzhi asked for leave. In fact, he wanted Deputy General Yan to help him find Xiao Shengxian.

Lieutenant General Yan understood Yue Wanzhi's meaning, but it was difficult for him to intervene in this matter, although he was qualified to call the frontier troops. But what reason did he use to order these soldiers to search for the missing King Yanhui

Lieutenant Yan is loyal to Su Jie, but even if Yue Wanzhi calls Su Jie a master, Lieutenant Yan is still unwilling to back down in front of such a serious matter.

So after he approved Yue Wanzhi's leave, he continued to train the soldiers.

Yue Wanzhi hesitated to speak, he looked anxious, but he didn't know how to speak to Lieutenant Yan.

At this moment, several soldiers came to him and said, "Brother Yue, someone is looking for you."

"Looking for me?" Yue Wanzhi was a little puzzled, could it be that someone from Yanhui Country came again

But when Yue Wanzhi saw the visitor, he felt very strange in his heart.

I saw a young man in plain clothes sitting on a chair indifferently waiting for his arrival. This young man in plain clothes had ordinary eyebrows and eyes. The temperament on the body is very cold.

Yue Wanzhi was puzzled, he didn't recognize this young man in plain clothes, the other party must have picked the wrong person, right

As if aware of his arrival, the plain-clothed boy lazily raised his eyes. His eyes fell on Yue Wanzhi's body, and he was slightly surprised. Immediately, the plain-clothed boy smiled softly, and even his clear eyes were filled with an intoxicating smile.

Yue Wanzhi felt that this smile was somewhat familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was.

"Yue Wanzhi, are you still used to living in Yanling Country?" The voice was indifferent and calm, but clear and pleasant. The plain-clothed boy sipped his saliva gracefully and asked.

"Master? Master?" Hearing this familiar voice, Yue Wanzhi couldn't help feeling mixed feelings. He was stunned, staring at Su Jie, feeling at a loss for a while.

Didn't his master become the emperor? How did you come to the frontier

Yue Wanzhi thought Su Jie had already forgotten him!

Unexpectedly, Su Jie actually came to the frontier, and it was so easy--

Did it sneak out

Yue Wanzhi's thoughts jumped out one by one, and a smile spread over his handsome face. The warmth of the first sunny day after the snow blooms.

"I came here this time to see how you are used to it." Su Jie narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"I'm doing well, thank you, Master, for your concern." Yue Wanzhi laughed heartily. After this period of time, Yue Wanzhi and the soldiers of Yan Lingguo have established a certain relationship, and even their temper and character are different. He was much more cheerful than before. He used to make friends with wine and meat, which couldn't compare to the relationship established between his comrades in the frontier fortress.

To be honest, apart from missing his father a little, Yue Wanzhi has already fallen in love with the frontier fortress.

He truly experienced the heavy responsibility and hardship of being stationed at the frontier and not being able to return home. Moreover, Yue Wanzhi admired Lieutenant Yan very much. He felt that Lieutenant General Yan was a knife-mouthed bean curd with a heart, he should be rewarded and punished, needless to say to protect his shortcomings, the most important thing is that Lieutenant Yan has a good way of training soldiers, so the frontier soldiers love Lieutenant Yan very much. hatred.

"Master, I want to compete with you. I am much stronger than before. As for the servants in my family, I can deal with a dozen or twenty of them by myself now." Yue Wanzhi said confidently.

"Okay, since you want to fight, of course I will accompany you to the end...By the way, when Sheng Nian passed the frontier, was his arm better?" Su Jie asked.

Hearing Su Jie's question, Yue Wanzhi suddenly remembered that he still wanted to find King Xian. He yelled inwardly, and quickly explained to Su Jie: "Master, when King Rui passed by the frontier, Jiale... King Xian I didn't leave with King Rui, my room is adjacent to King Xian's, but King Xian didn't come back last night, I guess something happened to him, and I'm planning to go out and look for it now."

"Xiao Shengxian is still in Yanling Country?" Su Jie was a little surprised. What is Xiao Shengxian doing in Yanling

"Yes, master. Why don't master send troops to look for him now." Yue Wanzhi said anxiously.

"Okay." Su Jielai didn't want to reveal his identity in the frontier, but he heard that Xiao Shengxian had disappeared, so he had to follow Yue Wanzhi to meet Lieutenant General Yan.

Deputy General Yan has now been named General Xuan Lie, and his official salary is much higher than before. However, he does not have any complacency. After all, he was only responsible for guarding the frontier fortress this time, and did not actually participate in the war.

Seeing Su Jie, Lieutenant Yan was very pleasantly surprised, he immediately obeyed Su Jie's order and dispatched 500 soldiers to look for Xiao Shengxian.

The most important city under investigation is Jicheng, which is the only city closest to the frontier fortress, but unexpectedly, the soldiers searched all over Jicheng and did not see Xiao Shengxian's shadow.

Instead, a middle-aged man who was farming outside the city told the officers and soldiers: "Officer, you are looking for that beautiful man. When I went to work in the field, I saw that he was walking to the area of Buried Ling Mountain." ??"

The officers and soldiers truthfully reported the situation to Deputy General Yan.

And Deputy General Yan passed the words to Su Jie without changing his mind.

Because Su Jie didn't want to reveal his identity, the soldiers in the frontier fortress didn't even know that His Majesty the Emperor had actually come here. For the time being, only Yue Wanzhi and Deputy General Yan know Su Jie's identity.

"The terrain of Buried Ling Mountain is steep, and there are fierce beasts and poisonous snakes, that virtuous king..." Lieutenant General Yan didn't say any more.

That virtuous king didn't come back overnight, I'm afraid it's more ominous than good.

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