Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 92: [092] No need, I believe you


He rubbed his eyes, sat up with his hands on the ground, yawned drowsily, and looked at the noisy crowd with a blank expression.

—Is this a magical situation

Seeing that he was awake and still looking dazed, the official daughter among the family members all sighed: "Oh my God, I didn't expect Young Master Xiahou to be so cute!"


Lin Bao curled his lips in disdain. Is that because this guy didn't take any medicine today and drank wine

Wait, does she look like this when she's drunk, and talks nonsense

Lin Bao was suddenly startled, but saw that Xiahou Jinnian had already stood up from the ground, grabbed Lian Che's arm, leaned on him, and said: "Cousin Emperor, I'm so sleepy..."


Lian Che twitched the corner of his mouth, stupid boy, you are not sleepy, you are clearly drunk!

After saying that, Xiahou Jinnian closed his eyes and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. Lian Che snapped his fingers and a eunuch came forward to help him away.

The family members who had not yet figured out the situation looked at Lian Che in confusion, only to see Eunuch An running over, leaning into Lian Che's ear and saying something.

Just as they craned their necks and raised their ears to eavesdrop, they saw a group of palace people coming forward and hugging Lian Che Lin Bao as they walked out of the crowd.

Eunuch An said loudly behind him: "I also invite all ministers to take their families to the Chaoyang Palace to attend the palace banquet."

After hearing this, everyone had no choice but to go to Chaoyang Palace with Eunuch An.


Listening to the beautiful music and casually watching the dancer's carefully rehearsed dance, Lian Che glanced at the empty space beside him, feeling a little inexplicably lost, and raised his hand to take a sip of wine.

The strong alcohol entered his throat, bringing a burning pain that went straight to his heart.

It was strange to say that he had already walked to Chaoyang Palace with her and was about to go in, but she stayed at the door coquettishly and refused to go in. No matter how much money he offered to tempt her, she would not go.

In desperation, he had no choice but to let her go back to the side hall to rest.

However, now that I think of her excuse, I actually find it a bit funny - "Um, I, I'm a little sleepy, can I go back and take a nap first?"

If he was sleepy, then why was she so anxious to drag him to the corridor to look for Xiahou Jinnian

-You can tell from everything, she is lying.

But he just didn't want to expose her lie. If he really broke up with her, I'm afraid it would be like what Nianhua said, and she would be so scared that she would run away.

Taking another sip of strong wine, he put a hand on his forehead and sighed helplessly.

However, at this moment, Feng Sijin, the daughter of the current general who ruled the country, boldly stepped forward to toast him a glass of wine, leaned close to his ear and said: "Your Majesty, today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Queen Mother is not in the palace. "Since you don't have a concubine by your side, why not... let Sijin stay with you?"

After saying that, she sat on the empty seat next to him. Unexpectedly, Lian Che's eyes turned cold, and the temperature around him suddenly dropped. He only heard him say in a cold voice: "Get out of here!"

How has Feng Sijin, who grew up with a golden key in her mouth, ever suffered such grievances

She bit her lower lip lightly, frowned slightly, her eyes full of mist, and said aggrievedly: "Your Majesty, I don't know where Sijin made you angry. Please tell me. Sijin will definitely change."

Hearing this, Lian Che raised his eyebrows, narrowed his eyes slightly, grabbed her chin, raised his lips and said with a smile, "Is this true?"

Feng Sijin nodded, with a smile in her eyes, but then she heard him say: "Okay, you heard me clearly, everything about you makes me angry, why don't you change everything?"

As if she didn't expect him to say this, Feng Sijin's pupils suddenly dilated, and anger arose in her heart. But before she could get angry, she was frightened by the coldness in Lian Che's eyes.

He brushed his hands, took a sip of wine, and said, "Get out of here—I don't want to say it a third time."

Feng Sijin bit her lip and finally retreated unwillingly. The other ministers' daughters all laughed at her, but no one dared to say anything wrong with Lian Che.

You know, in Lian Country, Lian Che is the sky. If he says one, no one will dare to say two!

Feng Sijin on the side looked at the rice dumplings on the jade plate in front of her and clenched her fists reluctantly, but she heard Lian Che casually say on the dragon chair: "General Feng -"

"I'm here, veteran." General Feng stood up and bowed politely.

Lian Che glanced at Feng Sijin sitting at the table and said lightly: "I wonder if Feng Qianjin is married?"


Everyone was stunned. Hearing Lian Che's tone, could it be that he had fallen in love with Feng Sijin

For a moment, the daughters of the ministers reluctantly looked at Feng Sijin, and Feng Sijin also looked at Lian Che with a little surprise and expectation in his eyes.

"If I return to the emperor, my daughter is not yet married." General Feng wiped his sweat secretly, feeling secretly happy in his heart.

Hearing this, Lian Che was silent, raised his head and said, "I have also heard in recent days that Jing Cheng, the only son of the richest man in the capital, seems to be unmarried."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed with "Shua-".

In contrast, Feng Sijin's face could be said to have lost all color, while the other ministers' daughters all had expressions of gloating about their misfortune.

- Everyone in the world knows that Jing Cheng, the only son of the richest man in the capital city of Lian State, is a born idiot. Even though his family has a lot of wealth, not many girls are willing to sacrifice their life's happiness to marry a idiot.

This was also the reason why Nian Ruyan was angered by Xiahou Jinnian's words before.

Seeing this, how could General Feng not know that his emperor was angry? He quickly bowed and apologized: "Your Majesty, in fact, my daughter already has a sweetheart."

Unexpectedly, Lian Che didn't take it seriously. He looked at the jade cup in his hand playfully and said calmly: "Since ancient times, this marriage has been the order of the parents. How can it be my turn to make the decision based on the matchmaker's words?"

In this way, even a fool knows what Lian Che means.

General Feng didn't know where his daughter offended Lian Che, so he just smiled and apologized: "The emperor is right, but it's not good to talk about this during the Dragon Boat Festival... I'm afraid."

"Then General Feng, please tell me, what's wrong?" He raised his eyebrows, with a faint smile on his lips, but there was murderous intent in this smile.

General Feng felt that he was breaking out in a cold sweat. The clothes stuck to his body and felt uncomfortable. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "This... I am just talking casually. I hope the emperor doesn't mind."

Just talking? —If you can say whatever you want, wouldn’t it mean that you can do whatever you want

Lian Che stood up and said lazily: "In that case, I am also a little tired. Please have a good meal and drink before going back."

After that, he walked out of the main hall and went straight to the side hall.

In the main hall, the music stopped suddenly, the dancers stood helpless, and a group of ministers also looked at each other in shock.

—Strange, this is the first time that Lian Che leaves the table early!

The host had already left, and the guests were too embarrassed to stay any longer. They all got up and said goodbye to Mr. An and left the table.

General Feng's family, who were walking at the end, were a little uneasy. If Lian Che's previous words were true, wouldn't Feng Sijin really have to marry that idiot

After thinking about it, General Feng secretly made up his mind.


When he came to the side hall, Lian Che thought she must have fallen asleep, but he didn't expect to see Lin Bao lying on his dragon chair as soon as he entered the hall, eating rice dumplings with relish.

After retreating from the palace guests, he stepped forward, snatched the half-eaten rice dumpling from her hand, brought it to her mouth, chewed it, and asked while eating, "Is it so delicious?"


Lin Bao pouted, he was already eating, so did she still need to answer this question

Seeing that she was silent, Lian Che just smiled and patiently ate the rice dumplings in his hand. However, he heard a certain Bao muttered: "Lian Che—"

"Huh?" He raised his eyebrows and his cheeks bulged.

"Do you know what the zongzi is for?"

Hearing this, Lian Che said without even thinking: "This is not simple, of course it is used to throw into the river."

"Then let me ask you, who will throw the rice dumplings into the river for?"

I saw someone didn't even move his eyelids and said: "Of course it's fish and shrimp."

"Then let me ask you, why do you want to eat rice dumplings..." she said quietly.


Lian Che almost spit out a mouthful of rice dumplings, peat-he asked her why she asked such a question, I bet this guy led him into a ditch!

Seeing his reaction, Lin Bao finally felt a little relieved. Looking at the dark sky outside the window, he realized it was so late and dragged him out of the side hall without much thought.

"What's wrong?" He wondered. Could it be that this time she discovered who was secretly drinking

Lin Bao patted his head in annoyance, sighed, and said, "I just forgot to tell you that Nianhua is waiting for you in the imperial study."


Lian Che frowned, suddenly gained some insights, stopped and held her shoulders, saying: "Listen to me, you go back and rest first, I will go find Nianhua myself."

After all, there are some things for which she is better off not knowing.

Lin Bao met his eyes, blinked, and said, "But I promised you that I would explain to you?"

- She still understands that she does what she says.

Unexpectedly, Lian Che suddenly smiled, reached out to caress her cheek, and said, "No need, I believe you."

Suddenly, a warm current enveloped her heart, and Lin Bao felt that her whole body was a little light. She licked her lips and said, "Then you come back soon."

"I know." He responded, then patted her shoulder gently and watched her walk back.


Lin Bao felt something strange as he walked on the road, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

- Logically speaking, the relationship between her and Lian Che is just that of master and servant, and if it goes deeper than that, it would be a sexual relationship, but why does she feel like they are lovers now

Moreover, it is still in the honey love stage.

Seeing her coming back, Little Pigeon went up to meet her and said, "Eunuch Bao, are you still sleeping in the side hall today?"

Lin Bao nodded and walked in minding his own business. Wasn't what he said just now all nonsense? With her current status, could it be possible that she could still go back to live in the small courtyard

Wait, what did he call her just now

—Eunuch Bao

Lin Bao stopped suddenly, turned around and looked at the cautious little pigeon, twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Little pigeon, I think it's better if you continue to call me 'little bun'."

"Ah? - But that's so rude." Little Pigeon frowned. After all, today, Eunuch An announced in every palace that Lin Bao would be the steward of the imperial kitchen from now on. If he continues to call her as casually as before, "Little bun", wouldn't it be rude

In this palace, those who have no rules and regulations will be punished with salary, and he doesn't want to lose his money in vain.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Lin Bao hold his forehead and say helplessly: "But if you call me 'Eunuch Bao', that would be so unpleasant!"

Lin Bao had a headache when she thought that in the future there might be people in this palace who would call her "Eunuch Bao" when they met her.

Eunuch Bao, wouldn’t it become “Eunuch Bao” if you remove the word “gong”? Although Bao Gong is great, selfless and famous, she still doesn't want to be related to Bao Gong.

Just as he was about to reason with the little pigeon again, he heard someone calling his name outside the palace, as if he was looking for something urgent.

Lin Bao waved his hand, yawned, and said, "Then you go and do your work first."

The little pigeon nodded, bowed politely, and then hurried out.

Looking at his dull look, Lin Bao sighed helplessly, took off his shoes and socks, took off his clothes, lay on the bed, and woke up.


Lian Che sat on the chair, took a sip of tea, and looked at Nian Hua, "According to what you just said, General Feng has to be on guard?"

Nianhua nodded, "It's not just General Feng. With his strength, he won't threaten the throne, but it won't necessarily be the case if other people in the court are included."

After that, he also listed the names of a bunch of ministers.

Lian Che listened patiently and in the end just frowned. After a while, he said, "I'll leave this matter to you. I feel more at ease with you."

Nianhua just smiled and said nothing.


The next day, when Lin Bao woke up, Lian Che was fast asleep beside him, and his sleeping face made people fall in love with him.

It was rare that she was not squeezed by Lian Che. She carefully reached out her hand and gently touched his eyelashes, then moved down the bridge of his nose, and finally stopped on his thin lips.

She was about to take back her hand, but unexpectedly, he opened his mouth and took her finger in his mouth. He also stretched out his tongue and gently licked her fingertips, tickling her heart.

She raised her eyes suddenly and met his smiling eyes. For a moment, she felt a little surprised: "You-"

—He was obviously asleep just now? Why did you wake up so quickly

Lian Che smiled and didn't explain too much. He just hugged her waist, rubbed her shoulder and said, "Baby, don't you think we still have something to do?"

Is there any

Lin Bao racked his brains, and under his expectant gaze, he opened his mouth and said, "Did you mean dinner?"


He was speechless, how could this guy not think about food

In order to inspire her, he pointed at her half-naked skirt and smiled mischievously, "That's what I said."

"You're so ashamed!" Lin Bao glared at him, lifted the quilt and was about to get up when he saw a black shadow shooting into the room from the window.

Lian Che hugged her and looked out the window warily, but saw no one. He squinted his eyes slightly, stood up and pulled out the dart -