Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 67: [067] Why, you like men in the world



Lian Che only felt that his originally beautiful mood suddenly dropped to the extreme.

He thought that for the money he spent, this guy could at least lie with him in bed and chat with him, right? But this guy moved a chair to the bedside and asked the four treasures of the study to keep track of how much money she made!

Peat, isn't this his original intention

With a dark face, Lian Che finally lifted the quilt and sat up, staring at her and saying, "Lin Bao, can't you lie down in bed with me and chat for a while?"


Yes, as long as she takes the initiative to chat, he will talk, and he can make a lot of money by talking!

Lin Bao's little head turned quickly, he put the pen aside, took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed, saying: "Then what do you want to talk about?"

Hearing this, he was slightly startled - yes, what was he going to talk to her about

Seeing that he remained silent, Lin Bao became a little anxious and risked his own money, saying, "By the way, you didn't answer me this morning about how Xiao Che is doing."


The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Nima - will she die if she doesn't mention this

Seeing his dark face, Lin Bao was afraid that he would stop talking, so he changed the subject and said: "Then - let me ask you, do you know anyone in the world? It's best to be a man."

"Why are you asking this? - Proposal for marriage?" He looked sideways in displeasure.

Lin Bao scratched his head shyly and said: "Actually, that's not the case. Just say that you know him? It's best to be a handsome man with first-class martial arts skills, and not yet married!"

She was very excited when she said it, her eyes were full of longing and yearning, but the more excited she was, the more unhappy he became.

Suppressing the sourness in his heart, he said calmly: "I have never interacted with people in the world."

When Lin Bao heard this, the disappointment in his eyes was obvious.

Seeing her like this, Lian Che couldn't help but feel suspicious and asked: "Why, do you like men from the world?"

"That's right! If one day I can travel around the world and spend the rest of my life with a beautiful man like in the novel, that would be what I yearn for the most!" She suddenly became excited again, and the light emanating from her body continued to light up the entire night. Bright.

However, after listening to her words, Lian Che gradually fell silent.

It was undeniable that what she longed for was exactly what he couldn't achieve.

Even though he is the king of a country, with countless people and wealth, he can only have freedom and freedom.

After a long silence, he finally said: "Then... what if another man wants to spend the rest of his life with you?"

There is no doubt that the "other men" he refers to are men other than men in the world.

Lin Bao thought about it seriously and said, "It depends on whether I like it or not. If I like it, I will naturally accept it. At most, I can go out for fun occasionally."

He breathed a sigh of relief slowly, but then heard her continue: "However, if it is a prince or noble, I will definitely not agree!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his heart suddenly clenched, his pupils shrank, and he said, "Why?"

"Because among the princes and nobles, intrigues are unavoidable. Although such a life is extremely glorious, it is also very difficult. I would rather marry a farmer and live an ordinary life than try my best to scheme against others."

She said frankly, not noticing the indifference on his face, not noticing that the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point, and not noticing that the room had already fallen into a dead silence.

Lian Che suddenly felt a little tired.