Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 102: [102] Xiahou Jinnian, are you playing with fire?


Yan Chuchu watched her holding the bowl and was about to drink it. Her hands gradually clenched into fists due to nervousness, and her eyes were full of anticipation.

Suddenly, with a "bang" sound, the medicine bowl in Lin Bao's hand was knocked to the ground, and some medicine splashed on her clothes.

Lian Che carefully guarded Lin Bao in his arms, raised his eyes and looked around.

—According to his intuition, there must be someone here!

Yan Chuchu also noticed something strange. She felt a little uncomfortable looking at Lin Bao who was being protected in his arms subconsciously, but she was more worried in her heart, fearing that the person who came had seen through her trick.

-It seems that this person is definitely not simple!

Seeing the nervousness of the two of them, Lin Bao also became nervous, but when she looked around, she didn't see even half a person. Glancing at the overturned medicine bowl on the ground, she gently tugged on Lian Che's hand. Sleeves said: "Don't be so nervous, my hand just slipped."

Slippery hands

Lian Che pursed his lips and looked at her self-blame. He didn't want to pursue it any further. He raised his eyes to look at Yan Chuchu and said, "Then please ask the princess to order someone to bring another bowl to the carriage."

After that, he protected Lin Bao and returned to the carriage.

Yan Chuchu bit her lower lip tightly, picked up the unbroken bowl on the ground, and had to order someone to boil the medicine again. After all, she was not stupid, how could she not know that the person who came had given her a warning.


After all the fuss just now, Lin Bao was no longer in the mood to take medicine. After changing her clothes in the carriage, she lay on the bed unhappy and continued reading the romance novel that Lian Che had borrowed for her earlier.

Lian Che had no intention of criticizing the memorial and rubbed his forehead. He was a little confused about the visitor's intention, but one thing was clear - there was something wrong with Yan Chuchu's medicine!

Otherwise, absolutely no one would take advantage of a bowl of medicine.

But who could this person be

-You know, Nian Hua is naturally unable to escape in the palace now, but the spies he sent did not send any news that Nian Hua had sent someone to follow them.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is no one left.

Lian Che sighed with a headache, but then heard Lin Bao ask from behind her: "Lian Che, it is said that there are two situations when a girl sheds tears. Do you know which ones they are?"

Unexpectedly, Lian Che didn't even think about it and said, "If you have big breasts, it's on your chest. If you have small breasts, it's on your feet."

Lin Bao was confused. What she asked was not the way of crying, but the reason for crying. However, curiosity aroused, she made a sultry pose on the bed and said coquettishly: "Then look at what kind of situation I am in." ?”

—If he says the latter, then he won’t even think about eating meat!

Lin Bao was making mischievous calculations, but Lian Che replied just as she expected: "If it were you, of course you wouldn't get it on your feet."

Just when she was excited and ready to hug him and kiss him fiercely, she heard Lian Che say again: "Your face is so big, you fucked him before it even dripped."


Lian Che, if you don't use your sharp tongue, you will die of discomfort!

Just when her mood reached its lowest point, she heard someone say: "Do you think I can make you cry?"


Well, you are smart!

Lin Bao glanced at him and said, "Lian Che, can you please stop using bad language."

"You should feel that this is your special treatment. I only say 'I' to you." He became more and more arrogant and had to admit that he looked like a spring-haired pig.


Forget it, she will never understand someone's world.

Lin Bao curled his lips, feeling that he could no longer read the novel, so he simply lay on the bed, patted his face, and said to himself: "How can I have such a beautiful oval face?"

Just when she was feeling complacent and having a rare moment of beauty, someone suddenly said: "Return to me, you are obviously a melon face."


She decided to think carefully about having sex with Lian Che in the future, otherwise she would be pissed off by this guy sooner or later.


After dinner, Yan Chuchu ordered someone to make the medicine again, but this time she did not dare to go in person, but sent the little maid next to her to deliver it.

Looking at the medicine brought by Yan Chuchu, before Lin Bao started to complain, he saw Lian Che pour it into the chamber pot and pass the empty bowl out.

Listening to the footsteps disappearing, she was a little confused, "What are you doing?"

"What, you want to take medicine?" He raised his eyebrows and kicked the chamber pot until it collapsed.

—Strange, when did Lian Che become so kind

No matter how stupid she is, she can tell that Lian Che thinks there is something wrong with the medicine, but Lian Che doesn't want to say it because he is afraid that she will have random thoughts.

Lin Bao took a sip of herbal tea, but then heard Lian Che say: "I guess it's time for the Queen Mother to return to the palace when we get back."

—Queen Mother

She almost spit out a mouthful of tea, put down the tea cup, and said in fear: "Then if the Queen Mother knew about your relationship with me, would she immediately order me to be killed?"

Hearing this, Lian Che clapped his chin in deep thought and said, "Hmm - this is quite possible."

-After all, with his mother's temperament, if she found out that he was hanging out with a young eunuch, she might have Lin Bao crippled, and most likely break his legs!

His words undoubtedly made Lin Bao even more horrified. He swallowed and looked at him in disbelief, "Really, is it true?"

Lian Che glanced at her, "Do you think I will lie to you?"

-Okay, although Lian Che may not be telling the truth, it seems that in popular romances, the Queen Mother is a ruthless character, right? God, is she really going to fall into the hands of the Queen Mother

Lin Bao wanted to cry but had no tears, so he embarked on the road back to the palace with an uneasy feeling.


In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed. In fact, Lian Che and others expected to arrive in less than half a month, but in order to take care of Lin Bao along the way, they slowed down their speed.

As for finding someone to take Lin Bao's pulse, Lin Bao ignored it.

She privately asked the military doctor why she frequently vomited. The military doctor thought she was a eunuch, so he naturally ruled out the possibility of pregnancy. He didn't even check her pulse and told her that it might be caused by improper diet.

After that, Lin Bao felt relieved and told Lian Che the truth. Although he was a little worried, in order to be able to return to Beijing this morning, he had no choice but to agree to find the imperial doctor to look at her after she returned to the palace.

Therefore, this matter was put aside for the time being.

When they returned to Beijing, it was the beginning of autumn, and the weather was not as hot as midsummer.

Everyone was a little overwhelmed by the bumpy journey, so they all went to rest together after returning to the palace. As for Lian Che, he rushed to the imperial dining room without stopping as soon as possible. It was said that the courtiers were visiting.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Bao took the birthday gift prepared for Xiahou Jinnian and went to his Jinyuan to find him.

Approaching his residence, Lin Bao had to say that the place where Xiahou Little Goldfish lived was really nice, it was like a leisure village.

Not to mention the pond full of fat fish, nor the rockery in the yard, just the attic that overlooks the entire palace is the best!

She was watching happily when she heard Xia Hou Jinnian's voice coming from behind her: "What are you doing here?"

Lin Bao turned around and saw him wearing brand new Fei clothes, holding a brocade handkerchief and rubbing his wet hair. He looked like he had just finished bathing, and his face was full of doubts.

She swallowed, handed him the unpolished blood-colored agate stone in her hand, and said, "Nuo—you two are both aunt's red, so they make a perfect match."

Xiahou Jinnian took it in his hand and began to look carefully at it. It was undeniable that although the agate stone was as red as blood, its texture was extremely ordinary and could barely be regarded as a third-class product.

He raised his eyes, "Why did you give this to me?"

Lin Bao shrugged, "Didn't you celebrate your birthday a few days ago? I thought you would treat me to a meal a few times, so I went to the street and bought a stall for you."

Street stall goods

He curled his lips and said with great disgust: "Is this your sincerity in repaying your kindness? - Who would want such a crude gift!"

Hearing this, she stretched out her hand to snatch the jade pendant back, and shouted: "Since you don't want it, just give it back to me! If you don't like it, someone else will."

Unexpectedly, when she grabbed it like this, he panicked, held the small stone in his hand, raised his hand high, and said hurriedly: "Who said I don't want it anymore!"

—If you want it, why are you so disgusted just now

Lin Bao took back his hand, rolled his eyes, and said, "I gave you something, why don't you invite me to sit in your room?"

This was all she said, so how could Xiahou Jinnian not follow her and simply lead her into the room, sit down and have a sip of tea.

Lin Bao looked at those precious paintings and felt a little cold. After three cups of tea, he said: "Can you take me to that attic to have a look?"

"… All right."

He took Lin Bao up to the attic as he was told. What Lin Bao didn't expect was that he needed a key to enter the attic.

She glanced at the almost rusty lock on it and wondered: "Xiahou little goldfish, can't you change the lock?"

—What if the lock rusts away one day, and someone is locked in, wouldn’t it be impossible to get out? Even if the lock can be broken open, someone must find out that there is someone here, right

After all, this can be said to be the most remote place in Jinyuan, and according to Xiahou Jinnian, even Lian Che didn't know that there was such a loft in the palace.

Xiahou Jinnian didn't say anything, but just led her into the attic.

Maybe no one has come up to clean it for a long time. The steps are full of dust. Every step you take will leave a clear footprint.

After finally reaching the top floor, Lin Bao lay on the railing and looked down at Lian Guo's palace. It was undeniable that the terrain here was really good and he could see many places.

For example, she could see Little Pigeon running towards the Clothing Bureau in a hurry with a pile of clothes that were too high above his head. However, at the corner, he bumped into Little Fuzi who was holding an inkstone. The two of them fell to the ground one after another, their clothes Also stained with ink.

For another example, she could see Yan Chuchu, who had just entered the palace, taking a group of palace people for a leisurely walk in the imperial garden. Somehow, a little maid ran over and whispered something to her ear, and she hurriedly He ran away hurriedly.

Seeing the novelty on her face, Xiahou Jinnian sighed and said, "Do you know why I didn't tell others about this attic?"

"Of course it's because you want to dominate such a good place!" She smiled, retracted her gaze, and looked at him, only to find that there was some inexplicable loneliness on his face.

And she thought that Xiahou Jinnian would never have such an expression.

Hearing this, Xiahou Jinnian shook his head and said: "This is the second time I have come up here. The first time was when I discovered this place."

the second time

Lin Bao was a little stunned, and was about to ask him why, when he heard him say: "You want to ask me why, right?"

She nodded, but saw him smiling self-deprecatingly, and said: "When I first came here, I also found that there were many things to see here, but once I saw it, I couldn't help but want to go there to see it for myself. Look, there are places I can’t go to. Since I’m destined to be stuck here for the rest of my life, it’s better not to leave any memories for myself.”

His words were very sad, and it was hard to imagine that this was the same person as the usually arrogant and domineering Xiahou Jinnian.

After hearing what he said so much, Lin Bao sighed in agreement with him, patted his shoulder gently, and said sincerely: "Xiahou Jinnian, I noticed that you seem to have grown up."

"Everyone has to grow up, right?" He smiled. Brother Nianhua and his cousin Huang always said such things to him on weekdays, but he had never cared about it. Now that he thought about it, it was right.

Lin Bao really couldn't see that he had a young face and said mature words. He put a hand on his shoulder and joked: "Actually, you can go out of the palace to be someone's son-in-law."

-This way, he doesn't have to worry about being trapped in the palace forever.

Unexpectedly, Xiahou Jinnian turned around and said rather speechlessly: "Do you think the emperor's cousin will agree?"

"… Won't."

She smiled awkwardly and retracted her hand, thinking that if she knew that Xiahou Jinnian was going to be someone's son-in-law, she would have broken Xiahou Jinnian's legs directly.

However, at this moment, Xiahou Jinnian accidentally caught a glimpse of a sneaky figure entering his Jinyuan and walking towards the attic at their feet.

He was confused, bumped Lin Bao with his elbow, and asked, "Do you think that person is here to find you?"

Lin Bao blinked, "It doesn't look like that. If you came to find me, why would you climb over the wall and be so sneaky?"

Xiahou Jinnian nodded in approval and asked, "Then why do you think he closed the attic door?"

Lin Bao clenched his chin, imitating Lian Che's usual contemplative look, and said, "I guess it's due to obsessive-compulsive disorder. I can't see that the door is open."

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Xiahou Jinnian was embarrassed to ask her what the word was. He looked at the man who threw something into the attic and ran away, and then asked: "Why did he run away?"

Lin Bao didn't say anything this time, sniffed the air and asked, "Xiahou little goldfish, is there a kitchen here?"


He was puzzled, pointed to the other end of Jinyuan, and said, "No, the kitchen is over there."

-That's really strange. Why did she smell the smell of raw cooking

Just as she was thinking about it, she felt that the smell was getting stronger and even a little smoke filled the air. She coughed a few times and said, "Xiahou Jinnian, are you playing with fire?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiahou Jinnian pulled her and exclaimed: "It's on fire!"