Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 120: [120] Baoer, I don’t just like you anymore[红


As if he didn't expect that she would ask this, Lian Che's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, her little face reflected in his pupils, and he finally sighed and said: "Bao'er, you will never know how big the harem is. ruthless."

Hearing this, Lin Bao couldn't help but be a little surprised, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he said: "Am I not in the harem now?"

—Or is he referring to what he experienced in the harem

However, at this moment, Lian Che suddenly stretched out his arms to hug her and said firmly: "Bao'er, although you are in the harem, I will not let you experience the intrigues in the harem like me. ”

- Because he hopes that she can always be so pure and beautiful in his eyes. If one day the big dye vat in the harem will really stain her, then he would rather let her go with that innocence, but now he decided to fight Try your best not to let her leave!

Feeling his sincerity, Lin Bao stretched out his hand and gently hugged his waist, put his little head against his chest, and whispered: "Lian Che, if one day I become bad, will you still be like this? like me?"

-meeting! of course!

Lian Che's hands couldn't help but exert some force, as if he wanted to rub her into her bones, but he did not dare to use too much force out of consideration for her body. Although his voice was a little hoarse, it was enough for her to hear clearly: "Bao'er, I don't just like you anymore."

Don't like it

Lin Bao was startled, but then he heard him continue: "When you disappeared, I would panic and look for you everywhere, but if I couldn't find you, my heart would hurt so much that it didn't feel like it was my own." When I saw you come back, I couldn't help but want to hug you, and I felt inexplicably excited and happy. However, it was not just that. If something happened to you one day, I would not hesitate. Even if I can’t exchange my life for you, I will still go with you—"

Unexpectedly, before the last word "death" came out of his mouth, his lips were blocked by her fingers. The warmth of her fingertips came to his lips. For the first time, Lian Che felt that he was touching her. So wonderful.

Lin Bao pursed his lips, retracted his fingers, raised his eyes to look at him, with a little mist in his eyes, and said: "Lian Che, don't say that word casually in the future, okay? Just treat it... just treat it as a promise. As long as you are here, protect me and don’t let anything happen to me, okay?”

-This way, he will not have anything to do with that word.

Lian Che nodded as he was told, as if he remembered something, a flash of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared.

-Bao'er, no matter what, we will stay together for the rest of our lives.


In recent days, Lian Che has been very busy because of Nian Hua and Yan Chuchu's affairs. The occasional time to visit Lin Bao is a break from his busy schedule, and the time spent with her during the day is naturally made up at night.

Therefore, it can be said that Lian Che has not rested on the same bed as Lin Bao for several nights.

Although Lin Bao also suggested that she go to the Imperial Study Room to sleep with him, or Lian Che brought the memorial to Chaoyang Palace, so that after reviewing the memorial, he could continue sleeping with her in his arms. However, Lian Che refused without even thinking.

The reason for rejecting the former was because Lin Bao was not suitable for walking around much, and the bed in the imperial study room was not as comfortable as the bed in Chaoyang Palace. Even if Lin Bao was willing, the baby in her belly always hoped that her mother could sleep well. Better

And rejecting the latter was purely because Lian Che was too lazy to move things around, and some of the memorials were secret documents from the imperial court and should not be moved. If they were moved to the Chaoyang Palace, let alone the contents of the memorials being seen by others. , it is quite possible for someone to steal it.

Seeing Lian Che's insistence, Lin Bao couldn't object, so he had to let him go. After all, now that sister Ruyan has moved in with her, how can she feel lonely.

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard Nian Ruyan beside her say in a dull voice: "Sister Lin, do you think that if the news that we sleep in the same bed gets out, will I still be able to get married?"

-After all, Lin Bao's current identity is still a father-in-law, and Nian Ruyan is just a young girl who has just started to fall in love. People who know it don't think it's good that they are best friends and sleep in the same bed, but people who don't know it are extremely nonsense. It's possible.

But - "It's okay, this news will never spread." Lin Bao patted his chest and said, looking determined.

Hearing this, Nian Ruyan couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. She turned over on the bed, resting her arm on her pillow. She looked at Lin Bao and said, "Is it because of the emperor's brother?"

Lin Bao nodded and said: "As long as your emperor brother is here, whoever dares to spread this news will definitely not want to live."

Nian Ruyan felt that it made sense. Thinking of Lian Che's appearance today, he couldn't help but feel a little scared. He shrank into her arms and then said, "Sister Lin, why do you trust the Emperor so much?"

After hearing this, Lin Bao, who had never been literary and artistic, took a rare moment to be artistic. He reached out and pinched her face and said: "If one day you find someone worth paying for, then you will believe in him." ”

Worth the effort

The uninitiated Nian Ruyan blinked in confusion, feeling that what she said was too profound, but looking at her intoxicated look, he guessed a lot, and said, "By the way, Sister Lin, Now I'm ignoring Brother Jinnian as you said, so what do you think I should do next?"

Lin Bao twitched the corner of his mouth, and it turned out to be "beauty is in the eyes of lovers, and nicknames are called by lovers"!

Glancing at the innocent and eager-to-learn kid Ruyan, Lin Bao cleared his throat and lowered his voice and said, "Now, just continue to ignore him. He will definitely come to you intentionally or unintentionally, but you still don't want to ignore him." , wait until he is discouraged, then talk to him again, so that he can know what it means to be "separate".

—You know, she learned this method from the romance novel that Lian Che borrowed for her.

Nian Ruyan nodded thoughtfully, adding a little more confidence in her heart. However, thinking of what Yan Chuchu had said to her before, she became a little discouraged and had to ask: "Sister Lin, do you think Brother Jinnian will be really good then?" Will you like me?"

Lin Bao nodded, patted her shoulder and said, "Believe me, as long as you are patient, you will definitely wait until the day he likes you."


Somehow, Nian Ruyan had a strange feeling.

—How wonderful it would be if we could really wait until the day when brother Jinnian likes her.


After staying in the palace for a few days, the canonization ceremony of Nianhua was held not long after. After all, this was the first canonization ceremony for a prince with a foreign surname in the history of the country. Although some ministers were reluctant, they still went to the Temple of Heaven to pay tribute to Nianhua. A grand ceremony was held.

Lin Bao originally wanted to go, after all, there must be a lot of food at the ceremony, but even Che refused to agree, firstly because she was pregnant and would have a miscarriage if she was not careful, and secondly because The ministers already knew a little bit about their affair. If Lin Bao appeared at the ceremony, he would undoubtedly be looking for abuse!

After hearing Lian Che's analysis, Lin Bao didn't dare to go, so he had to sit alone in the Chaoyang Palace, drink tonics and bask in the sun to pass the time.

But Nian Ruyan is not as leisurely as she is. After all, Nianhua is going to be crowned king. She is Nianhua's sister after all. Even if she is not a princess, she is still a princess, and the princess will attend the ceremony of crowning the king, and she will attend with the princess. In fact, there is not much difference in the King Ceremony, except that the costumes have changed a bit, and the other etiquette is almost the same.

In order not to embarrass her brother, Nian Ruyan, who has always been a tomboy, behaved like a lady at the ceremony. Seeing how ladylike she was, the ministers all said compliments, and even said the same thing to her. Nian Hua made a joke and said that he was willing to let his son marry Nian Ruyan as his wife.

When Nian Ruyan, who heard everyone talking about her ladylike and quiet character, smiled stiffly at the corners of her mouth, she secretly muttered - you ignorant ministers!

Just when a certain court official started asking Nian Ruyan to be his daughter-in-law, Xiahou Jinnian beside him became uneasy and stepped forward to drag her away. He had the usual bully temper. After all, he was the Queen Mother's wife. My nephew, everyone couldn't say anything, and they all tried to smooth things over, as if the scene just now had never happened at all.

Nian Ruyan, who was dragged far away by Xiahou Jinnian, couldn't help but shake off his hand, frowning and said: "Xiahou Jinnian, why are you so crazy!"

- Could it be that, as Sister Lin said, he didn't take any medicine again today

Xiahou Jinnian felt a little baffled by her yelling like this. Even he himself didn't know why he got sulky and dragged her out of the crowd. Looking at her dissatisfied look, he was slightly annoyed: "Why, Ben?" Young Master saved you, aren’t you happy yet?”


Nian Ruyan rolled her eyes, put her hands on her hips, looked up at him slightly, and said, "Xiahou Jinnian, you just hope that this girl can't get married, don't you?"

"So, you really want to marry the sons of those court officials?" He narrowed his eyes slightly, with a little anger in his brows.

Nian Ruyan, who originally didn't want to quarrel with him, somehow got angry in her heart and said, "Yes, I just want to marry someone as their daughter-in-law, but what can you do? Anyway, I don't like you now!" "

Suddenly, Xia Hou Jinnian felt a slight pain at the tip of his heart. She was obviously right. She wanted to marry him and he had nothing to do with it. But when he heard her say the three words "I don't like", he actually... I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart!

Strange, what happened to him

Seeing that he didn't respond, Nian Ruyan felt that there was no need to stay any longer, so she had to turn around and walk back.

But halfway through, she realized that someone seemed to be chasing her.