Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 82: [082] You slept with me, should you be responsible for me?


After thinking about it, she jumped up to another big tree, slid along the trunk to the ground, opened her eyes and looked at the scenery in front of her in surprise.

Strange, why did she come back to the courtyard again!

Lin Bao blinked hard, but the scene in front of her eyes became blurry. She walked straight along the road according to her memory, turned a corner and climbed in through the open window.

Looking at the warm bed under the moonlight, Lin Bao jumped on it excitedly.

It’s just—why does this bed hurt her

"Well..." Lin Bao put his hand on the thing and opened his eyes hazily. Unfortunately, it was too dark in the room to see clearly what it was.

She simply stretched out her hand and touched it tentatively, burping and muttering: "Well..."

Lian Che was startled, and opened his tired eyes. Under the moonlight, he could see clearly the little brat that was pressing on him and stroking around!

—And this little brat is actually Lin Bao!

He frowned, sensitively smelling the smell of alcohol on her body, stretched out his hand to push her aside, stood up, walked to the bed and lit the oil lamp, and the room suddenly lit up.

Fortunately, today was the day when he was poisoned, and there were no palace guards keeping watch, otherwise the lights would definitely arouse the suspicion of those palace residents.

Lian Che turned around and was about to see how the little guy on the bed was doing, but he saw Lin Bao opening his eyes at some point, leaning on the bed with his elbows, resting his chin on his palms, tilting his head on the bed and looking at him.

He walked to the bed, but his eyes were fixed, looking straight at her half-naked shoulders, frowning and saying, "Have you been drinking?"

"Why should I tell you!"

She raised her head stubbornly, her face flushed, her eyes blurred, and she didn't notice at all that the skirt of her clothes was exposed, let alone his blazing gaze.

Lian Che looked away, cleared his throat, and said, "Put your clothes on."


Lin Baoyiyan lowered his eyes and looked at the clothes on his body. He suddenly reached out and took off his white robe. He lay on the bed and said coquettishly, "This one is all dirty. I want to wear yours!"

Wear...his? —Peat, am I mistaken

Lian Che looked at the white robe that she threw on the ground with a dark face, twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a headache: "Lin Bao, do you know what you are doing now?"

Hearing this, Lin Bao rolled around again, propped himself up with his hands, lay on the bed and looked at him, and said quite innocently: "Then what do you think I am doing?"


Lian Che raised his head, covered his eyes with his palms, and sighed helplessly.

—Can he wake her up? Well, he couldn't do it.

When he opened his eyes again, Lin Bao had already staggered off the bed on his bare feet, with a stupid smile on his lips.

He hurriedly stepped forward to support her shaky body. Looking at her who was only wearing a bellyband and underpants, he couldn't help but growl, "Lin Bao, what on earth are you going to do!"

"I want to wear your clothes!"

She climbed onto his shoulder with one hand and waved the other hand in the air. Her sweet voice was a little childish, like a naughty child.

Lian Che looked at her with a headache and said: "It's time to go to bed, what clothes are you wearing? Go back to bed quickly!"

"No, I want to wear your clothes! If you don't let me wear them, I won't sleep!"

After saying that, she hugged his arm and rubbed it pitifully, pouting her bright red lips in a coquettish way.


Lian Che felt like he was going paralyzed. He glanced at her, took out a set of clothes from the closet, handed it to her, and said, "No—"

Unexpectedly, Lin Bao waved his hand away, pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "I don't want to wear this!"

"Then which one are you going to wear?" He asked with a headache.

Lin Bao boldly stretched out his little hand, poked his chest gently, raised his little face and said with a smile: "I want to wear it on you!"

—Did you make a mistake

Lian Che looked at her innocent face helplessly and amusedly, stretched out his hand to hold her little hand, and said, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Well - I said I want to wear your clothes! No matter what, I want what you are wearing!"

She shook his arm and coquettishly tried her best.

-Does she have a clothes fetish

Lian Che looked at her suspiciously and had no choice but to reach out and take off his underwear, leaving only a pair of obscene pants on his body. His muscular body was clearly exposed to the air.

However, Lin Bao looked directly at him, with a touch of pity in his eyes.

Seeing this, he frowned, "What's wrong?"

"I want to wear this!"

After saying that, she pointed at the only covering on his body, not noticing that a small tent had already bulged there.

Lian Che looked in the direction of her finger, couldn't help but be startled, slapped her hand away, and said coldly: "Nonsense!"

"I'm not fooling around, I just want to wear this! Will you give it to me or not?"

Not to be outdone, she puffed out her cheeks, hugged his arm tightly, and moved her entire body closer to him.

A drop of cold sweat ran across his forehead, and his body suddenly tensed up. He deliberately did not look at her loose bellyband, stared at her little face, and said sternly: "You can't wear only this. You can wear the rest as you like."

"No! You're just bullying me!"

After saying that, she let go of his hand and sat on the ground angrily, with her hands folded across her chest, looking like an angry child.

Lian Che was about to pull her up, but his body twitched first, and a heartbreaking pain came from his heart, as if it wanted to swallow every inch of his blood.

He covered his chest with his hands and suddenly knelt down on one knee, hanging his head and gritting his teeth. Big beads of sweat soon covered his smooth forehead.

—Damn it, he took the medicine just now, so it should not hurt anymore, but why is it hurting again now? And it hurts even more than last time! Could it be that the medicine has worn off

As if she sensed something was wrong, Lin Bao turned around to look, only to see him kneeling on the ground covering his chest with his hands, looking like he was in unbearable pain. She stepped forward and patted his shoulder gently, "You... you're okay Son?"

However, just as her hand touched him, a strange feeling surged out of his heart, covering the pain, leaving only the unusual feeling of comfort.

Just when Lin Bao was about to take back his hand, Lian Che had already opened his arms and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly, eager to draw some warmth from her body.

Lin Bao was sore from his hot skin that she wanted to push him away, but before she could reach out her hand, the world started spinning, and in the blink of an eye she was carried to the bed by him.

However, this time it was a man on top and a woman on top.

She blinked in confusion, looked at his forbearing look, and asked curiously: "Are you sick?"

Hearing this, he grabbed her little hand and placed it on the small tent. His voice was hoarse and he said, "It's Xiao Che who is sick."

Xiao Che

Only then did Lin Bao react. He touched it with his little hand and asked anxiously: "Is Xiao Che sick again? Why is it even hotter than last time?"


A broken moan escaped from his mouth. He looked into her eyes and said, "Then - are you willing to help me cure Xiao Che?"

She opened her eyes wide, "How to cure it?"

Lian Che lowered his head and kissed her forehead, licked her earlobe, and whispered, "Just listen to me."

- He doesn't need her to do anything, as long as she can cooperate with him, that's the best.


The next day, Lin Bao was awakened by the chirping of birds outside the window. He was about to turn over and go back to sleep, but he never thought that his body was in severe pain. To put it in layman's terms - it was as if he had been repeatedly run over by a car axle and he could not move. .

She opened her eyes with difficulty, but what she didn't expect to see was the bright yellow brocade tent.

-Hey, isn't the mosquito net in her room pure white? Why is it bright yellow now? Could it be that Huzi and the others replaced him

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard the sound of shallow breathing, and something seemed to be pressing on her waist. She turned her head and was instantly petrified.

- Peat, why did her emperor strip naked and lie on her bed!

Lin Bao turned his head stiffly, looked at the big hand on his waist, and carefully stretched out his sore arm to move his big hand away, but he didn't want to wake up as soon as he moved.

Lian Che took back his hand, rubbed his glasses, yawned and said, "Are you awake?"

Lin Bao looked at the natural look on his face and couldn't help but wonder - strange, why was her emperor not shocked at all when he stripped naked and lay on the same bed with her

Could it be—

Lian Che supported his head with one hand, turned sideways and looked at her with a smile, brushed the messy hair on her forehead with his other hand, and said, "Don't you need to sleep a little longer?"

Lin Bao dodged his hand and shrank into the quilt, only half of his head was exposed. His dark eyes were very clear, "You... why are you on my bed!"

"On your bed?"

Lian Che curled his lips, raised his eyes and glanced at the bright yellow brocade tent, and said with a smile: "How could I remember that this is on my dragon bed?"

Dragon, dragon bed? !

Lin Bao's brain twitched, as if he had been struck by lightning.

Peat, didn't she just drink some wine last night? Why did she wake up on the dragon bed!

Wait, drink

-Could it be that she drank too much last night and didn't see the road clearly, so she actually came to her emperor's bedroom? Then, he ate her emperor

Lin Bao took a deep breath, raised his eyes to look at him, and said, "Actually, last night -"

"Little Baozi was so awesome last night! Without saying a word, the Overlord raised his bow, and that posture... tsk tsk tsk, it's really indescribable."

Lian Che admired him, then changed the topic and said, "But, little bun, if you slept with me, are you responsible for me?"



Lin Bao almost choked to death on her own saliva. After coughing a few times, she did not dare to look at Lian Che's extremely aggrieved expression. She just said: "Although that is what I said, but how can a girl treat a boy like that?" Responsible!"

"Why don't Bao Aiqing set a precedent?" Lian said with a smile.

Lin Bao's mouth twitched, what did he call her just now? —Bao, Bao Aiqing? Peat, her surname is not Bao, so it sounds like she and Mr. Bao are related!

However, when he thought about his question again, Lin Bao felt a little confused and said -