Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender

Chapter 136: Worried King (2)


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Su Jie has experience living in the deep mountains, and he is also very good at investigation.

As a dead soldier, he must be careful in carrying out the mission and not let go of any clues, and Su Jie has done a particularly good job in this regard.

"This silk thread was left by Xiao Shengxian." After entering Zangling Mountain, Su Jie approached a tree and touched the thin red thread on the tree.

"Master, how do you know that he stayed behind? After all, there are many people going in and out of Zangling Mountain..." Because I have seen some different road markings left by people before. And it is impossible to have a name on these marks, Yue Wan Zhigen can't tell who left it, even if he is very anxious. But he didn't know how to find Xiao Shengxian.

Moreover, the red silk thread can't be found unless you look carefully. How did the master notice it

"This red thread is very strong and very thin. Obviously, the price is not cheap. People who go up the mountain to find a way to make money usually don't buy this kind of silk thread as a sign to mark the road. Moreover, if you look at this red thread again, it is tied. It is very inconspicuous. Normally, if it is used to mark the way, people usually make the mark more conspicuous, because it is also convenient for them to find the way back, but this line is very hidden. Obviously, only Xiao Shengxian can make such a line. Kind of thing." Su Jie patiently explained.

"Master, how did you know that Jia Le would make such a mark?" Yue Wanzhi scratched his head in embarrassment, Su Jie explained so much to him, but he still didn't understand something.

"Because he is a prince, his identity makes him used to being cautious, and many people will want his life, so he subconsciously does not want others to know his whereabouts, but he is probably not familiar with Burial Ling Mountain, In order not to get lost, he chose this method of concealing markings." Su Jie replied.

"Then we can just follow this mark to find it?" A gleam of joy appeared on Yue Wanzhi's face, he was slightly taller than Su Jie, but it still seemed that Su Jie was more composed.

"En." Su Jie nodded. But his heart sank slightly, originally he was still wondering if Xiao Shengxian didn't return to the barracks because he lost his way, but judging from the current situation, Xiao Shengxian was most likely to have encountered an accident, so he stayed in Buried Ling Mountain.

A group of people walked along the red line marking for a while, but there was no red line ahead.

Su Jie sent ten elite soldiers to look for the red silk thread nearby. After a while, the soldiers reported that they did not see any red lines.

"Young Master, there is a cliff ten meters to the left, and the Black Bear Cave is 20 meters to the right. The mountain road ahead is steep but not dangerous." The soldiers in charge of the survey cross-checked and checked again. After confirming that it was correct, an elite soldier said to Su Jie.

"Look to the right first." After a little thought, Su Jie ruled out the possibility that Xiao Shengxian was in front. Otherwise, the other party will always leave a red line as a clue, then Xiao Shengxian is most likely to reach the cliff on the left. Or was it given by a black bear

"My lord, there should be nothing on the right side. There is no bloodstain outside the cave, and nothing belonging to people has fallen." Several elite soldiers hurried to investigate carefully, and one of them slipped out of the black bear cave. A black bear is not there.

"Then go to the bottom of the cliff and look for them. If you want to see people, you need to see corpses." Su Jie gave the order, but the twenty elite soldiers did not want to leave Su Jie. Although they didn't know Su Jie's true identity, Deputy General Yan ordered Death order, they must protect this young master.

"How about this, Yue Wanzhi. You bring ten elite soldiers to the outside of Buried Ling Mountain to call for rescue, and I will take the other ten elite soldiers to look for someone under the cliff first." Su Jie said.

"But..." Although Yue Wanzhi wanted to find Xiao Shengxian as soon as possible, he was more afraid that something might happen to Su Jie. His master is now the king of Yanling Kingdom. As the saying goes, a country cannot be without a king for a day. Lieutenant General Yan might commit suicide to apologize.

"Don't worry, I used to live alone in the mountains for ten days and half a month. But you, be careful on the road." Su Jie said with a smile.

"Okay." Thinking of Su Jie's skill. Yue Wanzhi felt ashamed, the only thing he could do now was to call for support as soon as possible.

After Yue Wanzhi left, Su Jie led ten elite soldiers around to the bottom of the cliff.

Su Jie knows that time is life at this time, the sooner he finds Xiao Shengxian, the higher the chance of Xiao Shengxian surviving.

Weeds are overgrown under the cliff, although there are poisonous snakes in the grass, but due to the realgar powder on Su Jie and the others, there is no serious danger.

Su Jie looked up at the top of the mountain, he couldn't figure out where Xiao Shengxian fell, so he had to try his luck to find it.

I hope that the virtuous king is safe and sound, otherwise, Su Jie will feel sorry for Xiao Shengnian.

On the land of Yanling Kingdom, he failed to protect Xiao Shengnian's younger brother. What a mistake

Su Jie shook his head, and told the elite soldiers to look for it by themselves, leaving him alone.

He settled in place, closed his eyes, and his face was calm.

Su Jie is more sensitive to the smell of blood, he stopped and walked until he smelled a faint smell of blood.

Walking quickly, I saw a person lying on his back on the grass.

This person had an extremely handsome face, his peach blossom eyes were closed, his expression was serene, and he remained motionless.


Su Jie squatted down, stretched out his hand to check Xiao Shengxian's breathing.

The breath is a little weak, but there is still breath.

Su Jie heaved a sigh of relief, but at this moment, Xiao Shengxian suddenly opened his eyes.

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