Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 162: Section 162


Her mission tonight is to stay in this valley and stop the enemy.

The foolish old nobles tried to win by numbers.

And what Noren is best at is to beat up a group of you alone!

"Ms. Noren!"

Tria spoke in a broken voice: "You're okay? That's great."

Liz breathed a sigh of relief and thought thank God.

If anything happened to this lady, she would not be able to face the captain again after she died.

After all, no matter whether there is heaven or hell after death, people like the captain will definitely be able to thrive in it. They are a hundred times more capable than a useless person like her. It would be too easy to deal with her!

Norn was stunned. Although the two women were wearing iron masks and red cloud black robes, they did not deliberately change their voices, so it was not difficult to recognize their identities.

"what are you guys saying?"

She bit into the roasted lamb leg and asked curiously, "Why is this happening to me?"

Tria and Liz looked at each other and thought that if only the substitute puppet was captured, then the problem would not be very big. At most, they would no longer be able to forge evidence that the captain was still alive.

But this is for your majesty, for the night watch, and for this country.

The biggest problem is that Miss Nolen will never see the captain again if she loses her substitute puppet.

The only remembrance was taken away.

"Ms. Noren, why are you slaughtering these old nobles here?"

Liz asked blankly, "Well, although they should be killed, isn't our top priority to get the captain back? Otherwise, you will never see the captain again!"

With outsiders present, she couldn't say some things directly and could only give hints in a tactful way.

Noren thought they were probably talking about substitute puppets.

However, that thing is still at home.

She shook her head: "It doesn't matter, I don't care."

Liz has never been in a relationship, so she doesn't quite understand this kind of psychology.

However, Tria is a succubus who is good at bewitching people. She understands human nature very well, so she will think more at this moment: "It doesn't matter? Don't care? Has Miss Norn's feelings for the captain faded? Although the captain is already a dead man, Miss Norn should indeed find a new life and let go of this relationship. But the problem is, isn't this too fast?"

As we all know, in many stories, widows are prone to change of heart.

Lonely, alone, and without anyone to accompany me.

Eventually, I had to step out of the shadows and find a new life.

No one should take that power away.

But the captain was so good to you, aren’t you forgetting it too quickly

Tria's full breasts rose and fell slightly, and she began to feel sorry for the captain.

If she had been raised by the captain since she was a child, she would not marry anyone.

Even if the captain is dead, she will hold a wedding with his corpse!

At this time, they had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

Because Sylvia heard every word of their conversation, she immediately flew into a rage: "What did you say? You don't care? Your young master was arrested, and you don't care?"

Norn was startled and turned to look at the eldest daughter of the Barron family.

For some reason, the other person's aura was different.

Temperament and personality have also changed a lot.

"Your young master was struck by a huge bolt of lightning that fell from the sky!"

Sylvia was furious: "And you just sit here, using the hot weapons your master gave you to fight those pigs, and then sit here and eat barbecue by yourself?"

Noren looked at his roasted leg of lamb expressionlessly.

She didn't know why she was scolded even for eating barbecue.

It was clearly the young master who asked her to wait here.

Moreover, the young master had once instructed that no matter what happened, nothing would happen to him.

"It doesn't matter, really."

Norn sat there calmly and obediently, shook his head and said, "You don't have to worry."

Tria and Liz didn't know what to say.

The eldest daughter of the Barron family doesn't know what's going on, so she will be very angry.

For them, it is helpless at best.

It seems that Miss Nolen doesn't want to be reminded of the past anymore and wants to start a new life.

At this time, the roar of guns finally gradually disappeared.

The running dogs of the old aristocracy had also been completely smashed into pieces, turning into pools of rotten meat.

However, in the thick smoke, a dark shadow slowly walked towards them.

Sylvia narrowed her eyes, thinking that it was an enemy attacking her, and subconsciously grasped the dagger at her waist.

The next second, she was slightly startled.

Because in the thick smoke, a pale young man walked out. His skin was almost sickly white, without a trace of blood. His lips were also purple. He was wearing a long black windbreaker, and his silver hair fell on his forehead, covering his deep eyes.

Valerius Licinius!

He's fine!

Sylvia was a little surprised.

Just as he was about to go over to greet them, he noticed that the two night watchmen next to him were trembling all over.

Yes, Tria and Liz also saw the boy walking out of the mist.

But they were not surprised. Instead, they found the scene very terrifying.

First of all, one thing must be made sure that the substitute puppet must be controlled manually in order to move.

Norn is the owner of the substitute puppet, but now she is gnawing on a roasted leg of lamb with her back to the young man!

Secondly, if a substitute puppet is forcibly taken in by someone else, the original owner will definitely suffer backlash.

Noren was enjoying the roasted leg of lamb at the moment and was obviously not injured!

So, who is this young man in front of me

"Deputy Captain, am I dazzled? Am I hallucinating?"

"I don't think so..."

"So you can see it, too, right?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Isn't this too unlucky?"

The desolate night wind blew, passing through the valley, like the wailing of ghosts.

The girls shuddered, feeling a chill in the wind that was disturbing their hearts.

"No, Miss Noren..."

Tria's voice trembled slightly, and her face beneath the iron mask turned pale.

The young man approached step by step, like a demon.

Norn wiped the oil stains from his lips as if no one was around, raised his head and asked, "Hmm?"

Liz rolled her throat, swallowed hard, and said in a trembling voice: "Miss Nolen, you must listen to me. Everything I say now is of vital importance. It concerns your life and ours! Do you believe that there are ghosts in this world? Immortal lovers, ghosts floating in the world?"

Her eyes burst, and she shuddered as she said, "Now, say you love him! You will always love Valerius Licinius, and you will always be his loyal partner. Even if you are separated by life and death, your love will never fade. You will give everything for him, and you will never look at another man!"

Noren was very confused. Wasn't all this nonsense

She has always been like this, why does she have to say it out loud

Moreover, the young master was right behind him.

"Liz is right, Miss Nolen, you must do this."

Tria said seriously: "Otherwise..."


That was the sound of branches breaking.

Licinius walked up to them and looked at them expressionlessly.

Tria and Liz were like cats with their fur standing on end, trembling and wanting to escape, but they didn't have the courage.

"What do you mean by sorry to see me?"

Licinius tilted his head and asked curiously, "Does it seem unlucky to you two to see me?"

At one moment, a high-decibel scream broke the silence of the night.

Countless crows flew away in panic.


Tria screamed, then kicked her companion in the butt and pushed her out.

I was like a shivering quail, clinging to the corner of her clothes and continuing to scream.

Liz was also screaming, and because of the kick, she staggered forward a few steps, her scalp tingling.

Licinius stared at her in silence, and she was terrified.

"team leader!"

Liz burst into tears and immediately knelt on the ground, kowtowed and said, "Don't eat me! Please don't eat me! I'm not as delicate as the deputy captain. I'm a close combat player. I have calluses on my hands and the skin on the inside of my thighs is also rough."

She burst into tears and begged, "Although the dark elves are white, their bodies are not as flexible as the lust demons! If you want to eat, eat the deputy captain, don't eat me.

After you died, I prayed for you every day, hoping that you would live well in the other side. I also brought my brothers and sisters to join the Night's Watch!"

"Even if you die, I will still work hard for you. I also think that you have gone to another world first and you must be doing well there. I can go find you after I die!"

"As long as you don't kill me or eat me, everything is fine. I can offer you my private money. I didn't say it was unlucky to see you just now. I said it was unlucky for me. You came here to see Miss Nolen, right? Seeing someone like me, you must be unlucky, right?"

She looked up tremblingly, tears streaming down her face: "Then I'll leave?"

Tria: “…”

I never expected that this guy would speak sweet words and make witty remarks, and instantly shift the blame completely to himself.

"Psycho, what the hell is going on?"

Licinius sat down next to his concubine.

Noren tore off a piece of roasted lamb leg and handed it to his mouth.

Li Xini took a bite and took the girl's white index finger into his mouth.

Norn's delicate face, as delicate as ice and snow, suddenly flushed and her body froze.

Just then, a cat's meow was heard.


A little white kitten emerged from Licinius' sleeve.

This little kitten looks only a few months old, with a tuft of pink fur on its head and pink ears. The moonlight is reflected in its pair of bright red, gem-like eyes.

It jumped up lightly, easily bit off a piece of roasted lamb leg, and swallowed it.

After finishing, she licked her paws gracefully and jumped onto the boy's head again.

He swept his furry tail, wrapped half of his body, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Yes, the true identity of this cat is the Blood Duke, Augurola!

Li Xini took into consideration the sensitive identity of this woman, and if she appeared on the same screen with him, it would arouse suspicion and might even directly detonate the Shura Field, so he suggested to her whether she could use her ability of transformation.

In this world, vampires have very diverse abilities.