Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 144: [144] But... Yan'er really feels like he is like her father


Hearing this, Yan'er rolled her eyes, thought about it carefully, and said, "Yan'er wants mother to remember daddy quickly!"

"This is a wish, not a gift."

Lin Bao said helplessly, and even if it is a wish, if she says it now, it may not come true, right

In Yan'er's understanding of children's shoes, there is actually not much difference between wishes and gifts. For example, if there is a wish, there will be a gift, so Yan'er equates wishes with gifts. After all, she is only a child and has an obvious world view. Much simpler.

Hearing what Lin Bao said, Yan'er pouted and said, "Then think of it as a wish. As for a gift—I want a gift from my uncle!"

Uncle, of course, refers to Lin Wanchen who is in the capital.

In fact, Yan'er and Shengsheng have wanted to go to the capital to see their grandfather and uncle for the past five years. Unfortunately, Nanjing did not allow them to go out because it was too dangerous. Lin Bao's health was not very good in the past few years, so that's not the case. I didn’t go. Now that I finally made it out, I might as well go back and have a look, so as not to miss out on the chance in the future.

Lin Bao pursed his lips and thought: "Well, let's set off tomorrow and try to go back before New Year's Eve, so that you and Shengsheng can receive birthday gifts from grandpa and uncle!"


Yan'er opened her eyes wide, full of surprise. Although she had known for a long time that her eldest uncle and her second uncle looked exactly the same, but her mother said that her eldest uncle was very gentle and considerate, and was completely different from her second uncle in gentleness, so she Only then do you want to see with your own eyes what kind of person your uncle is.

Ahem, if it's really good, then she and her brother Shengsheng will convince her mother to stay in the capital together!

I heard from the brothers in the gang that there are many handsome men in the capital, and there are also a lot of snacks and beautiful clothes. Even if you can't find your biological father, you can still find a handsome father!

After thinking about it, Yan'er smiled beautifully.

Lin Bao also laughed when he saw her like that, stretched out his hand to twist her little nose, and said: "Little girl, it depends on whether we can get back. Besides, what if your second uncle sends someone to catch up with you?" What to do?”

-You know, even if the three of them are fighting each other to death, as long as Nanjing gives the death order to let them go back, the masters sent by Nanjing will definitely use various methods to get the three of them back, regardless of whether you are alive. Still a dead body.

Hearing what Lin Bao said, Yan'er felt a little discouraged. Then she stretched out her hand and tugged on Lian Che's clothes. She blinked and said, "Daddy will help us, right?"

"Of course, as soon as baby Yan'er opens her mouth, daddy will definitely promise you!" Lian Che raised his lips and kissed her little nose that was pinched red by Lin Bao.

Seeing how close the two of them were, Lin Bao suddenly felt an ominous premonition. He glanced at Yan'er and couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved, "Yan'er, whoever asked you to mistakenly identify your father told you that he is not your father!"

"I said yes!"

The little girl was hiding in Lian Che's arms and talking, looking at her unwillingness to admit defeat, she really looked a bit like a spoiled child.

Seeing this, Lin Bao was so angry that she was speechless. I bet this little girl has learned to push her limits when she has a backer, right

Just as he was about to teach her a lesson, Lian Che reached out and patted her back gently, saying: "You are not allowed to talk to your mother like that in the future, do you understand?"

Yan'er pouted, her little face was full of reluctance, but she already felt a little regretful in her heart. You must know that if she offends her mother, there will definitely be no good consequences!

Looking at her like that, Lian Che added, "Otherwise, I won't be able to get married."


Damn, Lian Che, are you sure you won't spoil her precious daughter like this

Thinking about this, Lin Bao raised his eyes and looked at Yan'er, only to see the little guy's face full of fear, and hurriedly said: "I don't want to get married! I'm sorry, Mom, Yan'er will never talk back to you in the future, Mom can't Yan'er can't get married!"


Yan'er, are you sure you can get married now

Lin Bao held his forehead and rubbed his forehead. Seeing that he was almost at the door of the wing, he snatched Yan'er from Lian Che's arms, ran into the room like flying, closed the door softly, and then slowly let go. To be on the safe side, she even locked the door.

—Nima, you must never have contact with that poisonous tongue man again, otherwise your daughter will be taught bad things by him!

Seeing her mother's appearance, Yan'er shrank from her arms to the ground, quietly ran to Shengsheng's bed, glanced at Shengsheng sleeping soundly, leaned over and kissed his little mouth, sweetly He smiled and whispered: "Brother, I found daddy!"


What responded to her was of course Shengsheng's breathing.

However, Yan'er is not discouraged. Her brother can't hear her now. Anyway, she can still talk to her brother tomorrow morning. As long as her brother is on the same side as her, her mother will obediently surrender and live with Lian Che's father. Together!

After thinking about it, Yan'er grinned again, turned around and slipped onto the bed. She glanced at the two little stuffed animals under the pillow, reached out and touched their faces, and whispered: "Xiao Sheng and Xiao Yan, you will also There will be a father!”

—Emma, this news is so exciting!

Lin Bao watched her daughter running around nervously and didn't bother to care about her. After all, this was the child's own secret. As a mother, she should still leave her child some personal space and privacy.

After taking off his shoes and socks, Lin Bao didn't bother to wash his feet. He took off his cotton-padded jacket and pulled the quilt over and lay on the bed. He watched Yan'er take off her clothes before turning off the light.

For a moment, the whole room was quiet.

Maybe she was full, so Yan'er squeezed into Lin Bao's arms, looked up at Lin Bao, blinked and said, "Mother, don't you like that father Lian Che just now?"

—I like a bird!

Lin Bao frowned, "Why do children think about this? If I say he is not your father, he is not."

"But... Yan'er really feels that he is very much like her father."

Yan'er said truthfully, because Lian Che was the only man besides Nan Jing, her brother, and her senior brothers in the gang who was so kind to her and so good-looking. Of course, this was not the point. The point was that she thought Brother Shengsheng looked good. It was very much like him, and when Lian Che held her, she felt that her whole heart was melting.

This feeling was something she had never felt before.

Listening to what Yan'er said, Lin Bao felt that her whole heart sank. After a long time, she stretched out her hand to touch her face, sighed and said: "Yan'er, you are still too young. What seems true to you may not be true.”

—If she wanted to prove whether Lian Che was Shengsheng and Yan'er's biological father, she had a way, but this method was not safe, and she was afraid that if it was found out that he was not that person, then she would be more disappointed.

Maybe as Yan'er said, she also likes him a little bit.


The next day, Lin Bao got up early in the morning and packed his things. Since he went to bed in the middle of the night last night, Yan'er didn't wake up until now. As for Shengsheng, she hadn't woken up yet because she was frightened last night.

Thinking that the two little ones might be sweating all over, Lin Bao specially asked the waiter to bring hot water to bathe the two children. Ahem, of course, all the money will be counted on Lian Che.

After finishing everything and watching the two little guys sleeping soundly, Lin Bao simply went out to take a look at Axi.

According to Bai Lan, Lian Che sent someone to notify Zhou and his wife early in the morning, and they are probably still on the way.

Quietly walking to the bedside, Lin Bao looked at Axi who looked tired and sighed distressedly. Looking at her eyebrows, Lin Bao suddenly thought of the crazy woman last night, and he didn't know if she knew about Axi. She is her daughter. If she did this knowingly, then she would be so heartless!

It's just that I feel sorry for Axi.

However, what made Lin Bao most curious was that Axi's childish face was somewhat similar to the appearance of the person who often appeared in her dreams. At a glance, it was simply a miniature version of that person.

-Wait a minute, is Axi’s biological father that person

But then, why does Axi's biological father often appear in her dreams? Could it be that this is extremely bloody polyamory

Lin Bao twitched the corner of her mouth, and just as she was thinking about it, she heard rapid footsteps coming from outside the door. When she turned her head, the door had been pushed open, and the people who came in were the Zhous and his wife.

Seeing that Axi was still sleeping, Mr. Zhou and his wife slowed down their steps. They looked at Axi's body without many injuries, and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

In order not to disturb Axi, Lin Bao and the two of them went to a nearby cubicle to discuss.

"Uncle Zhou, Aunt Zhou, I'm sorry. If I hadn't been too careless, Shengsheng wouldn't have run around, and Axi wouldn't have been arrested along with her." Lin Bao said guiltily, knowing that things would have happened earlier. In this way, she should pay more attention to Shengsheng.

Hearing this, Old Uncle Zhou shook his head, his temples turned a lot whiter, and said, "What are you talking about, Bao'er? If it weren't for you, Axi wouldn't have been brought back."

After saying that, Aunt Zhou also said: "Yes, yes, it's all thanks to you, but you still say it's your fault, and we, the couple, have to die of guilt."

Seeing the couple acting like husband and wife, Lin Bao sighed, a little confused about whether to laugh or cry. He just watched the two elders coming, then stood up and said: "Uncle Zhou, Aunt Zhou, to be honest, I plan to take Sheng Sheng and Yan'er with me today." I'm going to the capital. I'm afraid it will take some time before I can come back. If anything happens to you two these days, you can inform me in writing, or you can go directly to the Cangshan Sect to find my brother Nanjing. In short, if you can find me, you must tell me. ”

She said so much that the Zhous and his wife were confused. However, Nan Jing was still shocked when he heard something, but he still didn't dare to show how shocked he was. He only said: "We all know that, then You have to be careful on the road."


Lin Bao nodded and was about to say something else when he heard a strange noise coming from the next room -