Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender

Chapter 141: Ten cities are hired, and the next one is hired to be King Rui


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"General Xuan Lie." After ordering someone to arrange for the unconscious Yu Che, Su Jie entered the army tent and called for Deputy General Yan.

"I will see the emperor at the end."

"You don't need to be too polite. I came to you this time because I want..." The voice paused for a while. Although the boy's facial features were plain after changing his appearance, when the corners of his mouth were raised, they formed an extremely bright and charming style. It was clear and bright at the beginning, but deep in the eyes is a cold color.

Only luthiers who are familiar with Li Ren know that this is Li Ren's expression every time he receives a mission.

Like a hunter who has smelled the breath of the prey, he is about to start the cruelest hunt and get the prey in his pocket.

Su Jie's voice was slow and firm

"I want to dispatch troops and generals."

Dispatch troops

Lieutenant General Yan's breath stagnates, he wondered why the emperor would come all the way to the frontier, it seems - there is a secret order

What does the emperor want to send troops for

Although there were many doubts in his heart, Lieutenant Yan still responded with a solemn face: "At the emperor's orders."

Su Jie nodded, and tapped his index finger on the table. Continued: "I want to attack Yanhui country."

Lieutenant Yan's eyelids twitched.

"I lead the troops myself."

Lieutenant Yan's heart began to twitch.

Originally he thought that the emperor just wanted to mobilize troops for a drill to test whether the soldiers had been slack recently, but he didn't expect that the emperor was going to launch a war, and he would go out in person

The war is not important, but the safety of the emperor is important. Now that the Yanling Kingdom has just stabilized, what if something happens to Su Jie's expedition

Lieutenant General Yan didn't dare to think about it anymore, if something happened to the emperor, even if he had 10,000 heads, it wouldn't be enough to pay for it.

Now Yan Lingguo has just been at peace for a few months. The new emperor ascended the throne, and the descendants regained power. It is no exaggeration to say that after Su Jie proclaimed himself emperor, the people everywhere have obviously changed.

First of all, the incense of the ancestral hall is more prosperous, and with it, the society is more stable.

During the more than ten years when Greed Buhui was in power, I don't know if it was a coincidence. Natural disasters and man-made disasters came one after another, and the common people said that it was human anger. Bless Yan Lingguo.

Unexpectedly, the young man who proclaimed himself emperor was about to launch a war against the Yanhui country after a few months of silence.

"I will capture ten cities in Yanhui Kingdom within twenty days."

The sound is full of undeniable taste.

Lieutenant Yan could only feel his brain buzzing.

To be honest, he really wanted to support the emperor's approach, but he was only good at training soldiers, but he was very lacking in the art of war and how to use them. He was not good at leading troops in battle by nature.

"General Xuan Lie, the attack strategy is determined by me personally. The general only needs to introduce talents. I want to order ten cities in Yanhui Kingdom!"

His words revealed strong self-confidence, and his bright eyes were as bright as stars. Although Su Jie's appearance after the disguise was not outstanding, his aura should not be underestimated.

He is the most powerful dead warrior cultivated by the luthier! Be the best killer!

He used to fight with General Scythe all the way. He was not only the inspiration of the soldiers, but also the most powerful warrior who has been baptized with blood!

This time, Su Jie wants to occupy the ten cities of Yanhui Kingdom in the simplest and rudest way.

Su Jie has no ambition to annex the world. When he was a dead soldier, all he wanted was a stable life. Now that he is a king, besides governing the country, he has to protect the most important person in his heart--

Xiao Shengnian!

When he thought that the person whom he cared about was deposed from the throne for no reason, Su Jie's heart was burning with anger. He was not a kind of peaceful person, but now it is a good thing, the monarch of Yanhui Kingdom squeezed Xiao Shengnian like this It completely pissed off Su Jie.

If the emperor of Yanhui Kingdom dared to dismiss Prince Rui, Su Jie would dare to enter Yanhui Kingdom. It is bound to capture the opponent's ten cities!

Afterwards, Su Jie wanted to use the captured ten cities of Yanhui Kingdom as a betrothal gift to propose marriage to Prince Rui who had been removed from the throne.

At this time, the emperor of Yanhui Kingdom never thought that he had just given up a son. But he got offended by the offspring of that idiosyncratic person in Yan Lingguo.

As a person who has lived in Yanhui country for many years, Su Jie is actually not willing to attack Yanhui country. Besides, he doesn't like war. After all, war means that Yanling country will waste people and money. It reached the most sensitive sutra in Su Jie's heart.

Su Jie clearly understands what it means to be deposed from the throne - imprisoned for life.

Although Su Jie also knew that Xiao Shengnian had the ability to get out of trouble, but at this time, Su Jie suddenly wanted to be self-willed for a while, and he also wanted to be a shoulder that Xiao Shengnian could rely on.

Moreover, Su Jie's actions were not reckless. After listening to Yu Che's words, although Su Jie was angry, he also analyzed the current situation rationally.

The army of Yanhui Kingdom was weakened because of the capture of Liukong Kingdom, but it is a big country with profound foundation after all, even if the army is weakened, it will not be easy to break through.

However, who would have thought that the Yanling Congress would suddenly lead troops to attack the Yanhui Kingdom

After all, the Yanling Kingdom had just been unified not long ago. In the eyes of normal people, the new emperor of this country must be diligent in governing the country. Let the country recuperate for a period of time before considering the issue of territorial expansion.

However, Su Jie, a dead man who does not play cards according to common sense, obviously cannot use ordinary people's thinking to figure it out.

Su Jie is now the King Rui in a fit of rage.

When the emperor was angry, millions of corpses lay dead, Su Jie didn't need so many deaths to appease his anger, he only needed ten cities of Yanhui Kingdom.

"Anyway, the ten cities are the bride price. I invaded and occupied ten cities first, and then returned them to Yanhui Country..." He murmured softly, and a smile appeared on the young man's face.

Seeing that Deputy General Yan was still kneeling and refused to answer, Su Jie said again: "General Xuan Lie, I learned the art of war from General Gongsun Julian. I still have actual combat experience, so you don't have to worry. I will definitely not lose this battle. "

The words sounded a little overconfident, even a little arrogant, but Lieutenant Yan knew that the person in front of him had the right to be arrogant - because he was the emperor of Yanling Kingdom! They are the descendants of the blessed Su family!

"The last general takes orders!"

Lieutenant General Yan selected elite soldiers and good generals according to Su Jie's requirements, and also selected the best shooters. Because this time the attack on Yanhui country needs to cross the country of Xi, Su Jie can't bring too many soldiers. The initial attack can be a surprise victory. Yan Huiguo was caught off guard.

During the days when Deputy General Yan was preparing, Su Jie was not idle, he went to Jicheng to visit Tuoba Qingheng.

Unexpectedly, Tuoba Qingheng's spice business is very hot, and the people who buy his spices are usually the female relatives of wealthy families. Tuoba Qingheng's spices are divided into more than a dozen flavors, which fully meet the needs of people with different tastes. Therefore, Tuoba Qingheng got his wish and earned the first pot of gold in his life in Yanling Country.

Of course, Tuoba Qingheng did not forget Su Jie. He only kept two cents of the profit for himself, and gave the rest to Su Jie.

Su Jie also accepted it with a smile. Although Su Jie was backed by the national treasury, there was no reason not to waste the money he earned, but because Tuoba Qingheng wanted to open a shop again, the money he earned slipped out of Su Jie's hands in a blink of an eye. .

"I'm going away for a while."

Su Jie confessed a few words to Tuoba Qingheng, and at the same time threw Yue Wanzhi and Xiao Shengxian to Jicheng.

Because it was the Yanhui country that was going to be attacked, it was naturally impossible for Su Jie to tell these two people from the Yanhui country about this matter, and he was still worried about how to kick the two of Yue Wan out of the frontier barracks logically. Then the soldier in charge of the investigation came to report that Xiao Shengxian had a sweetheart in Jicheng.

What's more, Xiao Shengxian's sweetheart is a young woman. The most terrible thing is that Xiao Shengxian redeemed this woman and bought a house in Jicheng. The golden house hides the charm.

Moreover, the woman is now three months pregnant.

When Su Jie heard the news, he frowned and thought for a while. According to Xiao Shengxian's romantic temperament, it is his style to live among thousands of flowers and keep a leaf out of his body. Moreover, Xiao Shengxian has no heirs for so many years, so it must be He doesn't want a child, but now he is willing to let a prostitute woman conceive his own flesh and blood, which shows that he has been sincerely moved.

No wonder King Xian didn't go back to Yanhui Country with his Seventh Brother at the beginning, because he was worried about it for a long time.

After figuring this out, Su Jie directly ordered someone to send Xiao Shengxian to the woman's side. As for Yue Wanzhi—Su Jie arranged for him to protect Tuoba Qingheng. Although Tuoba Qingheng had a good brain, he had a close friend Guards are also required.

At the same time, Su Jie repeatedly urged Yue Wanzhi not to tell Tuoba Qingheng that he was the emperor of Yanling Kingdom on the grounds that his identity should not be revealed.

After arranging the affairs of Ji City, Su Jie went back to the barracks to formulate a detailed attack plan. He had already decided which ten cities to attack. The only thing he needed to pay attention to was whether he could pass through Xi Kingdom without disturbing others. A fatal blow to the frontier of Yanhui country.


Emperor Yanhui never dreamed that his deposed King Rui would bring him great shame and humiliation in his life.

On a certain day in the court hall, the emperor of Yanhui Kingdom suddenly received an urgent secret letter of eight hundred miles from the frontier. When he opened it, he almost fainted out of breath——

The army of Yanling Kingdom marched frantically, and had captured the frontier defense and a city.

In the next ten days, urgent confidential letters continued to arrive.

The second city fell

The third seat

When the tenth city was captured, a bronzing post followed.

The handwriting on the post is free and easy, piercing through the back of the paper. Every word is written with utmost care.

The post reads: I have admired King Rui Xiao Sheng for a long time, and wish King Rui the promise of having no concubines in the six palaces, and propose marriage to King Rui with ten cities as an offer. --Yan Lingguo. Su Jie.

"What an honor to share!" The emperor laughed back in anger, he was already furious after losing ten cities, and the word "Rui Wang" in Su Jie's post greatly stimulated the emperor of Yanhui Kingdom.

King Lai Rui had been deposed, and there was no more King Rui in Yanhui Country, but Su Jie had a King Rui in his mouth, making it clear that he would have trouble with the emperor of Yanhui Country.

The clay figurine was still angry, but at this moment, the Liu Kong Kingdom also made moves, and began to invade the Yanhui Kingdom with great fanfare.

Under attack from both sides, the emperor of Yanhui Kingdom had to choose to compromise with one side in order to concentrate the army against the other side.

Moreover, even if there is no fuel added to the flames of the remaining empty country, the emperor of Yanhui country will choose to compromise, because the emperor of Yanhui country has not given up the idea of unifying the world. If his son goes to Yanling country, according to Yanling country According to the emperor's promise of "share of dignity", his son can own half of the country in Yanling Kingdom.

Undoubtedly, the emperor of Yanhui Kingdom chose to send Xiao Shengnian to Yanling Kingdom.

Moreover, he had to restore Xiao Shengnian's throne.

The emperor of Yanhui country is now slapping himself in the face. His son who was deposed by him has regained the status of King Rui, and the emperor of Yanhui country has to appease this son.

"Youguang, why did the monarch of Yanling Kingdom want you by name?"

"Because... he is Wen Nianxuan."

"Wen Nianxuan?" The emperor felt that he had heard these three words before, and he suddenly remembered that he once bestowed marriage to Youguang, and the quasi-princess of Youguang was Wen Nianxuan

I see!

No wonder the one who named you wanted You Guang!

"Youguang, I have always spoiled you, if you go to Yanling Kingdom in the future..."

Emperor Yanhui knew that this son had always been gentle and soft, and he obeyed his father very much.

"I will never forget my father's teachings." Xiao Shengnian had long understood that his father was not a kind person. His biological father had abandoned him mercilessly before, but now he reunited because of his value. Pick him up. It's a pity that some things can never go back.

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