Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 137: Section 137


Just now, he used the Obliterator Hand Cannon.

Constance had specifically warned him not to use the annihilation bomb.

Licinius was very obedient and indeed did not use the annihilation bomb.

But he used the annihilation cannon directly...

"Hiss, is the Director going to be made into a holy relic?"

Licinius took a deep breath and shook his head, breaking free from the illusion.

I saw that he was pale and covered in cold sweat.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Norn walked over and asked with his head tilted.

Novia also showed a suspicious expression, not knowing what had just happened to him.

Li Xini rolled his throat and whispered, "Noren, carry me."

Norn was startled, but he still obediently lifted his collar and carried him on his shoulder.

Novia frowned: "What is this for?"

Licinius said again: "Sister, please help take away the body of Orne and the assassin."

Novia was stunned: "Then?"

"Run! Run! Run as far as you can!"

Licinius murmured, "The big one is coming!"



Deep in the imperial palace, inside the magnificent bedroom.

The wind outside the window blows through the soft white gauze curtain, which flutters in the wind.

Someone woke up from his sleep and turned his head to look into the distance.

Her long golden hair fluttered in the wind, and her dark golden pupils were burning!



The place of eternal sleep, beneath the golden world tree.

The gravekeeper was silent for a few seconds, and for the first time he showed strong emotion.

"If Yuan doesn't do well this time, will she tear down the World Tree?"

He sighed and said: "What a sin..."

Chapter 141 Empress: I Need an Answer

Licinius felt that today was a truly thrilling day, he had never been so scared before.

Because if he ran a little slower, he would definitely be caught by His Majesty.

And once His Majesty finds out, both the eternal infamy and his crime of riding the king will be forgiven.

Judging from the impotent and furious behavior of His Majesty upon learning of his death on the Norma Plain, if he found out that he was not dead, he would most likely use violence to capture him and bring him back to the palace.

The rest of the plot is chilling to think about.

By then, those former subordinates will naturally get the news.

Licinius was too ashamed to face anyone in his life.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I really didn't mean to lie to you. After all, our pure friendship between the monarch and his subjects has not yet been sublimated. I can't just watch you die in twenty years, right? So don't blame me, blame the teacher and the director. My loyalty to you is sincere..."

All the way, he held the skull tightly in his hand.

I thought that if His Majesty found out, we would die together!

Staring and glaring!

Norn carried him, took a long detour through the underground world, and came to another exit.

"You seem nervous."

Novia followed behind and asked suspiciously, "Who on earth scares you so much?"

There were two corpses floating behind her, the dead butler and the assassin.

"Oh, you know nothing about power. If you knew who that person is, you would be afraid too."

Li Xini took out a mask from the gray fog and put it on her face. He also pulled out a black windbreaker and threw it into her arms, saying, "Remember to hide your identity when you go out. Don't let others see me and you together. There are so many people outside, and you never know who is the family's spy."

Novia said "oh" and was a little surprised to see him produce these things like magic.

Norn put his young master down and lifted him up casually.

Metal magic was activated, and the manhole cover was directly overturned, allowing heavy rain to pour in.

In just a moment, someone held up a huge umbrella to block the wind and rain.

"boss… "

Dimon stuck his big fat head out, holding up an umbrella with a smile, and asked respectfully, "Are you okay?"


Licinius shook his head, took his concubine's hand, and crawled out of the sewer.

At the same time, countless agents in raincoats gathered from all directions, protecting them in the middle, then put their hands on the shotguns at their waists and looked around with cold eyes.

Prevent enemy sneak attacks.

The next moment, two bodies were thrown casually on the ground.

Novia also came out of the sewer and was a little surprised when she saw the scene in front of her.

Unexpectedly, this kid seems to be very popular in the Bureau of Control.

He has only been in office for a few days, but he has already established such a solid position.

However, when Damon saw the two bodies, he was also shocked.

He was a fifth-level melee fighter, and he died just like that.

And judging from the situation, this fifth-level warlock actually has accomplices.

The boss is really scary!

"Take these two bodies back to the Control Bureau for autopsies."

Li Xini straightened his collar and said calmly, "Especially that shorty."

"Yes, boss."

Damon immediately called his subordinates to put the body on a stretcher, conduct a routine inspection and seal it.

Licinius then had time to look around, and saw a row of arrested nobles squatting in the heavy rain on the street. Each of them was in a miserable state, with pale faces and empty eyes.

The men were forced to squat on the ground with their hands on their heads as agents pointed guns at them.

Shivering in the wind and rain, there is no trace of the elegance and arrogance of the past.

There were still countless corpses lying on the streets. Even the torrential rain could not wash away the shocking bloodstains. In the wind and rain, the smell of earth was mixed with the smell of blood.

God knows how many people died today.

The Bureau of Control has been working with great efficiency since it has been free to do its job.

Equipped with thermal weapons, it is even more powerful.

"Boss, mission accomplished."

Amber came over wearing a raincoat and holding an iron sword, and reported: "One hundred and forty-seven people died tonight, ninety-seven of whom were sorcerers kept by the nobles. Another twenty-eight tried to resist and were shot dead on the spot. The remaining twenty-two were accidentally injured by grenades and died on the spot."

Li Xini hummed: "Brothers, are there any casualties?"

Amber was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Only twelve people suffered minor injuries, and two people were too excited and accidentally fell into the sewer while chasing the enemy, breaking their bones."

In the command bureau, he is the first leader who cares about his subordinates.

Li Xini's eye twitched. "Give the wounded a break, take the living prisoners back to await trial, and the rest of the brothers who have nothing to do, go and search their houses for me and take away all the valuables."

He paused and said, "Whether it is gold coins, magic tools, magical resources, or expensive collectibles, none of them will be spared. Focus on searching their correspondence and the trade bills of their businesses. Once they confess, report them to the procuratorate for treason and confiscate all their properties."

Amber's expression was stern: "I understand..."

She turned around and made a gesture, indicating to her subordinates that they could take action.

Those black-clad agents loved to raid houses. They immediately revealed their ferocious smiles, even let out sneering laughs, and swarmed into the noble lords' mansions.

As a result, someone was too excited and didn't look at the road, and fell into the sewer.

The nobles were stunned.

He could only watch helplessly as this group of lowly untouchables broke into his luxurious mansion and committed atrocities.

My heart is bleeding.

The next moment, an agent rushed out and scanned the crowd.

The agent picked out a middle-aged nobleman and said with a grim smile, "Baron Sean, right? I've heard of you. You must have hidden a lot of private money from your wife, right? Come, find it for me."

Baron Sean was furious. You shit on my head and you want me to pass you paper!

In an instant, a shotgun was pressed against the back of his head.

The middle-aged nobleman immediately showed a flattering expression: "Okay, sir! Oh, you don't know, I have been hiding my private money for so many years without telling my wife, just waiting for you to check it out!"

Other agents discovered that this method was feasible and began to follow suit.

Li Xini looked at the scene with a smile on his face and said calmly, "Amber, give the brothers some of the cash we found as year-end bonuses. The rest will be confiscated directly."

Amber couldn't help but ask, "Boss, don't you want it?"

Logically speaking, after the Control Bureau raided the property, most of the money went into the pockets of the superiors.

As for the subordinates, they usually can't even get a sip of soup.

"Do you think I'm poor like you? Idiot, I'm not short of money."

Li Xini waved his hand and said, "Brothers are on the edge of a knife every day, and they have to worry about their families being retaliated against. It will be the new year in three months, so just treat it as a benefit for them."

When he used the Savage Chakra Mode tonight, he had already thought about it. In the future, all the money spent on refining weapons would be reimbursed by the director. As for the remaining expenses, they would be taken from the Valerius family.

After all, the wool comes from the sheep.

After hearing this, the agents immediately showed expressions of disbelief.

First there was astonishment, then panic, and finally shock and ecstasy.

Amber couldn't help but take another look at the boy.

In the wind and rain, he was surrounded and protected by the agents, his silver hair fluttering in the wind.

So young, vigorous and high-spirited.

"Let's go..."

Li Xini said calmly: "Remember to notify the police and let them deal with the body."

He walked forward on his own, and the black-clad agents followed him spontaneously, crossing the street in a mighty procession.

On the long street, the civilians who were peering at them from the windows drew their curtains.

I was afraid of offending this devil.

Novia stood at the back, silently staring at the boy's back, and couldn't help asking, "Is this his true self? When he was in the family before, he was always hiding his incompetence, right?"

Noren was standing nearby, not saying anything.

After a moment, she suddenly asked: "Sister..."

Novia glanced at her: "Hmm?"

"If you find out that you don't actually have parents, but are just a poor experimental subject, whose blood was drawn every day when you were a child, and you were treated as a dispensable tool."