Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 132: Section 132


As long as you don't cross the line and don't get caught with evidence.

Then the Control Bureau can’t do anything to you.

But this time it's different.

The First Inspection Department of the Bureau of Control not only found sufficient evidence, but also submitted it to the procuratorate for prosecution. They arrested people directly before obtaining an arrest warrant.

This requires two conditions to be met at the same time.

First, you must have sufficient and strong fighting power.

Second, you must have a sufficient background and not be afraid of retaliation from certain forces.

With a loud bang, a high wall collapsed under the bombing of a grenade, and thick smoke billowed.

Agents in black walked out of the smoke and fired indiscriminately at the wall. Flames flickered in the storm, hot bullet casings flew out, and gunshots sounded like thunder.

Those warlocks who were kept in captivity by the nobles fell one after another amid the gunfire.

The blood was washed away by the rain and spread all over the long street.

The ability of thermal weapons to suppress low-level warlocks was fully demonstrated in this operation.

Because low-level warlocks, except for the melee warlock profession, have very poor defense if they are not equipped with sufficiently sophisticated magical tools. For example, weak mages and priests will be shot in the head before they can even chant a spell.

This is because priests and mages rely too much on the perception of magical fluctuations.

When faced with hot weapons, it is impossible to defend against them.

Low-level melee fighters will also be helpless when dealing with hot weapons.

Because they are not fast enough to dodge the bullets.

Unless there is cover.

However, when you finally find cover, someone throws a grenade at you.

Exploded on the spot...

However, this is just a low-level warlock.

There was a deafening bang, and a big hole was blasted out on the high wall of the long street. In the wind and rain, a slender and tall figure flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, and let out a muffled groan.


Dimon's face changed slightly, and he quickly supported himself on the ground with his hands. The ground was shaking and causing layers of violent waves. Countless gravel and dust suddenly surged away like a tide!


In just a moment, the rubble and mud were shattered like a torrent of debris.

With his upper body naked, Ornn forced his way through the muddy waves, ran wildly on the ground, and jumped up!

He twisted his waist and suddenly kicked down with a fierce kick!

If this blow was too heavy, Damon, as a mage, would basically be dead!

At the critical moment, Amber turned her waist, inserted the iron sword into the ground with her backhand, and half-knelt on the ground to forcibly stop the inertia of retreating. When she raised her head again, there were scarlet bloodshot in her pupils.

Secret Technique o Tide of Blood!

Melee warriors don't have fancy magic, but they are well-rounded in both offense and defense, and they have ancient fighting secrets that can improve their abilities in an instant.

The secret skill that Amber mastered, the Tide of Blood, is that it can compress the heart, stimulate the potential in the body in an instant, concentrate all the strength on one point, and fight the enemy to the death!

In the wind and rain, there was a shrill sound breaking through the air like the howling of a ghost, and a line of cold iron light pierced through the night!

Amber suddenly disappeared from the spot and stabbed out with a sword!

With a click…

The pendant on Steward Ornn's chest shattered, and an invisible barrier opened in front of him.

The iron sword appeared to be within reach in an instant.

There was a flash of anger in his eyes, and he suddenly clasped his hands together!


The iron sword was grasped by his hands and shattered by the huge force.

Amber groaned, kicked him in the chest, and used the reaction force to retreat.

The next moment, huge thorns formed by countless sharp stones tore through the air and rushed over!

The iron ring on Steward Ornn's hand also broke, and barriers appeared in front of him.

Along with the bombardment of spikes, countless dust filled the air, obscuring his figure.

"Hoo, hoo..."

Amber supported herself on the ground with her hands, sweat mixed with rain water soaking her whole body.

"Is it necessary to fight so hard? If this guy didn't have any magic tools, the sword you just struck would have been enough to seriously injure him. He is a senior warlock of the fifth level." Damon said breathlessly.

"It's just the boss's mission."

Amber said calmly, "I don't want to disappoint him."

Dimon grinned: "Oh? The boss has won you over so quickly?"

Amber glanced at him and replied, "The boss is young, powerful, and ruthless. Moreover, he doesn't seem to treat me as a mere tool. He cares about my self-esteem and respects my personality. I have never met such a boss in the Administration Bureau or in the Creed Church."

Damon smiled and turned to look at the end of the long street.

When the smoke cleared, Steward Ornn was nowhere to be seen.

Including Mr. Pagani, the person he protected, has disappeared.

Only the still charming Mrs. Pagonil was left, falling in the heavy rain, dead.

"Our mission is accomplished."

Dimon said, "Then I'll leave it to the boss. I'm actually very curious, how can an alchemist like him dare to confront a melee warrior head-on? Is this a fight?"

"The boss has Miss Nolen by his side."

Amber said, "And he's no ordinary alchemist."



In the underground world, in the dirty sewers, there was a sound like the breathing of wild beasts.

"I never thought that one day I would be surrounded and killed by a group of rats!" Butler Ornn threw the trembling fat man next to the stairs, and his overheated body was steaming with rain water.

His upper body was muscular and covered with scars.

Patriarch Pagnell swallowed his saliva and asked tremblingly, "Butler Orn, what is going on? Didn't we say everything was fine? How could Sera die? Why did they dare to come to our house?"

Steward Orn sneered, "Don't you know what you have done? You can only blame yourself for being careless and being caught by the Bureau. If only a daughter died, it would be a blessing in disguise. The problem now is that you are going to die too!"

The head of the Pagnier family turned pale: "How dare they?"

Steward Orne took a deep breath and murmured, "Hot weapons..."

He had already vaguely guessed who was the mastermind behind this incident.

Valerius Licinius!

"Could it be that the legend is true? Is he really the inventor of the Titan Cannon?"

Butler Ornn is a fifth-level warlock. Even though that kind of thermal weapon has completely replaced the musket, which is not only fast, accurate and ruthless but also greatly increases the power, it does not pose a threat to a strong man of his level.

But the problem is that the warlocks kept by the nobles cannot withstand such weapons.

"How dare he? Isn't he afraid that Norn won't live past the age of twenty?"

Butler Orne's face was gloomy: "Did the young lady fail to convince him?"

"Butler Orne, you must save me!"

The head of the Pagnier family pleaded, "It was Madam Valerius who ordered us to trade with those traitors. We got the information she wanted. You can't just abandon us now."

Although he was a useless noble, he knew the background of the man in front of him very well.

Before Ornn came to the Valerius family, he was once the most ferocious mercenary in the underground world. He was a man who lived on the edge of a knife and had an extremely cruel personality, which was completely inconsistent with his gentle appearance.

Even more brutal than most criminals.

"My daughter is dead, my wife and family are dead, I..."

Before the head of the Paganir family could finish speaking, his voice suddenly stopped.

Because a hand pierced into his forehead, penetrated his skull and crushed his brain.

"Idiot, if you hadn't revealed your true colors, maybe the lady would have kept you and continued to trade information with those people. But now, do you really think that I brought you out to save you?" Butler Orn took out a box of matches from his pocket, picked up one at random, and lit a flame.

Then he stuffed the burning match into the fat man's mouth.

"You know too much. We cannot let the Bureau capture you, even if you are dead."

He said softly: "Well, don't let the master know."

Thick smoke was seen billowing out of the seven orifices of the head of the Paganir family.

There are also wailing sounds echoing in the darkness.

Soul Annihilation...

After doing all this, Butler Ornn threw his body into the sewer.

Then he took out a bottle of medicine and washed his face.

Soon, his ferocious and fierce face became elegant and gentle again.

Butler Orne was very cautious. He came to Pagonir's house today and did a simple disguise.

Those little guys in the Control Bureau are too naive to deal with him.

He had been a mercenary in the underworld, and escaping here was like a fish into the sea.

No one can catch him.

After walking in the sewer for about five minutes, he saw the light of the kerosene lamp again.

This is an abandoned incinerator with mountains of garbage piled up and flies flying around.

“What a disgusting place.”

Guan Orn showed a look of disgust and waved his hand impatiently.

However, at that moment, he saw a person on the roof of a warehouse a hundred meters away.

It was a slender, petite silhouette.

At the same time, he suddenly had a bad premonition and his hair stood on end.

I turned around subconsciously.

In just a moment, the three rings on his right hand and the earring on his left ear made shattering sounds, and the four overlapping invisible barriers suddenly shattered.


Scarlet blood exploded, accompanied by a tearing pain, as if the soul was shattered.

Butler Ornn let out a howl of pain. His left arm was blown to pieces in an instant. He could not help but stagger back several steps with a hideous and distorted face.

A thunderous roar rolled through the air, like the roar of a god.

"Ah, as expected of a fifth-level warlock, the shot missed."

In the distance, someone was half-kneeling on the ground, tilting his head and holding a dark sniper rifle. He wore a monocle in his right eye and stared at the world in the scope: "What a pity, such a good opportunity."

He stood up, stared at the man howling in pain in the distance, and smiled slightly.

Steward Orn was sweating profusely from the pain, and his pupils suddenly contracted: "It's you! It's actually you!"

Valerius Licinius!

"Yes, it's me."

Li Xini held up the Destiny Sniper and said with a smile, "Very unexpected, right?"

Butler Ornn took a look at the sniper rifle in his hand and his left arm that was blown up.

He looked horrified: "Are you crazy? What the hell is that?"