Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 127: Section 127


In addition, everyone whose name was called had a flushed face and was extremely excited!

It is a supreme honor for them to be awarded medals personally by His Majesty.

What’s even more rare is that His Majesty still remembers each of their names!

What a blessing it is to be able to serve such a monarch!

Beside the throne, Lord Neil had a kind smile on his face, but he was secretly complaining in his heart.

A bunch of brainless and vulgar knights!

Your Majesty is busy with all kinds of affairs, how could he possibly remember your names

It’s all because of my old bones, using mental magic to remind you!

The Empress was indeed in a very bad condition. Originally, she could remember the names of these knights at a glance, but recently she was exhausted due to her busy schedule with state affairs and the matter of the Heroic Spirit Summoning Matrix.

She hadn't slept for three days and three nights. In addition, the injuries she suffered from the backlash of the World Tree during the border war had not yet healed, causing her to look a little dazed even now.

If the music hadn't been so loud, she would have almost fallen asleep standing up.

"Well, there are still four people left, hold on!"

The empress continued to force a smile and pinned the medal on each knight.

Then he just said a few random words and got away with it.

I still feel more comfortable when I am with that boy.

Even crack a joke once in a while.

Fran, the last of the Holy Light Knights, placed her hand on her chest and bowed her head respectfully.

At this moment, her blood was hot and she was extremely excited.

The empress glanced at the girl with long pink hair, but did not realize her identity at first. There was still a beautiful curve on her lips, and she was ready to put the medal on her.

It was only a moment, but to the female knight it felt like a century.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. May God bless the empire and Your Majesty bless me!" Fran said respectfully.

At this moment, an old man's reminder sounded in the empress's mind.

"Your name is... Fran?"

The empress suddenly frowned, as if she remembered something that made her very unhappy.

Fran's face flushed with honor, she lowered her head and trembled as she said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

The empress narrowed her eyes, snorted coldly, and threw the medal into her arms.

Turn around and walk away...

Fran: “…”

Chapter 133 Why is it that you are always in my heart

Viltiana is a rare empress in history, and naturally has the qualities of a king.

Whether it is to his own subjects or the people of the empire.

She has always been very tolerant.

However, after seeing the female knight named Fran, she felt inexplicably unhappy.

"Your Majesty, what do you think is going on?"

Old Neil sighed, "Why get angry with a little girl?"

The empress raised her eyebrows: "I am not much older than her, why can't I be angry with her?"

Old Neil couldn't help but complain: "I just felt your psychological fluctuations. If I have to give an example, it is that you regard Lord Licinius as someone who belongs to you, and only to you, similar to a boyfriend.

And that female knight named Fran is like the bad woman who once abandoned your boyfriend, so when you see her, you can't help but want to step on her? "

He asked, "You want to prove that it's not that your boyfriend is not good enough, but that she is blind."

The empress was startled: "I think I have this idea, almost? At first, I was planning to pretend to be Li Xini's lover and show my love to these bad women, but unfortunately..."

Although the boy is no longer here, she always has to do something for him.

Those who had treated him badly and let him down.

She would smash them all with one punch.

"That girl is so pitiful."

Old Neil sighed and said, "If she knew that His Majesty regarded her as an enemy... Tsk..."

However, the reality is that Fran suffered three consecutive deaths within just one month.

The first is Norn's ruthless crit.

Then came the backstab from Irena, her best friend.

Finally, it’s the Empress’s finishing move, Tian Shang Tian Xia Wu Shuang.

It's too awful…

"Let's not talk about this for now. How is the alchemy matrix being debugged?"

The empress walked into the basement of the palace. Candles were lit on both sides of the long and narrow corridor, illuminating the darkness.

Old Neil felt wronged when he mentioned this, and couldn't help but say, "Your Majesty, we were obviously very close yesterday. Although there was still an error, the sample was very precious!"

He sighed and said, "Why did you finally destroy the matrix?"

These days, the empress has been tinkering with the alchemy matrix in the basement of the palace.

According to the legend, this ritual can summon the souls of the dead and sublime them into heroic spirits.

Originally, this ceremony only existed in the ancient legends of the royal family of the Brentanian Empire. After all, things like heroic spirits sounded too far-fetched, and there were very few books related to it.

But there is indeed a Hall of Valor in the royal capital.

The wills of the emperors of the Brentanian Empire that had passed through the ages were indeed preserved through the power of some kind of alchemical matrix, becoming one of the country's immortal symbols.

Of course, to put it bluntly, even if their will is preserved, it will be of no use.

At most, he can be a mascot.

No one would expect these people who have been dead for who knows how many years to really protect the country.

Old Neil had only mentioned it casually in order to comfort His Majesty.

However, it must be said that the empress was indeed a genius.

She managed to find the prototype of this ritual from the countless magic books left behind by the royal family. Then, with the help of the huge resources and execution ability of the entire empire, she managed to restore this alchemical matrix!

And also improved.

Unfortunately, preliminary restoration does not mean that it can be put into use directly.

Last night, they completed the third round of experiments.

Through the heart crystal left by the boy, something was actually summoned from the matrix.

Well, something related to that boy.

"Ahem, I just lost control of my emotions at that time."

The empress said with a straight face: "It won't be like this next time."


Old Neil questioned, "You will also lose control?"

The empress said expressionlessly: "Yes, I will."


The alchemy matrix was indeed completed yesterday, but I don’t know which part went wrong.

I thought that what was summoned should be a part of the boy's soul.

But unexpectedly, what finally came out of the matrix was a skull!

The empress lived in Bengbu at the time and she smashed it to pieces with just one punch.

That thing is so terrifying, we must not keep it.

Old Neil wanted to ask something else, but when he saw His Majesty's cold gaze, he shut up tactfully.

"In that case, when the alchemists from the Secret Tower arrive in the capital, we can ask them to help debug the matrix. Of course, if Mr. Hermes can help, then there will be no risk!"

He sighed and said, "But even if you were the emperor, he might not give you face."

As we all know, alchemists are the most eccentric people in the world.

The empress snorted arrogantly: "If he were still here, why would I need Hermes!"

Old Neil quickly agreed, "Yes, yes, you are right. But there is one thing I have to remind you as a subject. The past is the past, and you should look forward."

The empress paused and glanced at him: "What do you mean?"

Old Neil said, "It's time for the Night's Watch to act."

The empress did not answer.

"First, we have the sniper rifles left by Lord Licinius, and we can train a group of assassination troops. The military advisor has been torn to pieces by you, and Dawn has also lost the power of divination magic."

Old Neil said seriously, "I will retire in four months. After retirement, I can devote myself to the work of the Night's Watch. It is time to recall the outstanding talents who were once scattered all over the country and sound the clarion call for a counterattack. However, the Night's Watch still lacks a new leader."

He paused deliberately. "This is the best opportunity to eliminate Cyrus and his followers. You should know who Cyrus and Josiah will ask to help them."

The Empress whispered, "The traitors from the Scarlet Night incident?"

It was many years ago, even before she ascended the throne.

There was a great upheaval in the Brentanian Empire, which was later called the Scarlet Night.

As the name suggests, it was a bloody night.

In just one night, eight thousand people died and tens of thousands were implicated.

The three great noble families that had ruled the empire for a thousand years disappeared overnight.

From then on, the first generation of Night's Watch were also given the title of the Abyss Sun.

"Yes, you should know that those people never left the country."

Old Neil whispered, "After all, the gravekeepers are dead, and they will always come back for revenge. The Night's Watch needs a leader to fight them in the dark. It won't work just by relying on the Bureau. After all, Lord Constance won't live much longer, and everyone knows that."

The empress was silent for a moment, then said calmly, "I cannot accept anyone else taking the position of Night's Watcher. No one else can do it. He is irreplaceable, and I will not give in on this point."

Old Neil advised, "But we can make some adjustments, such as appointing a vice-captain! The captain's position can be left vacant, as a tribute to Lord Licinius."

He said: "After Master Licinius becomes a Heroic Spirit, won't it be possible..."


The empress raised her eyebrows and questioned, "When he becomes a heroic spirit, shouldn't he be by my side 24 hours a day? Why would he still be a night watchman?"

Old Neil's eye twitched.

This woman is such a trouble.

"Yes, yes, whatever you say is what it is."

He sighed and asked, "So what are your candidates? Actually, I think Miss Nolen is very suitable. After all, she is the only descendant of the Frostian family. It's just that her personality..."

The empress pondered for a second and analyzed, "That little girl's talent is indeed terrifying, and her combat power is also extremely outstanding. She is indeed worthy of being the teacher's granddaughter. But she is protected too well by Lord Li Xini. I think she is a little silly. She has not learned any of Lord Li Xini's strategies and methods."

Old Neil complained, "Yeah, that's right. I remember that after the Frostian family was exterminated, didn't you deliberately look for Miss Norn and want to bring her with you?"

"Well, at first I thought that she was the teacher's only offspring, so I couldn't just ignore her. I wanted to take her with me and travel around the East Continent together, but the teacher stopped me."

The Empress replied: "What he said at the time was that his granddaughter had found a good home."

“This is difficult.”

Old Neil had a gloomy face, and suddenly the communication mirror in his pocket vibrated.

He took out the communication mirror, looked at the information on it, and was stunned for a moment.
