Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 136: Section 136


At least, I have to pay back what I owe him when I was a child and what I owe him when I grow up.

Li Xini smiled silently. Of course he didn't know what the woman was thinking.

But this time, I finally dragged my elder sister into this.

One day, I will train her to be a filial daughter.

At this time, Steward Orne struggled to turn over and said in a dry voice: "I have said everything I need to say. As for whether it is true or false, I think you have the ability to judge. I hope you can fulfill your promise."

His dark face was filled with a weird and mocking smile.

It was like seeing the scene of family fighting each other in the future.

Novia glanced at him and said calmly, "As for this Ornn, he is probably useless. I have spies all over my body, and I don't know if there is anyone I can trust. I can only leave it to you to deal with."

Li Xini glanced at the almost unconscious man at his feet and hummed.

However, at this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew from the underground space.

Novia and Noren's intuition allowed them to sense the danger immediately.

"Get out of the way..."

Novia reacted the fastest, her beautiful eyes turned into a terrifying iron-gray color, and she waved her hand casually.

Because Licinius and Noren were carrying a large amount of metal material, and at such a close distance, the powerful magnetic field suddenly expanded, directly pushing them away from their original positions.

In the darkness, someone raised a finger, and a black arc of electricity burst out from the fingertip.


At that moment, Butler Ornn's forehead was pierced and a trickle of blood flowed out.

he died…

Died in an unknown assassination.

There is actually a fifth person here, and no one knows when he appeared or how long he has been here!

In the distance, a short figure flashed by and disappeared into the darkness.

Novia was shocked and angry, and a surging murderous intent burst out of her iron-gray face. The dome of the underground world, the criss-crossing steel pipes, as well as metal materials such as warehouses and iron boxes were all shaking.

"He might have overheard our conversation. We can't let him leave."

Licinius realized the seriousness of the situation and said coldly: "Kill him!"

At this moment, Novia finally showed her power as a fifth-level metal warlock. She opened her hands, and her white and slender palms clenched in the air, causing the metal pipes on all sides to vibrate violently!

In just a moment, those intricate pipes were crushed and flattened by the invisible force, and the hard iron sheets burst into a creaking sound under the heavy load.

All roads leading to the surface are blocked!

The short black shadow was nearly crushed to death inside, but at the most critical moment, he turned into a strange afterimage and rushed out, then turned in the air without hesitation, ran along the wall, and fled to the west.

One kilometer to the west is the downtown area of the underground world.

There are all kinds of people there, and if he escapes in, we will never catch him again.

With a bang…

Noren tapped the ground with his toes, stirred up a violent airflow, and rushed forward.

However, after chasing for only a second, she discovered that the other party was an assassin and was very fast.

A crude and savage woman like her relies on the speed of her explosive strength.

It's far behind in terms of battery life.

"Just let me do it."

Novia's pretty face was pale. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was accumulating the magic power in her body.

Countless pieces of steel trembled angrily, as if some terrifying power was brewing.

They were prepared to directly destroy the dome of the underground space and crush the assassin to death underneath.

But in her perception, the assassin's speed was indeed astonishing.

Fifty meters, one hundred meters, two hundred meters!

The enemy was soon out of her attack range.

"Don't worry, you just need to use your metal magic to block him for a moment."

Licinius's calm voice sounded: "It will only take a moment, and I will do the rest."

Novia was slightly startled. For some reason, she always felt that the boy's voice had some kind of magic.

So calm and confident, with a strong sense of self-confidence.

She did not hesitate, but opened her iron-gray eyes and moved her slender white fingers.

Her long silver hair fluttered in the wind, and countless bullet shells scattered on the ground floated in the air, like billions of water drops gathering into a tide, majestic and powerful, suddenly surging away!

The seemingly random attack consumed most of her spirit and magic power.

The torrent of steel roared, suddenly tearing through the air and attacking the madly fleeing black shadow.

The mysterious assassin seemed to be aware of the danger and tried his best to dodge, turning into a blurry afterimage. He barely avoided being swallowed by the torrent of steel and his body fell rapidly.

In that instant, a blazing golden light appeared.

Light up the darkness.

Licinius raised his right hand, and the hideous iron hand cannon accumulated a blazing golden light, which tore through the darkness like the scorching sun, releasing a fanatical and sacred glow.

The temperature in the underground space suddenly rose, and the scorching light engulfed the darkness, like the rising sun!

It was clearly such a brilliant and sacred light, yet so strange and silent.

—Ouroboros hand cannon form, the Annihilator!


All I saw was a beam of blazing golden light, which flashed by and shone extremely brightly!

The dome of the underground space collapsed and cracked with a thunderous roar.

The blazing light seemed to be able to burn everything, and naturally would not let go of the fleeing black shadow.

The assassin seemed to utter a curse, but it was too late to escape. Half of his body was engulfed by a flash of blazing golden light. He didn't even have time to scream before he was hit by huge pieces of rock and steel beams falling from the sky above his head, smashing him into the ground one after another.

Countless strong winds raged, blowing away the dust all over the sky.

It also lifted up the boy's silver hair.

Li Xini casually threw the Annihilator hand cannon into the gray fog space and looked up at his masterpiece.

The part of the dome of the underground space that was bombarded by the light cannon was directly annihilated into nothingness.

As for the collapsed boulders and beams, it was a chain reaction collapse.

The assassin was hit by the laser cannon and half of his body was probably gone.

If he is hit by a falling rock from a high altitude, he will surely die.

Norn landed lightly in front of the huge pile of rubble and tilted his head to listen carefully.

After confirming that there was no breathing or heartbeat, he turned around and nodded.

"Phew, done."

Li Xini clapped his hands, it should be safe now.

However, at this moment, Novia opened her beautiful eyes wide and stared at him in disbelief, her silver hair fluttering in the wind.

She looked so familiar with the golden light that flashed just now.

It was the divine punishment brought down by the second generation of Night Watchman Owl on the Norma Plains.

It’s exactly the same as the blazing golden light just now!

That sacred, strange, solemn atmosphere!

"Licinius, who are you?"

Novia spoke each word with a look of inexplicable horror: "The power just now came from Xiao, right?"

Li Xini was stunned. He didn't expect that the woman's reaction was so quick and she actually saw through it.

He smiled nonchalantly: "I am your beloved master."

Novia: “…”

"Don't ask so many questions. When the time comes, you will know it naturally."

Li Xini patted her shoulders, smiled mysteriously, and said faintly: "Or, if you want to get some information from me, you can do it like last time. After all, you are my elder sister, and I am still happy to share the information I have obtained with you."

"Forget it."

Novia glared at him fiercely, then turned and walked away, her silver hair falling.

However, she stopped halfway through her walk and asked, "Who do you think this assassin could be?"

Li Xini pondered for a moment and said, "I don't know. It's possible that it was someone from Mother's family, but the probability is very low, so low that it can be ignored. Otherwise, he would have taken action long ago."

He turned around and stared at the pile of broken boulders: "Do you think it could be the traitor party?"

Novia's pretty face changed slightly. If it involves the traitor party, then the water is too deep.

"Whoever he is, I have a way to get the answers."

A hint of sneer appeared on Li Xini's lips: "Murder to silence the witness? Ha, interesting."

Often these assassins are used as tools and will not be captured alive.

If they are captured, they will commit suicide.

However, no one could have imagined that standing behind him was the Hundred-Eyed Evil God.

As long as there is a corpse, the result can be predicted!

At this moment, Li Xini suddenly sensed movement in the gray fog. Mist rolled in front of his eyes, and a dream-like illusion appeared. A familiar voice also sounded in the depths of his consciousness.

When the gray fog dissipated, a familiar skull floated in front of him.

"Master, Master, I just had a dream!"

In the dark eye sockets of the King of Social Death, blue flames were emitting, swaying and about to die: "I dreamed of a very terrifying woman who crushed one of my brothers with one punch!"

Li Xini was startled: "Who?"

"The one who used to be with you, the very pretty one with long blond hair."

The King of Social Death wailed and said in pain, "That's one of my brothers. We are both products of rules and are essentially one. And that woman is too terrifying. I feel like she can even cross the threshold of demigod. Unless I stay in the gray fog for a few more months and continue to upgrade."

It said: "Otherwise, I can't do anything to him."

Li Xini was numb all over and couldn't help but ask, "Wait, how can you still level up?"

The King of Social Death was stunned. "I will be upgraded if I stay in the gray fog space and get the influence of the gods. If I am given enough time, even a god-level warlock will submit to me!"

Licinius was stunned.


How could this thing be so outrageous

It felt like he had inadvertently created something extremely horrific.

God damn, even a god-level warlock can deal with it.

He himself felt scared.

"Then why are you calling me at this time?" Li Xini couldn't help asking.

"Because I can feel that someone is calling you!"

The King of Social Death said tactfully, "But that matrix is incomplete. By mistake, two or three of my brothers in the ruins were summoned there. Without exception, they were all smashed to pieces by that woman's punch! I'm worried that I will be the next one! You have to save me, Master!"

Li Xini was stunned for a moment: "You can still be summoned in the gray fog space?"

The King of Social Death shook his head. "It's safe in the gray fog space, but if you take me out, it's hard to say. Because that woman has a very close relationship with you, and there are many materials that fell from you... Well, this wording is not very accurate, but that's it."

Licinius was silent for a second. "Oh shit, your majesty?"

He remembered something terrible.