Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 146: Section 146


Dimon couldn't help but say, "The nobles who blocked the door today were punished by the Discipline Department. Most of their year-end scholarships were confiscated, and each of them had fifteen credits deducted.

Now the professors in the pastoral department are struggling to suppress the stink on them, otherwise they will be sent home."

"Is there such a thing?"

Licinius was delighted on the spot.

That's a stink bomb mixed with the power of gray fog.

Even if it can be suppressed with magic power, it cannot be completely eradicated.

"As for you, boss, you have been criticized by professors in the Discipline Institute, including the tutors in the departments. Finally, under pressure, Mr. Zolman consulted the dean and punished you."

Dimon looked strange and said, "The dean strongly condemned your behavior that endangered the public safety of the college and asked you to write a 200-word self-criticism and hand it in when he returns."

Licinius: "..."

My goodness, the word "biased" is almost written all over his face.

"Mr. Zolman also said that as long as you stay near the college, you will be absolutely safe."

Dimon said, "As for what you want to know, you can ask the dean in person when he comes back."

Li Xini was silent for a second: "I understand."

This dean was once a demigod-level warlock and is already one hundred and twenty years old. He even experienced the Scarlet Night incident decades ago and the demise of the Frostian family.

"Master, do we still have to go to class?" Noren asked seriously.

"What kind of class? What can those alchemy professors and students teach me? Or are the melee warlocks qualified to teach you? Isn't this just a waste of time?"

Li Xini touched her head and said with a smile: "Let's go and see our new home."

The last time he was on the black market, he purchased a lot of alchemical materials.

This time when he bought a new house, he wanted to make use of the mystery in the gray fog and set up a barrier in the basement to isolate it from the outside world. This way, when he used the sacrificial ceremony again, it wouldn't cause such a big noise.

Avoid being caught by His Majesty.

It has been a while since the border war, and it is time to use Baime's divination ability to prepare the next plan in advance to avoid any unexpected situations.



Today is undoubtedly a sensational day for Trinity Theological Seminary.

However, the students of the Alchemy Department were exceptionally silent.

The huge classroom was filled with alchemists in white robes. They kept silent tacitly, and sometimes looked at each other with stiff and awkward expressions.

Because the seat at the front of the classroom was empty.

That was the seat where Chief Claudia often sat.

Not long ago, students in the Alchemy Department received a notice that the head of their department had been replaced.

He was replaced by the First Audit Director of the Administration Bureau, who was admitted to the academy as an exception.

It was a strange yet familiar name, Valerius Licinius.

The reason why it was unfamiliar was that they had never heard of this name before.

As for why I am familiar with...

Not only because he was the developer of the Titan cannon.

A considerable part of the reason is that this person has recently caused a bloody storm in the royal capital.

However, what made people even more uncomfortable was that this young man not only squeezed out their original chief, but had clearly successfully entered the academy and completed the admission procedures, but he had never reported to the Alchemy Department.

He even skipped classes openly.

You know, the Alchemy Department is arguably the most difficult department to enter in the academy.

It also has the largest number of applicants in recent years.

The reason is simple, because the current professor of the Alchemy Department is a recognized beauty!

Aisha Flamel.

At the same time, she was also a famous singer throughout the Brentanian Empire, and had even performed publicly on the Eastern Continent.

The reason why she became an honorary professor of the Alchemy Department was simply because her father was the dean of the department and she was forcibly transferred back to help with teaching.

Professor Aisha is not only beautiful and has a sweet voice, but also has great attainments in alchemy.

When he first took office as professor, many students rushed to watch him.

It was not until later that the Alchemy Department set up a barrier directly within the department to isolate people from the outside.

Professor Aixia is very concerned about the affairs of the department.

In particular, the alchemist from the Secret Tower is about to visit the royal capital for academic exchanges.

Professor Aisha led his students to study alchemy day and night.

I hope to not fall behind in academic exchanges and preserve the reputation of Trinity Theological Seminary.

Now the result is that, suddenly, the chief is gone.

I don’t know what the dean is thinking.


The sound of high heels tapping was heard outside the classroom, and finally stopped at the door.

"Claudia didn't come to class today either?"

Aixia asked softly, "Did she not come to the academy at all?"

The sunlight outside the window reflected her slender silhouette, and her shoulder-length hair fluttered in the wind.

The alchemists looked at each other and said, "Yes, Professor."

"Who is Valerius Licinius?" Aisha asked again.

No one in the classroom responded.

Aisha: “…”



At the same time, inside the magnificent imperial palace.

A pitch-black crystal was suspended in mid-air, burning with strange black demonic flames.

A vague silhouette was vaguely outlined in the black fireworks.

"Oh? Viltiana?"

A cold and arrogant voice came from the burning black flames. It was a woman's voice: "It's been several years since we last met. How come you haven't been tortured to death by the World Tree yet?"

The empress sat upright on the golden throne, her chin resting on her hand, looking graceful and majestic.

"You didn't die either, did you? It's been six years, and there's still no one in your tribe who has stepped on your corpse to claim the throne. It seems like your demon tribe is getting weaker and weaker."

She retorted: "Stop talking nonsense, I have something to ask you."

In the black flames, the Demon King was quite surprised: "Ask me? It seems that you are in some trouble?"

The empress snorted coldly: "None of your business, I just want to know, how much do you know about the ancient evil gods? Among the many evil gods, have you heard of... the Lord of Annihilation?"

As soon as the words fell, silence fell in the palace.

I saw a golden light floating in the air, outlining the contours of the World Tree.

The gravekeeper stood silently under the tree, his face filled with despair.

Chapter 149: Annihilation Plan, Secrets of the Old Nobles (Three in One)

The dark demonic flames suddenly surged up, and a shadow sitting on a bone throne emerged.

"Viltiana, what did you say?"

It was a black-haired girl whose face could not be seen clearly, but her voice was cold and indifferent: "Lord of Annihilation? I didn't expect you to know this name. I thought a young human cub like you would never come into contact with such a great existence in this lifetime. That's right, there are indeed remains of the ancient demon clan in the East Continent."

The empress narrowed her golden eyes and asked with satisfaction, "Sure enough, I was right to come to you. I want to know if the power of the Lord of Annihilation can be preserved in some way?"

The devil was startled. "Why do you ask such a question? Has your country encountered such a difficult situation that people like you are willing to seek help from the power of the ancient evil god?"

The empress was also a little stunned and didn't know how to explain it to her for a moment.

The devil continued, "Don't even think about it. That's the ancient evil god. Since the Book of Truth was lost, no one has the ability to communicate with the ancient evil god."

The empress narrowed her eyes and asked subconsciously: "What did you say?"

"You seem excited?"

The Demon King snorted coldly: "This is a secret of our clan, but it doesn't hurt to tell you. At present, whether in the demon clan or in your human world, the remaining black magic is nothing more than a child's trick compared to the power of the ancient evil god."

"Those cultists who are regarded as heretics by the Church sometimes use some ancient sacrificial rituals to pray for the power of evil gods. But evil gods of that level, haha."

She laughed mockingly, "They are probably not much stronger than you and me. They are just some demigod-level warlocks who once took shortcuts and lost control of their rationality."

The empress had indeed heard some rumors that some demigod-level warlocks would lose their rationality when they were promoted to the rank of god because they could not control their own magic and mystery.

Then this group of people will mysteriously disappear.

"Yes, it's just as you think. It seems that they have disappeared, but in fact they have just been swallowed up by the dark side of the world. They have completely lost their human rationality and consciousness and have become so-called evil gods."

The Demon King raised his chin and said calmly, "The real ancient evil gods are supreme and stand shoulder to shoulder with the real Demon King. Only those who are recognized by the Demon King will receive this gift and be allowed to contact the ancient evil gods and gain powerful power."


The Empress was silent for a long time, then suddenly said, "So what you mean is that the Lord of Annihilation is an ancient evil god, so it is impossible for anyone to summon it, right?"

The Demon King hummed, "Yes, since the Demon King died, the Ancient Evil God has never appeared in the human world again. In fact, even I don't know what the Lord of Annihilation's specific abilities are. From the ancient books left by the demons, the Lord of Annihilation has descended several times, all because of war."

The empress fell into deep thought: "What else do you know?"


The Demon King seemed surprised: "You seem to be very interested in the Lord of Annihilation?"

The empress frowned, thought for a moment and said, "I am very studious!"

The devil thought for a moment and said, "What do you want to know?"

The Empress asked, "What is the price of summoning the evil god?"

After hearing these words, the night watchman's expression changed slightly. What was supposed to happen was beginning to happen.

But he couldn't do anything.

I can only wait silently.

I hope this devil can be more sensible and not say anything he shouldn't.

"Well, if it's the real demon king from ancient times, there shouldn't be any price required."

The Demon King thought for a moment: "If it was someone else, there would be records. In ancient times, after the Demon King disappeared, the Demon King's followers built an altar to fight against the Church and summoned the Lord of Annihilation. The price was that his body turned to ashes, his soul floated in the void, and finally died."

"Uh..." Although the night watchman had no body, he felt his blood pressure rising in an instant.

This was the first time, whether in life or death, that he disliked the devil so much.


The deputy of the Golden Throne was crushed.

A fierce light flashed in the empress's beautiful eyes: "Are you sure?"

"Viltiana, even though you and I are enemies, I will always defeat you fairly. What good would it do me to lie to you about something like this?"

The devil seemed a little angry: "Are you insulting me?"

The empress's beautiful eyes flickered, and she waved her hand: "I know, go away."

With a bang...

The demonic flame was suddenly shattered by a ray of golden light and gradually disappeared into the void.

The black-haired girl snorted, "You little human, you are so rude."