Your Husband’s Leg is Broken

Chapter 8


The wife is kept in custody, no more extravagance and waste, and strive to be a civilized and good young man.


The wife shou uses the money from Broken Leg Gong to manage the money with her own existence, and Broken Leg Gong goes to him every month to receive rations.

Over time, the broken leg attack also became simple.

Don't buy the most expensive things, just use them well.

Don't buy imported condoms anymore, just don't use them.


Later, on Broken Leg Gong's birthday, that is, the first anniversary of the two together, the wife was given a global limited edition car model to Broken Leg Gong.

Broken Leg Attack just lacks this one.

Because it has long been out of print, it took a lot of effort for the wife to buy it.

Broken Leg Gong was so excited that he could speak incoherently, but he was also very curious: "Baby, why did you spend so much money all of a sudden?"

The wife shou pursed her lips and smiled: "Because I want to leave the best for you."


In short, the good habit of breaking the leg and handing in the income has been preserved until now.

However, this time the broken leg attack did not hand in all of it, but secretly hid some money, commonly known as private money.

Because he had to save money to pay back to Bai Yueguang, and the purchase fee for the ring he had entrusted to others had not been settled yet.

Bai Yueguang was also miserable.


On weekends, the friends of Gong Gong with a broken leg came to have a wedding banquet. As soon as they entered the door, they called the wife Shou "sister-in-law", and the wife Shou hid in the kitchen in embarrassment.

The wife was busy in and out in red aprons, entertaining them very happily.

Heartbroken with a broken leg, he hugged his wife and kissed him, saying that the baby is too tired, let's rest.

The wife was attacked by kissing and breaking her leg, saying no, your friends are not full.

Broken Leg Gong turned back viciously: Are you still full

Friends: full.


The last time Broken Leg Gong added the doctor's WeChat, the doctor ignored him, and Broken Leg Gong quickly left him behind.

A few weeks later, the doctor suddenly sent a message. It was an old slightly yellowed photo. In the photo stood the doctor and his wife Shou from high school.

At that time, the wife Shou was much thinner than she is now, wearing baggy school uniforms, showing two small white canine teeth when she smiled.

The doctor next to him was half a head taller than his wife Shou, with a tall and straight figure, with one arm tightly around his wife Shou's shoulder, looking very intimate.


Broken Leg Gong said what do you mean

The doctor didn't reply and just sent another photo.

This time it was the married woman shou who was sleeping soundly on her desk.

The slender eyelashes cast a small shadow on the white and tender skin, so beautiful that it seems to be tempting to commit crimes.

Broken Leg Gong suddenly had a surge of Qi and blood, and his legs almost lost consciousness.

"What did you do to him?!"

The doctor answered irrelevantly: "His face is very soft."


As soon as the wife shou came home that day, Gong with a broken leg pounced on him, holding his face and kissing him wildly.

The wife shou wiped the drool off her face with a smile and asked what was wrong.

The broken leg attack is awkward, so don't say it.

Married wives thought it was a new way of loving, so they followed suit and kissed Gong on the cheek with the broken leg.


Satisfied with the broken leg attack, he replied to the doctor.

"He said, my face is also very soft."

The doctor said it was none of my business, but I didn't want to kiss.

Then he posted several photos of him and his wife.

Broken Leg Gong rarely sees someone more shameless than himself, and at this moment he feels a sense of sympathy.


The doctor said to Broken Leg Gong, Ah Qi is my most cherished person, if you dare to hurt him, I will break your leg.

Broken Leg Gong replied, no, I love him very much.

The message didn't go out.

The doctor has deleted the friend.

Broken Leg Gong saved these photos one by one.

Then cut off the doctors one by one.


Broken Leg Gong stared at the eighteen-year-old wife Shou in the photo for a long time.

He couldn't help thinking, how wonderful it would be if he saw a married woman at the first sight in college.

Then can he also have the student days of being a wife

He wanted to hold his wife Shou's hand and show his love on campus every day.

I have to ride a bicycle to take him to the library, to the teaching building, to the grove behind the playground...

He will definitely not let his wife suffer to secretly hide in the corner and watch his back.

Not to mention letting him cry silently in the middle of the night alone.

He can love his wife and suffer for many years.


Broken Leg Gong told his wife Shou this idea, saying that he felt sorry for missing those beautiful days for nothing.

The wife Shou smiled and said that the truth may not be what you imagined.

The wives in the student days were oppressed by life so that they lacked the vigor and vigor of young people. They were usually timid and had a little low self-esteem.

And the broken leg attack is so dazzling, it is the focus of the crowd wherever it goes.

Wife Shou said that even if Broken Leg Gong could pass through the crowd and come to him at that time, the huge gap would not be able to support them to go on.

"God arranged for you to see me at the most suitable time, and I am very content."


Broken leg Gong hugged his wife Shou and refused to let go.

He knew that what the wife said was true.

Fortunately, time allowed his wife to slowly reveal the appearance he likes, and he happened to be still in the same place, so he could meet him when he turned around.

Not sooner or later, just in time for them to fall in love.

Broken Leg Gong looked at the wife Shou in the photo with love.

Then he secretly pushed himself up.


Gong with a broken leg rested at home for more than a month.

There is no need to go to the company every day, and there is no need to socialize everywhere.

Hold a video conference at home if you have something to do, and watch a small drama in bed if you have nothing to do.

He just finished catching up with an American drama with more than 200 episodes two days ago, and he is currently in a state of drama shortage. He doesn't know if he should try a Thai drama next.

Overall, life is relaxed and comfortable.


In this way, it is inevitable to be jealous.

The other two partners of the company were so busy that they made phone calls to threaten Broken Leg Gong.

"If you don't come to work again, kid, your position will be suspended, and you will come back to clean the men's toilet when the time comes!"

Broken Leg Gong hugged his legs aggrievedly.

The world is so harsh on men.


Fortunately, there are wives who will never leave.

When Broken Leg Gong thinks of his wife suffering, his heart is so sweet that it bubbles up.

Since he was injured, he has been taken care of by his wife every day.

Gong with a broken leg turned into a giant baby, and once even had to be helped by his wife to go to the toilet.

The wife blushed and asked where to help

Broken Leg Gong was so excited that he almost couldn't get out.


But it's not easy to take it easy, and it's a little bad.

Lying down after eating every day, lack of exercise, it is easy to gain weight.

When the broken leg was put on the electronic scale, it was more than ten catties heavier than before.

Excluding the weight of the plaster, many of them should be due to the newly grown flesh on my stomach.

The broken leg attack proposed to the wife, why don't I stay on top next time and increase the amount of exercise.

The wife refused to accept it, saying that she was afraid of hurting her legs, so she insisted on moving by herself.

There is no way to attack with a broken leg.


Broken Leg Gong thought about it, and decided to remove the plaster a few weeks in advance.

First, I didn't want to flush the toilet.

The second is that I don't want my wife to be too busy.

Before going to work in the morning, the married woman asked with a broken leg if she had time this Saturday to accompany her to the hospital.

The wife shou bowed her head and said Sunday, I have something to do on Saturday.

After speaking, he went out.


Wife Shou didn't say what was the matter, Gong Gong with a broken leg felt something was wrong.

Because the wife Shou never speaks in half, Broken Leg Gong understands it very well.

In the evening, the wife got home from get off work, half an hour later than usual.

The wife explained that there was a traffic jam on the road.

But in fact, when Broken Leg Gong was lying on the window sill and waiting, he saw his wife Shou standing downstairs and making a phone call for half an hour.


Turning off the lights at night, the broken leg asked the wife if there was anything on her mind.

The wife shou immediately said no.

He broke his leg and didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, the wife came over, leaned on Gong's shoulder with the broken leg, and said in a muffled voice, "Actually, there are."

Broken Leg Gong turned sideways and hugged his wife Shou, and asked gently and patiently: "What's the matter?"


The wife said, "Do you still remember that I have a brother who is ten years younger than me?"

Broken Leg Gong nodded.

"My parents wanted to send him to study abroad and asked if I could sponsor him."

"We haven't been in touch for many years. I suddenly called me the day before yesterday to tell me about this. I was a little angry."

Broken Leg Gong asked: "Then did you agree?"

"No, I said that I have been driven out of the house, and I am no longer your son. The family affairs have nothing to do with me."

The married woman arched her chest when she suffered a broken leg: "Am I bad? After all, they are my parents."

The broken leg Gong patted his back and said, "No, the baby is fine."


The wife said that his parents asked him to meet this Saturday, saying that even if they didn't talk about money, they wanted to see if he was doing well in the past few years.

As soon as the wife softened her heart, she agreed.

As a result, when I was about to get home today, I received a call from my brother again.

The younger brother said that he would rather not go abroad than ask for his money.

He said: "I know it's not easy for you to be alone these years. Now that you have separated yourself, you don't need to sacrifice yourself for this family."

He added: "And I don't really want to tell people that I have a gay brother."


Broken Leg Gong asked: "Where do we meet on Saturday?"

The wife said, "Not yet."

Broken Leg Gong said, "Then let them come home."

The wife listens to him.

As long as there is a broken leg attack, the wife will feel at ease.


On Saturday, the wife's parents arrived as scheduled.

The husband and wife obviously didn't expect the wife to live in such a high-end community, and they couldn't help but take a few extra glances when they entered the door.

The wife Shou didn't see her mother for many years, and when she saw her again, she found that she was much older and her hair was already gray.

The wife felt sore in her heart and called out: "Mom."

Ren Ma's eyes turned red instantly.

After all, he was his own son, and his wife back then