Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 151: [151] Thinking about it after marriage


I once thought that in this life, I would only be accompanied by fame and fame, and that I would be destined to be alone for the rest of my life. It wasn’t until you appeared that I discovered that this was the so-called fate.



In the early morning, the crisp chirping of birds rang in his ears. Lin Bao moved his body and opened his eyes lazily.

"Well… "

Just as he was about to stand up, he found a strong arm wrapped around his waist.

Lin Bao looked up and saw Lian Che still sleeping with a relaxed look on his face, his bare chest rising and falling steadily, and there were still shallow tooth marks and red marks on his collarbone. Just one glance made people think.

It was undeniable that for her, seeing such a picture of a beautiful man sleeping when she woke up every morning was extremely eye-catching.

Thinking about it, Lin Bao stretched out his hand and pinched his cheek, coaxing like a child: "Che, it's time to go to the morning court!"

"Well-I'll sleep a little longer."

As he spoke, Lian Che leaned into the quilt and did not forget to reach out and pull her into his arms as a pillow to hold her tightly. From the beginning to the end, his eyes never opened.

Although he was used to his getting up angry on weekdays, Lin Bao still couldn't help but want to laugh, and he frowned as he smiled.

- Previously, when they were newly married, it was understandable that he would be late in the morning. But the problem is - now they have been married for more than a year, and Yuan'er will be one month old in five days, and he is still staying in bed like this. What if? The minister said that he focused on sex over politics. What if he is written into the annals of history

No, she didn't want him to be scolded by future generations, let alone her being said to be a disaster because of her beauty.

After thinking about it, Lin Bao's heart skipped a beat and he reached out and pinched his waist. The pain made Lian Che suddenly open his eyes.

"Baoer, what are you doing?"

Lian Che sat up, rubbed his eyes with his hands, and stretched out comfortably. He looked extremely lazy, but also very charming.

Lin Bao swallowed, propped up the bed with one hand and slowly sat up, looked at him reproachfully, and said, "Why don't you go to the morning court?"

Early morning

Lian Che frowned, as if he remembered something, and then looked at her with a smile, "Bao'er, you are weak now, I'd better stay with you."


Peat, she knew this guy would definitely use the fact that she was still in confinement as an excuse!

Lin Bao rolled his eyes, opened the quilt, put on his shoes and socks, walked out of bed quietly, and slipped to the cradle to look at his precious girl.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at this tender skin, it really makes people want to take a bite. I have to say, this baby's hands are really too small, I'm afraid they will break if I'm not careful.

Looking carefully at Yuan'er who was still sleeping soundly, Lin Bao leaned over and kissed her on the face while holding her hair.

Emma, as expected of her, is a little beauty no matter how you look at her!

Seeing his wife overflowing with motherly love, Lian Che got out of bed, took a cloak and put it on her, and said softly: "Don't catch a cold."

Although it is late spring now, there is still a bit of cool breeze in this morning.

The imperial doctor had said that her body was already weak, and if the root cause of her disease fell at this moment, it would be a lifelong matter.

Therefore, classmate Lian Che had to be cautious.

Lin Bao enjoyed his thoughtfulness extremely. In return, she turned around and kissed his handsome face. Then she looked at the sleeping Yuan'er, lowered her voice and laughed, "Che, Yuan'er is even greedier than you." Sleeping."

"She is so young, she should take a nap."

As he spoke, his hands gently wrapped around her waist, clasping them gently in front of her slightly bulging abdomen, and gently pressed his chin against her shoulders, his eyes full of endearment.

Lin Bao thought that was true. He gently held his big palm with his small hand, turned his face slightly and said, "Go to the morning court quickly. I will wait for you to have dinner with you when you come back."


Lian Che curled his lips and smiled, nuzzling her neck before reluctantly letting go of her hand, straightening up and letting the palace attendants outside the door come in to change his clothes.

Everything was ready. Before leaving, Lian Che stepped forward and kissed her mouth. Then he walked towards the door. When he reached the door, he turned around and said, "If you are hungry, eat first, don't wait."

Lin Bao nodded, watched him go out, and then started to dress.


When Lian Che rushed back to the Chaoyang Palace after the morning morning, Lin Bao was breastfeeding Yuan'er.

Originally, Lian Che hired a wet nurse, but Lin Bao was worried. In addition, Yuan'er had a small appetite and her milk was very abundant, so she had always breastfed by herself. Only when she occasionally took a lunch break, the wet nurse would take over. , In this regard, it is not easy for even someone to intervene.

After all, he didn't want to make Bao'er unhappy because of such a stupid thing, so he simply let her go.

After Yuan'er had eaten and drank enough, Lin Bao gave Yuan'er to the nanny. As soon as he got dressed, he looked at Lian Che swallowing his saliva.

She was embarrassed, "Why are you staring at me?"

"Bao'er, your breasts have gotten bigger."

Lian Che said truthfully, originally speaking the truth, but when the words came out of his mouth, there was a hint of teasing in them.

Lin Bao blushed and glared at him, "Not serious!"

Knowing that she was shy, Lian Che smiled helplessly and pulled her towards the dining room. It happened that the palace servants put the food on the table at this moment, and they could start eating as soon as it was served.

Because now is Lin Bao's special period, many things have to be tabooed, so the food is inevitably a bit bland. However, in order to avoid torture for the rest of his life, Lin Bao has no choice but to resist the desire to eat big fish and meat, holding white porridge. Drink it.

In order not to make his wife uncomfortable, even Che simply stopped eating fish and refrained from eating it together with her.


Lin Bao finished his last mouthful of white porridge and looked up at him.


Lian Che responded while reaching out to wipe away the white porridge stains on her lips, his movements were virtuous and gentle.

"After Yan'er's full moon wine is finished, I'd better move back to Fengming Palace."

After saying that, Lin Bao took a deep breath, his brows and eyes full of seriousness.

After the voice fell, Lian Che stopped moving his hands and said, "Okay, why are you moving back?"

Lin Bao lowered his eyes and said, "Fengming Palace has been empty and no one has lived there. I want to go back and stay for a while."

-Actually, she heard from Eunuch An recently that many ministers are dissatisfied with her living in Chaoyang Palace for a long time. Although she is the queen of a country, there is really no queen in history who dares to live with the emperor. Even if there is, That's when the emperor went to the queen's palace.

Furthermore, as a female, Lin Bao would inevitably affect Lian Che if she stayed in the Chaoyang Palace for a long time. After all, the harem was not allowed to interfere in politics, and those ministers could not just watch Lian Guo's hundreds of years of foundation be destroyed by a woman.

In response to this, even Che refused one by one, without even an explanation, so that someone's thinking was - I will do mine and do your shit!

However, his move made those ministers feel bad, but few of them dared to step forward and criticize harshly, so they had to secretly jointly submit a letter. Unexpectedly, Lian Che was not even a bird, and this matter was spread from ten to ten, Eunuch An finally couldn't help but tell Lin Bao.

How could Lian Che not know her little thoughts after sharing the same bed for a year? He was about to refuse when he heard her say again: "Actually, I think sometimes it's not good to be too close. Anyway, Chaoyang Palace and Feng Ming Palace is not far away. Sometimes it would be very exciting to have some flying pigeons delivering messages. Don’t you want to try it? "

Flying pigeons delivering messages

Lian Mou was a little excited, but in order to keep Chaoyang Palace from being deserted, he had to take a step back and said, "What do you think, we will live in Fengming Palace in the first ten days and then in Chaoyang Palace in the second half?"

When Lin Bao heard this, he felt something was wrong. What do you mean by "the two of us"

If the two of them live together, why don't they send letters like flying pigeons

After thinking about it, Lin Bao shook his head and said seriously: "No, we must live separately, otherwise we won't be able to play flying pigeons and pass letters. Let's do it this way - we live separately in the first ten days, and you can move here again in the second half, okay?"

Hmm - So, wouldn't it mean that he wouldn't be able to stay with her for half a month

Lian Che frowned and thought in a blink of an eye that the two of them were only superficially separated anyway. He could still stay in her palace at night. In this way, wouldn't the problem be solved

Rolling his eyes, he nodded and said, "I agree."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Lin Bao said sweetly, reaching for the corn cob and handing it to him, with a smile on his face.

Lian Che had no choice but to touch his bulging belly, then reached out to take the corn cob and gnawed it together with her.

It was undeniable that he was satisfied when he saw her happy.


Five days later, Yuan'er's full moon banquet was held in the palace, and Lian Che was also given the title Wan Yu at this time.

On that day, many ministers and their families came, and many ladies who were good friends with the Queen Mother chatted with the Queen Mother, and came to see Yuan'er in Lin Bao's arms from time to time.

Seeing that her little sister is so favored, Shengsheng, who has been forced to learn martial arts recently, is very dissatisfied, "Mom, she doesn't want us anymore when she has a little sister!"

"Even dad doesn't want us anymore!"

Yan'er, who was tortured to the point of death by playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, was also very dissatisfied. She and Shengsheng sat on the stone steps at the entrance of the hall and kept complaining.

Xiahou Jinnian, who walked slowly to the entrance of the palace, saw the two of them like this, walked over happily, squatted in front of them, and said curiously: "Hey, you two are not guarding your little princess inside, so you are not afraid of me when you come out to play around. Young Master complains?"

The two little guys were not in a very good mood to begin with, and they became even more unhappy when they heard what he said about the little princess.

Yan'er glanced at him, pouted and said, "Cousin Xiahou, if you like her, then marry her as soon as possible, so that she won't compete with me for my mother and father."


Xiahou Jinnian vomited blood silently in his heart. He thought these two brats were going to say something to piss him off, but who knew they actually wanted him to marry the brat who was just one month old!

God, could it be that all the brothers and sisters in the world are eager to send their little brother or sister away as soon as possible so that he or she will not compete with them for favor

Xiahou Jinnian held his forehead and educated her patiently: "She is your sister, so she should be treated well. Besides, I already have someone I like, so I can't marry anyone else."

Hearing this, Yan'er and Shengsheng were stunned. They automatically ignored the first half of the sentence and focused on the second half.

If they heard it right, wouldn't it be true that cousin Xiahou just said that he has a sweetheart? !

In this case, Yuan'er wouldn't be able to marry him, and then she would continue to compete with them for favor

Shengsheng and Yan'er looked at each other in tacit understanding for a second, then their faces drooped and they looked at Xiahou Jinnian miserably.

"Cousin, who do you like?"

Yan'er blinked, if possible, she could make that woman a concubine!

Xiahou Jinnian looked at her warily, taking in all the cunning in her eyes. Then he coughed twice and said, "Cousin, please bring her to you another day."

"Cousin, hurry up! Otherwise, I will ask dad to give Yuan'er to you!"

As Yuan'er spoke, she waved her little fist. She looked as cute as she could, but she didn't look threatening at all.


Damn it, if Lian Che heard this, he would probably pack her up and send her away first, right

Xiahou Jinnian rubbed his forehead and was about to answer when he saw Eunuch An running over in a hurry. He looked at the two little guys and let out a long sigh of relief. Then he looked at Xiahou Jinnian and said, "Xiahou Master, the banquet is about to begin, you’d better go in quickly.”


Xiahou Jinnian responded while pulling the two little guys towards the palace.

As soon as he took his seat, Lin Bao frowned and said, "Where did you two just run to?"

Looking at Lin Bao like that, Sheng Sheng and Yan'er lowered their heads in frustration. Just as they were about to plead guilty, they heard Xia Hou Jinnian explain: "They saw that I didn't come, so they went to look for me."

"That's it - I'm overly worried. However, next time you want to go out to play, you must first tell your mother or father, do you understand?"

Lin Bao breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the two of them and nodded, and then continued to coax Yuan'er in his arms.

Although Yuan'er is already one month old, her little face is still a little wrinkled. She spends the whole day in a cycle of eating, drinking, sleeping, and only opens her eyes very rarely. In this regard, Sheng Sheng and Yan'er gave her a gift A nickname—Sleeping Pig!

Seeing how focused Lin Bao was, Yan'er and Shengsheng couldn't help but come forward and look at the sleeping baby pig.

That delicate little face made Yan'er couldn't help but reach out and pinch it gently. After squeezing, she came back to her senses and looked at Lin Bao nervously, "Mother, mother, I didn't mean it..."

"It's okay, Yuan'er also likes to be touched."

Lin Bao smiled gently.

For more than a year, because she was pregnant with Yuan'er, and because she was weak and in danger of miscarriage at any time, Lin Bao was extremely cautious in everything she did, so much so that she rarely cared about these two babies. Now she is collapsed. You might as well take this opportunity to get the two of them close to Yuan'er.

Yan'er was originally prepared to be scolded by Lin Bao, but what she waited for was Lin Bao's permission. For a moment, her heart felt a little warm, but she still couldn't help but question: "Is it okay? "

Lin Bao nodded with a smile and continued to enlighten: "Yan'er is a sister now, and she has to help her brother take care of Yuan'er, you know?"

Hearing this, Yan'er nodded solemnly and said, "I will take care of Yuan'er just like my brother takes care of me!"

Seeing this, Lin Bao smiled with satisfaction, and Sheng Sheng also said, "Can I give Yuan'er a hug?"

"Of course. Come on, be careful—"

Lin Bao said as he handed the infant Yuan'er to Shengsheng.

Shengsheng hugged Yuan'er carefully, stretched out her hand to touch Yuan'er's face, and showed a satisfied smile - in fact, there is nothing wrong with having a little sister!

Xiahou Jinnian, who was on the side, watched Lin Bao take care of the two little guys so easily, with admiration in his eyes. Just at this moment, Lin Bao turned his head and asked in a low voice: "Have you not found her yet?"

Xiahou Jinnian naturally knew who "she" was. He shook his head lightly, his eyes full of determination, and said: "Not yet, but it should be soon."

—If nothing else, he has found her.

Lin Bao also stopped talking about Xiahou Jinnian and Ruyan. After all, it would be meaningless if he said too much.

Thinking about it, she sighed softly and hugged Yuan'er back.

Lian Che said a few simple words and then announced that the banquet was open.

Looking at his wife's sad look, Lian Che frowned and asked, "Is the food not delicious?"

"No, I just think it's a pity for Jinnian and Ruyan."

After saying that, Lin Bao handed Yuan'er to the nurse beside him, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

"After all, it is their business. If we are destined, we will see each other again. Don't think too much. Your milk will become bitter if you think too much."

Lian Che said seriously while serving crucian carp soup to Lin Bao.

"… real?"

Lin Bao wondered why she didn't know before. If she thought too much, the milk would become bitter. Could it be that this guy is making it up again



Peat, you are so old, and you are still joking like a child!

Thinking about it, Lin Bao rolled his eyes and started to drink the soup.


After the banquet was over, Lin Bao had Sheng Sheng and Yan'er sent back to the Tai Palace and Princess Palace. Yuan'er was also taken back to sleep by the wet nurse. On the way back to the palace, only the two of them were left.

Holding Lian Che's big hand, Lin Bao walked slowly along the palace road, raised his eyes to look at the full moon in the night, turned around and asked, "You don't feel any pain now, right?"

"Well, it won't hurt if I have you."

As he said that, he held her hand, and the thick calluses in his palm rubbed against the delicate back of her hand. It was undeniable that this feeling made him feel very solid and comfortable.

After sleeping in the same bed for more than a year and listening to him say countless sweet words, Lin Bao blushed at these words and coughed twice, then she said: "Do you have any news about Nian Hua and Ru Yan now? "

"Not yet."

He said decisively that since he handed over the Nanshan Sect to Xiahou Jinnian half a year ago, he would no longer interfere with the news about Ruyan and Nianhua. After all, Jinnian was much more concerned about this matter than him, and he was also more important than him. He is very positive. Since there is Jinnian investigation, why should he get involved

Lin Bao also knew about the change of leader of the Nanshan Sect, so he could naturally understand Lian Che's answer.

Originally, the trivial matters in the court were enough to bother him, so these matters must have been left to Jin Nian to deal with long ago.

Thinking about it, Lin Bao gradually felt relieved.



"How about we have a few more children?"

"Why do you have so many children?"

"Because I have chosen so many names but haven't used them yet."

"..." Damn it, there is no one who gives birth to children based on their names!

"Bao'er, after a few years when you get well, can we do it again?"

"… All right."

She swore that she didn't really want to have a baby, she was definitely forced to do so by this guy's little eyes!

Hearing this, Lian Che paused slightly, reached out and took her into his arms, and said affectionately: "Bao'er, will we grow old together?"

"Yes, I will." She responded softly.

Under the moonlight, on the palace road, a man and a woman cuddled tightly together.