Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 164


Some people who are tortured by the truth will awaken in the holy pool.

However, thousands of years passed, and the rules in the Mooncrown Mountains changed. The Holy Pond dried up and has not appeared for at least fifty-seven years.

But some people also claim that they have been sublimated by seeing pure water gushing out from the bottom of a dry pond at dawn, when the rainbow appears.

Whether it is true or not is unknown.

At this moment, it was dawn and the sky in the east was turning pale.

A ray of light from heaven illuminated the darkness.

The sound of flowing water could be heard again in the holy pool, and thick mist filled the air.

Deep in the fog, there is a slender and graceful silhouette. The curves are so enchanting and moving that anyone who takes a look at it will feel their blood rushing, their heartbeat accelerating, and even go crazy.

The empress was soaking in the holy pool at this moment, her skin was as white as snow, and she was naked.

Her long golden hair spread out like a waterfall, floating in the pool.

"Viltiana, we have been friends for more than ten years. Do you really want to do this? You have already condensed the seed of godhood. If you use the power of the holy pool, perhaps you will be able to safely pass through the most dangerous stage of your promotion. But now, you want to use it to perform a ceremony."

A female voice sighed and said, "It is a sacrificial ceremony for the evil god."

The Empress said calmly: "Help me..."

In the mist, a huge, ferocious face vaguely appeared, emitting a holy light.

That's... a dragon!

Dragon of Light!

"Okay, but this is the last time. I don't want to do something this dangerous again."

The Dragon of Light said, "The alchemical matrix has been prepared for you. The anchor point is the boy's heart and the crystal he left behind, which I cannot understand."

The empress hummed.

"I'm not sure if doing this will allow you to enter the abyss. I hope you can stay rational at all times, not fall into the turbulence of time and space, and remember the way you came so that you can come back."

The Dragon of Light said, "Of course, there is a possibility that you may not come back."

In the ordinary sense, the sacrificial ceremony is to summon the coming of gods through sacrifices.

However, what the empress is going to do now is exactly the opposite.

She uses sacrifice as an anchor, and searches for God through her status which is infinitely close to that of God!

This is simply a crazy move.

"I will return."

The Empress said softly, "I promise you."

The Dragon of Light was silent for a long time. "Then let me ask one last question. What is the reason for you to do all this? What made you so irrational? You are the emperor. If you really want to revive that boy, it will be a long process. Why are you so anxious?"

The empress thought for a moment and said, "Perhaps it's because I'm about to advance, and I'm a little scared."

The dragon of light was stunned: "Scared? You? Scared?"

Oh my god!

The most powerful individual in human history would actually be afraid.

"After all, I am a girl too."

The empress smiled silently: "It's the first time for me to be promoted to the God level. I have been feeling uneasy recently, so I want to meet him. He can make me feel at peace."

She said, "If I could, I... would like to hug him."

Chapter 161 This is a gift for His Majesty

Sequence One Forbidden Land.

Above the icy sea that was ravaged by cold winds all day long, someone suddenly raised his head and looked towards the south.

A majestic and massive mystery suddenly emerged in the direction of the Brentanian Empire!

Mystery is an illusory thing, which can be understood as the biggest difference between the extraordinary and ordinary people.

When a person with a talent for magic awakens the magic power in his body for the first time and communicates with the elements of the outside world, he has already left the category of ordinary people and become a sorcerer.

From now on, this person will be surrounded by mystery.

As you become more powerful, the mystery will continue to accumulate, becoming more intense and purer.

To use a more down-to-earth analogy, when you bake a piece of bread, the better the ingredients you add and the better the cooking methods, the richer the aroma it exudes.

The taste and flavor are naturally impeccable.

This kind of mystery will be very obvious in front of a warlock with perception ability.

It was like a graceful and beautiful woman suddenly appeared in the pigsty.

The smell of perfume is unusually eye-catching.

"This is the breath of the seed of divinity. Is it possible that another human being will enter the realm of God? No, that's not right. This is not a promotion ceremony. Someone is using divinity to try to break the shackles of the dimension and enter the dark side of the world! No wonder such a terrifying mystery is vented..."

The person stood up, the wind blew her long black hair, and her murmuring was drowned in the wind: "What is Viltiana doing? Is she crazy?"

In the Eastern Continent, most of the land belongs to the Holy See.

The territory of the Papal States also exceeds two-thirds of the Eastern Continent.

Only the Brentanian Empire and the Kingdom of Loen have not yet become affiliates of the Holy See.

However, the Pope's sight always overlooks the entire Eastern Continent!

as expected…

In various places in the East Continent, powerful wills rose to the sky and looked down silently.

Without exception, they are all demigods from the East Continent.

The secretive leader of various warlock organizations.

There are also ancient creatures that live in forbidden places.

The Pope of the Holy See.

Including the Demon King himself, who is isolated on the icy sea.

This is a magical ritual that is enough to shock the entire continent, and only the strongest few people in the world can sense its existence. No one knows what its function is, and no one knows what will happen next, but there is no doubt that all forces will be ready for war at this moment.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly swooped down from the distance.

The devil was a little surprised and raised his hand to let the golden light fall on the back of his hand.

This is... a letter from Viltiana!



Viltiana had never had such an experience before. She could feel her mystery and spirituality ascending, but at the same time, she seemed to be falling into endless darkness, surrounded by gray mist.

She could also feel the turbulence of time and space raging, as if it could swallow her up at any time.

The familiar real world was rapidly moving away from her.

Everything lost its color, and even countless whispering voices rang in my ears, like the hoarse howling of ghosts, so weird and twisted, it drove me crazy.

But in her hand, she was tightly holding a bright red, broken pendant.

It seemed to bring peace to her heart.

From the moment she was born, Viltiana was a natural born king, because her talent was unmatched. No matter in what field, she could always easily crush all her opponents.

Her brothers and sisters, her uncles and elders, and even her father.

She never took them seriously.

Because she is powerful, she has nothing to worry about and is always superior.

It was not until she became emperor and realized the meaning of responsibility that she began to change.

Try to change yourself and save the people of this country.

Until she met that boy.

Then she looked at the young man again, and he turned into ashes before her eyes.

The once high and mighty queen completely fell into the mortal world at that moment.

Viltiana wanted to see him again, no matter how.

Because she knew that if she didn't resolve this knot in her heart, a corner of her heart would always be missing.

Unable to truly ascend to the god level.

In this case, it’s nothing more than living a dozen more years. What difference does it make

Viltiana was never an impulsive person. She had even prepared for her funeral in advance. If something unexpected happened to her this time, it would not affect the Brentanian Empire.

Whether it is the devil or the pope.

She made preparations in advance.

By then, the empire will still have time to cultivate the next owner of the World Tree.

She didn't care whether Joachim became emperor or some other member of the royal family.

Because as long as she doesn't step into the eighth level, she will only have fifteen years.

There was no way she could realize her dream.


A terrifying roar, as if the world was collapsing, rang in my ears.

Viltiana suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, her dark golden pupils burning with a rage like that of a god. The seed of divinity in her body was also ignited at this moment, blooming with endless light like the sun.

Her tall and slender body became transparent and lit up with a blazing light.

Because at this moment, through the endless gray fog and ignorance, there seemed to be countless majestic and powerful wills as tall as those of gods, staring at her!

There is no way to describe that gaze.


Can’t look directly at…


It seemed as if one would be doomed if only one look at him was enough.

The empress faced the will of the gods without fear, as if she wanted to face them!

He showed off his arrogance and power at will.

A huge and majestic golden shadow suddenly appeared behind her.

Like the rising sun, it illuminates the darkness!

This is a provocation from humans to God.

It seems as if the enslaved people in ancient times built the Tower of Babel to reach heaven and challenge God!

At the same time, the darkness trembled violently, as if the gods were angry. Countless sounds of despair and sharp howls mixed together, and an indescribable force erupted in the chaos!

God's will, wrath is coming!

It was as if he wanted to drive her away from this world!

It was like... he was going to tear her apart.

This is an unprecedented power, enough to destroy the world and annihilate dimensions!

All living beings are like ants in front of this power!

However, for a life of Viltiana's level, it is not impossible to get a glimpse of its true nature!

“As the Demon King said, the essence of God is indeed powerful, so powerful that it can defeat me with just a casual glance.

However, I can feel that even though you are strong, you are still bound by certain rules. I can clearly feel that your power is gradually recovering..."

With an arrogant smile on her lips, Viltiana continued to burn the Seed of Divinity madly, risking everything.