Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 39: [039] I want her to race a horse with me and have a showdown



Lin Bao was confused. It was okay for him to call her stupid, but at least let her know where she was stupid, okay

However, thinking of what he had said before, Lin Bao understood a little bit, pretended to be relaxed, and complained: "I said, Your Majesty, could you please stop joking with me next time?"

"Why?" He raised his eyebrows.

Lin Bao was choked. It seemed right. He was the emperor here, and he had the final say in everything. It was not illegal to make a joke, so what could she do

Seeing that she was speechless, Lian Che raised the corners of his lips slightly, tapped Erlang's leg, and said, "Come here and rub it for me."


Well, now she finally realizes the fact - who said being a palace maid is not as good as being a eunuch? Damn it, eunuchs are not easy to get along with, okay? !

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Bao went over and kicked his feet.

They say that days are like years, but Lin Bao really feels that way. When I beat this guy's feet, time seems to have stood still, which is always too long.

But this point of view did not work for a certain emperor. For him, it was better to take things slower. You must know that this little bun made his feet feel comfortable. Just thinking about it made him feel happy.

He raised his head, closed his eyes and took a nap.

Lin Bao also slowed down his movements, found the right moment to stop, and glanced at him secretly. Seeing that he seemed to be really asleep, he leaned on the seat of the carriage and fell asleep.

After a while, Lian Che opened his eyes and looked at her face carefully, thoughtfully.


When Lin Bao woke up, the carriage stopped just in time. He heard from Mr. An that he had arrived at his destination. When he got off the carriage, he realized that it was already evening.

The racecourse is actually on the outskirts of the capital. It is said that it has existed since the founding of the Lian Kingdom. It is also classified as a royal racecourse for the royal nobles. Ordinary people cannot enter at all.

By the time everyone gathered at the racecourse, the sun was setting over the mountains. Obviously, this was not a good time for horse racing.

Lian Che looked at everyone who was dizzy from the heat and said generously: "I see that it is not easy for everyone to run around and work hard today. Why don't everyone go back and rest first, and come back early tomorrow morning."

When Lin Bao heard this, he was naturally happy.

Unexpectedly, Xiahou Jinnian was not happy and stepped forward and said: "Cousin Emperor, Jinnian has something to ask of me."

"Say it."

Xiahou Jinnian pursed his lips, looked meaningfully at Lin Bao, who was standing by wiping sweat, and said, "I want her to race a horse with me and have a showdown!"

Hearing this, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the two of them.

One is determined to win; the other is panicked.

Lin Bao swallowed and was about to speak when he saw Lian Che curling his lips and saying with a smile: "Yes."


—Lian Che of Peat! She didn't even agree, so he made the claim without permission. What a fool! She really wanted to rush up and kill him!

Lin Bao's heart was filled with turbulence, but Xiahou Jinnian couldn't wait to drag her towards the stables and said, "Prepare two fine bay-red horses for me!"

"Master, wait a moment."

Shaoqing, the young man brought over two bay-red horses—one was docile and quiet; the other was wild and unrestrained.

Lin Bao thought that someone like Xia Hou Jinnian would like the latter, but he never thought that this guy would actually take away the former and leave the latter to her!

Even a fool can see that he did it on purpose, okay

She reluctantly held up the frantic horse, but at this moment the boy came forward and whispered to her.

Suddenly, she was shocked.