Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 170: Section 170


He was flanked by two cardinals.

The two brave warriors, Lista and Allen, half-knelt on the ground, touching their chests with their hands.

Inside the palace, only the voice of Archbishop Divine Grace echoed slowly.

"This is the Vatican's investigation into the border war."

"When General Cyrus regains consciousness, the Church will perform a ritual on him and ask him about the specific details of the battle. If he was unfortunately contaminated by the power of black magic..."

"The Holy See will personally perform an exorcism and pray for him to purify his soul."

"Your Majesty the Pope means that although the war is over, the heretics suspected of using black magic still need to be thoroughly investigated. The Brentanian Empire needs to give an explanation. Why is the leader of the Night's Watch a heretic who uses black magic? Are there any heretics among the current members of the Night's Watch?"

"Everything Xiao did during the war was outrageous to both humans and gods. He even used the people of an entire village as sacrifices to buy time for his army. Your Majesty, why would you allow such a person to become the commander-in-chief during the war?"

"Why has your country still not announced the true identity of the Owl after so long? The rest of the Night's Watch members should also be purified and baptized by the Church to verify their identities."

After Archbishop Sean finished speaking, he looked directly at the emperor in front of him, neither humble nor arrogant.

The grand dukes looked at each other and saw the mockery in each other's eyes.

In the border war, Xiao used the power of the Titan cannon to slaughter them heavily.

And the original finance minister was also dismissed.

Replaced by His Majesty's people.

Now that Xiao is dead, all their pressure is gone.

But they were still very curious about where the so-called owl came from.

However, the Duchess of the Xavier family remained expressionless.

He didn't make eye contact with any of them.

In silence, the eyes of the Holy Light Knights guarding the palace became grim.

The red dragon stood under the throne, murderous intent revealed in its red vertical pupils.

"As I recall, the Brentanian Empire hasn't been incorporated into the Papal States yet?"

The empress looked down at the archbishop below and said calmly, "What do you want me to explain?"

Archbishop Sean smiled and said, "It is true that the Brentanian Empire has not been incorporated into the Papal States, but the peace of the Eastern Continent needs to be maintained by all countries. And black magic is our bottom line."

The empress hummed: "And then?"

Archbishop Sean said: "The Holy See hopes that Your Majesty can hand over all the members of the Night's Watch, let them receive the baptism of the Holy Light, and announce the true identity of the second generation of the Night's Watch - Owl."

He paused and said, "You need to conduct a public religious trial on this person, deprive him of all his reputation and political rights, and deprive him of his nationality, and expel him from the East Continent!"

"Heretics are not worthy of being human!"

The palace fell into deathly silence.

The Vatican is so cruel.

Everyone felt sad in their hearts. Although Xiao was already dead, this punishment could still be said to be extremely cruel.

After revealing his identity, if Xiao still has family, one can imagine what they will encounter.

Moreover, having been deprived of all honorary and political rights, he does not deserve a tombstone.

Stripped of his nationality, he didn't even have a place to be buried.

Because no country will accept such people.

Being driven away from the East Continent seemed absurd for a dead man.

But in history, there have been living people who were driven away from the East Continent.

They were all heretics who had committed heinous crimes. After being stripped of everything, they were exiled like animals.

In other words, the people of the East Continent will no longer treat the exiles as human beings.

Instead, they will be regarded as pigs, dogs and livestock.

Knock knock!

The empress held her chin with one hand and tapped the armrest of the throne with the other hand, her face expressionless.

"Finally, I hope Your Majesty can communicate with the power of the World Tree and cooperate with the Church to perform spiritual magic."

Archbishop Sean said solemnly, "As we all know, heretics are insidious and cunning, and their methods are treacherous, so it is often difficult to truly kill them. We hope to confirm Xiao's death and communicate with the spirit throughout the territory of the East Continent to eliminate all chances of his resurrection as much as possible."

After saying this, he showed a meaningful smile: "Your Majesty, this is also..."

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in front of him.

The empress seemed to be sitting in the same place, but she had already raised her beautiful golden eyes.

Accompanied by golden afterimages, they appeared in an instant.

There was a loud snap.

A loud slap shocked everyone present.

Archbishop Sean suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and all his teeth were broken.

"Judge him?"

The empress looked down at him and said indifferently: "Who do you think you are?"

For a moment, the golden necklace on Archbishop Sean's neck shattered, emitting a sacred light.

The pressure of light descends from the sky!

A tall and majestic shadow was vaguely outlined. Behind this shadow, it seemed as if there was a great god sleeping with his head down, silently oppressing the entire palace.

Everyone was horrified.

Some people felt the sacred majesty.

This is the Pope!

The power of the Goddess of Light!

As we all know, there is only one true God in the East Continent today, and that is the Goddess of Light of the Messiah Church.

As the most senior seventh-order demigod, the Pope possesses the power to summon gods.

Therefore, the supreme status of the Holy See in the Eastern Continent was established.

With a loud bang!

The light began to waver, as if it had suffered some kind of direct impact and was about to die.

A cold smile appeared on the empress's lips.

At the same time, a mysterious gray mist flowed in her beautiful dark golden eyes.

"I think it's time to make the truth known to the public."

Behind her, golden mist spread out, outlining a vague outline.

That was a young man... suspended in the mist.

"Guangming, kneel down!"

Chapter 165 Because He is My Fiancé

Recently, life has not been easy for princes and nobles.

Ever since the end of the border war, the political purge of the nobles has never stopped, especially after the Minister of the First Inspection Department of the Administrative Bureau took office, a bloody storm was set off in the royal capital.

Many noble young masters and young ladies might only attend one class at school before being informed that their mother was dead and their father was in prison, instantly becoming orphans in the capital.

Some students were even captured while they were being intimate with their lovers in the woods.

There was not even enough time to put on my fat belly.

The culprit behind all this was one person.

Valerius Licinius.

"If Valerius Licinius challenged us last time, then he undoubtedly won. Even if we mobilized the forces of all our departments and even sought help from professors, we still couldn't find a solution to the stink bomb he dropped." Caroline said coldly with an unpleasant look on her face.

She looked haggard and her face was withered.

Obviously, a lot of hard work has been put in these days to get rid of the bad smell on the students.

However, the final conclusion was that the pastor had no way to deal with the stench!

“Who can be blamed for this?”

Moro spread his hands and said, "To put it bluntly, we were the ones who provoked him first. If we hadn't asked all those victims to come out and block the entrance of the academy, we wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble. Right, Chairman?"

Irena sat in the stands, looking at the square not far away and sighed softly.

A silver-haired boy in school uniform set up a stall there.

Dozens of bottles of deodorant and perfume were placed on the stall, attracting countless students to scramble for them.

He even pulled out a gavel and started bidding.

A bottle of deodorant perfume that costs 10,000 yuan has increased several times in price.

These days, the students who were hit by stink bombs could not get rid of the stink in their bodies no matter what they tried. They could only use magic to suppress it. It was so uncomfortable. Now that they finally saw the antidote, it was like a traveler in the desert seeing water, and they were thirsty.

After receiving the perfume, the noble young masters and young ladies became like devout believers.

Kneel down in gratitude and cry bitterly.

However, some people bumped into agents from the Bureau when they tried to buy perfume.

He was then handcuffed and taken away on the spot.

Some people tried to resist, but once the magic suppression loosened, a stench broke out.

He was so smoked that he felt dizzy and lay on the ground twitching.

The agents from the Bureau of Control calmly put on gas masks and took the suspect away.

During the whole process, Li Xini just watched with a smile on his face, having fun.

"Phew, I'm glad you're okay."

Irena heard that the nobles secretly launched an action last night to retaliate against the Governing Bureau, and she was worried about her lover's safety and tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep well.

Now that she saw that he was fine, she felt relieved.

"I think, should we buy a few bottles to prevent any accidents from happening?" Irena suddenly asked.

"Irena, what do you mean?"

Diana frowned and said, "Are you going to accept him?"

In fact, not all people in the college are fools.

First of all, Irena encouraged the victims to come forward bravely.

Well, they stepped up and sent it.

Now the Administration Bureau is holding an arrest warrant and arresting people in the college.

If you observe carefully, you will find that those who committed minor crimes were arrested and interrogated for a few days before being released. Although their mental state was worrying, they were still alive.

But some people have not returned yet, and their life or death is unknown.

Without exception, those people were the ones who had bullied Irena in the academy.

This is very suspicious.

"I'm just stating the facts. If we want to deal with him, we must first get past his gas bombs. What if he throws gas bombs at us

Just like now, we were supposed to hold a department exchange meeting, but the students were either arrested directly or gathered around him to auction perfume. "

Irena said expressionlessly: "How can we maintain order in the academy? Who of you dares to stop it?"

Everyone fell silent, and suddenly it seemed to make a lot of sense.

The most important thing is that Valerius Licinius was also one of the chief ones.

And he is also the chief of the Alchemy Department.

Irena was of course well aware that if she continued like this she might be suspected, so she had to do something else and put on another show in front of these so-called companions.