Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 116: Section 116


Invisible sound waves suddenly exploded.

In mid-air, Irena groaned and her face turned pale.

Her magic was hindered for a moment.

The guards who gathered from all directions also chanted unknown magic in a low voice.

There seemed to be some kind of magic in their voices, lingering in my ears.

Like the weeping of resentful souls.

Irena was performing magic and was naturally interrupted, her eyes became blurry!




Upon seeing this, the men Sera brought with him immediately cast interference magic.

Professor Lawson even raised his hand and condensed dozens of sharp rock spikes, which were suspended in the air.

"Irena, you are the teacher's favorite student, I don't want to fight with you."

Seeing that the situation was finally under her control, Sera sneered and said sarcastically, "Do you really think I can't beat you? Come down obediently, evaporate all your magic power, and then apologize to all of us. In this way, your punishment may be lighter. I really don't know what's wrong with you!"

Suddenly, Irena opened her beautiful eyes, and the blazing flames were reflected in her pupils!

The raging hurricane hovering in the sky suddenly became violent.

Sera's face changed drastically, and she shouted hurriedly: "Quick, request support!"

Everyone, including Lawson, was furious.

If this blow lands, you’ll be skinned alive if not killed!

At the critical moment, someone said grimly: "Forbid the magic!"

For a moment, the void seemed to fluctuate for a moment, and then fell into a quagmire-like silence. The atmosphere was distorted and turbulent, as if imprisoned, and sharp noises echoed.

The flaming tornado condensed by Irena suddenly collapsed and shrank, disappearing without a trace!

She also fell to the ground, groaning, her face pale.

"Irena Gugweier, you have violated the school's rules. Come back with me and be punished."

He was a middle-aged man with a cold and hard face, holding a string of precious beads in his hand.

Trinity College, Dean of the Vinaya Institute.

Specially responsible for managing fights within the college.

Irena knelt on the ground panting, her wet white hair stuck to her eyes. She raised her eyes and smiled silently: "Master of the Discipline House? What were you doing eleven months ago? If you didn't do anything then, what's your reason for stopping me now?"

The middle-aged man said calmly: "I don't remember such a thing."

Irena smiled silently: "Don't remember? That's really interesting."

Diana, Morton, and the pastor girl looked at each other and hesitated.

At this time, no one dared to stand up and speak for the girl.

"So this is the sorcerer academy that claims to train elites?"

Irena was alone, but she seemed to be fighting against the entire academy. There was an inexplicable mockery in her eyes. She said softly, "You don't even have a chance for a fair fight? Senior Sera, isn't it said that the weak have no say? Even a weakling like you has someone backing you up."

"You idiot..."

In the crowd, Sera was still in shock, as if she was still recalling the power of the flaming hurricane just now.

If this hurricane of fire really hit her, she would most likely be seriously injured and dying.

In just eleven months, you have grown to this point!

There was a ruthless look in her eyes, and she walked forward silently, condensing a water cannon in her right hand.

Irena didn't notice the approach of danger. She just looked at the group of people in front of her with disappointment. They could handle the same thing differently and speak such double-standard words with a righteous manner.

At this moment, the sun sets and darkness sweeps over.

Everyone is on the other side of the light.

And she was swallowed by the darkness.

It was at this moment that a faint sound of breaking through the air was heard, so abruptly.

It’s so fast too!

I saw countless black shadows appearing out of thin air in the square as if they had teleported.

"Don't move, or I won't mind slicing your neck right there and then."

The middle-aged man's pupils suddenly shrank as he heard a soft whisper coming from behind.

At some point, an iron sword was placed on his neck.

Amber arrived in an instant, and her first task was to capture the highest-ranking person present!

In addition, there is a person who has appeared in the shadows behind everyone without anyone noticing.

The cold arrows hit their backs, chilling them to the bone.

"The Bureau has been ordered to arrest the suspect. Don't move if you don't want to die." said the assassins hiding in the shadows.

Diana stood up silently and raised her hands tactfully.

Because the hidden arrows from all directions were aimed at her.

Morton and the pastor were not spared and were taken hostage in an instant.

Lawson was startled and subconsciously wanted to pull back, but he didn't expect a strong wind to blow in his face!


In just a breath of time, a petite figure came up.

The next moment, his throat was locked and his whole body was lifted up into the air.

The person who came was a petite girl.

Black military uniform, platinum-blond hair, and a pretty face as delicate and indifferent as ice and snow.

Norn was as cold and indifferent as a tyrant. He held the male professor's neck with one hand, as if he wanted to break him.

Everyone felt a chill all over their body. The unexpected change shocked everyone.

As soon as the Control Bureau took action, it took control of the entire situation with lightning speed!

The only one who was not controlled was Sera.

Her right hand was hidden behind her back, with a water cannon in her hand, and she looked a little at a loss.

She instinctively wanted to escape.

But the next moment—

Bang bang bang!

The roar of gunfire rolled in the night for a long time.

Sera suddenly let out a heart-wrenching scream, the water cannon in her right hand suddenly collapsed, more than ten streaks of blood burst out from her legs, and she knelt on the ground on the spot.


There was another loud noise.

Professor Lawson was thrown to the ground hard and coughed up blood foam in pain.

Noren followed with an expressionless face, stepping on his chest with an indifferent look in his eyes.

"Who are you… "

Irena was stunned. The petite figure in front of her looked so familiar.

At this moment, she felt that everything became unreal.

It feels like being in a dream.

Even the sounds of footsteps could no longer be heard.

Everyone saw dozens of solemn and indifferent officers coming in one after another outside the square, holding muskets and hidden arrows in their hands. They stood on both sides of the road, bowed their heads respectfully, and greeted the last important man.

He was a silver-haired young officer, holding his black military cap in one hand, with a black cloak fluttering behind him and the silver emblem on his chest shining brightly in the night.

The cuff of his other hand was emitting thick smoke.

This is a scene that everyone present will never forget.

The young officer just walked forward with an expressionless face, but the sound of his military boots hitting the ground was like beating drums in everyone's hearts, bringing an extremely strong sense of oppression.

It was as if this person had an inexplicable aura.

Now that he is here, the world will lose its voice.

"My name is Valerius Licinius, Director of the First Inspection Department of the Administrative Bureau. From this moment on, all of you are under my control..."

Licinius said softly, "Someone, bring that garbage to me."

Chapter 123 I'm standing right here, do you dare

Valerius Licinius.

This is a name that is unfamiliar to most people. But if you have recently learned about the border battle of the ancient city of Hera, you will definitely be surprised from this moment.

Because there are rumors that the inventor of the Titan Cannon was this young man who was once expelled from the royal capital.

But no one expected that this person would suddenly become the new Inspection Minister of the Bureau of Control!

The recent organizational reform of the Administration Bureau was implemented internally, but because this agency is so important, it has attracted the attention of many people.

Therefore, once the positions of four audit ministers were established and it was determined that they would compete for the next director-general, the news spread quickly.

Recently, many agents from the Bureau of Control have been conducting surveillance and investigation near the college.

However, who knew that the storm would come so quickly!

The officers of the Control Bureau are all assassins, and they are efficient and decisive in their work. However, they are restricted by some laws and regulations of the empire and are unable to act freely.

This time, a bold boss finally came, which made them very excited.

When Licinius gave the order, the group of people walked towards the woman rolling in a pool of blood with excitement and grinning.

In just a few seconds, a magic-suppressing collar was put around Sera's neck, her hands were tied behind her back, tightly locked with chains, and her ten fingers were locked in joints.

The woman was still wailing in pain, screaming, "I'm Sera Paganir! You can't do this to me! Send me to a doctor! You bastards! I'm an assistant professor at Trinity Theological Seminary!"


An officer squatted down and gave her a loud slap in the face, which stunned her.

"Shut your stinky mouth!"

He ordered: "Strip it!"

The agents rushed forward, tore off all the expensive jewelry on her body, and even tore her coat to shreds. They also found several magical protective tools, and then restrained her in place.

Most of the students at Trinity College were still hothouse flowers who had never been to the forbidden land for training. They had never seen such a brutal scene before, and their faces turned pale and trembled constantly.

Diana and the others' pupils contracted violently, and extremely ridiculous expressions appeared on their faces.

Valerius Licinius!

That was Irena’s ex-boyfriend, and he actually came back at this time.

Is it for Irena's sake

At this moment, the professor named Lawson coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his hands trembled as he tried to form a hand seal.

It seems like he wants to spread the news here.

As a result, with a cracking sound, his wrist was directly broken.

Norn raised his foot expressionlessly and stepped on his wrist bone, saying: "My master didn't ask you to move. If you make any small moves again, I will crush your throat next time."

Professor Lawson was stunned. He stared at the girl blankly and felt that she looked familiar.