Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 105: [105] Are you pregnant?


It happened that Lian Che went to the morning court at this time, and no one could help her. In desperation, Lin Bao had no choice but to go to the Queen Mother's Cining Palace.

Because the Queen Mother returned to the palace today and Lian Guo had won a "victorious battle", Lian Che ordered people to prepare a small palace banquet to celebrate. Although it was only a small palace banquet, it required a lot of manpower. Almost everyone in Chaoyang Palace was busy, so only Wen Su took her to Cining Palace.

Walking on the road, Lin Bao couldn't hold his breath. He tugged on Wen Su's sleeve and said, "Su Su, do you know what kind of person the Queen Mother is?"

"How did you know that I entered the palace with you?" There was a faint smile on her face. Although it was not the kind of smile that would make people thousands of miles away, it would not make people feel too intimate.

Lin Bao was right to think about it. Wen Su entered the palace with her, and she didn't like gossip, so how could she know what kind of person the Queen Mother was

After thinking about it, she sighed unhappily and said, "What should I do? Will the Queen Mother kill me?"

"Father-in-law, you are joking." The smile on Wen Su's lips suddenly became stiff, but she calmly retracted her smile, with a flash of fire in her eyes, and he led her into the Cining Palace.

Lin Bao was wondering why she didn't need someone to go in and inform her. After all, this was the Queen Mother's territory. But what she couldn't understand was that all the palace attendants in Cining Palace looked respectful when they saw her.

- Could it be that Wen Su is someone close to the Queen Mother

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Wen Su leading her into the inner hall, stepped forward to salute, and said respectfully to the woman lying on the soft couch behind the bead curtain: "Queen Mother, Eunuch Bao is here."

Hearing this, the Queen Mother sat up with her hands on her body, raised her hands, and said, "Everyone, please step aside. If the Ai family has something to say to her alone."


The people in the palace nodded one after another and retreated.

They were the only two people left in the huge palace.

There was a faint scent of sandalwood lingering on the tip of his nose, and the sunlight was blocked by the bead curtain. Lin Bao felt a little inexplicably depressed and almost breathless.

There was a rustling sound in her ears. She followed it and saw that the Queen Mother had stood up, opened the bead curtain and walked towards her.

Without the obstruction of the bead curtain, Lin Bao could see clearly the appearance of the Queen Mother. It had to be said that this woman was much younger than she had imagined. Her skin was extremely well maintained and she looked like she was only in her early thirties. The most important thing was that Surprisingly, there was no alienation on her face, but a faint smile, looking very kind and friendly.

Lin Bao couldn't help but be confused. Logically speaking, shouldn't the Queen Mother be very fierce? Could it be that the Queen Mother is a smiling tiger like the one in "Huan Zhu Ge Ge"

Looking at the confusion on her face, the Queen Mother suddenly smiled, walked up to her, raised the brim of her hat, and praised: "I didn't expect that it had only been three years since the Ai family came out of the palace, and Wanyan's face would already be so beautiful. ”

Late beauty

Lin Bao was suddenly startled, took a step back, avoided her hand, and said with embarrassment: "Your Majesty, your Majesty, you must have admitted the wrong person -"

As if she had expected what she said, the Queen Mother was not annoyed at all. She turned around and sat on a chair nearby, took a sip of hot tea and said, "Before, the Ai family was worried that you didn't like the emperor, but I didn't expect that now you But I have a good relationship with Huang Er, I’m afraid—he doesn’t know your identity yet, right?”

Seeing her calm look, Lin Bao frowned. The Queen Mother didn't look like she was testing her, but rather said "I understand you" in it.

She took a deep breath and said, "Since the Queen Mother has said so, it's hard for Wan Yan to say anything else."

Seeing her move, the Queen Mother laughed again, pointed to the seat next to her, asked her to sit down, and continued: "Perhaps you don't know that Wen Su is a member of the Ai family."

Wen Su

Lin Bao was stunned, but a little unbelievable, "You said Wen Su is the person around you?"

"That's right. The original intention of the Ai family in letting Wen Su go to the Chaoyang Palace was just to help the Ai family keep an eye on the emperor. After all, the emperor is also the heart of the Ai family. As time goes by, he will naturally miss him." The queen mother said, He poured the tea himself and handed it to her.

Lin Bao was a little flattered and took the tea. Listening to the Queen Mother's words, he guessed that the relationship between Lin Wanyan and the Queen Mother must be unusual.

After a pause, the Queen Mother suddenly held her hand and said, "Wanyan, the Ai family will tell you the truth - the emperor's life is in your hands."

Hearing this, Lin Bao frowned, but looking at the seriousness on the Queen Mother's face, he felt a little puzzled and said, "But don't I still have an engagement with me now?"

As soon as these words came out, the Queen Mother understood.

She sighed helplessly, reached out and poked her little head, and said, "You, the Ai family don't even know what to say. Could it be that after so long, you don't know that the emperor is with you?" Have an engagement?"


Lin Bao almost choked to death on his spit. Thinking that his behavior was really indecent, he wiped his mouth, laughed a few times, and said: "I only know that my father told me that I have an engagement, but I don't know this." Who is the engagement made to?"

"So, you are running away from the marriage?" The Queen Mother raised her forehead and her tone became more helpless.

Lin Bao nodded and couldn't help but be a little surprised, "How come you even know about this?"

—You know, there is not even a hint of news coming out of the Prime Minister’s Mansion now!

The Queen Mother finally couldn't help but stretched out her hand and knocked her on the head, saying: "Although the Ai family is outside the palace, a few spies must be placed to keep an eye on things in the palace, not to mention that you are very important to the emperor. So important."

Lin Bao covered her head and gave her a sad look. She said why Lian Che always liked to hit her on the head. Love is hereditary!

However, remembering what the Queen Mother had just said, she couldn't help but be a little confused. She blinked and asked, "What do you mean by that? - Did Lian Che know me before?"

Hearing this, the Queen Mother shook her head, with a trace of sadness in her eyes, and said: "Your Majesty, I knew that I was engaged to you before, but I have never met you. How can I know you?"

Hearing this, she became even more confused and confused, but then she heard the Queen Mother continue: "Your marriage contract was made by the late emperor. Firstly, Aijia and your mother are close friends. Secondly, it can also consolidate the future." What the Ai family didn’t expect about the royal son’s status is—”

At this point, she paused, sighed, and said: "The Ai family has never thought that the grievances of our generation would cause the emperor's lifelong unhappiness—"

Lin Bao listened attentively to what she said next, and he finally understood the general idea - it turned out that Concubine Qi was unwilling to give birth to a miscarriage, so she treated Lian Che, who was just one month old, but when he found out that the poison had already taken root, he was executed. Not long ago, Concubine Qi also cast a vicious curse, leaving Lian Che with no heirs forever.

After listening to the Queen Mother's words, Lin Bao felt a little bitter in his heart. He raised his eyes and asked, "So, does it mean that Lian Che really won't have any heirs in the future?"

The Queen Mother shook her head, with some tears overflowing from her eyes, she held her hand and said: "The former Imperial Master once sacrificed blood to heaven to break this curse, but to completely break it, a goddess must come to the world and be willing to work with the emperor. Let’s work together to rule the world, otherwise, when the emperor grows old, he will have no choice but to hand over the throne to others.”


Seeing the Queen Mother's excited expression, and recalling Lian Che's appearance during the previous full moons, she had already guessed something, but still asked: "You mean, I am that goddess?"

The Queen Mother nodded, "If you are not a goddess, once the emperor sleeps with other women, he will only end up dead."

Suddenly, Lin Bao felt a little scared, but also a little bit lucky. At that time, even Che didn't know that she was the so-called goddess, but he still took the risk and did such a thing to her. Does that mean that he really loves her? She reached the bone marrow

Lin Bao was a little moved, and held the Queen Mother's hand instead, saying: "Don't worry, I will always be by Lian Che's side."

Hearing what she said, the Queen Mother finally felt relieved. She took out a handkerchief and wiped her face. With a joyful look in her eyes, she said, "I guess the Emperor doesn't know that you are Wanyan, so the Ai family will send someone to tell him." ”

When Lin Bao heard this, he quickly grabbed the Queen Mother's hand and said hurriedly: "Queen Mother, I'd better wait until I talk to him about this in person, otherwise I'm afraid he will be angry."

-Because he hated deception and betrayal the most, and she remembered these very clearly.

The Queen Mother could only nodded, sniffed, took her hand, and said, "Why don't you and the Ai family have lunch here before leaving?"


She responded, although she thought that Lian Che might not agree to her staying here, but she was really hungry at the moment. Besides, this was the message from the Queen Mother. How could he, a son, still disobey her own relatives? Mother

Thinking of this, Lin Bao felt a little relieved.


When everyone saw the Queen Mother holding Lin Bao with a kind smile on her face, they were collectively shocked.

—Nima, is it possible that this father-in-law has some witchcraft? It actually made the usually indifferent emperor and queen mother happy. It was simply a great news in the palace!

The Queen Mother happily took Lin Bao to sit at the dining table and personally took a piece of fish for her. Just as Lin Bao was about to eat, his stomach churned, he put down his chopsticks and ran out to vomit.

The palace people looked at each other and looked at each other. You must know that if you dare to be so presumptuous in front of the Queen Mother, you will be punished according to the palace rules!

The Queen Mother felt something bad when she saw her figure, and hurriedly followed her out. Then she looked at her with a pale face, holding on to a pillar and retching, as if she wanted to vomit but couldn't.

After a long while, Lin Bao finally regained his breath, looked at the Queen Mother, and gasped: "I made you laugh."

The Queen Mother patted her back gently, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, and when she saw that no one was around, she leaned into her ear and asked, "Has your monthly letter arrived this month?"

Lin Bao was confused, "It seems like he hasn't been here for a month."

The Queen Mother asked again: "Are you pregnant?"