Your Highness, Please Love Me Tender

Chapter 83: Brother Wen


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"Now, it's time to take us to see the virtuous king?" Su Jie's feelings flashed a little complicated. When he saw Gongsun Yi kneeling on one knee, Su Jie's heart suddenly rose with pride and ambition. Once it sounded in his ear: "His Royal Highness, you are the heaven of Yanling. I hope you will take up the heavy responsibility, and don't let down the trust of the people of Yanling..."

at this moment. Su Jie's eyes became firm, this was the first time he realized how important his position in Yanling Kingdom was. He is the only male in the royal family of Yanling Kingdom, and he will lead troops to attack Yanling Kingdom, and he will restore the due glory of the Su Dynasty!


Hearing Su Jie's words, Gongsun Yi stood up. This black-robed man showed no humility, his facial features showed a natural wildness, even if he surrendered to others just now, Gongsun Yi would never break his own That arrogance.

This is Gongsun Yi's character. He will not be so arrogant that he is arrogant, but he will never bow his knees to please someone. Gongsun Yi's character is straightforward, so even if he knows that Su Jie is the prince of Yanling Kingdom, Gongsun Yi There was still a gleam of appreciation and interest in his eyes. He opened his mouth to ask Su Jie's name, but felt it was inappropriate. then. After calling out the word "Prince", his throat seemed a little dry, and then he pursed his lips and fell silent.

Su Jie smiled slightly and said, "You can call me Wen Nianxuan. It's better not to call me Prince. Besides, I admire your martial arts and body skills very much. I heard that you are the youngest and most promising man in Yanling Kingdom." Commander. If we have time, we can compete again."

Gongsun Yi was a little stunned at first. Then he laughed heartily, and he said: "Okay! I am five years older than you. Just call you Brother Wen! Also, I will not lose to you next time, even if you are the prince, I will not be under your command." Be merciful!"

Gongsun Yi felt a sense of sympathy for each other. He felt that Su Jie's temper was very suitable for him. Of course, not only in terms of martial arts, but also his appearance and temperament were in line with Gongsun Yi's aesthetics...

hear the sound. Zhou Zaiyue's eyelids trembled slightly, and he really wanted to say "what is it?" After all, in the eyes of this old man, the concept of superiority and inferiority was deeply embedded in his mind, but when he saw Su Jie smiling amiably, Zhou Zaiyue still didn't say anything after all.

That's all. Just order the prince when necessary. Although the status of the Su family's royal family is very useful in Yanling Kingdom, it is not easy to really make the generals feel that the one who surrenders is an excellent royal heir, even if Su Jie gets Gongsun Yi's approval, but the giant scythe has a few difficult characters, even if they are loyal, they probably won't be easily convinced by Su Jie.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the virtuous king." Gongsun Yi waved his hand, and his manner was quite casual. He briefly explained that the current situation of the virtuous king was not in danger, but he automatically passed the question of why he captured the virtuous king. thing.

"After today, hurry back to Yanling, why go to Yanhui country to make a fuss? His Royal Highness cannot tolerate any mistakes." Zhou Zaiyue took the opportunity to teach.

"Aren't you going with me?" Gongsun Yi asked.

"Soon, I will be able to return to Yanling early next month. There are still things to worry about." Zhou Zaiyue said in a light-hearted manner.

Gongsun Yi nodded, although he didn't ask any more questions, but he was concerned about this matter in his heart. Gongsun Yi has always been careful, otherwise he wouldn't win battles without losing them. Besides, this matter is related to Su Jie, so Gongsun Yi naturally needs to pay attention.

Gongsun Yi's biggest dream in this life is to fight a happy battle, and then regain Yanling's great rivers and mountains in one fell swoop. He will be a good minister and general who can go down in history, and he will be worthy of this life.

In addition, if he succeeds, he still wants to talk about his relationship with the Crown Prince. Although the other party is distinguished, he, Gongsun Yi, has both talent and appearance, and is worthy of anyone.

At this time, Su Jie didn't know that the general beside him still had such thoughts. Moreover, Su Jie felt a little guilty towards Gongsun Yi. After all, Su Jie once admitted the wrong target and hit the wrong person, but this guilt would never turn into love.

Su Jie doesn't care much about the love of his children now, a diligent king has made Su Jie mature a lot, and Su Jie will never be easily emotional again.

But he still believes that there is love in this world.

Perhaps, this love will only be given to Xiao Shengnian, and will never be shared with others.

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