Your Majesty, I'm delighted

Chapter 97: [097] Lin Wanyan, you have indeed lost your memory


Hearing this, Lin Bao rushed over immediately, but he never expected to see such a scene as soon as he entered the camp -

Under the dim light, Lian Che was seen sitting beside the bed, guarding a woman wearing armor but covered in blood. Looking from her direction, she could just see the distress in Lian Che's eyes.

She withdrew her eyes and looked at the pretty woman with her eyes closed tightly and her face pale. She thought this must be Princess Yan.

Lin Bao stood at the door, hesitating whether to go in or not, but he saw Lian Che holding up the medicine bowl, carefully feeding her the medicine, and opening his thin lips slightly, as if he was saying something.

However, Yan Chuchu felt that the medicine made her cry a little, so she took a small sip and turned away, frowning slightly, and refused to drink any more.

Really having no choice, Lian Che lowered his head and took a sip. Seeing this, Lin Bao had already guessed how much he was doing, so he decisively turned around and left.

However, Lian Che behind him just took a sip of the medicine, frowned, put it down, and said, "It's quite bitter. I'll have someone give you some candied fruit later—"


- Peat Lian Che, let’s just fight. Why bring a woman back? Could it be that you fell in love at first sight

Lin Baowo walked out of the military camp angrily, kicking the pebbles on the roadside angrily. When he came to his senses, he realized that he had actually run to the river outside the military camp.

She simply sat down on the ground and threw stones into the river dully.

—Smelly Lianche! I'll beat you to death!

Just as he was sulking unhappily, he suddenly heard a man's hearty voice coming from the tree trunk behind him: "Why, are you jealous when you see someone's affection?"

Hearing the sound, Lin Bao clenched the pebbles in his hands vigilantly and looked behind him, only to see Nan Jing, still dressed in black clothes, sitting leisurely on the tree trunk, looking very lazy.

Looking at the person coming, she said angrily: "What are you doing here!"

Hearing this, Nan Jing was still sitting on the tree trunk, with one leg raised and one hand on his knee. He raised his narrow eyes and said, "Actually, you are not Lin Wanyan at all, are you?"

Suddenly, Lin Bao's eyes widened, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. He just turned away and said: "I have never admitted that I am. It was you who thought so from the beginning."

Hearing what she said, Nan Jing became even more determined. She jumped down from the tree and looked at her condescendingly, "So, you don't know who I am?"

"You said I'm not Lin Wanyan, so how do I know who you are?" She stood up from the ground, with a look of displeasure on her face.

Nan Jing narrowed his eyes slightly, stared into her eyes closely, and said firmly: "Lin Wanyan, you have indeed lost your memory."


Lin Bao was shocked. Ever since she traveled here two months ago, she had disguised her amnesia so well that even her prime minister father and Lin Wanchen didn't notice anything. How did he, an outsider, know about it?

-In an instant, she felt that there was something unusual about this person.

Feeling a little guilty after being stared at by him, Lin Bao bit his lip and said bravely: "I have lost my memory, but this is none of your business!"

After hearing the answer from her mouth, Nan Jing didn't look very happy. There was a hint of worry on his face, and he just said: "You really can't remember who I am?"

"Do you think I might still remember you?"

She asked back, but saw him suddenly take out a delicate jade pendant from his arms. Judging from its shape, there should be another jade pendant that is a pair with it.

Now, she has guessed where the other jade pendant is.

Seeing that she didn't respond at all, Nan Jing put the jade pendant in her hand in disappointment, held it gently, and said: "If you can help me find the other jade pendant, I will help you restore your memory."


Lin Bao only thought it was funny. How could she get back Lin Wanyan's memory now that she was not really Lin Wanyan? —Is such a condition possible

She pursed her lips, "I don't need those memories anymore, I just hope you can help me get out of here."


Nan Jing was a little stunned, clenched the jade pendant in her hand, and finally nodded: "Okay then-"

I wanted to say something to her, but I heard subtle footsteps not far away.

As a martial arts practitioner, Nan Jing naturally knew that someone was coming this way, so he had no choice but to turn around and leave. Before leaving, he turned to her and said: "Remember, I am Nan Jing - Nan from north and south, clean Jing. ”

After saying that, he used Qinggong and quickly disappeared from her sight.

Nan Jing…

Lin Bao chewed the name carefully and was lost in thought when someone suddenly tapped his shoulder from behind. The person said happily: "Damn it, look what I brought you."

She suddenly came to her senses and saw that the person who came was actually Xiahou Jinnian, who was dressed as a soldier. He was also holding a greasy chicken and a few skewers in his hands.

Lin Bao wondered, "Where did you get these?"

I saw Xiahou Jinnian sitting on the grass and said proudly: "I personally went to the market to buy it!"


Lin Bao couldn't believe it. Xiahou Jinnian didn't look like the kind of person who would go all the way to the market to buy snacks in person, and he was actually willing to share the snacks with her.

Could it be that the sun is rising in the west

She looked at the kebabs handed to her by Xiahou Jinnian suspiciously, but finally couldn't resist the temptation of the delicious food and opened her mouth to eat with relish.

Just as he was eating happily, Xiahou Jinnian turned his head and said curiously: "Hey - do you know that the emperor's cousin brought that Princess Yan back to the military camp?"

It's fine if I don't mention this, but she gets upset when I mention it!

Lin Bao bit into the skewers and said angrily: "I don't know!"

Looking at her like that, Xiahou Jinnian gloated: "Why, are you jealous of the emperor's cousin? - I just said that the emperor's cousin won't always like you, a little eunuch!"


Lin Bao turned his head and stared at him with a lustful look - Peat Xiahou Jinnian, if you say one more thing, I will kill you!

Unexpectedly, Xiahou Jinnian thought to himself and said happily: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you said you want breasts but no breasts and butt but no butt. How could the emperor's cousin like you? But that Princess Yan Guo can't It’s different, but—"

Before Xiahou Jinnian could even say the words "The front is curved and the back is curved," Lin Bao punched her to the ground. She sat on him, strangled his neck, and said, "Xiahou Jinnian, go to hell! "

Xia Houjinnian, who was dizzy, stretched out his hand to push her away, but saw that her cheeks were red and she looked angry with embarrassment. He was stunned for a long time before he realized what he was doing. He looked at his hands and said in disbelief: "You have breasts?" ?”

"Fuck you, how long have I been saying that I have no breasts!" Lin Bao was so angry that her teeth were itching, but this brat acted in disbelief and confusion, which really made her feel helpless.

Old... mother

Xiahou Jinnian was confused and looked at her blankly, "You... are you a woman?"

—She spilled the beans!

Lin Bao slapped his forehead in annoyance and said with great regret: "You said this yourself, you don't care about my business!"

After that, she threw down the skewers and prepared to run away. Xiahou Jinnian was about to catch up when he saw a guard running towards Lin Bao in a hurry. He must have been sent by the emperor's cousin.

He looked at his hands again, remembering the soft feeling when he touched her breasts just now, his face flushed, and he felt even more confident.

—Haha, you damn guy, you dare to lie to me, you are doomed!


Lin Bao was following the guard on the way back to the military camp, but unexpectedly something seemed to be troublesome in her stomach. When her lower abdomen tightened, she covered her mouth and ran to the side to vomit.

Seeing this, the guard on the side was frightened half to death. He supported her in fear and said, "Father, father-in-law, do you want me to go find a military doctor to take a look at you?"

Lin Bao waved his hands, holding the tree trunk with one hand and covering his lower abdomen with the other, gasping: "No need, maybe I just ate something bad."


The guard was obviously a little worried. He glanced at the vomitus and it seemed that he had just eaten it, so it was no longer easy to pursue it. After all, he couldn't just invite the military doctor.

So, Lin Bao had no choice but to go back to the military camp with him. It was already so dark that she couldn't see the way clearly. Before entering Lian Che's main camp tent, she quietly went to the kitchen and found some water to rinse her mouth. He also grabbed some candied fruits and ate some himself, and gave them to the guard, telling him not to tell anyone about it, and then he returned to the camp.

After all, if Lian Che knew about this, he would probably have to force her to take medicine again.

Speaking of taking medicine, Lin Bao was very angry again. Just thinking about the scene of Lian Che giving medicine to Yan Chuchu mouth to mouth made him want to drop the things in his hands.

Pushing the door open, he saw Lian Che sitting at the desk with a tired look on his face, holding the battle report from the front in his hand. He was only wearing a thin undershirt, and his hair was wet. He wanted to decide Just took a shower.

She didn't even bother him, she took off her shoes and got on the bed, pulled the quilt over her body, and turned her back to him in a dull voice.

Seeing this, Lian Che put down the battle report in his hand, took off his shoes and got on the bed. He tugged on her dirty clothes and said, "Take off your clothes before going to bed. What should I do if I cover the rash later?" ”

Lin Bao stubbornly refused to look at him and said gloomily: "If I get a rash, then you go find that Yan Chuchu! People want to have breasts and butt, how can they be like me..."

—So unexpected.

However, in order to save some face for herself, she still stopped.

After listening to her words, Lian Che had already guessed it. He opened the quilt, patiently pulled her body over and said, "You are such a jealous person, so blindly jealous."

-So he means she shouldn't be jealous

Lin Bao slapped his hand away angrily, pushed him out of bed, and said, "I'm just jealous. If you don't like it, just go find that Yan Chuchu!"

Hearing this, Lian Che realized that she was not jealous, but angry!

—Emma, Lin Bao is very angry, and the consequences will be serious, okay

He hurriedly came forward shamelessly and said: "Bao'er, listen to my explanation -"