Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 91: [091] Damn it, I say I like you [red envelopes will be added


Hearing this, Xiahou Jinnian slowly raised his head, his face flushed, his eyes a little blurry, and he seemed to be very drunk.

Lin Bao frowned, put the wine bottle next to him, and was about to help him up from the ground, but he didn't expect him to grab her shoulders at this moment, leaning on her with the front half of his body, and his head against her shoulders, He muttered: "Damn buns..."

Damn it

She was stunned, tilted her head slightly, and looked at him with a blushing face. Her heartbeat sped up inexplicably - what did he ask her to do? Could it be that he wanted to take advantage of the drunkenness to yell at her

Just as he was thinking about it, Xiahou Jinnian continued to mutter: "I like you..."


This stinky Xiahou little goldfish said he likes her

-What a joke!

Lin Bao felt his heartbeat skip a beat, all the blood in his body seemed to have stopped at that moment, and only his faint breathing could be heard in his ears.

Turning his head, looking at his rosy cheeks, Lin Bao stretched out his hand to push him away, and said softly: "Xia, Xiahou little goldfish, please wake up, I will take you to find someone."

Sober up

Xiahou Jinnian frowned, opened his eyes dimly, looked at the shaking scene in front of him, suddenly stretched out his hands to cover her cheeks, and pouted: "Don't move!"


Lin Bao blinked. Although he was only a thirteen-year-old boy, there were some calluses on his hands, and it felt strangely uncomfortable to rub her face.

Suddenly realizing that he was still holding her face, Lin Bao reached out and held his wrist, struggling: "Well... can you let go of your hand?"

Hearing this, Xiahou Jinnian really let go of his hand, but his whole body seemed to have softened. He lay on her body and muttered something in a low voice.

Lin Bao struggled to help him up, but when he heard what he seemed to be repeating, he asked curiously: "What did you say?"

"Damn it, I said I like you!"

Xiahou's little goldfish swore loudly, his cheeks turned red, but there was a trace of shyness in his eyes.

This time Lin Baoke believed that he had heard correctly, and his body became a little stiff. He looked at Xiahou Jinnian blankly, but saw him hooking his hand on her shoulder and approaching her with a childish face.

The warm breath sprayed rapidly on her cheeks, making her blush.

—Nima, he... Could he be trying to...

"What are you doing!"

A sharp female voice sounded from the front. Lin Bao raised his eyes and looked up, his eyes filled with surprise.

The visitor was seen wearing a festive pink skirt, with a childish little face that vaguely resembled a beauty, but her eyes were full of anger. Looking at the rope dart in her hand, Lin Bao shivered inexplicably.

Glancing at Xiahou Jinnian who was hanging on his body, and then looking at Nian Ruyan's jealous eyes, Lin Bao finally came to his senses.

She swallowed and wanted to push Xiahou Jinnian away, but instead, Xiahou Jinnian was drunk and unconscious. If she pushed him away, wouldn't he fall directly to the ground

-Forget it, she is not so heartless.

Thinking about it, it would be better to explain now. Lin Bao cleared his throat, raised his eyes to look at her, and said: "Well, Miss Nian, I think you seem to have misunderstood something -"

"Stop making excuses! I've seen it all! You are clearly cheating!" As if she was extremely angry, the little girl Nian Ruyan was so angry that her eyes were red, and her eyes gradually became wet.

No matter who looks like this, they will probably feel distressed.

Lin Bao pursed his lips and was about to continue explaining, but he saw that she had already raised her hand, and the rope dart flew straight towards her.

—Nima, a gentleman talks but doesn’t do anything!

She closed her eyes subconsciously, only feeling the wind blowing beside her, and then there was the sound of the rope dart touching flesh, but strangely, she didn't feel any pain at all.

After a long while, Lin Bao finally opened his eyes, and what came into view was the back figure in gorgeous clothes.

She was stunned, but then she heard Nian Ruyan exclaim: "Brother Nianhua, you-"


Lin Bao opened his eyes wide and looked straight at the tall and straight figure in front of him. He only heard Nian Hua say lightly: "Ruyan, I gave you the rope dart to defend yourself, not to hurt others!"

The voice was always calm, but the tone was mixed with a bit of solemnity. I think Nian Hua must be angry.

Nian Ruyan saw that her hand was injured by the rope dart, but she still held the rope dart and taught her Nianhua a lesson with a straight face. The tears kept falling down like broken beads, sliding down her cheeks with some warmth. , and then it turned cold.

She bit her lip stubbornly, widened her eyes to prevent tears from falling, and her voice was choked, "Brother Nianhua, you actually protected her. Do you know that she just-"

"That's enough! You don't have to attend the palace banquet. Go back." He growled, letting go of the hand holding the rope dart, and his lowered palm was dripping with blood.

Nian Ruyan, who was rarely scolded by Nian Hua, looked at the blood on the rope dart, then looked at his cold eyes, threw the rope dart in his hand on the ground and ran away crying.


Why did Brother Emperor and Brother Nianhua protect the little eunuch? What's so good about that little eunuch? —Even Xiahou Jinnian will fall in love with her...

But why doesn't anyone care about her

Nian Ruyan only felt a little paused in her heart and her eyes were very sore. At this moment, she didn't care about her image and ran away crying while wiping her tears.


Lin Bao placed Xiahou Jinnian on the ground and asked him to sit on the ground with his back against the wall.

Looking at Nian Hua's hands stained red with blood, Lin Bao pursed his lips and said, "Are you okay? - Do you need to go to the Tai Hospital to get bandaged?"

Hearing this, Nian Hua shook his head, looked at the long-dried wound in his hand, and then looked at the direction Nian Ruyan had just left. He sighed and looked at her, "I'm really sorry, Ruyan has never known sense of propriety and frightened you." ”

Lin Bao shook his head in flattery, remembering that Nian Ruyan cried so miserably just now, and said, "Why don't you go back and see her? I'll find someone to deal with it here."

Nianhua was a little hesitant, but then he heard her say: "She must have felt humiliated just now, and she was scolded by you. If you didn't go after her to comfort her, she would hate you in the future."

As if he thought what she said made sense, Nian Hua picked up the rope dart she had abandoned on the ground, glanced at Xia Hou Jinnian, who was drunk and unconscious, and said, "Then I'll trouble you."

"It's okay." She scratched the back of her head and smiled.

Nianhua pursed his lips and walked forward to chase her, but after walking a few steps, he turned around again, looked at her and said, "The palace banquet will be over later, let Che wait for me in the imperial study room."

"...Okay." She nodded. Although she had some doubts in her heart, she had no choice but to agree.

Watching Nian Hua walk away, Lin Bao then looked at Xia Hou Jinnian who was lying on the ground, put his hands on his hips, sighed helplessly, kicked him with his foot, and said: "Xia Hou Jinnian, stop pretending - "

After all, the years have passed and he is still pretending to be a bird!

—But it turns out that Xiahou Jinnian really fell asleep!

She knelt down and poked his shoulder, then stretched out her hand to tug on his face, but found that he still didn't react at all.

Lin Bao couldn't help but feel a little flustered. He put his hand to explore his nose and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that he was still breathing.

-Emma, it really scared her to death! However, this girl was sleeping so soundly, how was she going to drag him away? If you continue to drag him, he will probably be killed by the looks of everyone, right

But if you ignore him and go find someone by yourself, what if someone takes this opportunity to arrest him and do something bad? -After all, he is quite good-looking.

After thinking about it, Lin Bao decided to leave Xiahou Jinnian here and find someone by himself.

After all, she would rather lose Xiahou Jinnian than be misunderstood, but this is the palace after all, and people like Xiahou Jinnian... I'm afraid it's not easy to lose, right

After thinking about it, she ran towards the crowd and found Lian Che in the place with the largest crowd.

Looking at her messy appearance, Lian Che frowned, but before he could speak, Lin Bao pulled him out of the crowd, dragging him and saying: "Emma, come with me quickly!"

"What happened?" He wondered, why didn't he notice that she had slipped away from him just now

Lin Bao shook his head and didn't say much. He dragged him and ran wildly in front of everyone. He watched Lian Che being dragged away by a young eunuch, and all the family members followed him.

Lian Che watched in confusion as she led him to a remote corridor, and when he was about to ask questions, he only caught a glimpse of Xiahou Jinnian lying on the ground like a corpse.

If you get closer, you can smell the strong smell of alcohol on his body, and right next to him, there is an empty wine bottle tilted upside down.

—Strange, when did Jinnian learn to drink secretly

Glancing at Lin Bao, he asked suspiciously: "You brought Jin to come here to drink?"

- No, if she drinks, she will definitely get drunk, but she is very conscious now, so there is only one possibility -

Lin Bao poured wine into Xiahou Jinnian!

Meeting his suspicious eyes, Lin Bao rolled his eyes, pointed at Xiahou Jinnian, who was sleeping like a dead pig, and said, "Nuo—this guy was secretly drinking here, and I caught him!"

However, following the direction of her finger, Lian Che saw another shocking thing - blood.

Judging from the degree of dryness of the blood, it should have been applied not long ago. Judging from the degree of splashing, it must have fallen to the ground when it was still.

Lian Che narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of threat in his eyes, "Whose blood does this belong to?"


Lin Bao followed his gaze and saw a small pool of blood on the ground. Thinking back to what happened just now, she only blamed herself for being stupid for not knowing to clean up the scene first!

After clearing his throat, Lin Bao tugged on his sleeve and whispered: "Why don't you... I go to the Imperial Study Room to tell you later?"

Lian Che raised his eyebrows and just nodded slightly.

At this moment, all the family members rushed over and saw Xiahou Jinnian lying on the ground, and there was an uproar.

Xiahou Jinnian also opened his eyes at this time.