Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender

Chapter 72: The dispute between King Rui and King Qin


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Su Jie raised his eyebrows slightly, a little coldness flashed across his eyes, but the smile grew stronger on his lips.

This was the second time that Su Jie saw Xiao Shengxian, this Ninth Prince was as charming as ever.

"Why did Brother Huang bring him?" Xiao Shengxian walked over, his first reaction was to purse his lips and glance at Su Jie.

Su Jie's expression did not change, he still had a faint smile. In terms of power of determination, Su Jie is much stronger than Xiao Shengxian. Xiao Shengxian grew up under the emperor's favor since he was a child. Coupled with his noble status, he rarely needs to compromise or put on a smile to please some people. Xiao Shengxian grew up in this environment. Naturally, he won't show his emotions or anger, he is happy when he is happy, and he is unhappy when he is unhappy, and he doesn't hide it at all.

Su Jie, however, is a dead warrior who has come out of the trials of life and death since he was a child. He stepped on mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Smelling the breath of blood and performing various tasks, it is natural to be good at disguising. He might be smiling brightly with you one second, and kill you the next second. The so-called hiding a knife in a smile probably refers to Su Jie.

therefore. When they met on the outskirts of the hunting ground, Xiao Shengxian was slightly dissatisfied, and Su Jie smiled.

Xiao Shengnian frowned slightly, a little worried.

Originally he thought that Su Jie was willing to let go of this grievance, but after knowing that Su Jie was a dead man, Xiao Shengnian knew that although Su Jie smiled amiably on the surface, he actually didn't know what he was thinking.

Xiao Shengnian is not sure who to lean towards now.

After thinking about it, Xiao Shengnian finally decided to defend Su Jie. After all... what happened last time was something that Xiao Shengxian did a little too much. He went to the prison to release Su Jie himself, but Xiao Shengxian still kept a hand for Su Jie. poisoned food.

"Shengxian, you might call him the emperor's sister-in-law in the future." Xiao Shengnian made a point. He believed that with the wisdom of the nine emperors, he could understand what he meant. clever.

Sure enough, Xiao Shengxian understood what his imperial brother meant, but his eyes widened and his lips trembled, as if he was extremely angry. His peach blossom eyes glowed with incredible light, as if he didn't understand why the imperial brother's heart was captured by this handsome young man. captured.

Xiao Shengxian looked at Su Jie, hesitated to speak for a while, and finally snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Seeing Xiao Shengxian's performance, Xiao Shengnian knew what it meant. He turned his head and said to Su Jie: "Little slave... Shengxian should not harm you anymore, but it is still difficult for him to accept you."

Su Jie smiled and nodded, but did not respond.

At this moment, almost all the princes and princes outside the hunting ground have arrived. They gather together in twos and threes, and some of them move around alone, naturally. Qin Wang Xiao Luoxuan is also here.

Xiao Luoxuan easily saw Su Jie and Xiao Shengnian together, the young man's red clothes glowed with a dazzling luster, full of sunshine, his lips were red and his teeth were white when he smiled, which hurt Xiao Luoxuan's eyes.

"Sharp blade..." Xiao Luoxuan gritted his teeth and murmured. His expression changed for a while, but his eyes remained fixed on Su Jie.

Su Jie's perception is not weak, of course he was aware of such a fiery gaze, turned his head slightly, and saw Qin Wang Xiao Luoxuan looking at him from afar.

Xiao Luoxuan's red phoenix eyes were filled with fragmentary and unclear light, he looked at Su Jie steadfastly, his facial features with sharp edges and corners as carved by a knife unexpectedly revealed a bit of softness at this moment.

Seeing Su Jie turn his head, Xiao Luoxuan's lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something. He desperately wanted to express himself.

But Su Jie's gaze didn't stop, his expression didn't change at all, he just glanced at Xiao Luoxuan, then looked away.

At this moment, Xiao Luoxuan's mood was extremely unbalanced, why should his dead man go to others to laugh at Yan Yan, but treat him coldly

Why is the sharp blade not by my side, but by someone else's side

Because of resentment, Xiao Luoxuan's breathing became short of breath, and he could no longer hold back his impulse. Stride towards Su Jie's direction.

It happened that the second prince was there at that time, and the prince was joking: "The seventh brother came to hunt and brought a beautiful boy with him. It seems that these days are very nourishing."

Xiao Shengnian was the seventh eldest, and his demeanor and speech revealed a gentle and easy-going, he said: "I heard that the second brother's concubine is pregnant. The second brother is also very lucky."

The second prince just laughed. After all, he was going to be a father, and he felt refreshed. He was thinking about the child in the womb of his princess. At this moment. Seeing Xiao Luoxuan approaching, the Second Prince's smile suddenly subsided a lot.

Xiao Luoxuan was the fourth eldest, but he was the most humble prince. His mother and concubine were lowly maids of honor. Because she was pregnant with him, she was named the eighth son, but she was thrown into the cold palace later, so Xiao Luoxuan was also unpopular. of.

Su Jie remained calm all the time, he slightly curled the corners of his lips, and his smile was clean and bright.

Even if Xiao Luoxuan walked over, Su Jie watched calmly.

Xiao Shengnian's eyes showed a sense of danger. As a possessive prince, Xiao Shengnian was naturally hostile when he saw Su Jie's former "master" coming.

However, Xiao Shengnian found it strange, he clearly felt that Xiao Luoxuan had "evil thoughts" towards Su Jie, but in this case, why did he send Su Jie to his side

Because Su Jie did not say in detail that his mission was actually arranged by the luthier, so Xiao Shengnian was a little puzzled by Xiao Luoxuan's current behavior.

"Second brother, seventh brother." Xiao Luoxuan came over, with a smile on his face, he greeted the second prince and Xiao Shengnian.

The second prince ignored it. He even snorted contemptuously, but Xiao Shengnian nodded gently, and responded: "Why is fourth brother here?"

Xiao Luoxuan's red phoenix eyes flashed a trace of resentment because of the second prince's attitude, and he was yelling in his heart: "Wait! Now you look down on the king, and when the king ascends the throne in the future, you will be tortured severely!"

But on the surface, Xiao Luoxuan laughed and said: "It's not that the seventh brother is accompanied by a beautiful man, it's still unfamiliar, fourth brother, I'll come and have a look."

"Let me introduce to you, this is Nianxuan, and I will always be by Wang's side from now on." Xiao Shengnian's words were quite blissful, his arms wrapped around Su Jie, and there was a gentle look in his eyes.

The smile on Xiao Luoxuan's face was a little stiff.

Perhaps because he felt that this was not enough, Xiao Shengnian turned his head to look at Su Jie with a smile, and then said to the second prince and Xiao Luoxuan: "Wang and Nianxuan met by chance. Before this, Wang never believed that the world would It was love at first sight, but after meeting Nian Xuan, Wang believed it."

His words are like pearls and jade, and his magnetic voice is full of charm. It sounds very pleasant to the body and mind, but the content of the words stimulated Xiao Luoxuan's brain to the greatest extent.

If Xiao Luoxuan was asked what mood he was in right now, he would just say one thing: the mood of wanting to kill someone.

But the second prince laughed: "Congratulations, seventh brother, you and this young master have a very close relationship. The second elder brother didn't bring any valuables, so I gave this young man the golden leaf of Jinxiu Pavilion as a treat." Let's have a meet and greet."

Su Jie took the thin piece of gold leaf in a natural manner, thanked him calmly, and responded very beautifully in etiquette, but the second prince took a high look, and instantly felt that this young man was not only handsome, but also well-educated, maybe it was from someone else Master

Xiao Shengnian smiled slightly. Although the gold leaf looks very thin, the things in Jinxiu Pavilion are not so easy to get. Jinxiu Pavilion is famous for its secrets and nobility. , but so far no one knows who the owner of the pavilion behind the Jinxiu Pavilion is.

Anyone who owns the gilded gold leaves of the Jinxiu Pavilion is a distinguished guest who is qualified to go up to the fourth floor, but so far there are very few people who can go up to the fourth floor.

"Thank you second brother, Wang will never let Nianxuan down in his life." Xiao Shengnian's words were serious without any perfunctory taste.

"Seventh brother is really lucky to meet such a handsome and spiritual person." The second prince smiled and chatted with Xiao Shengnian before leaving to find other princes.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Luoxuan listened to their conversation in depressive silence. He took a few deep breaths, but his eyes never left Su Jie.

Su Jie lowered his eyes, playing with the gold leaf in his hand, the smile on his lips was faint, and the sun shone down, exuding the leisure and ease of silence like flowing water.

"What's the matter, fourth brother?" Xiao Shengnian was displeased, he didn't like someone looking at Su Jie with such blatant and aggressive eyes, especially this person was King Qin.

"I...I like the young man next to you very much." Xiao Luoxuan spoke in a deep voice, which seemed to be a little louder on purpose, so that several princes who were not far from here all looked here.

Su Jie slightly paused the fingers playing with the gold leaf, he put away the gold leaf, raised his eyes indifferently, and looked at Xiao Luoxuan.

Xiao Shengnian sneered in his heart, but there was a gentle smile on his face, his voice was a bit lazy, and he said casually: "Yes, Wang's Nianxuan is very good, it's really great that fourth brother can bless us."

This sentence directly distorted Xiao Luoxuan's meaning, and deliberately used the five words "Wang's Nianxuan" to stimulate Xiao Luoxuan, but his tone was so natural and easy-going that no one could find any faults.

"No, this is not a blessing." Xiao Luoxuan was so impulsive for the first time, and he suddenly longed to do something different, such as... expressing his love for Su Jie in full view.

A smile appeared on Xiao Luoxuan's face, he said firmly: "I love Wen Nianxuan."

At this time, several princes around surrounded him. After all, Xiao Shengnian was the emperor's beloved son, while Xiao Luoxuan was the emperor's abandoned son. Now that there is a conflict between these two people, it's really interesting.

"Xiao Luoxuan only loves his son Wen Nianxuan in this life."

As if thinking that saying it once was not enough, Xiao Luoxuan repeated it loudly again, his voice was strong and powerful, and he said solemnly and persistently.

The nearby princes and grandchildren all gathered.

Su Jie frowned.

Because he found that when Xiao Luoxuan said these words in front of everyone, his heart was not excited.

Not even a hint of joy.


Isn't it Xiao Luoxuan who I have loved for many years

Didn't I always long to be by Xiao Luoxuan's side in an open and aboveboard manner

So why don't you feel happy now

Su Jie suddenly became confused. Could it be that my feelings for Xiao Luoxuan over the years are all fake

But I clearly remember all the preferences and habits of King Qin, and I have lived and died with King Qin. At the beginning, the luthier taught him that he must be loyal to King Qin, otherwise he would never be able to recover, so Su Jie has always believed in the creed of being loyal to King Qin, until Zhou Zaiyue appeared...

Su Jie couldn't help becoming irritable, he didn't know whether he liked Xiao Luoxuan, or because he had to protect this person because of the sense of responsibility.

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