Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 53: Section 53


"I don't know. It is said that they invented something strange. It seems to be called a homemade bomb."


A book fell to the ground.

"Dear Irena, what's wrong with you?"

The mentor who had been talking incessantly turned around and asked with concern.

Irena hurriedly picked up the fallen textbook, especially the parchment scroll between the pages, and said with a smile: "Nothing, I just heard about the unrest in the empire and I am a little nervous."

"Don't worry, the capital is under the command of Grand Duke Josiah. It will be absolutely safe."

The instructor said, "Professor Byron has finally developed an alchemical matrix for transferring soul elements. You should study it carefully during this period. You may even win the Flamel Award from the Alchemist Association! If you can really succeed, it will be a result that will shock the world!"

Irena hummed softly: "I see. Then I will go to work in the laboratory first."

The instructor waved his hand generously: "Go ahead."

The girl left the classroom holding her books, her skirt fluttering.

The instructor looked at her youthful and beautiful back and said with emotion: "What a good child! Unlike those dandy nobles, she has been working part-time to pay for her studies, and has four jobs in the academy. It's really pitiful."

"Working four jobs? And he's already reached the fourth level of warlock at such a young age?"

Another instructor clucked his lips and said, “What a talent!”


With a bang, the door was slammed shut.

Irena leaned against the door and slid down silently. She couldn't help but cover her mouth, her beautiful eyes moist.

Ten months...

Finally got news about him again.

Even though the instructors only mentioned the clay bomb and didn't even say its name, she was 100% sure that the so-called imperial confidential personnel was definitely him!

Valerius Licinius.

"It's great to hear from you again."

Irena couldn't help crying.

During these ten months, she had no idea how much injustice she had suffered and how much heartache she had endured, but she had managed to get through it day by day.

In the prison, in a place that didn't belong to her.

Every night when I close my eyes, I dream of the day he left, when I was imprisoned in the room, and could only watch the sun set and the darkness sweep in.

So lonely and helpless.

Fortunately, she finally made it through.

She knew that only if she cheered up could they meet again.

Irena practiced magic diligently every day, constantly improving her status in the academy, and worked part-time to buy magic resources for herself. She also deposited the money funded by the Valerius family into the Chamber of Commerce.

Create wealth through business methods learned from a teenager many years ago.

until today…

"Alchemical Matrix for Soul Element Transfer..."

Irena finally got what she wanted. If this matrix is really perfect, then its effect is to be able to peel off half of her magical talent and condense it into soul crystals.

By using the opposite ritual, the soul crystal can be transferred to another person.

Thus giving others the gift of magic!

Although each person can only receive the gift of soul crystal once, it is enough.

Professor Byron and others believe that this alchemical matrix came from her imagination.

However, only she herself knew that this was not the case.

Because this alchemical matrix was discovered by her in an ancient alchemical notebook.

Initially, she participated in an adventure activity organized by the college half a year ago and accidentally found a tattered notebook on a skeleton that had been dead for who knows how many years, and then she secretly brought it back to the college.

I was just researching it when I was bored, but I accidentally discovered this magical alchemical matrix.

According to her deduction, this was most likely black magic.

Irena was very smart. She only captured the most core part and gave it to the instructor to decipher.

It turns out that the professor of alchemy at Trinity Theological Seminary is indeed the real deal.

After three months, we have achieved results.

"The alchemical materials will be delivered to the academy tonight, and I must find a safe place to perform this ritual. Well, the teacher's sword field is a good choice. It has a powerful barrier and is safe and secret." Irena stroked the parchment scroll, and her clear and beautiful eyes gradually became firm.

"You want me to inherit the holy relic, but I won't do as you wish."

She said softly, "Didn't you just say that he has no talent for magic?"

The girl clenched the parchment scroll in her hand, and her knuckles turned slightly white.



At this moment, in the refugee camp in Loma City.


The holy light illuminated the night sky, and blood splashed into the air like a waterfall.

"Is this the strength of a brave man?"

Li Xini said with emotion: "After being healed by the fifth-level priest Klein, the combat effectiveness displayed by these two heroes is indeed very strong. I am a little curious about the function of their holy relics."

Having said that, he couldn't help but glance at his Ouroboros, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"I forgot that too."

The empress said calmly: "You offended them to death with your identity as Xiao, and then you sold a favor with your own identity and let them contact the church. What does this mean?"

Licinius smiled but said nothing: "Your Majesty, don't worry, everything is going according to plan. Now that the blood of ninety-nine virgins and a large amount of resentment from the dead have been collected, the next step is to build an altar. Building an altar is something that cannot be done secretly, and will always be discovered by the heroes."

"How are we going to explain it then? Someone has to take the blame."

He paused and said, "That person can only be Xiao."

The empress glanced at him lightly: "It could also be the World Tree."

Li Xini was stunned: "What?"

“Worshiping the World Tree also requires rituals and altars. If it is a ritual disguised as worshiping the World Tree, then there won’t be any problem. At most, I will just be criticized.” The empress said lightly.

Licinius remembered that the World Tree was the most important national treasure of the empire.

Although its true nature is unknown, it is said to have the power to destroy a country.

However, the World Tree has been silent for many years now. It has been sacrificed many times before, but it was a waste of time and effort and to no avail.

If the empress chooses to sacrifice to the World Tree at this time, public opinion in the royal capital will be even more unfavorable.

Licinius didn't even need to think about it. The news of the monster tide in Roma City must have reached the royal capital, and the group of nobles would definitely take this opportunity to attack His Majesty.

"Just being criticized for a bit? That won't do!"

Li Xini's expression was serious. No one could take the blame from him. "As long as I get the power of dark alchemy, the tide of monsters can be easily resolved. The prerequisite is that we can survive tonight!"

Get through tonight...

The empress knew that she had to survive tonight, but she also knew that things would never be that simple.

The highlight of Tide of Monsters has not yet arrived.

What appeared now were just large numbers of low-level monsters.

But in the Forest of Demons, there are super high-level and powerful monsters!


The red dragon flapped its wings and descended from the sky.

"Your Majesty, a large number of monsters have been detected in the southwest."

She said expressionlessly, "It seems that a high-level monster is attacking!"

As expected, what you fear will come true!

Licinius curled his lips.

"What do you think?"

The empress stared at him and asked, "Can it be solved?"

Li Xini was stunned and looked back at the winged woman.

"Don't worry, the Red Dragon can be trusted. She is the one who is qualified to know your identity." said the empress.

"Oh, that's all right."

Licinius breathed a sigh of relief: "Let me think about it..."

"What does this mean, Your Majesty?"

Hong Long raised his eyebrows while listening nearby. What did she mean by "she was qualified to know this man's identity?" It made it seem as if her status was very low and this young man was very powerful.

Moreover, as the Grand Master of the Knights of the Holy Light, she has always been in charge of all matters related to combat, and it has never been the turn of outsiders to make decisions.

However, this time, His Majesty didn't even look at her.

Instead, he directly asked the boy how to solve the problem.

This made her a little unconvinced.

So what if he's the captain of the Night's Watch? He's just a technician who gives advice and plans.

When it comes to strategy, I'm not good enough.

When it comes to fighting, you can't do it!

Licinius sensed the woman's hostile gaze, and the Ouroboros on his wrist suddenly trembled.

It was as if the hunter sensed the prey's contempt and was ready to pounce at any moment!

Wait a minute!

Chapter 65 Destroy the Phoenix People!

The Queen saw the trembling Ouroboros and was full of curiosity. "The Ouroboros of the Barron family? As expected of Lord Licinius, he is quite good at dealing with girls. Lord Lucimia is famous for being stubborn and never speaks to anyone, but she is particularly interested in you. I remember that there was a girl in the Holy Light Knights who was always thinking about you. How are you getting along after you reunited?"

Licinius said with a straight face: "Your Majesty is so gossipy?"

"I'm just concerned about my subjects."

The Empress said calmly: "What is the ability of your Ouroboros?"

Li Xini's face changed drastically. This kind of question is not appropriate, my friend. You will regret it!

The red dragon fluttered its wings, and a sharp and fierce light flashed in its eyes: "Why, your holy relic looks like it wants to fight me? It's a good opportunity for His Majesty to see what your holy relic is capable of!"

Li Xini was silent for a second: "Forget it..."

Mainly, you are a fire-breathing chick.

After the fight, regardless of whether you win or lose, I'm just afraid that your character will collapse and you'll start to spray water instead.

The empress crossed her arms and said calmly, "Don't fight among yourselves when the war is approaching. The command of this battle will be handed over to Lord Li Xini. Red Dragon, you only need to obey orders and cooperate."

The red dragon raised an eyebrow, furious.

However, facing His Majesty, she did not dare to lose her temper, and there was fire in her red eyes.

Very frustrating...

You are a technician and I respect you.

But if you take my job, I'm going to kill you!

Licinius sighed. He also knew that His Majesty was taking this opportunity to help him establish his prestige.