Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 113: [113] Senior brother, you can only be mine


Lin Bao watched the boy walk up to Nan Jing, leaned over to his ear, and whispered something, and Nan Jing's face suddenly turned ugly.

Just as she was wondering, she saw Nan Jing stand up suddenly and give a few instructions to the maid on the side. Then he turned to her and said, "Go back first, I have something to deal with."

Something's wrong

Lin Bao was about to ask him when he could go back, but he saw him turn around and leave quickly.

The maid just now stepped forward and said respectfully: "Miss Lin, follow Ah Shui to the side room to rest."


- Peat, she just came out, and it’s broad daylight, why should she rest

Lin Bao refused to leave, lying on the table and watching the servants put away all the food. He turned to look at Ah Shui and said, "Do you know where your master has gone?"

Ah Shui nodded, "Servants are not allowed to reveal the whereabouts of the master."


What a loyal servant!

Lin Bao twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Then do you know how long it will take for your master to come back? - If you know, then how long do you estimate it will take for your master to come back?"

Ah Shui replied calmly: "Servants are not allowed to speculate on the master's thoughts."


Can't she just ask casually

Lin Bao rolled his eyes and couldn't help but be a little surprised when he looked at the decoration of the dining room. Although it was not as good as the decoration of Chaoyang Palace, it was comparable to that of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

I have to admit, this villa is really great.

Although it looks good to the eyes, it is inevitable that you will get visual fatigue after watching for a long time. After a while, Lin Bao started shouting that she wanted to go out for a walk. Ah Shui couldn't even hold her back in such a posture, so she had to ask a few strong men to follow her out. to the dining room.

Walking on the antique corridor, Lin Bao felt much happier. However, just when she was about to go to a different courtyard to check out, she was stopped by Ah Shui: "Girl, please go back - "

"Why can't you go in?"

She blinked, tiptoed over Ah Shui's shoulders, and glanced at the courtyard behind her, with curiosity on her face.

—Is there any secret hidden in this other courtyard? Or is this a separate courtyard in Nanjing

Ah Shui stretched out his hand to stop her, and dragged her back without any explanation, and her strength was well controlled, which would only make it impossible for her to break free, but would not cause her any pain.

Lin Bao took care of the child in his belly, so he did not stubbornly disagree with her, but secretly made a small calculation in his heart.

—Hehe, since they wouldn't let her see it, she still wanted to see it!


"How's it going? Did you find it?"

Lian Che sat in front of the desk, rubbing his forehead with one hand and tapping the table with the other hand. His eyes were green, with some bloodshot eyes, and his brows were full of exhaustion.

Gu Rufeng frowned and said, "I still haven't found Miss Lin's whereabouts, but my subordinates did find out who the person who met Miss Lin was that day—"

Hearing this, Lian Che raised his eyes, his brows filled with anger, and said in a cold tone: "Who is it?"

Gu Rufeng was about to speak when he heard footsteps coming from outside the door. He and Lian Che looked at each other in tacit understanding for a second, and then hid behind the screen of the imperial study room.

"Knock knock knock—"

Lian Che sighed, raised his eyes to the door, and said, "Who is outside the door?"

"Back to the emperor, I am the maid of Chuyuan. The princess has prepared a family banquet tonight. I hope the emperor can come and have dinner with us." The little maid's voice was clear and pleasant.

He pursed his lips, "I still have important things to do, so I won't go."

"...Yes." The little maid sighed, turned and left.

After hearing the footsteps gradually disappearing, Gu Rufeng walked out from behind the screen, looked at Lian Che, pursed his lips, and said, "Master, the person who wanted to harm Miss Lin that day was Yan Chuchu."

Suddenly, Lian Che felt a little shocked, but it was reasonable. He rubbed his temples and said, "In your opinion, what should we do now?"

"In my opinion, we have to find Miss Lin first." Gu Rufeng said respectfully. The breeze blew through his bangs and revealed a shallow stab wound on his forehead.

Lian Che pursed his lips, nodded, waved his hand to ask him to step back, and said, "Send someone to check the activities of the Cangshan Sect in recent days."

-If people from the Nanshan Sect can't find Lin Bao, then it's only possible that people from the Cangshan Sect took away Lin Bao. But didn't that person know Lin Wanyan? Why did he take Lin Bao away? Could it be—

His pupils shrank, and an unknown premonition pressed into his heart.


Hearing the news from the maid, Yan Chuchu was a little angry, and immediately lost her appetite looking at the carefully prepared meals on the table.

"You all stand down, I will get drunk alone to relieve my worries!"

She waved her hand impatiently and reached out to pour a glass of wine.

The palace attendant on the side was trying to persuade her, but it was obvious that she was in a bad mood, and she did not dare to step forward to stop her, so she had to sigh, close the door, and wait outside the room.

After taking a sip of strong wine, Yan Chuchu only felt a little pleasure, so she simply took the wine jar on the side and drank directly, not caring about her image at this time.

She still hasn't figured out what's wrong with her. If she wasn't ordinary-looking when she was a child, he didn't notice her. But now she's pretty, so why does he still look down on her

If he said he didn't like women, but he still had feelings for someone like Lin Bao, wouldn't this be a deliberate attack on her

Thinking of Lin Bao, she became even more angry.

-Are all the men in the world blind? Everyone actually likes Lin Bao! Of course this is not the point. The point is that even Lin Bao’s love rival is looking towards her! Doesn't this indirectly show that she is not attractive

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She raised her head and took another sip. Perhaps she drank too much, and she was so spicy that she burst into tears.

"Senior brother...why don't you like me?"

She was lying on the table, her eyes full of tears, her cheeks flushed, her carefully dressed makeup was a little blurry, and she looked extremely embarrassed.

"Senior brother..."

She murmured, as if remembering something, she suddenly stood up and stumbled towards the door.

The palace people who were guarding outside couldn't help being a little shocked when they saw her like this, and they all rushed forward to pull her back. However, they never thought that she used her inner strength to knock all the palace people to the ground, and she ran out.

The palace servants who fell to the ground quickly got up from the ground, but when they chased them out, Yan Chuchu's figure had long disappeared.

Immediately, everyone in Chuyuan panicked and chased her out one after another - the princess was out and about, so everyone needs to be careful!

Yan Chuchu stumbled towards Chaoyang Palace, but she never thought that when she reached a fork in the road, she would go in the opposite direction and head straight out of the palace.

It happened that Nianhua had finished reviewing Xiahou Jinnian's homework and was about to get on the carriage to return to Nian's mansion. However, he didn't want to see Yan Chuchu who was unconscious and talking nonsense in the vast night.

—Strange, why is she here

Nianhua frowned, stepped forward to support her shaky body, reached out and patted her face, and said, "Princess, have you been drinking?"

Hearing this, Yan Chuchu burped, put her hands around his neck, kissed his lips, and said, "Senior brother... I finally found you..."

Senior brother

Nianhua pursed his lips and reached out to pull her away, but he didn't expect that her legs softened and she fell asleep in his arms.

The beauty was in his arms, but Nianhua felt a little disgusted. Remembering what he had said to her a few days ago, he had to leave his carriage and take her back to Chuyuan.

However, what Nianhua didn't expect was that just when he put Yan Chuchu on the bed, Yan Chuchu suddenly stood up, hugged his neck, kissed his lips, and restlessly placed her legs on his knees. Waiting in between.

Such actions are undoubtedly provocative.

Nian Hua's face darkened, and he was about to push her away, but she turned over and pressed him under her, stretched out her hands to pluck his clothes, and said with a silly smile: "Senior brother, you can only be mine!"

Seeing that most of her clothes had been taken off by her, Nian Hua panicked. He wanted to use his internal strength to push her away, but he couldn't use his strength, and his lower abdomen was still a little hot.

He couldn't help but wonder. He usually had good self-control, so why did he suddenly react like this

Suddenly, his eyes caught sight of the incense burning in the room, and he understood immediately.

—She actually clicked on the scent of love!

However, it was too late now. Yan Chuchu didn't see clearly who the person in front of her was, so she took the initiative to take off her clothes and make out with him.

Nian Hua finally couldn't help the desire under him, and his consciousness became increasingly unclear. He actually pressed her under him, leaned over and kissed her small lips.

Outside the house, a group of palace people looked at each other, no one dared to go in and stop them, leaving the spring light inside to be unlimited.


Seeing that it was getting dark, Lin Bao secretly took a candle and a box of matches and crawled out of the room along the vines beside the bed. Ah Shui and several young men who were guarding outside the room did not notice anything strange. .

The night road was a little dark, but Lin Bao thought that his night vision was relatively good, so he didn't use a match to light a candle for lighting, but went straight to the door of the other courtyard based on his memory.

Anyway, Nan Jing hasn't come back yet. Even if this is Nan Jing's room, there should be no one in it.

After checking that no one was following him, Lin Bao lit the candle and tiptoed into the other courtyard.

-By the way, what secrets are there in this courtyard? Why did Ah Shui look so frightened when he saw her about to go in? Is there something hidden inside

After thinking about it, she felt her heart beat faster and her spine felt a little eerie, as if someone was watching her from behind.

She raised her legs and stepped up the steps, walked to the door, and gently pushed the door open with her hand -


Lin Bao pursed his lips, but when he saw that there was not even a trace of dust in the room, he secretly guessed that someone might come here to clean it frequently.

She held her breath and walked slowly into the house. When she saw the kerosene lamp on the table, she lit the kerosene lamp with a candle. For a moment, the whole room suddenly became bright.

Looking at the furnishings in the house, Lin Bao guessed that this should be a woman's boudoir—