Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 17: [017] At this time tomorrow night, I will be waiting for you here


However, Lian Che is really not an ordinary person!

Lin Bao rubbed his head in frustration, pulled him to sit down at the corner of the palace road, peeled off the potatoes, sprinkled them with seasonings, handed them to him, and said: "No—"

It was the first time in Lian Che's life that he saw such a novel way of eating potatoes, but the potatoes were a bit unhygienic, so he frowned in confusion.

And here, Lin Bao has already started eating her own. Although the atmosphere is weird, it does not affect her nature of eating potatoes at all. After all, there is no bigger food in the world!

Sensing a strange tranquility, Lin Bao finally raised his head and glanced at Lian Che beside him, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Lian Che was about to say something when he was interrupted by the strange voice: "Gu-Gu-"

Lin Baoxun looked up, his eyes fell on his lower abdomen, and he awkwardly smoothed things over for him: "Hehehe—Your Majesty, your digestion ability is really good..."


Lian Che, pretending not to hear, stared at the potato in his hand, pinched it with his long fingers, opened his mouth and bit into the fragrant roasted potato, his mouth full of condiments.

When he wasn't paying attention, Lin Bao glanced at him secretly, only to find that his movements were extremely graceful, as if he was eating not baked potatoes, but delicacies from the mountains and seas sent by heaven.

Turning her head silently - well, her emperor is more elegant than the food.

Lian Che swallowed the last bite of potatoes, licked his lips, took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands slowly, feeling much fuller immediately.


Lin Bao sat cross-legged on the ground and burped. He reached out and wiped his mouth casually with his sleeve, and said with satisfaction: "Well - I haven't been so full for a long time."

Hearing this, Lian Che slowly turned his head and looked at her curiously, "Why, is the food in the palace bad?"

"It's good, but it's not my favorite."

She got up from the ground and stretched herself comfortably, but she had no idea that what she just said really touched Lian Che's heart.

Lin Bao licked his lips, turned around and stretched out his hand to him who was still sitting on the ground, and said, "It's getting late. I have to be on duty tomorrow morning. Your Majesty, please go back and rest quickly."

Lian Che grabbed her hand, used the strength to stand up from the ground, patted the dust on his robe, pretended not to care, and asked, "What's your name?"

Lin Bao was startled, and his eyes suddenly enlarged several times. His clear eyes like a deer were very cute.

—Nima, didn’t he stop worrying about this issue just now? Why are you asking again now

Seeing her stunned, Lian Che only found it funny. A smile spread across his lips, and he pretended to be sorry and said, "That's fine, just forget it if you don't want to say it."

Anyway, the days are long, and he still doesn’t believe that he can’t find out who this little girl is!

Hearing what he said, Lin Baoke breathed a sigh of relief, stuffed the remaining condiments to him, and said: "Your Majesty, I really have to go. If you are still hungry, go find some potatoes and bake them yourself. Well, I won’t accompany you.”

After saying that, she wanted to slip away, but Lian Che calmly grabbed her hand and said: "—At this time tomorrow night, I will be waiting for you here."


The heart beats like a drum.

Lin Bao was stunned for a moment, but Lian Che let go first, and she ran away without much thought.

Lian Che curled his lips, picked up the hair tie she dropped, and looked in the direction she left.

Since the more she wanted to hide something, the more he wanted to know.


"Knock knock knock—"