Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 128: [128] Brother, can you take me secretly into the palace?


Hearing this, Lin Wanchen smiled, put his arms around her thin shoulders, raised his eyes to look at Lin Xingzhou, and said, "Dad, Wanyan is weak and cannot withstand this feather duster. I'll take it for Wanyan."

Lin Xingzhou couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the deep love between the two brothers. He sighed bitterly, threw the feather duster on the table, raised his eyes to Lin Wanyan, and said, "I'm not allowed to leave the house in the future. I'll just stay in the boudoir." , Let’s talk about it when we get married.”


Lin Bao suddenly remembered that she and Lian Che were still engaged! But she hasn't had time to tell Lian Che her identity yet. What if Lian Che breaks off the engagement then? —Is it possible that she needs to tell the truth to her father

Glancing at the feather duster on the table, Lin Bao gave up his thoughts, raised his eyes and said timidly: "Dad, can I go to the palace to meet the emperor?"

"What are you seeing! The emperor is doting on that little eunuch now. How can he have time to see you? If one day that little eunuch falls into my hands, I won't take care of him! A mere eunuch can actually bewitch the emperor. , His ancestor must be the reincarnation of an evildoer!" Lin Xingzhou said angrily.

Lin Bao felt a little guilty after hearing this. He swallowed and stared at his slightly protruding belly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

—Nima, what if her father really found out that she was that little eunuch one day? Wouldn't her father break her legs

Forget it, for the sake of her own legs, it was better not to take this risk, but now that she couldn't see Lian Che, she didn't dare to let anyone help her deliver the message, let alone let her carry the message. What if Lian Che really broke off the engagement? Is it worth it

- She doesn't have the guts to run around with a ball. Her pregnancy will show up soon, and won't her reputation be completely ruined by then

After thinking about it, Lin Bao sighed.

Lin Xingzhou didn't pay attention to her slightly protruding belly. He waved his hands and sighed for them to go out, saying that he wanted to have some quiet time by himself.

After walking out of the study, Lin Bao hesitated for a while, then reached out and grabbed Lin Wanchen's clothes, bit his lower lip and said pitifully: "Brother, can you secretly take me into the palace?"

"What are you doing in the palace?" Lin Wanchen frowned.

Lin Bao lowered his head, not daring to look into his eyes, and said, "I want to see the emperor and talk to him about something."

"Are you still thinking about breaking off the engagement?" Lin Wanchen sighed and rubbed his forehead with a headache.

break off an engagement

Lin Bao raised her eyes to look at Lin Wanchen. Judging from his appearance, she must have misunderstood. She quickly explained: "No, no, I really have something to tell the emperor, but it is definitely not about breaking off the engagement."

—Nima, if she still thinks about breaking off the engagement now, wouldn’t the child in her belly have no father

Lin Wanchen couldn't help but feel suspicious when he looked at her appearance. You must know that his sister was indifferent to her marriage before she fell into the water, and she had not seen the emperor for fifteen years, but now she asked to see Lian Che. , doesn’t that mean what happened with the emperor during the days when she disappeared

Thinking about it, he narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Wanyan, have you met the emperor?"

Suddenly, Lin Bao was startled and quickly shook his head and said: "How could I have seen the emperor?"

—If she said that she had met the emperor, it would definitely make Lin Wanchen suspicious!

"Then why do you sound like you know the emperor?" He looked into her eyes suspiciously. There were twinkling stars in those clear deer-like eyes, and his eyes were evasive, as if she had done something wrong.

Who wouldn't be suspicious after seeing her look like this

Hearing this, Lin Bao pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and said: "Brother, no matter what, the emperor is the one I want to marry, but now that he is so close to a young eunuch, I should go into the palace to be with him." Let him talk."

—Well, she admitted, this reason was too far-fetched.

Lin Wanchen was doubtful about her words, but thinking about his father's temper, he still sighed, shook his head, and said: "Wanyan, it's not that my brother won't help you, you also know my father's temper, if I help you , I’m afraid both of our legs will be broken.”

—I still remember that after Wan Yan fell into the water, he insisted on taking her out to eat delicious food, but his father refused, so the brother and sister had to sneak out of the corner. As a result, his father found out about it and said nothing. He arranged a blind date for him. As for Wanyan, his father went directly to the palace to ask the emperor to marry her as soon as possible.

I have to admit that his father has the most stubborn temper in this house.

Hearing what Lin Wanchen said, Lin Bao couldn't hold on. After all, he had saved her a life just now. He couldn't ask others to risk their lives to help him now, right

Lin Bao lowered his head in frustration and said dullly: "Then Wanyan won't bother brother."

"It's okay. When dad calms down in the future, I will go with you to beg dad for mercy." Lin Wanchen rubbed her head lovingly, and his handsome face, which had always been cold and unruly, revealed a rare tenderness.

His words made Lin Bao feel a little better. Looking at Yingchun walking quickly from the side, she said goodbye to Lin Wanchen and returned to her Nuange with Yingchun.


After taking a bath and having a meal, Lin Bao sat in front of the dressing table in his underwear, leaning on the table with his elbows and supporting his chin with his hands. He looked at his own appearance in the bronze mirror and couldn't help but be stunned.

Yingchun poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Lin Bao, and said with a smile: "What is the lady thinking about? She is so obsessed with it."

Suddenly coming back to his senses, Lin Bao sighed, straightened up and looked at the cup of hot tea. Just as he was about to take it, he suddenly remembered that he was still pregnant. He retracted his hand and said, "Yingchun, don't serve me tea in the future." Now, change it to warm water.”

After the voice fell, Yingchun looked at the tea he had carefully brewed in confusion, and asked strangely: "But didn't the young lady like to drink tea the most in the past? - Or is it that the tea brewed by Yingchun is not to the young lady's taste?"

Suddenly, Lin Bao was stunned, and then he remembered that Lin Wanyan's favorite thing in his life was drinking tea. He once heard someone mention that Lin Wanyan was a talented girl in the capital, and she was proficient in all eighteen kinds of martial arts, especially When it comes to tea tasting, she can be said to be the master among masters.

Let's not talk about Lin Bao's stubbornness in drinking tea as if she were drinking boiled water. Even if she wants to pretend, she has to worry about her own health. After all, pregnant women are better off drinking less tea.

After thinking about it, she smiled awkwardly and said, "Actually, since I fell into the water, I have no interest in tea. On the contrary, I think this warm water still has some flavor."


Yingchun wondered, and resigned herself to taking the hot tea and replacing it with warm water. Strangely enough, before her daughter fell into the water, she was a quiet lady. She rarely spoke on weekdays, and the expression on her face was even more so. It was pitifully small, but since she fell into the water, her whole person seemed to have changed. If it weren't for the cinnabar mole on her earlobe, she would really suspect that her daughter had been replaced.

When Yingchun replaced the hot water and brought it to him, Lin Bao drank a few big gulps and ordered them to leave.

After carefully closing the door, Lin Bao took out Lin Wanyan's diary from the pillowcase and read it carefully under the candlelight.

In fact, she didn't know Lin Wanyan had the habit of writing a diary at first, but after falling into the water, she accidentally dug out the diary in Lin Wanyan's bookcase. In order to prevent the diary from being taken away, she I had to put it in a thick pillowcase.

Last time, she only saw Lin Wanyan talking about what happened when her mother left. Now she is going to read them all so that she can understand what Lin Wanyan has experienced in her life, so as to avoid her being a gangster in the future.

Thinking about it, she turned to the part she had read last time and her eyes fell on the next page.

In fact, Lin Wanyan didn't record many things every day, and Lin Bao didn't know much about these ancient characters. He could barely understand what she wrote after even guessing, and he read about dozens of pages. Looks like Lin Bao finally found the bright spot!

—It turns out that Lin Wanyan and Nan Jing were really together!

According to Lin Wanyan's narration, the above simply described the scene where the two of them met in a busy city. At that time, thieves were rampant and stole Lin Wanyan's purse when she was not paying attention. Just when I was about to give up, Nanjing appeared—

Just like a cliché romantic drama, a hero saves a beauty. In order to express his gratitude, Lin Wanyan planned to invite Nan Jing to dinner, but Nan Jing was cold-hearted and refused to agree. At this time, the servant came to find him. In desperation, Lin Wanyan invited Nan Jing to dinner. I had no choice but to buy a bunch of candied haws and stuff it into his hand and leave in a hurry.

Later, Nan Jing and Lin Wanyan always met on the street, and their relationship became familiar as time went by. However, just when the two were falling in love with each other, Nan Jing made a request to stay away from each other until they die.

Lin Wanyan was puzzled in every possible way, but never saw Nan Jing again. Later, Lin Wanyan found out that she was engaged and stopped missing Nan Jing.

However, at this moment, a woman named Wen Su appeared. It is said that she was Nan Jing's junior sister. When she heard that Lin Wanyan and Nan Jing were close, she made trouble for Lin Wanyan again and again, and even once A killer was hired to ride a horse on the street, preparing to hit Fei Lin Wanyan.

But Nan Jing appeared at this time and took Lin Wanyan back to Xiaoyao Villa.

After staying for a while, there was a lot of commotion in the capital, so Nan Jing had no choice but to send Lin Wanyan back. Lin Wanyan had no record of what happened after that.

Looking at the date above, Lin Bao calculated with his fingers that an accident happened half a month after Lin Wanyan was sent back by Nan Jing.

I think that when Nan Jing made such a request, it must have been the time when she knew her life experience. But this was not what shocked Lin Bao. She did not expect that Wen Su was actually Nan Jing's junior sister!

But Wen Su is obviously the spy around the Queen Mother, so she should be from the Nanshan sect, but why is she Nan Jing's junior sister? Is it true that as Wen Su said when she came down from the mountain, she was kicked out six years ago

But it's even more wrong to think about it this way. If Wen Su was kicked out six years ago, why did he have a dispute with Lin Wanyan before she fell into the water