Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 138: [138] Shengsheng disappeared


Thinking of this, Lin Bao felt a little stunned in his heart. If he didn't know their whereabouts, did he also know that she had given birth to two babies for him? If he didn't know, would he marry someone else

Lin Bao pursed his lips, afraid to think any more.

Listening to her words, Nan Jing's heart trembled slightly. Looking at her lowered eyes, he sighed and said: "Wanyan, if I had known this, I shouldn't have brought you back in the first place, but now that I have brought you If you come back, I can't go back on my word, so I still say the same thing - unless he comes to take you back in person, I won't tell you about him. "

After a moment of silence, she raised her eyes and asked, "Why?"

-She didn’t completely lose her memory, but she had no memory about that person. She could still remember some scattered memories, such as that he took her to Xiaoyao Villa, and that he took her to see their biological mother. .

But she couldn't put these things together completely. No matter how she asked, he never revealed anything.

Lin Bao didn't know what he was thinking. Now because of his words, her thoughts became more determined - she wanted to take her two babies to find him in person!

After thinking about it, Lin Bao stood up in disappointment and said: "Then... brother, you have a good rest."

After that, she turned around and walked out.

Nan Jing looked at her back and felt unhappy. She closed her eyes and everything that happened five years ago was still vivid in her mind.

He remembered that when he brought her here from the cabin, she was in a coma for nearly five months and did not wake up until half a month before giving birth.

At that time, she was too weak, and due to the stimulation she received before coma, she had fetal gas as soon as she woke up. He quickly invited a midwife to deliver her baby. However, she was weak and had difficulty delivering the baby. There was really no way he could do it. He gave her the holy medicine that the Cangshan Sect had collected for many years.

After that, she gave birth to the two babies successfully, but the medicine was too strong, causing her to fall into coma again after giving birth. When she woke up three days later, she could no longer remember anything, which is commonly known as amnesia.

He had to admit that he was both scared and happy at that time. He was scared that she wouldn't even remember him, and he was happy that she didn't remember Lian Che. In order to make her remember him, he invited almost all the famous doctors in the world. In the end Her memory was awakened bit by bit, but later, for some reason, she could no longer remember Lian Che.

Of course, this was not a deliberate deception on his part. The doctor said that it was an instinctive reaction on her part to protect herself. And if she wanted to remember, maybe she would have to see that person or be stimulated again. It is undeniable. , whether it is the former or the latter, Nan Jing will not agree.

—It’s not that he’s trying to get into trouble, it turns out that almost every time something happens to her, it’s related to him! Since such a man can't protect her, then why should he leave her to him? If he doesn't even have the ability to find her, then he doesn't deserve to have her!


When Nan Jing received the news the next day and rushed to the wing where Lin Bao lived, there was no one there. There was only a piece of paper placed on the bed, with two big characters written on it - "Farewell".

- Could it be that she made a special trip to ask him last night just to prepare for leaving today? Or was it because what happened last night stimulated her and led her to run away

In any case, now is not the time to dwell on this issue. The top priority is to find the three of them!

"Zi Qiu, quickly send someone to find them, follow them quietly, disrupt their plans, and be careful not to alert the enemy!"

- With her temperament, if she doesn't look for it, she will probably never give up. Since she wants to look for it, let her look for it, but - he won't let her find it!

Hearing this, the woman named "Zi Qiu" nodded, turned around and walked out.

Nan Jing clenched her fists, and finally punched the wall with a fist, and let out a low roar as if she was venting her anger.


Here, in the southern capital at the foot of the Cangshan sect, a man in brocade clothes rode on a bloody horse, and the man in black clothes beside him slowly walked into the city gate.

"Rufeng, I will go up the mountain alone later, so you can wait in the inn." Five years later, Lian Che has transformed into a mature uncle, with a monster face that is even more attractive.

Gu Rufeng frowned, "Master, this Cangshan sect must have been ambushing us for a long time. It is too unsafe for you to go up the mountain alone."


Lian Che curled his lips, "If I don't even have the ability to enter the mountain, how can I save Bao'er?"

- You know, in the past five years, he has been constantly using his connections to find Lin Bao's whereabouts, but every time he got a clue, he was cut off, which made him very angry. It was not until a few days ago that he found out that Bao'er had always been Here, the news he got before was just fake news released by Nan Jing!

But as long as we can find her now, all the hard work in the past will be worth it.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lian Che and Gu Rufeng got off their horses and walked to the door of an inn.

He handed the horse to the boy and tied it up, and when he was about to walk in, he saw a little girl in blue being driven out, with two little carrot heads following her.

"Go, go, eat the King's meal even if you don't have money! Seeing that you are a woman and you have two little girls with you, I won't argue with you. Take your children and get out of here!" The shopkeeper held a broom in his hand. , said angrily to the three living treasures carrying baggage at the door.

Lian Che frowned and didn't intend to interfere, so he just listened to the woman put her hands on her hips and retorted unwillingly: "You are the one to get out! Your whole family is to get out! If you know how to get out, let me try to get out of here!" "

-Wait, this sound is-

He was suddenly startled, staring at the petite back, a little in disbelief.

When the shopkeeper heard what she said, he immediately became furious. He asked the waiter to bring dirty water and was about to pour it on her. He cursed and said: "If you don't drink a toast, you will be fined. You are tired of living, aren't you?"

Seeing that the dirty water was about to be poured on her, Lian Che stepped forward and pulled her over. He turned around and held her in his arms. At the same time, he made a sign with his hands and changed the direction of the dirty water and poured it on the arrogant shopkeeper. And waiter.

Smelling the good smell of that person, Lin Bao felt vaguely familiar, but he couldn't remember anything. Just as he was about to break away from the person's arms, he heard Lin Qiyan tugging at the corner of her clothes and rushing towards him. Humanity said: "Bad uncle, let go of my mother quickly!"


Lian Che was stunned. He reached out and let go of her. He looked at the little face that looked 70% like him and 30% like hers. He couldn't help but get excited. He stretched out his hand and pulled her arm tightly. He was about to speak when he heard her say. : "Sir, thank you for what I just did, but men and women don't have sex, can you let go of my hand?"

Lin Bao frowned and stretched out his hand to pry his hand away. There was strong conflict between his brows and eyes.

Young Master

Lian Che was slightly startled, looked at her features carefully, and confirmed that she was the person he was looking for, then he wondered: "Bao'er, don't you remember me?"

Lin Bao rolled his eyes, why are so many people casually recognizing relatives these days

She sighed helplessly, pulled her daughter, and said: "Sir, although you are good-looking, can you not admit your relatives casually? You got my name right this time, but it won't be the case next time." I can’t get the names of other girls right, not to mention I have two babies—”

After that, she looked at the two babies beside her, but she could only see one baby.

Lin Bao was stunned and looked at Lin Qiyan who was confused, "Where is Shengsheng?"

"Mom, my brother is missing!"

Lin Qiyan held on to her skirt tightly, her deer-like eyes reflecting Lin Bao's panicked little face.

—Shengsheng is missing!

Helplessness and fear occupied Lin Bao's entire brain. She dragged Lin Qiyan into the crowd and shouted: "Lin Qisheng! Shengsheng!"

Lin Qisheng

Lian Che suddenly covered his chest. He remembered that when he and she were discussing the name of the baby, they agreed that the boy would be called Lian Qisheng and the girl would be called Lian Qiyan. But now she shouted out like this ’s name, do you still say you don’t remember him

Without thinking any more, Lian Che rushed forward, grabbed her wrist, winked at Gu Rufeng, then looked at Lin Bao, and said: "Bao'er, don't panic. In such a short period of time, Sheng Sheng can’t run far, and you’re looking for him aimlessly like this. What if you miss him?”

"He is my son, not your son!"

Lin Bao roared, and even Lin Qiyan next to her was shocked by her. After all, she was just a child. Even if she cried, there was one sentence that could describe Lin Qiyan's crying skills - no Just cry, it's amazing!

Of course Lian Che could feel her feelings, he reached out and held her shoulders, stared into her eyes, and said seriously every word: "But he is also my son! No matter what happens, Bao'er, you have to stay calm! "

At this moment, Lin Bao didn't notice the first half of his words. She just heard him say something about calming down, but now she couldn't calm down when she thought that Shengsheng might be in danger!

-But why did her heart soothe as soon as she saw his eyes

Seeing her stunned, Lian Che picked up Lin Qiyan, who was crying so hard that she couldn't stop crying, and led her towards the inn behind him. After questioning to no avail, he had no choice but to walk towards the next shop.

-Although he has asked Rufeng to investigate, in order to keep this little woman quiet, he can only use this method!


At the same time, in a small farmyard, Lin Qisheng, Lin Bao's beloved child, was sitting on the table happily eating cakes.

Sitting opposite him was a couple in their sixties.

Looking at Lin Qisheng's handsome little face, the old lady smiled kindly, poured him a bowl of warm water and handed it to him, saying: "Shengsheng, eat slowly -"

"Thank you, Grandma Zhou."

Lin Qisheng said politely, took a sip of water in a polite manner, and continued to nibble on the cakes, with an indescribably well-behaved look on his face.

Grandpa Zhou looked at Lin Qisheng and narrowed his eyes with a smile. His furrowed face was full of kindness. He reached out and rubbed Lin Qisheng's little head and said, "Shengsheng, why did you go down the mountain and run into the city today?" Is it here?”

You know, usually you can only see him, his well-behaved sister, and his playful mother on New Year’s Eve. Now there are still some days before New Year’s Eve, and this time the couple is from the gathering. When I came back from the market, I saw him sitting alone in the small courtyard, so I would inevitably become suspicious.

Hearing this, Lin Qisheng wiped her mouth and said, "Shengsheng misses Grandpa Zhou."

"I see you miss Axi." Grandpa Zhou saw through his little thoughts at a glance, and sure enough, Lin Qisheng raised her little face and smiled awkwardly and shyly.

The Zhou couple had no children, and they originally thought about having no children, but they never thought that a few years ago, they actually picked up a little baby girl who was less than a month old on the roadside. The couple was kind-hearted, so they took the baby girl back and raised her.

And just a month later, Axi got cold for some reason. The couple lived in poverty by selling vegetables. They sold iron and took out loan sharks, so they bought medicine to cure Axi's illness. However, They never thought that someone would come to ask for debt after this, but the couple had no money to pay back, so they had no choice but to go to the market to beg with Axi in their arms.

It was at this time that I met Lin Bao, mother and son.

After asking about the situation, Lin Bao changed the money for them without saying a word, and even gave it to the couple with his own money, saying it was a meeting gift for Axi. Later, every New Year's Eve or During the holidays, Lin Bao would bring his two little darlings to their small yard for a family reunion dinner.

To be exaggerated, Lin Bao could be said to be their savior, and of course they couldn't treat their savior's son badly.

They have become half relatives in the past few years. They all see that Shengsheng likes Axi. Unfortunately, the two children are only five years old now, and Lin Bao doesn't look like a girl from an ordinary family. They also see it. I didn't dare to mention the baby's kiss, for fear that Lin Bao would make a joke.

If these two children can really get together in the future, the couple will be able to rest in peace even if they die.

After thinking about it, Mr. Zhou sighed heavily.

Grandma Zhou on the side looked at Shengsheng's curious little eyes and said: "Axi went out to pick mushrooms with the aunt next door today, and she should be back in a while. But, Shengsheng, come out and you can Does mother know? "

"...I ran out secretly."

Shengsheng buried his head, rubbed his hands nervously, and even stopped eating the cakes, for fear that they would blame him.

When Zhou and his wife heard this, they thought it was okay and hurriedly pulled Shengsheng and said: "Shengsheng, how could you run out without telling your mother? Did you have a conflict with your mother again?"

-I have to say that Shengsheng has become more and more silent over the years, and is often unwilling to take the initiative to talk to others. The two of them are afraid that the child will get sick!

Under their burning gazes, Shengsheng nodded heavily.

Uncle Zhou quickly put Shengsheng on his lap and asked, "Did you get into trouble and make your mother unhappy?"

As soon as he said these words, Mr. Zhou regretted it. His Shengsheng was such a good child, how could he get into trouble

Just as she was thinking about it, Sheng Sheng shook her head, but didn't say anything.

And at this moment, the door was pushed open -