Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 145: [145] Emma, the amount of information in this piece is a bit large [10,000 words and


-Wait a minute, isn't the room next door the one she lives in

Could it be that Shengsheng and Yaner got up

Lin Bao pursed his lips, grinned at Zhou and his wife, and said, "Maybe the two little ones have woken up. I'll go there first. When Axi wakes up later, I'll bother you two to comfort her."

"Well, we will, you go ahead."

Zhou and his wife smiled, stood up and watched Lin Bao leave.


Lin Bao was startled when she went out, because several men in black were guarding the door of her wing. Although the door was tightly closed, faint cries could be heard inside.

Lin Bao was startled and hurriedly opened the door and entered.

I saw several people in black clothes in the room surrounding Yan'er and Shengsheng, and they were holding various clothes in their hands. Looking at the styles, they clearly belonged to Yan'er and Shengsheng!

It's just that these people...

Lin Bao frowned and walked forward quickly to protect Shengsheng and Yan'er in his arms. He looked up at one of them and said in a cold voice: "Zi Qiu, if anything happens, come to me and do it." Why embarrass two children!"

—Nima, don’t you know that children are her bottom line

Hearing this, Zi Qiu sighed helplessly, glanced at Yan'er who was hiding in Lin Bao's arms and making faces at her, and said angrily and funny: "Miss Lin, this really doesn't care about me. I saw it as soon as I came in. They both woke up and were getting ready to dress them when they started pretending to cry."

-Well, Ziqiu won't lie.

Lin Bao looked down at the two little guys. Sure enough, as she expected, there were not a single tear on their faces.

She couldn't help rubbing her forehead, dragging the two little guys to stand up, frowning and saying: "Lin Qisheng, Lin Qiyan, you two are quite capable. When did you learn this trick?"

-Ahem, she admitted that she was the one who taught these two little guys to deal with annoying strangers in this way. Well-it is estimated that in this situation, Ziqiu and other people have been classified as annoying strangers by the two of them. .

The two little guys pouted and were about to retort when they saw Lin Bao snatch the clothes from the hands of the men in black, throw them to them, and said: "Put them on quickly, what if you catch a cold?"

—Yan'er's body is already weak. If she catches a cold, she will definitely have to wait for ten days and a half to recover. At that time, she can only go back to Cangshan to celebrate their birthdays. Shengsheng also has an injury on her foot. What if? Infection is a problem.

Looking at Lin Bao's duplicity, Yan'er gently tugged on her clothes and said pitifully: "Mother, I haven't washed her fragrance yet."

—Stinky girl, it’s time for you, but you still want to take a bath!

Lin Bao helped his forehead helplessly, picked up Yan'er, took Shengsheng and walked behind the screen. Then he looked at Ziqiu and said, "I'm sorry, can you step aside for a moment?"

The people in black all looked at Zi Qiu. Zi Qiu sighed helplessly and had to lead everyone out of the room. After all, this was the second floor of the inn. It was probably impossible for them to escape by jumping out of the window. After all, Lin Bao was a protector. People who are stupid, they all know this.

Watching them leave, Lin Bao put Yan'er down, let go of Shengsheng's hand, rolled up his sleeves, tested the water temperature, and said, "This temperature is just right. You two, hurry up and wash. We'll do it later." Take the opportunity to slip away."

"Is it just the three of us?"

Yan'er blinked and let Lin Bao take off her clothes, her eyes full of doubts.

"Do you want the people sent by your second uncle to go with us?"

With that said, Lin Bao quickly took off her clothes, carried her into the bucket, and then took off Shengsheng's clothes again.

After the two of them entered the wooden basin, Lin Bao took the brocade handkerchief and washed their little bodies, not to mention how loving he was.

Hearing her answer, Yan'er pouted and said, "Mom, don't you want dad to go with us?"


Lin Bao thought about it silently, and estimated that she was talking about Lian Che, and then said: "He is not your father, why should you ask him to go with you."

As soon as she heard the word "daddy", Shengsheng became a little excited. She raised her eyes to look at Lin Bao, blinked and said, "Mother, have you found daddy?"

Lin Bao was about to answer when Yan'er interrupted: "I found him last night. He was the one who took my mother to rescue you and sister Axi last night! By the way, my father cooked food for me and my mother last night. It’s over!”

The person who took his mother to rescue him and Axi last night

Shengsheng pursed her lips, "Is it Uncle Lian Che?"

"Yeah, that's him! Brother, do you know him?" Yan'er tilted her head and asked curiously. You can see how excited she was from her bright eyes.

Hearing this, Shengsheng nodded and said, "I also think he looks like a father!"

When Yan'er heard this, she felt even more happy. It turned out that she and her brother were so in tune with each other, and they both recognized Uncle Lian Che as her father! In this way, only my mother will "battle" with them alone!

Lin Bao looked at the brother and sister and was too lazy to interrupt. They were leaving soon anyway. He had helped him so much, so he should apologize and say goodbye by the way. Well - if possible If he was, she decided to lend him a drop of blood to try. If he really was, then she wouldn't mind them going on the road together, but if he wasn't, it would be just right, as it could stop the two little guys from their random thoughts.

After thinking about it, Lin Bao curled his lips and smiled.


After Lin Bao finally packed up the two little guys, he took the baggage and went out to find Lian Che, but the fact was-

"Miss Lin, the master asked us to take you back. We hope that Miss Lin will not embarrass Ziqiu."

After saying that, Ziqiu stood in front of the three of them, and the men in black on the side also blocked their way.

Lin Bao had a headache—what should she do? Zi Qiu and her friends were never included in her plan!

Holding back the words "A good dog doesn't block the road" in his stomach, Lin Bao frowned and said: "Then please go back and tell my brother that I am determined to go to the capital. If he stops me again, then I will take him wherever he wants. A man goes back to get married!"

Zi Qiu didn't know how many times she had heard this excuse. She smiled lightly and said, "The headmaster also said that if Miss Lin is not afraid of being a vegetarian in the future, she can bring as many men as she wants when she goes back this time."

—You know, vegetarianism is her trump card!

Sure enough, when Lin Bao heard this, her eyes were full of tangles, and she sighed in frustration. Just when she thought Lin Bao would compromise, a man in scarlet clothes easily squeezed into the crowd, put his arm around Lin Bao's shoulders, and raised his lips. He smiled and said, "You don't need many, just one for me is enough."

- If she really dares to bring a few men back to get married, let alone Nan Jing, he alone can kill those men. Kill those men first, and then kill her!

Hearing the sound, Lin Bao looked at him flattered and wondered: "Why are you here?"

—She is really ready to go find him!

"I miss my baby."

After saying that, he retracted his hand, leaned over and picked up the two little guys, holding Shengsheng in his left hand and Yan'er in his right hand. There was no sense of violation in the scene.

Shengsheng and Yaner also enjoyed it very much. The two little guys kissed his cheeks and said happily: "Daddy!"

—Fuck your father-in-law!

Lin Bao held his forehead, a little reluctant to speak, and secretly glanced at Zi Qiu and her friends. Sure enough, she and her friends were shocked. An evil thought came to mind, and Lin Bao simply He took the risk and grabbed the clothes around Lian Che's waist with one hand. He raised his eyes and said with a smile: "You have also seen that my husband has come to see me. I will not go back with you. Could you please tell me for my brother?" —If he misses me, he can come to the capital to find me!"

—After all, the home in the capital can be considered his home.

Lian Che felt flattered immediately after hearing her words. He raised his eyes to look at her smiling face, and then looked at her hand holding his clothes. The smile on his lips became brighter and he said happily: "Madam, let's go. Well, the coachman is already impatient—"

"Uh-huh, Ziqiu, don't forget to tell me!"

With that said, Lin Bao and Lian Che squeezed out of the crowd, then turned around and waved to them who had turned to stone, with their eyes full of secret joy.

—Emma, it turns out it’s so easy to get rid of Ziqiu and her friends!

Thinking about it, Lin Bao couldn't help but smile again. When he came to his senses, the group of them had already arrived at the door of the inn, and an extremely luxurious carriage was parked in front of them.

Lin Bao was speechless. He looked at Lian, who was holding his two children and preparing to get into the carriage. He couldn't help but be startled - Damn, this guy really doesn't want to go to the capital with them, does he

Lian Che carried the two little guys into the carriage, but when he turned around, he saw that she was still frozen in place, with a trace of doubt in his eyes. He walked up to her and teased: "What, do you want your husband to carry your wife into the carriage in person?" ?”

After that, he stretched out his hands as if to hug her. Lin Bao hurriedly dodged and explained incoherently: "Well... Actually, what I just said is not true. Thank you very much for accompanying me in this play, but - Now that the play is over, I hope you don't take what happened just now, and... I have to go with my child. Thank you very much for helping me find Shengsheng and Axi last night. Well - well, goodbye. "

She said with embarrassment, she thought he would be very angry after hearing her words and think she was going too far, but he still had a playful and smiling face, but his eyebrows were a little more domineering, and just when she couldn't figure it out At that moment, Lian Che stepped forward, leaned slightly closer to her face, and lowered his voice: "Bao'er, as long as I don't say the curtain call, the game will never end, so - now either I leave here obediently, or you Just follow that group of people back to Cangshan Sect.”

-Well, instead of going with him, Lin Bao decided to go back to the Cangshan Sect. After all, as far as she was concerned, he was just a stranger who had helped her, not to mention that she didn't even know who he was. What if he does something outrageous to her

Lin Bao swallowed his saliva and leaned back slightly. Just as he was about to reply, he heard him continue: "-Then, how about I lead people to fight to the death with the Cangshan faction?"


Damn it, are you going to die if you finish talking at once? Wait, is this a way to force her to death

Lin Bao glanced at him, couldn't help but shudder, and had to compromise: "Can I take back what I just said now?"

Lian Che straightened his body, nodded, and turned aside to let her go first.

After watching Lin Bao get into the carriage, he followed and ordered the coachman to start on his way.

Sitting on the bumpy carriage, Lin Bao touched his somewhat dry belly and couldn't help but look up at him, "Well... have you brought any dry food?"

Dry food

Lian Che curled his lips. Since he was on a journey, of course he had to bring dry food, but now he had something more delicious than dry food. After thinking about it, he pointed to the food box under the soft bottom and said, "There is breakfast in it."


Lin Bao's eyes sparkled, and she quickly took out the food box, carefully opened the lid, and looked at the fragrant polenta and fragrant side dishes inside. She couldn't help but swallow, "Lian Che, you That's great!"

—So good that she wanted to hug him and kiss him for a few times!

However, when Lin Bao brought out the side dishes and porridge and placed them on the table, he was a little uneasy. Why were there exactly four bowls of porridge and four pairs of chopsticks prepared on it? Wait, could it be said that he had expected this

Lin Bao looked at the porridge in front of her and couldn't eat it anymore, but looking at the two little guys eating with gusto, she still couldn't bear to expose him to his face. She just leaned closer to him and whispered: "You are plotting against me. ?”

"Smart! I thought you would guess it after you leave the city."

He smiled, disapprovingly, grabbed the boiled corn, and gnawed it with relish.


Damn, even if she was stupid sometimes, she wouldn't be stupid enough to count money for others after getting on a pirate ship, right? However, now that the pirate ships are on board and the money has been counted, it would be a pity not to eat earlier.

After thinking about it, Lin Bao moved his body and silently drank the porridge and ate the side dishes.

—Anyway, eating is the most important thing in the world, so let’s wait until she finishes eating to talk about other crazy things!

Seeing the three of them eating the breakfast he had carefully prepared with relish, Lian Che didn't know how happy he was. Although she was now the mother of two children who were about to turn five years old, in his eyes, she was still the little tease she was back then. Bee will always have an undiminished childlike innocence.

Looking at Lin Bao's increasingly mature profile, he couldn't help but want to kiss her, but there was a voice in his heart that kept reminding him - he must kiss her when the two little ones are not around!

Otherwise, his image of a good father in the hearts of the two siblings will be completely destroyed!

Just as he was thinking about it, Yan'er raised her little face and winked secretly at him. Her little eyes were clearly hinting at him - Good job!

Compared with Yan'er's liveliness, Shengsheng seems much quieter. It feels like loneliness, but this feeling really shouldn't appear in a five-year-old child. Thinking of the information Rufeng investigated earlier , it seems that he has to take good care of their son for his wife.


After drinking a bowl of porridge, Lian Che put the bowl and chopsticks back into the food box, then took out a small porcelain bowl that had been prepared in advance, poured the stored water into it, made a sigil, and traced it on his index finger. After a moment, a drop of blood dropped into the bowl. Then he raised his eyes to look at Shengsheng and Yan'er and said, "Want to play a game with daddy?"

Hearing this, the two little guys blinked, nodded, and said, "How to play?"

"Just like dad, just drop some blood into it. If our blood fuses together, then we will win. If our blood doesn't fuse together, then it will be considered mother wins. Daddy said it first, whoever wins There will be a small gift later!”

Lian Che smiled, his eyes full of the love a father should have.

When they heard that there was a small gift, Sheng Sheng and Yan'er nodded without much thought. Although they didn't know what this game had to do with their mother, they still obediently stretched out their little hands and looked at Lian Che. After twisting their fingers and scratching their little fingers, blood dripped into the bowl.

Just because the two children were stupid, it didn't mean that Lin Bao would also be stupid too. What she didn't understand was why Lian Che wanted to shed blood to recognize his kin like her. Could it be that he was once a roundworm in her belly

But now is not the time to pursue this, after all, she also wants to know the result.

After thinking about it, she started paying attention to the situation in the bowl with them.

At first, the blood of Shengsheng and Yan'er slowly came closer, and then merged together. Then their mixed blood got closer to Chao Lianche's blood. The two bloods got closer and closer, and finally merged together. , not separated.

And this shows that Lian Che is indeed the biological father of Yan'er and Shengsheng.

Lin Bao somehow breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart was still heavy, as if there were many mysteries piled up in her heart, making her almost breathless.

The two little guys looked at the result and couldn't help but clapped their hands and applauded. They looked up at Lian Che and said, "Do you have any gifts now?"

Lian Che nodded, took out two different boxes from under the table, handed them to the two little guys, and said, "Open them and take a look."

The two little guys followed the instructions and opened the box in their hands. Lin Bao couldn't help but take a look and saw that Sheng Sheng was holding a small and straight wooden sword, while Yan'er was holding a belt. Flower headbands, it is undeniable that these two gifts are really suitable for the two little guys!

But, when did Lian Che prepare these two things? You know, these two things can't be seen at all in Nandu!

Facing Lin Bao's doubtful eyes, Lian Che smiled and looked at the two children curious about his new gift. He said softly to Lin Bao: "Actually, after you disappeared, I was preparing these two things. I originally wanted to wait until you were older. I’ll give it to you on New Year’s Eve, but I’ve changed my mind now.”

In the past five years, he has always held these two objects, imagining countless times what his and Bao'er's children would look like when they saw the gifts he made by himself. Now that he finally saw it, he was finally done with it. Something on my mind.

Seeing the soft smile on his face, Lin Bao couldn't help but ask, "Then what's your idea now?"

—Are you planning to go back to the Prime Minister's Mansion with her? Damn, if that was really the case, it would be better to just let her die. If her prime minister father knew that she was pregnant when she was fifteen years old, he would be so angry! The consequence of Lin Xingzhou's anger was to break her legs!

Ahem, it's a bit serious, but at least she will be slapped with a feather duster. I wonder if Lin Wanchen will still protect her now.

Looking at Lin Bao's curious baby look, Lian Che couldn't help but reached out and rubbed her head and said, "Secret!"


Well, this guy must be deliberately trying to whet her appetite! Since it was a secret, she should just pretend that she hadn't heard anything just now. She wasn't interested in his secrets anyway!


A month later, the group of them finally arrived in the capital. The fatigue of the past few days made Lin Bao and the two babies a bit overwhelmed. Lian Che simply suggested to find an inn to rest before going to the Prime Minister's Mansion. Wait until they have regained enough energy before going to the Prime Minister's Mansion. After all, there are still three or four days before New Year's Eve. It will be enough for them to rest for a day or two before going back.

Looking at Lin Bao who was sleeping soundly on the bed, Lian Che sighed, reached out and took off her shoes and socks, straightened the quilt for her, and then looked at the two babies who were sleeping soundly before leaving. He wrote the letter and walked out, ahem, of course he also left a lot of money.

In order to give the three of them a big surprise, he must leave here now and go back to prepare well. After all, that big surprise is very troublesome.

After Lin Bao woke up, what she saw when she opened her eyes was her baby's sleeping posture. In order not to disturb the two siblings, she carefully lifted the quilt and slipped out of bed. She was about to pour some water to moisten her throat. I saw a piece of paper under the tea cup on the table. There were very few words on it. It just said - "I've got something to do. See you later." And next to the note, there was a heavy purse. You didn't need to look at it to know that it should be inside. It's all money,

Looking at the scrawled handwriting, you can see how hurriedly he left. Lin Bao crumpled the note into a ball, then put the heavy purse in his arms and crawled back into bed again.

- Emma, I didn’t expect that Lian Che would be so self-aware and leave first, and leave her so much money so generously. It seems that now she can safely take her two babies back to the Prime Minister’s Mansion.

But... why does she feel a little empty in her heart


After completely relaxing in the inn for a day, Lin Bao took Shengsheng and Yan'er to the Prime Minister's Mansion. As she expected, before she took out the money, the guard didn't even look at her. He was going to drive her away with the long sword in his hand.

According to the guard, in the past five years, people like her who came to the Prime Minister's Mansion pretending to be young ladies were probably queued outside the city. Of course, many of them were kicked out of the capital by him.

And when Lin Bao put the white money in his hand, the guard immediately flattered him and went in to deliver the message.

Listening to his good buddy next to him said - "Girl, please don't tell anyone. When he sees a girl now, he thinks she is pretending to be a young lady. But, seriously, why do you spend so much money to see our master?" "

Hearing this, Lin Bao pursed his lips and smiled like a lady. He held his precious daughter and precious son with both hands and said softly: "Secret."

- I guess if she said she was the eldest lady and dragged her two children back, the guard wouldn't just kick her away.

Seeing that she was so mysterious, the guard was a little curious and was about to ask more questions when he saw the guard just walked out and said that Lin Xingzhou wanted to see her.

On the way to the main hall, Lin Bao felt a little uneasy and almost couldn't help singing "Uneasy". But what made her most curious was why Lin Xingzhou wanted to see her. You know, she didn't believe in a piece of silver. He was able to bribe the guard and Lin Xingzhou.

When she asked, the guard said this: "Actually, it's nothing. I just said: 'Master, there is someone who looks like the eldest lady outside the door!', and then he said he wanted to see you. "

"Then you didn't tell him about the two children?"

Lin Bao blinked and thought about it. If he had told her that she was still dragging her two children with her, Lin Xingzhou would probably not even bother to pay attention to her.

Sure enough, as she expected, the guard nodded seriously.

-Okay, brother guard, you are invincible.

After thinking about it, she had already arrived at the main hall, because the Prime Minister's Mansion had regulations that servants could not enter the main hall without being summoned. Even servants doing housework had to wait until the master was away to clean the main hall.

The guard kindly told her a few words, then turned and left.

Looking at the vermilion red door, Lin Bao took a deep breath, held the hands of the two babies and walked in, calling sweetly: "Dad, I'm back -"

Lin Xingzhou, who was still drinking tea, glanced sideways at Lin Bao and then at the two babies she was holding. Finally, he became uneasy and spit out a mouthful of tea.

—Nima, is his eyesight dim? Why did he see his daughter come in with two little kids

Seeing his father's gaffe, Lin Bao gently patted the two little guys on the back and whispered: "Baby, come on!"

Hearing the sound, Sheng Sheng and Yan'er ran forward. One of them wiped Lin Xingzhou's mouth with a small handkerchief, and the other poured him a new cup of tea. Then they opened their mouths and called "Grandpa" sweetly. It is undeniable that this The two little guys are really good at pleasing the old man!

Lin Bao looked at her darlings with satisfaction. She walked forward slowly, pulled the two darlings into her arms, pointed to Lin Wanchen who was already stunned and said: "He is the uncle, say hello to the uncle."

"Hello, uncle—"

The two little guys said sweetly, with their immature and cute little faces and their invincible cute smiles, they were so charming!

Lin Wanchen looked at the two living treasures and began to feel a little uneasy.

-Nima, after five years, his dear sister is finally back. This is already a surprise, but the key is that she also brought back two little bastards. This is great, only surprise but no joy!

He stood up and was about to ask his sister what was going on, but before he could say anything, Lin Xingzhou stood up, pointed at Lin Bao and said angrily: "You, come to the study!"


Lin Bao nodded, whispered a few words to Shengsheng and Yan'er, and then obediently went into the study next door with her father. After all, all fools knew that her father was angry now. If she disobeyed him again, wouldn't she? Is it tantamount to committing suicide

After thinking about it, Lin Bao pursed his lips, raised his eyes to look at the angry Lin Xingzhou, and said with a smile: "Dad, do you have anything important to do with Wan Yan?"

"Tell me, whose are those two children? How long ago were they conceived?"

Lin Xingzhou frowned and said, those two little kids looked quite big, but don't tell him that they were conceived by her five years ago!

Looking at Lin Xingzhou, who had a serious look on his face, Lin Bao wanted to laugh a little, and said truthfully: "Dad, actually I can't even remember how long ago I was pregnant with these two children. As for the father of the children, I only found out about it a month ago." , but I don’t know if dad knows him.”

When Lin Xingzhou heard this, he almost couldn't breathe. He held his aching chest and frowned: "Who is the father of the child?"

- Even if he doesn't know, then he has a way to know. If he is a bad boy with bad conduct, he must find someone to teach him a lesson so that he dares to bully his Lin Xingzhou daughter. My daughter is pregnant!

Hearing this, Lin Bao pursed his lips and thought: "He said his name is Lian Che, and he seems to be the head of the Nanshan Sect."

-As for whether he was the emperor, she didn't know.

As soon as he heard the word "Lian Che", coupled with his daughter's confused and innocent expression, Lin Xingzhou couldn't calm down anymore. You must know that his emperor Lian Che also has another unknown identity - that is, he is a member of the Nanshan Sect. Leader!

But why does he feel that his daughter doesn't know the emperor? Ahem, well, her daughter has never met the emperor at all, and knows nothing about the emperor. It is understandable that she does not know the dual identity of his emperor.

But how long did it take for his emperor to enlarge his daughter's belly? -Since this statement is not euphemistic, he might as well put it in another way - His emperor was so stupid that his daughter left a dragon seed behind when he left

Wait, it seems that the most important thing now is not this—

Does the emperor of his family know that his daughter gave birth to an heir

After thinking about it, Lin Xingzhou said anxiously: "Then does the Emperor know that you gave birth to an heir?"


Lin Bao was stunned, Damn, that guy is really a majestic king of a country, Emma, now she is in trouble, she is playing too big!

Just as she was thinking about it, she bit her finger and said, "Well - he knew about it a month ago."

God, if Lian Che is really the king of a country, wouldn't she become the queen of a country? And then you will be trapped in the palace for the rest of your life? —These are not as fun as being a head wife! However, if it is in the palace, there should be a lot of delicious food to eat, right

Thinking of the delicacies waiting for her to enjoy, Lin Bao couldn't help but swallow.

When Lin Xingzhou heard her words, his head felt heavy. He said that Lian Che suddenly prepared to leave the palace for a private visit to Nandu two months ago. He knew that his daughter was there a long time ago. As for the child, he probably also knew at that time. Right

But why didn't the emperor come back with his daughter this time? Or do you mean, don't want to? Or maybe he hasn't come back yet

Just when he was thinking about it, there were footsteps outside the study, and a boy knocked on the door and said, "Master, someone from the palace has sent a message."

Suddenly coming back to his senses, Lin Xingzhou looked up at the door and said, "What are you talking about?"

"The Emperor invites the Prime Minister and his family to the palace for a New Year's Eve dinner on New Year's Eve." The boy said matter-of-factly.

Upon hearing this, Lin Xingzhou felt that his little heart seemed to be a little unable to bear it.

—His daughter had just stepped into the prime minister's house, why did the emperor bring the words to her behind her back? -Is his emperor planning to talk to him about his daughter and the two children

Emma, if that's the case, wouldn't he have to dress up well then

After thinking about it, Lin Xingzhou smiled mischievously, waved to the boy, and said, "In that case, let's not pursue this issue now. Let's go to the main hall to see my two lovely grandchildren."

After saying that, Lin Xingzhou ran out of the study happily, leaving Lin Gongzi alone in the same place.

—Did she hear correctly just now? That guy Lian Che actually wanted to invite them to the palace for a family reunion dinner? Could it be that the secret he told at the beginning was worthy of this? Emma, this chapter has a lot of information, she needs to digest it.


Facts have proved that Lin Bao was not the only one who couldn't digest it, but Lin Wanchen was also the one who couldn't digest it.

It is undeniable that before he had digested the return of his little sister who had been missing for five years, he was stunned by the two cute little babies next to his little sister. And when he heard from his father about the New Year's Eve When he went to the palace for dinner that night, he was already petrified.

—Nima, the amount of information in this chapter is too great!

Compared to their mother and uncle who looked in disbelief, Sheng Sheng and Yan'er were the happiest. Especially when they heard their grandfather say that their father was the king of a country, the two brothers and sisters were so excited. So happy!

Unexpectedly, their father was so powerful. The two little guys couldn't help but want to rush back and show off to the senior brothers and sisters of the Cangshan sect who had once laughed at them.

-They are not some wild children without a father. Not only do they have a father, but their father is also the most powerful father in the world!

In the next three days, the Prime Minister's Mansion was very busy. Not only did they seize the time to customize new clothes, but they also prepared many New Year gifts, purchased a lot of children's products, and also re-decorated Lin Bao's bungalow. Fan.

In this regard, Lin Bao's attitude was like this: "Dad, is it necessary? I'm just going to the palace to have a meal, why is it so grand!"

Lin Wanchen's attitude was like this: "Wanyan is right. Dad, are you being too exaggerated?"

Shengsheng, one of the two living treasures, has this attitude: "Grandpa is so rich. He actually bought so many things. Shengsheng loves grandpa to death!"

Yan'er has this attitude: "I also want to prepare a gift for dad, so that dad can give me the best birthday gift!"

Lin Xingzhou, the most cheerful person among the parties involved, had this attitude: "What do you know? I call it everything. Fortunately, you two are so old. Shengsheng and Yan'er, who are younger than you two, understand it, but you don't. It’s so funny! My precious grandson and granddaughter are the best and smartest!”

As a result, Lin Bao and Lin Wanchen fell out of favor, while Sheng Sheng and Yan'er's status in the mansion was infinitely higher than that of them.

Seeing the old man and the young man working happily, Lin Bao helplessly sat on the steps at the door with Lin Wanchen, and said dullly: "Brother, how about we fight back?"

"Is there any point in fighting back? It seems that only Shengsheng and Yan'er can make dad happy. Do you want us to imitate them and act coquettish? I don't want it." Lin Wanchen said with great disgust.

Seeing his brother's attitude, Lin Bao didn't feel much in the mood to fight back.

And the thing that Lin Bao least expected in these three days was—

Lian Che actually sneaked into her room the night before they entered the palace!


Lin Bao, who was about to get up and get some water to drink, looked at Lian Che who was leaning against the window. He rubbed his eyes first, and then again. He realized that his eyes were blurred by rubbing them, and Lian Che was still here, so he admitted The fact that he sneaked into her room in the middle of the night.

—Nima, in the middle of the night, when a man and a woman are alone in the same room, it’s easy for people to have wild thoughts, okay

Lin Bao held the water glass, swallowed nervously, pushed it back, and said, "You... what are you doing here?"

"What do you think I'm here for?"

Lian Che pursed his lips and smiled, glanced at her nervous look, and was in a good mood. However, after seeing her white feet, his mood was not so beautiful. It is said that this woman is not too cold to go to bed with her bare feet. What

Thinking about it, he moved closer, walked to the bed and took her shoes and socks, waved to her, and said, "Why don't you come here quickly -"

come over

Nima, why did you call her over

Lin Bao didn't move, his tight little face was full of reluctance, "Why should I listen to you!"

-Don’t think that just because you are the king of a country, you can give orders to others at will. She still has some moral integrity, okay? Although she doesn’t have much left, at least she still has some!

Seeing her like that, Lian Che knew that she must be thinking wildly. He sighed helplessly, raised the shoes and socks on his hands, and said, "Do you have to worry me to death? If you get out of bed and run around without shoes, what if?" What should I do if I get cold?”

Listening to his caring words, Lin Bao felt a little uncomfortable and felt a little embarrassed. He had no choice but to step forward and take his shoes and socks, sit on the stool and put them on, and then asked: "Now you can answer my question. "Excuse me, Your Majesty, why do you come to this young lady's boudoir at night?"

Lian Che resisted the urge to say "Fuck you", pursed his lips and took out a delicate hosta from his arms, handed it to her and said, "Put this on tomorrow."

—Nima, why did you do it so late at night just to give her a hairpin so that she can wear it tomorrow

Lin Bao twitched his lips, took the hosta, and looked at it carefully in the moonlight. It was undeniable that the workmanship of this hosta was exquisite, it was simply top quality, and the fonts engraved on it were also very beautiful.

Wait, font

Lin Bao opened his eyes wide and saw two big characters clearly engraved on it - Che Bao!

—Let me go, what is this? A token of love

Lin Bao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He pointed at the font on it, looked at Lian Che and said, "Did you ask someone to engrave this on it?"

"Hmm, don't you like it?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the handle of the hosta and saw a row of small characters engraved on it.

Lin Bao took a closer look and saw that it read - hold your hand and grow old together with your son.

—Okay, she doesn’t plan to keep this hosta!

After thinking about it, Lin Bao stuffed the hairpin into his hand and said truthfully: "Sorry, I can't take it."

"Why? If you don't like it, how about I have someone make it again tonight and send it to you early tomorrow morning?"

Lian Che frowned, his beautiful phoenix eyes full of confusion and a touch of loss.

Hearing this, Lin Bao pursed his lips and said, "Although you are the father of Shengsheng and Yan'er, I still feel that there is no emotion between us."

—So, she doesn’t plan to accept his love-filled hairpin.

But Lian Che was deeply shocked.