Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 125: [125] See your mother


I saw Yan Chuchu wearing a red hijab, nodding slightly, holding Nianhua's hand with some force, maybe because she was too nervous -

Seeing the newlyweds standing still in front of them, the master of ceremonies shouted loudly from the side: "Bow down to heaven and earth!"

Nian Hua and Yan Chuchu slowly turned around, faced the entrance of the palace, and bowed in a proper manner. The virtuous and perfect movements must have been learned and practiced many times in the palace. After all, This is the first wedding of the first king of Lien Kingdom with a foreign surname, so nothing can go wrong.

Seeing the two of them turning around, the master of ceremonies shouted again: "Two bows to the high hall!"

The two of them turned around and bowed to Lian Che who was sitting in the high hall. However, the moment Nian Hua raised his head, Lin Bao caught a bit of loneliness in his eyes. But wait and see When she looked carefully, his eyes were empty, with nothing in them.

—Aren’t Nianhua happy at all

Just as he was wondering, he heard the master of ceremonies say again: "Husband and wife bow to each other!"

As soon as the sound fell, the two of them bowed down again in a proper manner. Looking at their fiery red wedding clothes and recalling the way they saluted, Lin Bao suddenly remembered the saying "The husband tills the land, and the wife tills it." Afterwards, we share joys and sorrows and respect each other as guests." But why does she feel that Nian Hua and Yan Chuchu don't seem to have the intimacy and understanding that a couple should have

"It's done!"

The emcee's shouts and the guests' thunderous applause interrupted Lin Bao's thoughts. When he came back to his senses, he saw Yan Chuchu reluctantly letting go of Nianhua's hand, supported by Xi Niang, and walked into the already arranged room. The bridal chamber.

Nianhua, on the other hand, was led to toast by the guests, with a gentle smile raised at the corner of his mouth, but the smile did not penetrate deep into his eyes.

While toasting, the food was also served. Everyone drank wine for Nian Hua and ate the food to their heart's content. However, Lian Che didn't seem very interested, so they had to send someone to invite Lian Che to show their sincerity. Lian Che had no choice but to go to one of the tables and eat with them.

Lin Bao followed him and planned to go there together. Unexpectedly, a palace servant serving food happened to pass by them. Lin Bao had to stand there and wait for the palace people to pass by before following him, while walking in front. Lian Che didn't notice anything strange behind him.

However, at this moment, a palace servant who walked by her suddenly knocked over the plate, took out a shiny dagger from his sleeve and swung it at Lin Bao.

—Nima, is this an assassination attempt

Lin Bao was about to scream when she saw the bright dagger piercing her lower abdomen. Just when she turned sideways and was about to snatch it away, she heard a "clang--" and the person who assassinated her fell to the ground together with the dagger, and she He was also picked up by someone in the air.

—Emma, has the legendary savior arrived

She looked up and could only see the man's pointed chin and some stubble. Before she could react, she was already taken out of the palace by the hero who rescued her.

Although he left the palace, the man did not stop and hurriedly shuttled over the eaves with her in his arms, with a face full of anger and a hint of uneasiness and panic.

Lin Bao looked puzzled at his unfamiliar face, and the countless unfamiliar faces and the same person's voice in her mind reminded her of one fact, "Are you Nan Jing?"

The man's body stiffened slightly, his steps paused slightly, he glanced at her, and continued to leap forward, his thin lips slightly parted, "You'd better not talk to me. If you can't catch up later, don't blame me!"

Can't catch up

What can't be caught up with

Lin Bao blinked and continued to ask: "Where are you taking me?"

"Meet your mother!"

Just three words broke Lin Bao's inner peace!


Hearing this sound, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked around, only to see a palace man lying on the ground groaning in pain, with broken plates and a shining dagger beside him.

The palace man on the side who was frightened half to death shouted: "Bao, Eunuch Bao is missing!"

Suddenly, everyone panicked. The palace officials dropped what they were doing and started looking among the crowd, while the guests sat up one after another and looked at Lian Che with a helpless look on his face.

Gu Rufeng, who was hiding in the dark, came out with his chest covered, his face a little ugly, and said: "Master, someone attacked my subordinates and took the father-in-law in that direction -"

After saying that, he pointed.

Seeing this, Lian Che took a step forward and chased after him. Nian Hua looked at Xiao Fuzi who was lying on the ground and already guessed how much he had. He got up and chased after Gu Rufeng.

Seeing that the emperor and the groom were chasing after him, all the guests could not sit still. Everyone who had Qinggong also chased after him. Some of the secret guards who received the news chased after him, while others stayed to deal with the aftermath.

Nian Ruyan, who was on the side, was secretly drinking wine. When the palace servants said that Lin Bao was missing, she quickly sat up and was about to catch up when she saw Xiahou Jinnian grabbing her wrist. The young man's face was full of expressions. Be serious.

She was confused, "What are you doing! Let go quickly, I have to go find Sister Lin!"

"Looking for? Do you think it will be useful if you go? The top priority is that we must stabilize the situation first!" He said confidently, his beautiful eyes full of seriousness, and this kind of seriousness was something Nian Ruyan could not refuse.

She poked half of her head out to take a look at the chaotic scene, swallowed, and said: "Just the two of us? - Forget it, we are just kids, no one will listen to us, so don't worry about it Take it for granted."

-Although she is used to being overbearing on weekdays, of course she knows that this situation is different from the past fights, and there are so many civil servants here, and a child like her can be poisoned to death with just a word.

However, Xiahou Jinnian thought that they were not children. He took her hand and walked up to the high hall. He looked at everyone with dignity and said coldly: "Quiet!"

As soon as the words fell, the originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet. Everyone had a disdainful expression of "What are you doing up there?" Looking at their eyes like that, Nian Ruyan flinched a little, but when he turned his head and glanced, Xiahou Jinnian was like He looked confident, and his whole body exuded a sense of arrogance.

There was a faint shadow of a leader in his appearance.

Nian Ruyan was so stunned that he forgot to run away for a moment and just stared at him blankly.

Everyone saw that they had no intention of coming down, and they were all a little impatient. Finally, someone shouted: "What are the two little brats standing up there for? - Why don't you palace people go find the Queen Mother to take charge of the overall situation?"

In the hearts of everyone, the status and prestige of the Queen Mother was naturally much higher than that of Xiahou Jinnian and Nian Ruyan, so many people mobilized to find the Queen Mother.

Xia Houjin raised his eyebrows, pulled out his sword from his waist, and threw it at the entrance of the palace, blocking the way of the palace people. He looked at the person who was making noises and said in a cold voice: "Auntie the Queen Mother Doesn’t Shangshu Lin know why he didn’t come today?”

This statement caused an uproar.

Everyone looked at each other and then remembered that the Queen Mother did not appear at the ceremony today. The reason was naturally because it was the Queen Mother's fast day and she needed to recite sutras in the Buddhist hall for a day without anyone disturbing her.

Lin Shangshu saw that Xiahou Jinnian, who was not yet older than his own son, dared to teach him a lesson. He couldn't help but became angry and said: "Even if we can't invite the Queen Mother, it's not your turn to make the decision! The most urgent thing is to find the emperor!" "

Hearing this, Xiahou Jinnian snorted coldly. Although the sound was not very loud, it was enough for Lin Shangshu, who was five meters away, to hear, "Lin Shangshu, you keep saying that I can't make the decision, then you can sit back and make the decision. Well? - Logically speaking, I am the nephew of the Queen Mother and the cousin of the Emperor, so my status is higher than yours, right? "

In an instant, Lin Shangshu's face could be said to be uglier than if he had eaten a fly.

Everyone looked at Xiahou Jinnian with extremely shocked eyes. After all, before this, they all believed that Xiahou Jinnian was a good-for-nothing and a playboy, but now his appearance was clearly that of a ruler. spirit!

Just when everyone was dumbfounded, Xiahou Jinnian raised his hand to signal for Eunuch An to come forward, leaned over to his ear and spoke a few words in detail. Then he took out a token from his arms and shouted loudly: He said: "I believe all the ministers recognize this token, right? - Since this token is in my hands, why don't you just obey my orders!"

When everyone looked at the token, they all knelt on the ground.

—You know, that token is a sign of the Queen Mother’s personal presence!

Taking this opportunity, Xiahou Jinnian ordered the palace people to clean up the scene in an orderly manner, and ordered the guests to continue eating.

Walking down the high hall, Nian Ruyan looked at Xiahou Jinnian blankly, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Thinking of what happened today, Nian Ruyan sighed in annoyance. If she had known that the ominous premonition a few days ago was foreshadowing this incident, she should have paid close attention to Sister Lin, but... she now Why do you always feel like something else is going to happen


Along the way, Lin Bao's mind was dizzy. It was not until Nan Jing took her to a small farmyard outside the city that she finally regained consciousness.

Looking at the men in black standing at the door, Lin Bao guessed that these might be Nan Jing's men. Sure enough, when he walked up, he saw all the men in black leaning down to salute and respectfully said: "Young Master—"

Nan Jing pursed her lips, ignored them, and led Lin Bao into the small courtyard.

In the courtyard, there were several chickens chasing each other and playing; under the tree, there was a stone table and several stone benches; under the eaves, there was a big yellow dog lying down and taking a nap. This picture can be said to be very warm and simple.

-Then... is this where her mother lives

Lin Bao's steps paused slightly, and then he looked at Nan Jing pulling him into the house.

Inside the house, there were only some simple furniture like ordinary people's homes. But what shocked Lin Bao was that there were a group of people standing in front of the bed beside him, including Lin Xingzhou and Lin Wanchen—