Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 142: [142] Don’t you really think Shengsheng looks a lot like me?


Remember wrong

Lin Bao glanced at him, "Is it possible that I remember this kind of thing wrong?"


Possible, how impossible!

Lian Che had the urge to get angry, but after thinking about it, he let it go. After all, if he yelled at her, her "first" impression of him would probably not be good now. To be on the safe side, he would just follow her slowly in the future. She is everywhere.

By the time they came down the mountain, the two little guys were already fast asleep, and Yan Chuchu was also subdued by Bai Lan and several other disciples, and the group hurried back to the city.

Because he was holding Shengsheng, even if Lin Bao could ride a horse, he could only ride a horse with others. In order to prevent his wife from being eaten by others, Lian Che handed Axi over to others, and he gloriously became the "other person". "People", riding on the same horse with Lin Bao.

Looking at Shengsheng's little face that was red from the cold, Lin Bao tugged the clothes on his body, covering half of his little face, and then relaxed his hands lightly.

Lian Che looked at her gentle movements, smiled softly, and said, "Don't you really think Shengsheng looks a lot like me?"

"It doesn't look like that!"

Lin Bao subconsciously retorted, but in his heart he compared their faces carefully. It was undeniable that Sheng Sheng looked very much like Lian Che, both in appearance and face shape. At first glance, they did look a bit alike. Father and son.

But if he is Shengsheng's biological father, then why doesn't she have any impression of him? Not to mention this, who is the man in white robe in her impression? Could it be that... is it true that she remembered it wrong as he said

Lin Bao pursed his lips, thinking that was the only way.

After thinking about it, he only saw the city gate, which was still closed, but Lian Che and his party still rushed straight through.

Although he was not as surprised as last time, Lin Bao still felt a little incredible. After thinking for a long time, he finally turned around and asked him, "How did you get through the city gate?"

—Don’t they know any magic

When she asked, Lian Che pursed his lips and said calmly: "This is the Nanshan sect's time-traveling technique. It can be achieved as long as the object being traveled is not of the same type as oneself and does not violate the laws of nature."

Emma, if that's the case, wouldn't they even have to open the door when they go out

Lin Bao was slightly startled, swallowed, and suddenly remembered the key point in his words—Nanshan Sect!

Wait, she remembered that those disciples called him the leader, and he knew the Nanshan Sect's magic. Doesn't that mean... he is the leader of the Nanshan Sect? !

-Oh my God, no wonder he wasn't afraid when he heard Nan Jing's name. I bet he is a super boss himself!

Lin Bao was speechless and moved forward slightly, for fear of getting too close to him. After all, big shots were not accessible to ordinary people like her!

Lian Che saw through her action at a glance, tightened his hands around her waist, breathed into her ear, and said, "Are you scared?"


Lin Bao wanted to reply to him domineeringly, "You are afraid of ghosts," but his movements were too ambiguous, so he turned away and said, "Can you please stop getting so close? You don't know whether men and women are intimate or not." "?"

Can men and women be intimate

Lian Che curled his lips and said contemptuously: "Hey, I really don't know that you are a woman."

-peat! Are you so harmful to others

It's just... Why has she heard Mao's words somewhere

Lin Bao's brain twitched and she felt a slight pain. She shook her head and stopped thinking about it. She rolled her eyes and said, "That's really unfortunate. I didn't even notice that you were a man."

-Humph, now he can't find the words to tease her, can he

Unexpectedly, just when she was secretly proud, Lian Che said again: "So, you admit that you are not a woman?"


Damn it, can’t you say something nice

Lin Bao was so angry that his teeth itched, and he gritted his teeth to hold back a sentence: "Can I beat you to death?"


Lian someone tugged, then tightened the reins, led the horse and jumped down, and picked up Lin Bao by the way.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, she saw a little lolita wearing underwear with disheveled hair running out of the inn, hugging Lin Bao's thigh and crying: "Mother—Mother—"

Lin Bao was startled by her. He wanted to pick Yan'er up, but he was holding Shengsheng, so he had to lean over and said: "Yan'er is good, let's go into the house first, okay?"

Hearing the sound, Yan'er raised her little face and nodded, then pulled Lin Bao's clothes and walked into the guest room of the inn.

After putting Shengsheng on the bed and covering her with the quilt, Lin Bao took the small cotton-padded jacket and put it on Yan'er, rubbed her red little hands, and frowned: "If you don't sleep well, why did you run out? Run away?" Just come out, why don’t you even wear clothes?”

Hearing this, Yan'er curled her lips and said aggrievedly: "Yan'er thought that my mother was also captured by that bad guy."

These words made Lin Bao unable to open her mouth even if she wanted to say it. He stretched out his hands to hold her in his arms, combing her hair and said: "Silly Yan'er, my mother just went to find her brother. Besides, my mother is good at Qinggong." Oh, can that bad guy catch my mother?"

-You know, although her Qinggong is not as good as Nan Jing's, she can at least compete with the mediocre rookies of the Cangshan Sect. How could that bad woman catch her

Yan'er grinned when she saw her like that, turned to look at the sleeping Lin Qisheng, and whispered: "Mother, is my brother injured?"

"Brother is just a little tired and wants to sleep for a while. Yan'er shouldn't bother him later and let him have a good rest, do you know?" Lin Bao said, then he got up and walked to the other side of the room with Yan'er in his arms. Next to a bed.

Yan'er nodded sensibly and allowed Lin Bao to put her on the bed.

Lin Bao took out Shengsheng's puppet from his arms, handed it to her, and said, "Mom, go wipe my brother's feet. You can help me look at his puppet here, okay?"

"Okay. Mom, please be gentle, otherwise you will wake up my brother."

Yan'er said very sensibly. After watching Lin Bao leave, she held Shengsheng's puppet in one hand and took out the little puppet from her arms with the other hand. Then she placed the two little puppets on the bed and shared them with them. Talking quietly.

Lin Bao went out to ask for a basin of hot water from the waiter, then entered the room and started to wipe Shengsheng's body.

Looking at the wounds on Shengsheng's body that were scratched by branches and thorns, Lin Bao felt a little pain in his heart. He took out the Cangshan School's special gold medicine from his bag and carefully applied medicine to Shengsheng's wounds.

Fortunately, she usually brings some medicine with her, otherwise Shengsheng's wound would not be easy to treat. Although she could go to Lian Che, in her opinion, it is better to owe others less favors. After all, they are not familiar with each other.

After giving Shengsheng the medicine, Lin Bao tucked him in, and then went back to see Yan'er.

She saw the little guy holding two stuffed dolls and looking at her pitifully. Lin Bao could guess what she was going to do by looking at her like that.

"Lin Qiyan, there is nothing to eat now."

Lin Bao rubbed his forehead with a headache. Strangely enough, Yan'er has had the habit of eating late night snacks since she was a child. It's not that she eats less at dinner. On the contrary, she eats quite a lot at dinner, but every time at midnight , she would be woken up by hunger. If she was in Cangshan School in the past, she would definitely prepare some snacks and put them on the bedside, and feed them to her when she was hungry. But now that she is not in Cangshan School, people in the kitchen would have already rested. Now, where else can anyone know how to cook

Hearing this, Yan'er put the doll under the pillow, swung Lin Bao's arm and said coquettishly: "Mom, I'm really hungry. My uncle said that if you are hungry, you will become a fool, and a fool will get married." If you don’t go out, your mother won’t let Yan’er get married, right?”


The peat Nan Jing teaches bad children!

Lin Bao sighed helplessly. He had no resistance at all to Yan'er's invincible coquettish skills. He sighed softly and hugged her out of the room.

The mother and daughter caught the waiter in the corridor and asked for food. It was just as Lin Bao thought. Everyone in the kitchen was resting now, so naturally there was no food.

"No, you heard it too. There is nothing to eat right now. How about you endure it a little longer and go back to sleep? Maybe there will be something to eat when you wake up."

Lin Bao said helplessly, holding her in his arms and preparing to go back to the room.

Unexpectedly, Yan'er refused to obey even if she was beaten to death. She stretched out her hand to grab the door frame and said angrily: "No, mother, please wake up those people and let them cook. Otherwise, Yan'er will really know how to cook." I can’t get married!”


Damn, you naughty kid, can you stop talking about "can't get married" all the time? Did you know that some things you say too often will come true

Lin Bao held her forehead, preparing to use coercive measures, but before she started to take action, she saw a tall figure standing next to her and said funnyly: "You don't care if the child is hungry?"


Damn, this is not your child, why are you interrupting!

After thinking about it, she looked at the man impatiently, and saw someone leaning on the edge of the corridor, with his hands folded across his chest, and a gloating smile at the corner of his mouth. Peat, who dared to laugh at her for looking so miserable, except for even Who else could Che have

Lin Bao resisted the urge to slap him to death, turned his head and said to the stubborn Yan'er: "Honey, don't make the family scandal public. Let's talk about it after we get back, okay?"

"No, mother-in-law, you said it yourself, the world has the most food to eat!"

Not to be outdone, Yan'er raised her little face and said, just at this moment, her stomach made three sounds in unison: "Gurgugu—"


Well, it seems that this naughty kid is really hungry, otherwise how could he tell lies? Ahem, although she did say that the world is big and the earth is full of food.

Lin Bao had no choice but to compromise: "How about my mother go to the kitchen and make you some noodles?"

"But, mother, you don't know how to cook!"

Yan'er said pitifully that she would rather starve to death than be poisoned by her mother's food. You must know that the Cangshan Sect has a secret antidote, which is prepared with her mother's food. It is not available yet. Find the antidote!

Upon hearing this, Lin Bao's face turned red and he said shamelessly: "Who said that? Your mother and I can still bake potatoes after all!"

"But, mother, you don't know how to cook anything but baked potatoes."

Yan'er whispered, but Lian Che on the side still heard every word of this, and Lin Bao's face was even more unbearable. Can you blame her? —She just doesn’t have cooking cells!

Looking at this strange mother and daughter, Lian Che smiled, straightened up, and said, "I'm a little hungry too, why don't we go to the kitchen together."

"Can you cook?"

Lin Bao rolled his eyes, looking at him like a young master, ahem, okay - he is still a young master with a good background, but how awesome his status is does not mean how awesome his cooking skills are!

As if he had expected that she would say this, Lian Che pursed his lips and smiled, "I can't do royal meals, but I can still make some Yangchun noodles."

-You know, in the past five years, during his free time with her, he even asked the palace cook to learn a few side dishes. After all, they say that if you want to conquer a person's heart, you must first conquer her stomach!

Besides, Lin Bao is a foodie. If he can cook some side dishes, maybe she will shout "I love you" three times and then have sex with him!

Ahem, that's too far off topic. Anyway, as long as he can cook some side dishes.

Looking at someone who was confident, Lin Bao blinked suspiciously, looked at the pitiful Yan'er, and could only say: "Then let's treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor."

—After all, it seems that he is the only one who can make some food for Yan'er now.

Lian Che felt really funny and angry after hearing what she said, so he went downstairs with her and walked towards the kitchen.

Yan'er blinked at this handsome man who could cook for her and said, "Uncle, are you married?"


Lian Che said cheerfully.

Lin Bao felt an ominous premonition when he heard his daughter ask this question. Just as he was about to stop his daughter from asking any more questions, he heard Yan'er also say cheerfully: "Then uncle, marry my mother and be my father!"


Grandma is in trouble. Is there any daughter who is so anxious to marry off her mother? The key is that this little kid is only five years old!

Lian Che looked at the cute Yan'er and said, "Aren't you afraid that your father will be jealous?"

Yan'er didn't know what "jealous" meant. She just looked at him like that and it was probably not a good word. She drooped her face and curled her lips and said, "I don't want that dad anymore. He's so timid. I don't want him." ”


Lin Bao remained silent. This naughty kid must be hungry to talk nonsense like this, that's for sure!

Hearing his daughter say that she was timid, Lian Che reached out and pinched her little cheek, and said patiently: "Why do you say that your father is timid?"

"If Daddy was bold, he would have found us earlier, but since he hasn't shown up for so long, he must be scared to death." Yan'er said angrily, not noticing her mother's livid face at all. face.

Although he had known Tong Yan Wuji for a long time, Lin Bao was still startled by Yan'er's words and frowned: "Who told you to talk about your father like that!"

"That's what it is."

Yan'er felt even more aggrieved by her being so cruel. She felt even sadder when she thought of the brats in the gang who called her and her brother wild children in the past.

Seeing that his daughter was aggrieved, Lian Che reached out and hugged Yan'er, sighed helplessly, and said to Yan'er: "It's okay, your mother didn't have a bright mind before, but now she can't remember your father. She was so angry for a moment Don’t argue with her if the blood attacks your heart.”


You don't have a bright mind!