Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 172: Section 172


Of course, gold coins are not the only hard currency.

There are also black crystal diamonds, advanced magic resources, and so on.

"oh… "

Noren nodded obediently and prepared to close the stall.

Those who didn't buy deodorant or perfume immediately wailed, as if their lives had collapsed.

"Don't be anxious, students. This is only the first college auction. If you don't buy it this time, there will always be next time! Although due to the scarcity of raw materials, the production may be reduced to ten bottles next time. You can prepare more funds. The old rules will still apply then. The highest bidder wins!" Li Xini said with a smile.

The group of noble young masters and young ladies: "..."

At this moment, a figure suddenly walked quickly towards them from outside the crowd.

He was a blond boy in plain clothes. He seemed to be a melee fighter. His school uniform was very old. He had an iron sword on his back and his face was full of excitement.

And on his chest, there is a starry sky badge.

Li Xini still remembers that the small team went to the Adventurer's Association to register together.

Starry Sky Wings Adventure Group.

I didn't expect to see this sign again after so long.

"big… "

Just as Charles was about to call him, he was blocked by a short and fat figure.

"Shh, Mr. Charles, the boss has told you that he has made too many enemies in the academy. If you get too close to you, you might be targeted. So on the surface, it is not convenient for him to be too friendly with you. However, if you have any problems, you can come to the Administration Bureau." Dimon said in a low voice.

Charles was stunned, then turned to look at the silver-haired boy in the crowd.

Licinius gave him a hidden smile.

Ah, that’s the feeling!

Charles felt the sense of security he hadn't felt for a long time, the sense of security that he had in the past when he didn't have to think about anything and everything was solved by his eldest brother. Moreover, this time they had the support of the behemoth that was the Bureau of Control.

That's the Control Bureau.

Charles had always envied those black-clad agents, especially when they were equipped with hot weapons and the wind blew their long black windbreakers, revealing the gun pouches on their waists.

So cool!

What's more, those guns are alchemical props developed by the eldest brother himself.

Recently, whenever Charles walks in the academy, his back is straight.

"Take this money. I heard that you have a grandmother and two younger sisters at home. Go back and improve their lives. As for the Star Wing Adventure Team, you don't have to recruit new members. The boss and Miss Nolen can return at any time." Damon handed him a check with a smile.

When Ciel heard this, he almost cried, his eyes turned red and his lips were pursed.

During this nearly one year, he had endured countless injustices, ridicules and contempts in order to stick to the Starry Sky Wings Adventure Group, and he kept trying to recruit members.

As a result, after those people joined and enjoyed the benefits of the adventure team, they would quit the team at the speed of light.

Now that Brother Li Xini and Miss Nolen are back, he has finally made it, and everything will slowly get better.

However, unexpectedly, he pushed the check back and said seriously: "This is the money that Big Brother worked hard to earn, I can't accept it. I can solve my own difficulties. I can embark on the path of a warlock all thanks to Big Brother's help. I can't continue to drag him down."

The corner of Dimon's eye twitched, and he thought to himself that this boy was really a fool.

How did you see him working so hard

But it doesn't matter.

There is no one that the Administration Bureau cannot deal with, and there are plenty of ways to bribe them.

"You are Brother Licinius's subordinate, right? If it is inconvenient for you to be too friendly with me, then please tell me that Irena has completely betrayed you. She is an ungrateful and bad woman who conspires with those chiefs to deal with you every day!" Charles said seriously.

Damon showed a look of realization and patted his shoulder: "Got it..."

Charles nodded, then straightened his back and turned to leave.

Licinius waited until he left before leaning over and asking, "What did he say?"

"Nothing, just a fool."

Dimon complained: "But he did remind you that Miss Irena is a bad woman."

Licinius was stunned, then laughed.

He turned and looked into the distance, and sure enough, he saw several presidents of the academy in the crowd.

That familiar white-haired figure was right in the middle of the crowd.

I don't know what happened to Irena. She had a stern face and gloomy eyes from beginning to end.

The pair of legs wrapped in black stockings kept shaking, and the leather shoes stepped hard on the ground.

I don’t know who provoked her.

As for the other chiefs, I didn’t know them at all.

Licinius smiled silently, then walked over with his subordinates from the Bureau of Control.

"That ugly-looking lady is named Caroline Rota. She's the head of the priest department and has a Vatican background. The head of the spiritual department is the pale-skinned young man, Morrow Benson. The head of the melee department is the burly woman, Diana Hilton." Damon introduced.

I have to say, this fat guy is really good at handling things.

Compared to Amber, she is more suitable for the role of a secretary.

In comparison, Amber could only hold the iron sword and look around with a cold face.

Anyone who provokes the boss will be stabbed with a sword.

"Oh, I see."

Licinius nodded slightly.

When several presidents of the student union saw him coming, they all looked solemn as if they were facing a great enemy.

The main reason is that Licinius' stink bomb is just too horrible.

No one wants to get involved with that stuff, it's like being matured in the toilet.

It's as disgusting as it can be.

"What are you doing here?"

There was a hint of resentment in Irena's eyes as she looked at him.

But his tone was still cold, with deliberate distance and indifference.

Li Xini glanced at her and snorted, "Oh, bitch!"

The chiefs were furious.

Diana clenched her fists, bones crackling.

If Licinius was not protected by officers from the Bureau of Control, they might have taken direct action.

However, Irena herself remained unmoved, and there was even a hint of anger in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm a bitch."

She smiled and said, "Mr. Li Xini seems to have a lot of complaints about me."

Li Xini raised his eyebrows. Although he knew that she was cooperating with him, this was too much.

"Uh..." Noren saw the two people flirting with each other.

She knew the truth.

Licinius and Irene had already repaired their relationship.

So, this is a play on love

Noren puffed up his cheeks, looking a little unhappy.

At this time, someone appeared behind them, with an elegant and gentle voice: "Student Li Xini, Student Noren. The dean has been waiting in the office for a long time. Have you two had enough fun?"

The chiefs were surprised: "Mr. Zolman?"

Mr. Zolman is the dean's personal bodyguard and secretary, and has one foot halfway into the sixth level of strength.

He usually stays by the dean's side and rarely appears in public.

This time, he made an exception.

Moreover, it was a special trip to invite Licinius and Noren!

At this moment, the chiefs suddenly realized something else.

That is, the dean seems to have not met with any students individually for many years...



In the quaint office, the scent of incense was burning.

The smoke from the incense blurred the oil painting on the canvas and the figures in the painting.

It was the back of a young man, his black cloak burning in the wind, the house beside him was burning with a raging fire, above his head was a scarlet blood moon, covered by dark clouds, and blood rain was falling from the sky.

As soon as Li Xini walked into the principal's office, he found that it was different from what he had imagined.

It's more like a studio than an office.

Many of the panels were covered with black curtains.

This is the only painting that is directly exposed to view.

Because the picture was so impactful, he was shocked at the first moment.

The back figure in the painting seemed familiar to him.

"The name of this painting is "Demon", and it's my work."

Behind a desk piled with a large number of documents sat an old man with white hair and beard. His face was covered with age spots and wrinkles as deep as tree rings. He had a cigarette in his mouth and looked very proud.

Licinius hesitated for a moment: "What is this?"

The old man smiled and said, "You usually call me teacher, but you don't recognize me now? This is your predecessor, the first generation of Night's Watch. This was his first battle after he took office. At the border of the empire, there was a small country trying to stage a religious coup. The god they believed in was clearly an evil god."

He smoked a cigarette and said, "That group of people caused a lot of trouble for the empire, so under the order of the previous emperor, your teacher went out and destroyed their country."

Licinius's eyes twitched: "Destroy the country..."

"Well, he killed all the sorcerers in that country. Doesn't that mean the country is destroyed?"

The old man said: "Only some ordinary people survived and later became part of the empire."

Licinius showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

"At first, I thought his record was impressive enough. After all, he was a demigod who had the potential to become an eighth-level demigod. But I never expected that you, the second-generation, would be even better than him."

The old man stood up and walked to another drawing board covered by a curtain.

The canvas was torn apart.

Licinius turned his head and looked, this time he saw a brand new painting.

The pitch-black cloak was suspended in the air, as if embracing the sky and the earth.

Endless light lit up.

Below are the people kneeling in worship.

"'The Day of God's Wrath'. Although I wasn't on the border battlefield, I drew a picture for you based on my imagination. What do you think? Isn't it very artistic?" The old man said with a smile.

Li Xini could not help but admire: "Although I am an outsider, I can see your skills."

Noren had no interest in the previous painting called The Devil.

He just stared at the painting called The Day of God's Wrath with a serious expression.

"Of course, I think this is the one you are really interested in."

The old man held a cigarette and pulled open the curtain of the third painting.

The style of this painting is different from the previous two.

Countless people were nailed to death by iron swords and spears in the endless darkness, and blood flowed like a river.

Above the black sky, a huge steel demon mask looked down at them coldly.