Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 93: [093] Blocked a sword for her


I saw a piece of paper hanging on the dart, with only one line of small words on it - Tonight, Fenggu Street at midnight.

Looking at the line of words, he was a little lost in thought, and felt that the style of the dart seemed familiar.

Lin Bao saw that he was still holding the dart, so he simply got out of bed, walked to him, held his arm, and asked curiously: "What is written on it?"

Lian Che didn't intend to hide it from her. She saw it anyway, so he simply handed the dart to her and said truthfully: "It seems that someone can't sit still anymore."

After reading the fine print above, Lin Bao frowned and looked up at him, "Then are you going tonight?"

"Of course I want to go." He curled his lips, took the dart in her hand, and smiled playfully.

He has never been a timid person, but he just went to an appointment and regarded it as a way to relax. Besides, he also wanted to confirm the identity of the other party.

Seeing that he agreed so readily, Lin Bao felt that he was a little too hasty, but he heard him say: "You don't have to wait for me tonight, you can go to bed first."

—So, he means he’s going to the appointment alone

Lin Bao shook her head. After all, she still had some conscience. She looked at him so seriously for the first time and said firmly: "No, it's too dangerous for you to be alone. I'll go with you."

-Besides, if something happened to him, wouldn't she not be able to get the money? The most important thing is that the palace people are not allowed to torture her to death.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, it would be better for her to go along with him, otherwise she would die together with him in the end.

Perhaps he was shocked by the determination in her eyes, and Lian Che was a little dazed. Then he recovered and brushed the long hair around her ears, "Aren't you afraid of danger?"

Hearing this, Lin Bao swallowed, curled his lips with some lack of confidence, and muttered: "Afraid, why aren't you afraid anymore? But I'm even more afraid when I'm alone in the palace."

Lian Che smiled, pulled her into his arms, and said softly: "Okay, let's go together tonight."


Lin Bao was extremely excited for the night's action, but he couldn't reveal their plan, so he had to stay alone in the palace and couldn't find anything to do.

Finally, someone from the palace couldn't stand it any longer, stretched out his hand and pulled the little pigeon, and whispered: "Little pigeon, what's wrong with Eunuch Bao?"

"I don't know for sure, but I guess I slept too long yesterday and am too energetic today." Little Pigeon said thoughtfully.

The two of them were chatting intently, then they saw Lin Bao running over and handed Little Pigeon a piece of paper with random things written on it. They also ordered: "Little Pigeon, please help me." Get these things ready."

The little pigeon didn't think much, nodded, and walked out of the palace with the note.

But when he opened the paper, he was dumbfounded.

I saw scrawled words on it - one pound of chicken legs, half a pound of chicken wings, six taels of duck neck... There were a lot of them at the back, but the writing was so scrawled that he couldn't recognize it.

Ahem, but just by looking at the first few, he had already guessed—Is the little steamed stuffed bun starving? Can she finish the meal by herself

Originally, if such a request was sent to the imperial kitchen, he would not be allowed, and he would even be convicted. But it was different for Lin Bao. Who allowed her to be protected by Lian Che

The little pigeon sighed and walked towards the imperial kitchen resignedly.


After Lian Che and Lin Bao had dinner and changed clothes to leave the palace, they saw Lin Bao standing in front of him holding a heavy bundle and said, "Okay, let's go."

Glancing at the baggage, he faintly smelled the smell of oil. He frowned: "What is this?"

Lin Bao smiled proudly, mysteriously held the bundle in his arms, and said, "I'll tell you later."


Well, there is no extra time to talk nonsense with her now. Just looking at her expression, Lian Che has already guessed it.

Let me ask, in this world, besides money, what else can make Lin Bao so happy? —The answer is of course food.

Since he was traveling secretly this time, Lian Che only called a few secret guards and then he and Lin Bao leaped from the palace wall to the outside of the palace.

Looking at the dark street, Lin Bao shivered, stretched out her hand to tighten his hand, and saw an attractive man standing beside her, and asked curiously: "Who is he?"

Lian Che watched every movement of grass around him vigilantly, and replied in a low voice: "—Gu Rufeng, just call him Rufeng."

Hearing this, Lin Bao looked at Gu Rufeng, and Gu Daxia, who was very indifferent, just smiled at her in a friendly manner, then returned to his paralyzed state and stared ahead alertly.

—What, aren’t you just going out for an appointment? Are you so cautious

Lin Bao curled his lips and was thinking about it when he saw a black shadow coming straight ahead. The long sword in his hand shone in the moonlight, giving off a hint of coldness.

In an instant, several secret guards walking together formed a circle, surrounding Lin Bao and Lian Che, forming a protective circle to prevent the other party from getting even closer.

Lin Bao, who had never seen such a formation before, immediately weakened his legs with fear and threw himself into Lian Che's arms. He closed his eyes and refused to look, but the sounds of fighting kept coming to his ears.

Suddenly, they heard a muffled groan from the secret guard, and Lin Bao suddenly opened his eyes, only to see seven or eight men in black surrounding them. All the secret guards except Gu Rufeng fell to the ground.

—Nima, is this a live action movie

Lin Bao wailed, but saw several men in black winking at each other and rushing towards them. Judging from their posture, it didn't look like they were targeting Lian Che, but instead they were coming towards her!

Lian Che was entangled by several men in black and couldn't get away. Gu Rufeng was also fighting with a man in black. She was the only one who didn't know martial arts and was chased around by the remaining men in black.

Hearing the approaching footsteps behind him, Lin Bao looked at the bundle in his hand, his heart skipped a beat, he stopped, turned around, tore open the bundle, and threw the greasy chicken legs inside towards the group of men in black.


The leading man in black fell to the ground, covering his eyes and groaning in pain.

Seeing this, the other men in black rushed forward angrily, drew out their swords and struck at her. Unexpectedly, before they could strike her, they were blinded by a greasy mass.

For a moment, the men in black fell to the ground one after another, covering their eyes and groaning in pain. It can be said that they were moaning in the dark night!

Lian Che kicked away the man in black who was standing in front of him, and ran towards Lin Bao anxiously. Looking at her proud look, and then at the miserable group of men in black, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. ,"what have you done?"

"It's nothing, I just treated them to spicy chicken legs!" Lin Bao clapped his hands and rubbed his oily little hands on his black robe.

Spicy... spicy chicken drumsticks

Lian Che silently mourned for these men in black in his heart. You must know that the spicy chicken drumsticks made in the imperial dining room use the unique millet spicy in the world, and the spicy taste is very long-lasting. The spicy taste lasts for a while. But it can't be eliminated.

At this moment, Gu Rufeng rushed forward and blocked the man in black who had been kicked away by Lian Che before, and said hurriedly: "My lord, you go quickly, I will break up the rear!"

Lian Che nodded, hugged Lin Bao's waist and was about to leave, but he never thought that the man in black who was still screaming and moaning behind Lin Bao stood up, picked up the long sword and struck at her.

Almost subconsciously, Lian Che hugged her and turned around, and the long sword split his back mercilessly.

When Gu Rufeng noticed, Lian Che was already injured. He used the poisonous needle in his sleeve and stabbed the man in black who had just attacked Lian Che to the ground.

Lin Bao almost cried, held his body, patted his face and called: "Lian Che, nothing can happen to you!"

—If something happens to him, she will have no money!

Gu Rufeng frowned and saw another man in black rushing up. He took out the dagger from his waist and handed it to Lin Bao, saying: "Quickly, take the Lord and get out of here!"

Lin Bao took the dagger in response and helped Lian Che walk into the deep alley, leaving Gu Rufeng behind.

She didn't stop until the sound of fighting behind her could no longer be heard. Lian Che stood up, pointed to the open back door in front of him, and said, "Go in!"


She hurriedly helped him go in. At first she thought it was someone's yard, but she never thought it was the woodshed in a brothel!

Lin Bao carefully closed the door, helped him sit down on the straw pile, held his hand, and asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Lian Che endured the pain and replied. At this time, the wound on his back was already itchy. He took his pulse and concluded that the sword of the man in black was poisoned.

However, facing her worried eyes, Lian Che didn't intend to tell her. He just leaned on her shoulder and closed his eyes, saying tiredly, "I'll take a nap for a while."

Lin Bao swallowed and saw that he was asleep, so he let him lie on his side on the straw pile. Seeing him shaking, he took off his outer robe and covered him.

Xu had never seen Lian Che look so fragile. She held his hand in fear and probed his breath from time to time, fearing that he would run out of breath in the next moment.

Looking at his pale face, Lin Bao felt a little stunned in his heart, the tip of his nose was a little sour, and his eyes were even more astringent.

She was thinking, if it wasn't him just now, maybe she would be the one lying here now, right

However, he could obviously avoid it, but at worst she would get stabbed. After all, he was the master, and she was just a little slave like an ant.

But he blocked the sword for her. If... if something happened to him, she knew she would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

But, what is this suffocating feeling of pain

Lin Bao suddenly remembered a line he had seen in a romantic drama in the past - when you love someone to the bone, you will sacrifice everything for him, including your life.

Now, Lian Che almost sacrificed his life for her, so does he also love her to the bone

If it were the past, Lin Bao would definitely deny it, but now, thinking of his gentleness in recent days, she couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Her fingers caressed his face, and a hot tear streaked across his cheek.