Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 148: [148] Did she really have sex with Nan Jing last night? !


Upon hearing this, Lin Bao wanted to squirt again, but unfortunately there was nothing left in his mouth to squirt. It took him a long time to realize what he had said. Damn it - just the warmth of the bed was very satisfying. I'm shocked, but this guy actually said... and said she was a little eunuch? !

Looking at her chin that was about to fall to the ground, Lian Che stretched out his hand to catch her, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It's unbelievable, isn't it?"


Nonsense, do you need to say this

Lin Bao glared at him, slapped his hand away, put his chin away, and then listened to him again: "Bao'er, guess what your eunuch's name is."


Tai, what’s the eunuch’s name? !

Somehow, Lin Bao suddenly remembered the "dead bun" that Xiahou Jinnian shouted at her last time. Lin Wanchen heard that Xiahou Jinnian was the nephew of the Queen Mother and had lived in the palace for a long time since he was a child. If she If he really had been a eunuch in the palace, he should have seen him before. And the way he looked at him that day didn't seem like he had admitted a mistaken identity. Could it be...

Is she called Si Baozi? This obviously doesn’t sound like it!

While he was thinking about it, he heard Lian Che say again: "If you can't guess, I can tell you - it's called 'little bun'."

—The peat-free little bun! She is so big, okay

Lin Bao twitched the corner of her mouth, not knowing who gave such a funny name. But at this moment, she remembered that her name was Lin Bao. It must have been that the father-in-law who was in charge when she first entered the palace was afraid. Sorry, that's why I gave her this nickname.

It’s just—why is it so funny? Is it just because her name has the same pronunciation for "宝" and "宝"? If this is the case, she will...just go to the father-in-law to argue!

Looking at her rich expression, Lian Che pursed his lips, put one hand on his chin as if thinking, and pondered: "You say... should I let you be a little eunuch again, or would this be able to put all the past things behind me?" Remember?"

—Again, again? !

Lin Bao shook his head and said, "Let's forget it."

After all, no one with a brain would agree to this, right? But then, didn’t she have a brain five years ago? Bah, bah, bah, she has such a bad mouth, why would she curse herself when she has nothing to do!

Hearing what she said, Lian Che didn't insist anymore. After all, the current situation didn't allow it. He walked side by side with her in silence and continued to walk forward. He said casually: "Do you want to go out of the palace tonight to have some fun?"

Hearing this, Lin Bao looked up at him in surprise, "Of course!"

—How boring it is to be bored in the palace all day! When she first came to the capital, she had agreed with Shengsheng and Yan'er that they would eat snacks and play all over the capital together, but now the three of them, mother and son, were trapped in the palace, and their previous promises had not yet been fulfilled. Now they have such an opportunity. , why not take this opportunity to have fun

Just as she was making small calculations, Lian Che spoke again: "Don't worry, it's just the two of us, no one else."

—Nima, doesn’t this shatter her dream

Lin Bao frowned, "Then Shengsheng and Yan'er—"

If those two little guys knew that they were playing late at night, they would definitely disturb the peace of the entire Cining Palace, right

Hearing her mention Shengsheng and Yan'er, Lian Che was slightly startled. Not to mention, he almost forgot about the two little guys just now. After thinking for a long time, he said: "Well - let's keep it a secret and bring them back tomorrow. They hang out."

Keep it secret

Lin Bao said she could accept it, but thinking about going out tonight, she couldn't help but be a little curious. She looked at him and said with interest, "Is there anything interesting happening in the capital tonight?"

"Of course."

—Moreover, he arranged it himself.

Lian Che swallowed the next sentence, his eyes full of tenderness and endearment, he gently held her little hand with one hand, and added: "I promise, I will make you so happy that you can't sleep tonight."

Lin Bao didn't pay too much attention to him holding his hand. After all, they both had children, and it would be a bit pretentious to refuse now, so he let him hold his hand and said happily: "I think I am so happy that I can't sleep now." ”

—How wonderful it would be if I could just go out of the palace and visit the night market in the capital!

Seeing her so happy, even Che couldn't help but laugh. His mind was full of her expression when he saw the surprise he had prepared tonight. No matter what, he should feel particularly excited and happy. You know, he was very careful. It has been planned for several years!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. Looking at the flat palace road in front of him, Lian Che smiled again.


At the same time, in the top luxury inn in Beijing, a man in black robe stood in front of the window, looking down at the scenery outside the window, with a pair of deep eyes filled with deep thoughts.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door cautiously—

"Knock knock knock—"

Nan Jing did not move and said calmly: "Come in."

As soon as the sound fell, the person outside the door carefully pushed the door open, but still pretended to be calm and walked forward, stopping slowly five steps away from Nanjing, holding the note in his hand. Inside, he leaned over, nodded, raised his hands on his head, and said respectfully: "Master, this is the news that my subordinates got from the palace."

While talking, this man was thinking secretly. Five years ago, when Nan Yixiu had not been transferred to Nanjing, they were all called "Young Master". Since Nanjing became the leader, in order not to reveal his identity outside, they were all called "Young Master". Although there is no difference between the two, the real power has always been in his hands.

It’s just that I don’t know what their leader was talking about. As soon as he heard that Miss Lin had brought the child to the capital and returned to the palace, he rushed to the capital with his people and sent many people in to find out about Lin. He even picked an inn closest to the palace to stay at the girl's news. If he hadn't known in advance that Miss Lin was his biological sister, he would have almost thought that their leader had fallen in love with Miss Lin, but... maybe... The boss has a fetish for girls!

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Nan Jing slowly turn around, reach out and take the note in his hand, read it roughly, used his inner strength to turn it into scraps of paper, and then said to him: "Go back and continue to monitor." ”


The man stood up and exited the room. The moment he closed the door, he let out a long sigh of relief.

After the footsteps outside the door gradually disappeared, Nan Jing turned around and continued to look out the window. Thinking of the contents of the note, he became a little upset.

Originally, when he knew about their relationship, he should have let it go, right? However, letting go was too difficult for him. It's not that he can't look away, it's just that he feels a little unwilling, and that unwillingness is mixed with a little jealousy and a strong possessiveness. He has even imagined countless times that they are not brother and sister but a husband and wife.

Perhaps, she would try to give him delicious food like every wife does; or, she would prepare many surprises for him every day; or, she would be intimate with him, and then give birth to their child for him. .

However, these are fantasies after all. Even if he had the intention, he would not dare to do it, because he knew that she would never agree, and maybe those public opinions would defeat her. Rather than letting her get hurt, it would be better Let him suffer alone.

But... why can't he let go? Is it because he loves her too much

Thinking of this, Nan Jing suddenly laughed, recalling in her mind what she had said when we parted that day -

"Nan Jing, although I don't know what happened to you to say these words to me, but I know one thing very well - we don't have deep feelings for each other, so I agree to your request and hope that you can really leave. "Definitely, don't let me meet you again, otherwise... I really can't guarantee whether I will never forget you."

At that time, she was very rational. Although her eyes were full of sadness, her tone was firm. Perhaps it was because of that firmness that he felt for her.

At that time, even he thought that he could forget her quickly, but things went against his expectations. The more he wanted to forget her, her figure would always appear in his mind, and even occupy his entire brain. Later he discovered , he can no longer forget her.

And when he went back to find her, she had... forgotten about him.

He had thought countless times, if she had not fallen into the water, would she have forgotten him

Wait, fell into the water

Nan Jing choked suddenly, seemed to remember something, and rushed out of the room like crazy -


At night, Lin Bao and Lian Che changed their clothes and quietly left the palace. Because today was the first day of the Lunar New Year, lanterns were hung everywhere on the streets. Even at night, many people came out to visit the night market, and vendors were also here. They were actively selling their products, and for a while, the whole street became more lively.

Lian Che held her carefully in his arms and walked casually among the crowd, listening to her stories about Sheng Sheng and Yan'er's embarrassing stories with great interest.

"You don't know, when Shengsheng first learned to speak, no one could understand him. My second brother and I tried many ways to correct his accent, and even hired some storytellers to teach him how to speak. It's a pity that the little The guy just didn't understand and kept talking to himself. After about half a year, Yan'er also started to learn to talk, so he told Yan'er that I don't know what they said, but luckily later. Shengsheng’s accent has also been corrected, but...she rarely speaks anymore.”

After saying that, she looked guilty and looked down at the hem of her skirt, her eyes filled with self-blame.

Of course Lian Che knew what she was thinking, he hugged her a little tighter as if to comfort him, changed the topic and asked curiously: "I remember, Sheng Sheng and Yan'er are about the same age, why is Yan'er half a year slower than Sheng Sheng in learning to speak? ?”

Hearing this, Lin Bao raised his eyes and whispered: "Second brother said that I was too weak during delivery, which indirectly affected Yan'er's body."

Of course, part of it was because of the medicine Nan Jing gave her. She later secretly inquired that if the medicine was taken by a pregnant woman with dystocia, it would only protect the adult but not the child. But miraculously, Yan'er survived. Although his body is delicate, he has improved a lot after several years of conditioning.

Hearing her say this, Lian Che suddenly felt a sense of decadence. Listening to her sour tone, he felt a little uncomfortable. He sighed softly and then said: "It's all my fault. If I had found you earlier, maybe These things won’t happen.”

Maybe, in these five years, he can add a few more treasures!

Seeing how upset he was, Lin Bao stretched out his hand and pinched himself. Really, why was she mentioning this when she had nothing to do? It would only affect people's emotions!

After thinking about it, she looked up at him, smiled, and said, "It's all over anyway, so don't pay too much attention. By the way, didn't you say there was something fun? Where is it?"

As soon as he heard the words "fun", Lian Che became excited again. He took her hand and walked forward quickly. Seeing his anxious look, Lin Bao also guessed a little bit, and he also felt a little bit in his heart. Curious, she caught up with him and walked forward.

After walking for a long time, Lin Bao realized that Lian Che had brought her to a grandstand. Although it was not as high as a city wall, it was as high as a two-story inn. It was undeniable that the night view from here was indeed very romantic.

Lin Bao let go of his hand, stepped forward and lay on the railing, looking at the scenery in the distance.

Looking at her figure, Lian Che hesitated for a moment, turned around, bought two candied haws, and walked toward her. He glanced at the figure at his feet, nodded understandingly, stretched out his hand and handed her a candied haws, saying: "No—"

Lin Bao looked at the candied haws he handed over and felt a little surprised. Just now she was regretting that there was only beautiful scenery but no delicious food, but now he has brought "delicious food", how can she not be excited!

After thinking about it, Lin Bao took a bite of the candied haws in his mouth and said with a sweet smile: "Thank you."

"Marry me, and I don't care how much you eat."

Lian Che said casually, lying side by side on the railing with her.

When he heard what he said, Lin Bao's teeth ached and his body trembled slightly. He suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Did he propose just now or something? Why does it sound so weird to her

Glancing at the figure at his feet again, Lian Che curled his lips and turned to look at her, "Bao'er, you've started to think about it anyway, how about we make a bet?"


Lin Bao subconsciously wanted to refuse, but looking at his eyes he couldn't open his mouth. After a while, he said: "Well, I'll listen first."

Lian Che was startled. Originally, he had been prepared for her to refuse, but now she compromised and said she wanted to listen. Does that mean she still had feelings for him

Thinking about it, he cleared his throat and said, "I'll count three in a moment. If there are fireworks and blessings among these three, it means it's a sign from God. Then you will marry me. How about it?"


What kind of stuff is this! Upon hearing it, it was obvious that he was playing a trick!

Lin Bao glanced at his slightly uncomfortable expression without any trace, took another mouthful of candied haws, and curled his lips and said, "Well, I have to add one more condition."

"What conditions?"

He wondered, although he was extremely nervous in his heart, his face was still as calm as water, well - of course, except for his twinkling eyes.

Lin Bao swallowed the candied haws in his mouth and said slowly: "Meteor - if it is really a prediction from God, then there will definitely be a meteor."

—Hehe, she doesn’t believe in any predictions from heaven. She has never seen a shooting star in her entire life. If she could see one from here, wouldn’t it be too ridiculous

After thinking about it, she raised her eyes and looked at Lian Che. As expected, the guy was a little hesitant. She raised her eyebrows, imitating his usual appearance, and said funnyly: "Do you dare to bet? If there is a shooting star, I will marry you immediately; but If not, you will never marry me in this life!"


Lian Che was horrified: Damn, isn't this bet too big

Seeing him stunned, Lin Bao curled his lips and said, "Don't you dare to gamble?"

"Who says you dare not! Just bet!"

Even if someone showed his shameless spirit again, no matter what, he was ready anyway. If he didn't give it a try, he would regret it for the rest of his life, and the meteor would never appear once in hundreds of years, so he didn't believe it. She won't be moved when the fireworks are set off later!

Listening to his relatively confident tone, a trace of doubt flashed in Lin Bao's eyes, then he shrugged and smiled, "Okay, then you start counting-"

Lian Che swallowed as he was told, and while she wasn't paying attention, he gestured to the figures at his feet. After receiving a response from them, he opened his mouth and said, "Then I'll start. One -"


As soon as his voice fell, colorful fireworks bloomed in the sky, almost lighting up the night, and pedestrians cheered loudly. Lin Bao on the side stared blankly with his eyes wide open.

Watching the first round of fireworks come to an end, Lian Che cleared his throat and said again: "Two-"

"Marry him! Marry him! Marry him—"

The fireworks this time were not as dazzling as the first round, but there were many people cheering around them, and even many pedestrians stopped at their feet to applaud and shout for them. The voices gradually gathered and formed a complete sentence.

Lin Bao was stunned. Although she had expected that he had been prepared, it was different from seeing it with her own eyes. After hearing the cheers, she still felt a little moved, and Lian Che also put down his hand at this time. The candied haws in his hand pulled her shoulders, looked at her lovingly, then leaned over and kissed her lips gently.

"Plop! Plop!"

She knew that this was her heartbeat, but why was her heart beating so fast? Could it be... is it because of him

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard the sound of fireworks blooming in the sky. At this time, someone cheered: "Look! There is a shooting star!"

Upon hearing this, everyone closed their mouths, looked up at the meteor shower in the sky, and marveled.

Lin Bao glanced at the sky with his peripheral vision, and sure enough, there were shooting stars, and there were more than one!

—Nima, God, do you really want her to marry him? Or does he really have the ability to predict

Seeing her distracted, Lian Che bit her lower lip punitively, then straightened up, lifted the long hair around her ears with one hand, and said, "Bao'er, are you willing to marry me?"

are you willing

Will she

Lin Bao took a deep breath, her heart felt warm, and her previously lost memories also appeared in her mind.

She remembered that when she first entered the palace, she stood blankly in the hall. He looked at her eyes and was startled for a moment. Then he curled his lips and smiled at her. The smile was not obvious, but it was warm, like a brand. Generally, it was imprinted in her mind.

She still remembered that in the dark night, she was wearing a palace maid's uniform and first met a man in white robes, and then she met him again by chance. During the period, she treated them both to baked potatoes. Later she learned that the man in white robes was called Nian Hua.

She still remembered many things, and the one that impressed her the most was the day they were assassinated outside the palace. He blocked the knife for her. Later, they hid in the woodshed of Qing|Lou and she stayed with him all night. Maybe She must have fallen in love with him from then on...

Seeing her pause, Lian Che was a little nervous, fearing that she would regret it. After catching the tension in his eyes, she put her arms around his waist, clasped it gently, blushed and said, "I do."


Did she say yes

Lian Che hugged her tightly excitedly, buried his head in her neck, sniffed the fragrance of her body, and said excitedly: "If you promise, you can't go back on it!"

"As long as you don't regret it, I won't regret it."

After saying that, she pressed her face against his chest. Even through the thick clothes, she could still feel the heat on his body and the strong heartbeat.

Likewise, she also felt that her blood was surging, her little heart was beating non-stop, and a joy filled her heart.

She really wanted to tell him now that she remembered everything in the past, but just when she broke away from his arms and was about to speak, screams suddenly sounded around her, almost piercing her eardrums.

-What happened

Lin Bao and Lian Che looked up and looked around, only to see the people who had been cheering and applauding for them running down the stands in panic. At this moment, silver needles pierced towards them with a cold light under the moonlight.

Lian Che's quick eyes and hands quickly protected Lin Bao in his arms, and he used Qinggong to avoid those silver needles. Taking advantage of this opportunity, several men in black hiding in the dark rushed forward, pulled out the long swords in their hands and aimed at them both. Stab away.

Lin Bao was shocked. The sword he blocked for her five years ago was still vivid in her mind. Before he could react, she reached out and pushed him away, facing the cold sword.


As soon as the sound fell, Lian Che hurriedly rushed forward, watching the long sword about to pierce her body. At this moment, a black shadow came towards them. He knocked back the men in black around him with one palm, and then carried it with him. Qi Linbao disappeared into the stands.

Of course Lian Che would not let that person succeed this time. Regardless of the situation, he picked up the long sword scattered on the ground and hurriedly chased after him.

He had already lost her once, and he didn't want to experience that heartache again! No matter what, even if he dies, he will die with Bao'er!


Lin Bao looked at the large crowd on the ground, and his heart trembled suddenly. He reached out and tightened the clothes on his back, and said excitedly: "Nan Jing, I know it's you! Let me down!"

—Nima, besides Nan Jing, who else would wear this black outfit? Even if he wasn't wearing black clothes, she could still smell the faint fragrance on his body - that smell was exclusive to Nanjing!

Hearing this, Nan Jing pursed her lips, carried her back to the inn where she was staying, rushed back to the wing, put her on the bed, her scarlet eyes were full of eagerness, and reached out to pull off her hair tie. He held her hands and said: "Wanyan, even if you hate me to death, I must take you back!"

Looking at his tied hands, Lin Bao trembled a little and subconsciously shrank back, "Second brother, I won't go back with you!"

That "second brother" pissed off Nan Jing. He knew that even if he was willing to start over with her, she would not agree, and one of the reasons was that they were biological siblings!

Suddenly, he stepped forward and threw her at her, placing his hands on both sides of her head. His tone was harsher than ever before, "Take back what you just said!"

"No… "

As soon as she said a word, his big palm grabbed her fragile neck, and there was a bloodthirsty coldness on his lips, "Take it back!"

-What happened to him

Lin Bao curled up into a ball, bit his lower lip, and said, "Second brother, I will not go back with you. I want to marry Lian Che!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a "bang" sound, and the wardrobe next to the bed fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Lin Bao shuddered subconsciously, and his body shivered even more violently, but he suddenly reached out to untie her clothes, with a face that looked exactly like Lin Wanchen's full of madness, "I won't let you." You will never marry him!"

Seeing his movements, Lin Bao struggled subconsciously, beating his chest with his tied hands, almost crying, "Second brother... Nan, Nan Jing, let me go, let me go!"

—Rather than have a relationship with him, it would be better to let her die!

However, her struggle only made Nan Jing more excited. In order to prevent her from committing suicide, Nan Jing simply took out the black pill from his arms and stuffed it into her mouth. Lin Bao was caught off guard and swallowed it in one gulp.

Facing his ferocious face, Lin Bao's voice was out of tune due to fear, "What did you feed me!"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she realized something was wrong with her. First, her whole body lost strength, and then her vision became blurred. Then her body began to feel hot and even a little itchy, accompanied by a sense of emptiness that made her endure. He couldn't help but moan softly.

-Could it be that... this is a love potion

Lin Bao's heart felt cold, he bit his lower lip, clamped his legs and looked at him, and said with all his strength: "Madman, let me go!"

"Wanyan, I will never let you go in this life."

After saying that, he leaned over and kissed her lips, and deftly untied the thick barrier on her body with one hand.

He...he's going to—

A teardrop overflowed from the corner of his eye. Lin Bao sobbed and looked at him helplessly, "Second brother, don't... please, don't..."

If he did that kind of thing, how could she have the dignity to live anymore? Even if she died, she wouldn't have the shame to see her mother!

Seeing her like this, Nan Jing raised his head slightly, kissed away the tears on her face, and reached out to touch her skin, "Don't be afraid, it won't hurt."

A strange feeling filled Lin Bao's heart. She twisted her body in disgust, but with this movement, the itching under her body became more serious. After twisting, Lin Bao didn't have much strength left. She was confused. Looking at the figure in front of him, his eyes were full of coldness, but he still struggled to say: "Brother... I will die with my eyes open..."

Suddenly, Nan Jing paused.

He suddenly remembered that a long time ago, when the woman was dying, she held the hands of the three of them and smiled kindly. The smile was full of maternal love, but he also understood another meaning - she wanted them to love each other.

But in the blink of an eye, I thought, what is he doing now? Are you going to rape his biological sister

A sense of guilt permeated his heart. Seeing that he froze, Lin Bao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. However, her body's reaction became more sensitive, so that she completely lost her will and took the initiative to lean towards him.

Nan Jing was startled, looking at her crimson face and slightly open skirt, hesitated for a moment, and then leaned over and kissed her lips -


When Lin Bao woke up, she was in the side hall of Chaoyang Palace. She subconsciously looked to her side. There was no one there. It could be said that there was no one in the whole room. Then she lifted the quilt and took a look at her body. Although she was wearing clean clothes, She was wearing underwear, but she still felt uncomfortable, her legs were still a little sore, and her waist was a little swollen.

Pursing his lips, Lin Bao reached out and untied his clothes. He saw that his originally fair skin was full of traces of love, but they were not very obvious. After smelling the smell on his body, Lin Bao knew it. , someone had bathed her.

But where did she bathe

Suddenly, the memory of last night came into his mind, and Lin Bao felt a little unbelievable. He sat up and covered his mouth with one hand and retched.

—Did she really have sex with Nan Jing last night? !

At this moment, the palace door was pushed open from the outside.

Lin Bao looked up and saw a group of palace people walking forward in an orderly manner, holding various jewelry and clothes in their hands. The leading palace maid stepped forward to look at her and said respectfully: "My queen is finally awake." , Now let me change my clothes and go to Cining Palace to pay my respects to the Queen Mother. "


Lin Bao suddenly felt that this title was a bit harsh. Looking at those gorgeous costumes, she turned away absentmindedly and said in disgust: "Everyone, please step aside. I will be quiet by myself."

"This... that slave is waiting outside. If you need anything, please give me an order."

After saying that, the palace people withdrew again, and she was the only one left in the huge room.

Thinking of what happened last night, Lin Bao couldn't help but retching, and all the reactions in her body told her that she had betrayed Lian Che!

But how did she come back? Could it be that Nan Jing sent her back afterwards? No, with Nanjing's temperament, it was impossible to send her back. According to this, Lian Che would be the one to bring her back.

If he really brought her back, wouldn't he have seen her miserable appearance last night? Or maybe he doesn't know yet

The more she thought about it, the more complicated it became. Lin Bao scratched her hair irritably and looked at her hands in frustration. Maybe she had used too much force last night, and her nails were still hurting to this day.

However, this is not the point. The point is that there are patterns on the cuffs of the undershirt she is wearing!

As far as she knew, she had seen this kind of pattern when she was changing Lian Che's clothes when she was a eunuch. In that case, Lian Che changed the clothes for her, so her body... must have been cleaned by him as well. Come on, does he know what happened last night

Lin Bao pursed his lips. Yes, if he didn't know, he would have come to accompany her a long time ago. How could he let a group of palace people dress her up? He must not feel any better than her.

As for the word "Empress", maybe... it's just nonsense from the palace people

Thinking of this, Lin Bao felt her heart hurt even more. The faces of Nan Jing and Lian Che were mixed in her mind, which almost made her collapse.

—Why is this happening

What did she do wrong that God wanted to punish her like this? Or... she and Lian Che were simply destined not to be together

The more he thought about it, the more painful it became. Lin Bao covered his face with his hands and finally burst into tears.

Now that she was dirty, what qualifications did she have to be worthy of him? Rather than living an ignoble existence and living in the public opinion of others, it would be better to let her die!

However, even if she died, she would not have the shame to see Su Yu!

Lin Bao finally realized what it meant to be worse than dead.

After crying for several hours, she fell down on the bed in a daze, folding her hands around her chest, shivering, her cheeks were scarlet, her beautiful black eyes were swollen like peaches, and her voice was completely It’s useless and I can’t even speak.

Feeling so disheartened, she simply picked up the hairpin that the palace man had just dropped, cut her wrist, fell to the ground, and looked at the ceiling hopelessly.

At the same time, the palace people who had been waiting outside for a long time finally realized that something was wrong. They stepped forward and quietly opened the door. They saw Lin Bao lying on the ground with one hand soaked in blood. The palace was filled with the smell of blood. But she was not angry at all.

The previous maids were startled and rushed in to save people. Some of them went to Tai Hospital, some went to find Lian Che, and the rest tried their best to save the situation.

When the imperial doctor arrived, Lin Bao had been helped to lie on the bed. His injured hand was wrapped in a brocade handkerchief, but there was still a lot of blood soaked into the brocade handkerchief and dripping into the carpet.

The old doctor took a deep breath and stepped forward to take emergency measures.

Watching Lin Bao pass out, he pinched her waist. At this time, her breathing was so weak that it was difficult to notice.

Lin Bao felt his head twitching. He opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at the imperial doctor in front of him, reached out and pulled out the silver needle in his hand, and opened the wound on the blood clot that had finally solidified. This move shocked everyone. Charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

When the palace people were about to step forward to stop Lin Bao, they saw Lin Bao sitting up. She pointed a silver needle at the artery on the side of her neck and said feebly: "Don't save me, let me die -"

- She no longer has the face to see Lian Che. Instead of embarrassing all of them, it would be better for her to die. Anyway, the most she can do is be scolded by her own mother when she goes underground. This is better than living here.

She was indeed thick-skinned before, but that was because she had dignity and personality. But now that her integrity has been shattered, her personality has been lost, and her dignity has been trampled on, what qualifications does she have to be thick-skinned? If she still lives an ignoble existence, to put it bluntly, she is a bitch!

Due to excessive blood loss, Lin Bao's limbs were a little weak, but she still tried hard to raise her hand to aim the silver needle at her artery and prick it out. But at the moment she was about to use force, she suddenly let go and fainted.

"Hurry, save the empress!"

The palace people were in chaos, and the Imperial Hospital also dispatched its entire force. However, her wounds were too deep, and she had no consciousness of survival. She was about to die. At this time, she watched the people who had been sent to find Lian Che come back. .

Everyone rushed forward, "Where is the Emperor?"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty is not in the palace!"

The palace people gasped and looked at the unconscious Lin Bao.

—What should we do? Can we just wait for death now

At that time, the Queen Mother and Xiahou Jinnian, who came after hearing the news, were even more frightened when they saw Lin Bao like that, while Shengsheng and Yaner were frightened and cried.

"M-Mother, what's wrong with you?"

Yan'er looked at the blood all over her body, her eyes full of horror, and the same was true for Shengsheng.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother quickly protected the two children in her arms, covering their eyes to prevent them from seeing. Instead, she took them to the side and bluffed: "Be good - your mother is just sleepy and wants to go to bed." , don’t bother her, you know?”

"But there is blood on my mother's body. My second uncle said that people with a lot of blood on their bodies will die..."

Yan'er cried so hard that she couldn't breathe. Looking at Shengsheng, his face was pale and his eyes were full of fear.

The Queen Mother looked at the two of them like this, squatted down and held them both in her arms, looked at the palace people aside, and said coldly: "Where is the Emperor? Don't you know if you will send someone to invite the Emperor!"

—At this moment, if Lian Che hadn’t been in charge of the overall situation, then Lin Bao would definitely die!

Hearing this, the bold palace man stepped forward and trembled: "As for the Queen Mother, I sent someone to invite you, but I couldn't find the Emperor anywhere. I heard from the guard guarding the door that the Emperor went out after bringing the empress back."


The Queen Mother's eyes turned white, and she almost lost her temper. At this moment, the imperial doctor came forward and reported: "To the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother is about to die. Do you want the little prince and the little princess to go and talk to the Queen Mother?"

About to die

The Queen Mother got up as she was told and walked to the bed with the two little ones in her arms. She saw Lin Bao breathing lowly and showing no signs of waking up. She couldn't help but stretched out her hand to check her nose. It was just as the imperial doctor said. Like that, I'm about to die.

The two little guys couldn't help but panic when they saw this, and even burst into tears when they heard the imperial doctor's words, "I'm about to die." The brother and sister broke away from the Empress Dowager's arms and lay on the edge of the bed, holding Lin Bao's uninjured hand. .

Shengsheng sniffed and said, "Mother, please get up quickly. If you get up, Shengsheng will go to the private school obediently and never make mother angry again, okay?"

Yan'er also sobbed and said: "Mother, don't you want Yan'er anymore... Yan'er will listen to mother, but mother can't leave Yan'er..."

People on the side couldn't help wiping away tears when they saw this scene. Xiahou Jinnian stood there feeling uncomfortable.

He suddenly remembered that he had saved her life in the attic five years ago. At that time, he wished to die for her. But now, although he no longer likes her, he still hopes that he can die for her. die.

After all, he has no father and no mother, and has no worries. Unlike her, she has a pair of children to take care of, and she also has to be filial to Lin Xingzhou and Lin Wanchen, as well as his aunt.

However, there is no way to save her now, let alone die for her.

After thinking about it, he pursed his lips and finally stuffed a black pill into her mouth, forcing her to swallow it.

The Queen Mother was shocked, "Jinnian, what are you doing?"

"Auntie, don't worry. I just gave her the medicine newly developed by the Nanshan Sect. Although it won't bring people back to life, it has the effect of extending their lives." Xiahou Jinnian explained calmly. What he didn't finish next was —Those who take this medicine have a chance of conception that is one ten thousandth of that of ordinary people.

However, now that the emperor's cousin already has Shengsheng and Yan'er, there is no problem even if Lin Bao cannot have children. The only problem is that this medicine has just been developed and it is not known how long it will last. It may be one stick. It may be a year or a few years, but the top priority is to find Lian Che first, otherwise there will really be no hope.

And at this moment, Lian Che appeared—