Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 108: Section 108


The World Shield suddenly went out and transformed into a gray Ouroboros again, wrapping itself around his wrist.

"This time, with the help of Annihilation, I have upgraded all my equipment. The next step is to find a way to add an energy bullet mode to the loading system of the Destiny sniper. Then I'll get a Gatling machine gun and a laser sword and carry out violence to the end!" Li Xini licked his lips.

At this moment, a light sound was heard in the air.

"The city of Loma is two kilometers ahead."

Augurola said calmly: "I will take you here."

Licinius leaned out of the carriage and looked up at the sky.

Augurola looked at him with a half-smile, her young and charming face showing an unfathomable meaning: "Don't lose the blood orb, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. As an ally, if you can't make it in the Brentanian Empire, you can always come to me for help."

Li Xini curled his lips and said, "I should be the one saying this to you. If you can't survive in the Kingdom of Loen, you can always come to me for help. I will help you destroy them."

If someone else had said this, the Blood Duke would have sneered.

Augurola narrowed her eyes and raised her red lips: "Then it's a deal."

Li Xini snorted and returned to the carriage.

"Let's go, Noren."

Noren nodded slightly towards the sky, then drove the carriage towards the corner of the mountain road.

"Humph, you are such an ignorant brat."

In mid-air, Augurola stared at them going away and whispered, "Don't die."

Then she was suddenly startled and realized that she seemed to have said something nonsense.

Suddenly, a slender figure flashed and landed behind her.

"Your Highness, are you just going to watch them leave like this?"

Chloë half-knelt on the bloody stream and whispered, "I know you want to keep them."

"Yes, this is the first time I've seen such a weird guy in all my years. If he is willing to stay with me and help me, then it is only a matter of time before he wipes out the entire Loen Kingdom."

Augurola snorted, "That woman, Viltiana, is really lucky."

Chloë asked: "Why don't you try?"

Augurola raised an eyebrow, "Who told you I didn't fight for it? You can't force this guy, although I feel like he might be looking forward to me turning into an adult form and forcefully eating him."

Well, there is no evidence, but I just have this intuition.

Chloe was stunned: "Your Highness, you... want to get married?"

Augurola turned around and gave him a cold look: "Is this the question you should ask?"

Chloe quickly lowered her head and shut up.

"Valerius Licinius... We will meet again soon."

Augurola took out the golden crystal and whispered softly: "Now, let's advance to the seventh level first."



Seven full days have passed since the border battle ended.

Except for the soldiers who continued to be stationed in the border garrison, most of the troops were redeployed back to the empire, and the officers also returned to the military headquarters in the royal capital to report on their work.

It has been a long time since the Brentanian Empire won such a major battle.

For a moment, the whole country was in an uproar, shouting "Long live His Majesty".

News was released in the royal palace of the royal capital, directly reducing the country's taxes for half a year. At the same time, forbidden areas across the country were opened to allow adventurers to explore in depth.

Celebrations were also held in Trinity College, taking advantage of the national celebration to hold graduation season.

In order to celebrate the end of the war, the Secret Tower of Florence specially set a three-month long vacation, allowing professors and students to return to their hometowns, reunite with their families, and celebrate the results of the war.

The excavation of the ruins of the ancient city of Hera has been put back on the agenda.

Before long, this will become the largest city on the border of the empire.

The magical resources mined from the ruins will hatch batch after batch of warlocks.

And circulate all over the country.

These warlocks are the most valuable labor force and productivity.

Newspapers all over the country were reporting these pieces of good news, as if after the border war was over, everything in the country had become better and people once again saw hope for a new era.

Of course, the two most important things are still attracting everyone's attention.

That is about the canonization of heroes and the judgment of sinners.

It is said that His Majesty has returned to the capital and is dealing with the remaining issues after the war and the compensation for the fallen soldiers. He is also negotiating with the Kingdom of Loen and preparing to accept their surrender.

In half a month, the truth about this war will be made public.

On the surface, the empire was celebrating.

But in the darkness that ordinary people cannot see, there are always undercurrents.

All forces and major parties are also secretly confronting each other.

At the same time, Licinius brought Noren back to the city of Loma.

He sold all his property, including several shops and his real estate in Loma City, raised some funds, packed his luggage, and embarked on the journey home.

It is worth mentioning that there was actually another letter in the envelope at his doorstep.

The letter was signed, Witch!

"Perhaps due to the Night Watch's confidentiality rules, she didn't mention much in the letter. She just left me an address so I can look for her when I go to the capital."

Norn said, "This woman is really thoughtful. In their opinion, you are already dead, and I should have been properly settled by the gravekeeper a long time ago, but she is still worried. After all, in her eyes, even if you are dead, I still have to live with a substitute puppet disguised as you for many years."

At this moment, she was wearing a sun hat, a light gray dress, a pair of slender legs wrapped in black stockings, a pair of double-breasted leather boots, and carrying two heavy suitcases in one hand.

After reading the letter, she folded it and put it in her pocket.

"It seems that the teacher is still reliable. He keeps it a secret from everyone..."

Li Xini gave his teacher a thumbs up in his heart and shrugged: "It doesn't matter. We can meet anytime. The prerequisite is that I have to divine whether she will secretly inform His Majesty... Okay, let's get back to business."

He was also dressed like a businessman today, with his silver hair neatly combed back, a single dark eye on his face, and a straight black suit with black leather shoes, looking elegant and noble.

Li Xini held the girl's hand, crossed the empty street, and entered the Black Pearl Chamber of Commerce.

The city of Roma was not affected by the war, but it experienced the baptism of the tide of monsters. The once prosperous Chamber of Commerce has now become depressed and has few customers.

"Hello, I'm here to register an account in the Royal Capital."

Licinius came to a service counter, stared at the freckled female order taker, and handed over his ID: "My name is Valerius Licinius."


After the receptionist took the ID and checked it, he couldn't help but take a look at the handsome young man. Obviously, he realized that this was a noble surname, and immediately said, "Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

She closed her eyes and whispered a search spell, and a gust of wind blew out of nowhere in the archive room behind her.

After a moment, two documents floated in front of her.

"Hey, Mr. Valerius, right?"

She said respectfully, "You do have a Chamber of Commerce account in Roma City, which was registered ten months ago. And the account in the Royal Capital was registered ten years ago!"

Li Xini was stunned: "Ten years ago?"

Norn couldn't help but glance at him: "Wasn't that account cancelled?"

Li Xini did have an account in the capital, but after his mother transferred all his assets away, he cancelled it out of despair, so it was impossible for it to still exist.

"Please wait… "

The receptionist took a closer look and said, "Look, your account was still active last month, and you invested in various chambers of commerce and adventurer associations. The total amount now is... 9657 gold coins!"

In the Chamber of Commerce's record books, silver and copper coins are not counted.

Basically, it will be rounded up and included in the total amount of gold coins.

Li Xini suddenly felt something was wrong and asked, "Why are there so many? I am not currently managing this account. Can you help me check who is actually operating the account?"

He had a bad feeling.

If it is the father and mother, they probably will not use his own account to manage funds.

Because the account is registered in his name, he can withdraw the money at any time.

And this amount of money is really nothing to the family.

"OK… "

The receptionist checked for a moment and said confidently, "Found it. Your account is currently managed by a lady named Irena Gugweil. This account was indeed cancelled before, but I don't know who restored it through their connections."

Li Xini was stunned, and once again thought of the white-haired girl he saw above the gray fog.

"It's actually her..."

Chapter 117 There is no harm without comparison!

Licinius stared at the report of the Chamber of Commerce's bill and fell into deep thought.

Before he awakened his past life memories, he still believed that he was the native of this world. At that time, he wanted to investigate the truth behind the extermination of the Frostian family and fight against the oppression of the Valerius family. Therefore, he couldn't wait to increase his strength in various ways.

However, when he discovered that he had no talent for magic, he changed his mind.

That is to cultivate a force of your own that is strong enough.

There is no need to say much about Nolan, this girl has become an inseparable part of his life.

Then he found two girls in the slums of the royal capital.

The first girl is called Irena, and she has quite good magic talent.

The second girl was named Fran, a natural female warrior.

There's nothing much to say about the latter.

Li Xini's evaluation of her is that she has no brains, is easily misled by others, and has selfish desires that most people have. In addition, she joined the team the latest and has the least feelings.

Before he left the royal capital, the girl had already been gradually won over by the family members.

There was a sense of estrangement between us.

Not to mention after he was expelled from the capital.

Fran will definitely be brainwashed and led by the Valerius family.

This creates a distance between us and him.

This is the situation that the family wants to see most.

There are many things like this in life. Some friends you haven’t contacted for a long time will inevitably hear some rumors about you because too much time has passed and their impression of you has changed.

As for Fran's so-called love, it may be more of guilt and regret.

However, the most incomprehensible thing is Irena.

She was the smartest girl in her childhood group and should never have been misled by her family.

But after so long, not even a single letter has been sent.

Licinius recalled the last time he saw the girl. It was the eve of her joining the presidency of Trinity Theological Seminary, on a bitterly cold winter day.

In the small house he rented, he lay on the bed bored, wondering how to commit suicide.

Irena lay on the edge of the bed, placed the magic book on his legs, and supported her cheeks with both hands.

Look at the book for a while, then look at him for a while.

Sometimes she would tilt her head, squint her eyes and smile, and say to him: "Licinius, if I can successfully pass the examination and enter the presidium of Trinity College, will you prepare a gift for me? Tomorrow is my birthday."

Licinius smiled and asked her what gift she wanted.

Irena's answer was: "I hope you can take a day to relax. Let's go have a snowball fight in the morning, I want you to try the cake I made at noon, and watch the fireworks together in the evening, okay? As for the early morning, well... you haven't slept on my legs for a long time."

Licinius thought she was so cute at the time and readily agreed.

As a result, the next day, he was forcibly expelled from the capital by his family.