Your Husband’s Leg is Broken

Chapter 2


The young lady laughed at him, and those who didn't know thought we hired a babysitter.

Embarrassed, the married woman returned to her seat with a blushing face, thinking that she should be more reserved next time.

Turning around, I happened to see Broken Leg Gong smiling at him, and said, "Little nanny, help me print some materials."

Wife suffers again and again.


When he got off work, his wife Shou went downstairs with Gong Gong with a broken leg. There was a tall and thin boy leaning against the door, dressed very flamboyantly, with a very large earring on his right ear, and his facial features were 70% similar to Wife Shou.

When Broken Leg Gong saw him, a smile appeared on his face, very gentle.

He left his wife behind and walked over quickly: "Xiaobai, why are you here?"

Bai Yueguang raised her head lazily: "Let's have a meal together."


The broken leg hook hooked Bai Yueguang's shoulder and left, the wife Shou was very envious.

twenty one.

Broken Leg Gong took special care of his wife at work, so he pulled him into his project and took him personally.

Going in and out together every day, the wife feels like a dream.

No, he never dreamed of such a day.

Sometimes when he looked up, he would see Broken Leg Gong looking at him, and his wife's heart skipped a beat.

He quietly covered the pink bubbles that popped up in his heart, and told himself not to think too much.

twenty two.

Broken Leg Gong's project ended successfully, and the project team got together after work that day, and his wife Shou also went there.

Broken Leg Gong was the person in charge of this project, and as expected, everyone took turns drinking him.

Broken Leg Gong is in a good mood and will not refuse anyone who comes.

The wife couldn't bear to watch him drink glasses of liquor, so she stood in front of him and tried to block the drink for him.

Broken Leg Gong was already a bit over the top, grabbed the wife Shou, and whispered in his ear: "I'm fine."

twenty three.

Half of the wife's body was numb, and the ear that had been approached by the broken leg was so hot that it was about to smoke.

After the party, he hailed a taxi and took the broken leg Gong home, drunk out of his wits.

The wife shou wanted to let her in and leave, but was pushed against the door as soon as the door opened.

The wife was startled, and wanted to ask what was going on, but before she could open her mouth, her lips were blocked arbitrarily.

twenty four.

The wife was stunned, stuck to the door like a piece of wood, not daring to move at all, letting the broken leg Gong's tongue pry open his lips, encroaching all the way.

He closed his eyes, the strong smell of alcohol made him dizzy, he felt that every piece of skin on his body was burning hot, and his whole body was about to suffocate.

Wife Shou instinctively stretched out his hands, trying to grab Broken Leg Gong's arm, at this moment, he heard Broken Leg Gong shout:


The wife shou woke up immediately, pushed away the person on her body, and fled.


The wife Shou didn't fall asleep all night, and the scene of being kissed by Gong with a broken leg was played back and forth in her mind, and the gentle touch seemed to stay clearly on her lips.

And the call that didn't belong to him still lingered in his mind.

The next day, the wife was very nervous on the way to work, not knowing how to deal with the broken leg attack.

However, Broken Leg Gong didn't show up all morning, and didn't come until almost noon.

Wife Shou heard the sound of the broken leg attacking the seat, and for the first time did not stand up to greet her.

He sat on the seat staring at the computer screen and pretended to be working seriously, but in fact nothing was turned on, only a computer desktop.


Everyone goes out to lunch, and the wife Shou wants to sneak out in the crowd, only to get grabbed by the wrist.

"I have something to tell you." Broken Leg Gong said.

The wife's heart sank and she was dragged downstairs.

The non-smoker with a broken leg leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette. His wife felt that he looked very haggard today, which was very different from the sunny and talkative him.

Broken Leg Gong took a breath and said, "I'm sorry, I drank too much last night."


The wife bit her lips: "Do you remember?"


"You... like Senior Bai?"

"I like it." Broken Leg Gong did not hide it, "I have liked him since I first saw him in freshman year."

The wife was choked by his smoke and coughed twice, choking out two tears.

I also liked you from the first sight, he thought to himself.

"I see, senior, don't worry, I will act as if nothing happened."



The wife shou sat on the bench downstairs in the inpatient department all afternoon, and then slowly went upstairs when it was time to get off work.

Bai Yueguang had left an hour ago, and his wife Shou watched him leave from downstairs.

The wife with a broken leg was lying on the bed looking at her mobile phone when she came in. When she saw someone coming, she quickly hid her mobile phone and said, "I didn't play with my mobile phone, I'm taking a good rest."

Wife Shou was in a low mood and was not amused as usual, he asked Broken Leg Gong, is anyone coming to see you today

Broken Leg Gong was taken aback, and said no.


There was a half-eaten pork floss Beckham on the bedside, Broken Leg and asked, did you order takeaway for me

The wife nodded.

Broken Leg Gong smacked his face, saying that the baby is really good.

The wife shou opened her mouth, wanting to ask him why he hid Bai Yueguang's past, but swallowed the words again.

At night, the two of them still held hands in bed, Gong with a broken leg quickly fell asleep, but his wife Shou couldn't fall asleep anyway, and began to think about the past again.


After that incident, the wife resigned voluntarily before the internship period.

He deleted the contact information of Broken Leg Gong, and his life was still the same as before.

After graduating from his senior year, he found his current job. The job was stable and the salary was good. His family arranged a blind date for him. He came out with his family, was kicked out of the house, and lived alone outside.

He also tried to find another person to like, but he never met the right one. Sometimes he dreamed at night, and dreamed of that unbelievably real kiss.


Two years later, the school celebrated its centennial, and the wife was sent back to the campus.

After listening to the report in the auditorium, it suddenly started to rain, and many people crowded at the door. The wife took out an umbrella from her bag under the envious eyes of the people, and was about to go out to take a taxi.

At this moment, he caught sight of a familiar figure from the corner of his eye.

I haven't seen him for two years, that person looks more mature, but he is still as handsome as in his dream.

Wife Shou's heart beat violently again.


The man looked towards this side as if in response, and was taken aback when he saw the other party, and then squeezed over from the crowd.

Can you take me to the parking lot? Broken Leg Gong pointed to the umbrella in the wife's hand.

The wife shou nodded, and the two huddled under an umbrella and walked out.

Gong with a broken leg was half a head taller than his wife, and it was uncomfortable to bend over. He stretched out his hand to the handle of the umbrella and said, let me support it.

The two hands touched briefly, and the wife hurriedly retracted her hand.


The wife planned to leave after sending the broken leg to the parking lot.

The broken leg asked him where he was going.

The wife was informed of the location of her place of residence, Gong Broken Leg said to drop by, and I will see you off.

The wife hesitated for a moment and got into the car.


There was silence along the way, and the atmosphere in the carriage was awkward.

In order to break the silence, Renqingshou asked for something to say: "Why didn't senior Bai come together?"

"He's gone abroad."


"I got my degree last year and looked for a job, so I may have to settle there."


The wife didn't ask any more questions, he could see that Broken Leg Gong was very depressed when he talked about this topic.

He was very upset, he didn't know whether to sympathize with the other party's love, or sympathize with himself.


The car drove to the wife shou downstairs, and the wife shou was just about to get out of the car when he heard Broken Leg Gong say something out of nowhere:

"Did you delete me?"

The tone is quite resentful.

The wife was a little embarrassed to be exposed on the spot, so she had to take out her phone and add her friend back.


After adding it back, they didn't speak, and they lay quietly in each other's list like chickens.

Once a wife was suffering so much that she posted a Moments, and Broken Leg Gong gave him a like.

The wife was overwhelmed by the flattery, and felt that courtesy should be reciprocated, so she flipped through Broken Leg Gong's photo album, and gave him a thumbs up for the latest one.

After a while, I received a message. I opened it and saw that it was from Broken Leg Gong.

The hand of the wife holding the phone trembled.

Broken leg attack, why did you like my photo from three months ago

The wife is embarrassed to say that she didn't pay attention to the time because she was eager to repay the praise, which would appear very insincere.

So he made some nonsense, and I think it looks pretty good.

There was no sound from the broken leg attack.

The wife felt something was wrong, so she poked back and looked at the photo she liked just now.

"The barber shop opposite the company pays attention to lightning protection, Mr. Tony shaved my hairline bald"

The accompanying picture is a selfie with the head exposed.

The wife looked at it twice with a smile, and clicked save.


Broken Leg Gong and Wife Shou have become mutual praise friends in the circle of friends, but the frequency of Broken Leg Gong is too low, most of the time it is he who gives his wife Shou.

And not a single one fell.

One night before going to bed, Gong Gong with a broken leg finally posted a message on Moments. The wife didn't have time to read the content, so she liked it first.

After clicking, I found out that this is a house rental advertisement, and the house for rent is the house opposite Gong's house with a broken leg.

That night, the married woman tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep, and the little thoughts in her heart that had been dusty for a long time had a tendency to probe again.

Early the next morning, he called the advertised landlord.


The house the wife lived in did not live in the house for a full year according to the contract, and the landlord was paid a month's liquidated damages, and then moved into the opposite of the broken leg Gong's house in a hurry.

After returning from get off work with a broken leg, he saw that the door on the opposite side was open, and realized that someone had moved in, so he wanted to go over and say hello.

The wife was cleaned inside, picked up a bag of garbage and threw it out, and took a photo with her broken leg