Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 109: [109] I wonder if Miss Nian can give me the honor to talk to me alone


Lin Bao helplessly held his forehead and turned away, almost crying without tears - Miss Yan, why are you here again today!

"Hey, my father-in-law, it's so lively here today—"

Yan Chuchu raised her eyebrows and led several palace maids into the palace. Her eyes were fixed on Nian Ruyan, and the smile on her lips became brighter.

Lin Bao sighed, stood up, looked at Yan Chuchu, and laughed a few times, "I wonder what supplements the princess has brought today?"

Hearing this, Yan Chuchu showed a hint of apology and said with a smile: "I have to disappoint my father-in-law this time. I thought that my father-in-law was tired of taking supplements recently, so I simply came to talk to my father-in-law so that he would not be so lonely. ”

Lin Bao twitched the corner of his mouth - Damn, when did she say she was lonely? Even if Yan Chuchu doesn't come, the Queen Mother will come. If the Queen Mother doesn't come, Ruyan will come. If Ruyan doesn't come... well, Lian Che will come.

Therefore, she will not be lonely.

Looking at Lin Bao's eyes with a little unfamiliarity, Nian Ruyan stepped forward and took her arm, and said to Yan Chuchu: "Then what do you plan to say to your father-in-law?"

Seeing her protecting Lin Bao, a trace of surprise flashed across Yan Chuchu's eyes, but then she smiled again and stepped forward and said, "Of course I'm chatting with my father-in-law about some family matters and about my senior brother's childhood."

Her words were undoubtedly showing off how good her relationship with Lian Che was when they were young. If any other woman heard that her husband had been having a passionate relationship with another woman, she would definitely be jealous, but Lin Bao was But not.

She just frowned, her eyes full of trust, and said: "It's a pity that it happened in childhood. I don't know if the emperor remembers it as clearly as the princess does."

Yan Chuchu had long classified her into the category of popular young women. Who would have thought that her mind would still be so clear after hearing these words, and she couldn't help but feel a little sulky in her heart.

Xiahou Jinnian was choked by the smell of gunpowder and was a little out of breath. He glanced at Yan Chuchu, regained his nature as a little bully, and said, "May I ask the princess if she knows how to fight ants?"

Fighting ants

Yan Chuchu did not expect such an incident. In order to show her ladylike demeanor, she smiled and said: "I only used to catch grasshoppers with my senior brother when I was a child. I have never heard of ant fighting. I wonder if Mr. Xiahou can teach me." "Teach me how to fight ants?"

"Princess please—"

He opened his clothes and sat on the cushions, looking like a noble man. Yan Chuchu sat opposite him as he said.

Nian Ruyan frowned, leaned close to Lin Bao's ear, and whispered: "Sister Lin, what on earth is she going to do?"

- It is undeniable that this Yan Chuchu looks extremely hypocritical. Although she has the ladylike demeanor that a princess should have in every gesture, there is a disgusting aloofness in her bones.

Compared to Sister Lin, Nian Ruyan felt that this princess was really seeking death.

After listening to Xiahou Jinnian's talk about some ant fighting techniques, Yan Chuchu reached out and picked up the hay and started fighting ants with Xiahou Jinnian.

Different from fighting crickets, ants are light and barely feel when poked. If the poke is too hard, the ants will be killed. If poked lightly, the ants will climb up the hay. I have to say - this fighting of ants is It's a technical job. If it wasn't extremely boring, no one would bother doing it.

But now, this boring thing was played out by Xiahou Jinnian and Yan Chuchu.

After all, Yan Chuchu is a martial arts practitioner, and then Hayate secretly drives his inner strength to control the ants in the jade dish as he pleases, without caring about the final outcome of the ants.

Xiahou Jinnian was not to be outdone. Although he didn't know how to use a sword, he knew some military skills. Since she was cheating, why didn't he use a cover-up trick

Naturally, the two live treasures Nian Ruyan and Lin Bao didn't know about the two people's little moves. They only knew that the two of them were serious this time, so they watched them with concentration.

And when Lian Che came back, what he saw was this picture - "Everyone gathered to watch the ant fight" picture.

Someone in the palace saw him and was about to salute, but in order not to disturb them, he made a silent gesture, walked quietly behind Lin Bao, and put his hand on her shoulder.

Lin Bao was startled and suddenly turned his head to look. Seeing Lian Che coming, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his voice and asked, "Why are you here?"

"This is my bedroom, why don't I come." He felt a little funny and put his arm around her shoulders out of habit.

Nian Ruyan almost screamed when she saw the big hand that suddenly stretched out. She craned her neck to see that it was Lian Che and then breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing how close the two of them were, she quietly let go of Lin Bao's hand. His hand moved aside calmly.

—After all, this light bulb is not that easy to use!

Yan Chuchu on the side was having so much fun fighting that he naturally didn't notice Lian Che's arrival. He was about to let the ants in his hands bite the ants in Xiahou Jinnian's hands to death, when he saw Xiahou Jinnian suddenly stood up and said: "Emperor Biao. Brother, why are you here?”

"I'm a little worried, so come here and have a look." Lian Che said lightly, glancing at the panicked Yan Chuchu, then at the ant that was tortured to death by her, and couldn't help but frown.

Seeing him frowning, Xiahou Jinnian couldn't help but smile. He had achieved his goal and it was time to leave - "Since the emperor's cousin is here, it's time for Jinnian to go back and change the dressing -"

"You're already here, why don't we have dinner together? At the worst, we can ask the palace servants to bring your medicine here to exchange it." Lian Che pursed his lips and walked to the dining table with Lin Bao in his arms.

Seeing that his royal cousin had said so, Xiahou Jinnian couldn't refuse, so he had to ask his little follower to go back to get the medicine, while he walked behind like smoke.

Glancing at the lovable Lin Bao, he pursed his lips, turned around and said, "When did you have such a good relationship with that dead... Baozi?"

"Do you care?" Nian Ruyan stared straight ahead, his face that had just begun to look like a beauty a little childish, but mostly arrogant.

Thinking of what he saw and heard today, he couldn't help but be a little stunned. After thinking for a long time, he turned around and asked: "Dare you ask me, girl, are you still as young as Yan Ruyan?"

Nian Ruyan only found it a little funny, and finally turned to look at him and said, "Xiahou Jinnian, do you mean that if I stop pestering you, I will no longer be Nian Ruyan?"

-Actually, this is not what Xiahou Jinnian meant, but what Nian Ruyan said when he first came to the capital and saw Xiahou Jinnian - "Xiahou Jinnian, if I don't pester you, I won't be Nian Ruyan." "

But now that I think about it, she is indeed Nian Ruyan, but she is no longer the same Nian Ruyan.

Xiahou Jinnian shrugged, sat down with her at the dining table, and said, "Nian Ruyan, don't speak so bluntly, I am doing this for the sake of your and my innocence."


She turned her head and saw that he was always looking at Lin Bao intentionally or unintentionally. Thinking of what he said to Lin Bao when he was drunk before, she felt a little funny in her heart.

However, it was just funny now because she believed what Sister Lin said.


Because Lin Bao is currently pregnant, and is only two months old, and the condition of the fetus is not yet stable, so he is very particular about his diet, and the meals at Chaoyang Palace are all made according to the taste of pregnant women.

Lin Bao also heard from Eunuch An that in order to take good care of the child in her belly, Lian Che specially invited an experienced mother from outside the palace to work with the chef in the imperial dining room to prepare meals for her pregnant women.

At first, she also felt that it was a bit of a fuss. She wanted to ask the Queen Mother to persuade Lian Che together, but she did not expect that this time, the Queen Mother actually helped Lian Che to persuade her to peacefully raise the baby and not to interfere with other matters.

Looking at the plain meal in front of him, Lin Bao didn't have much appetite. After a few mouthfuls of vegetables, he didn't want to use his chopsticks anymore.

Seeing this, Lian Che frowned and said, "If you eat so little, what if you get hungry at night?"

"Then let's eat it tonight. I have no appetite at all now." She pretended to be pitiful and coquettish at the same time, wearing a father-in-law's uniform without any sense of disobedience.

Lian Che looked at her with a headache, scooped some chicken soup into a bowl himself, put it in front of her, and said, "Then drink this bowl of soup, and I will allow you to go to bed."

Well, it was just a bowl of chicken soup anyway, no big deal.

Lin Bao took a deep breath, raised his head with the chicken soup in hand and drank it in one sip. Then he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, stood up happily and said, "Then I'm going to bed."

Lian Che smiled, looked at her feet, and said, "Be careful."

Lin Bao didn't know how many times she had heard these words. She just felt a little bored. She covered her ears with her hands and ran back to the side hall. A group of palace people followed behind her and shouted at her: "Eunuch, please slow down-"

Seeing this, Nian Ruyan couldn't help but feel envious and whispered: "If any man treats me so well in the future, I will definitely tie him up and be my husband!"

Hearing this, Xiahou Jinnian snorted coldly: "Hey, even if you like others, they may not like you."

"Xiahou Jinnian, will you die if you say one more word?"

Nian Ruyan waved her chopsticks, picked up her fist and was about to hit him.

Xiahou Jinnian was naturally not stupid enough to be beaten by her, so he snatched it away in a flash, stretched out a hand to touch her head, and said: "What I said is the truth, otherwise you just wait and see!"

"Huh!" Nian Ruyan snorted, swatted his hand away, moved her butt, and sat aside.

Lian Che looked at the two of them with a strange color flashing in his eyes.

Yan Chuchu was eating the food without any taste at the side. Looking at the appearance of Nian Ruyan and Xiahou Jinnian, she suddenly raised her lips and smiled.


Nian Ruyan, who had had dinner, was sitting at the door of Chaoyang Palace, waiting for someone from Nian Mansion to pick her up, but she didn't expect that instead of waiting for someone from Nian Mansion, she waited for Yan Chuchu.

Looking at the already dark sky, she frowned, looked at Yan Chuchu walking towards her, and said, "I wonder if Miss Nian would be kind enough to chat with me alone?"

She pursed her lips, looked at the palace people around her, and nodded.