Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 70: Section 70


"Don't ask me, I don't know."

The Mad Lion put on a stern face and started to act dumb.

The Blood Duke covered his lips and laughed sweetly, "Alas, I don't know anything. What does the military advisor Dawn have to do with us? But Prince Tazan may have been possessed by someone."

"Two level sixes, can't you see that your prince is possessed? Are you useless?"

Licinius said indifferently: "But now that things have come to this, it doesn't matter whether you admit it or not. Brentanya will believe that the military advisor is a spy from the Kingdom of Loen. In view of the damage you have caused to the Brentanya Empire, we have only one way to go next."

He paused and spread his hands: "Everyone, the war has begun!"

Chapter 83 Hunters Often Appear as Prey (Part 3)

Brentanian Empire, Florence.

This is a prosperous city second only to the royal capital. There is a world-famous secret tower standing between the sky and the earth, as if it has broken through the cover of clouds and reached the sky.

Ai Lei woke up in the luxurious dormitory where she lived. She went to the bathroom in a daze to wash and dress herself, put on the white robe that symbolized the alchemist, and then ate a piece of chocolate cake for breakfast. Finally, she hesitated for a moment on the huge bookshelf, chose the textbook to study today, put it in her schoolbag, and went out.

Today is another boring day.

The loli girl with silver twin ponytails walked in the long and narrow corridor, seeming a little lonely.

Alchemists passing by passed by her.

Ai Lei walked past those people with her head down, and suddenly felt a little dazed.

Once upon a time, as the most watched newcomer and the most talented freshman in the Secret Tower in the past decade, she was the center of attention wherever she went and always held her head high.

Enjoy the respect and praise of others.

He is even considered to be the person who has the greatest hope of meeting the great sage.

In the Tower of Secrets, being received by the Great Sage is the highest honor for every alchemist.

Just because of the outstanding work she created when she took the assessment.

-soy sauce.

However, after just ten months, she had become a nobody and no one cared about her.

This sense of gap made her feel extremely painful.

"It would be nice if my brother was around. After the border issue is resolved, Uncle Mond will probably bring him back, right? In that case, with my brother's wisdom, I will be able to..."

Ai Lei thought to herself, the sunlight shining on her pretty and tender face, full of resentment.

Then let those professors see what happens if they ignore the Valerius family!

She put on her bright smile again and walked into the classroom.

However, the classroom today is empty!

Not only were all the students absent, but even the professor's visit was rare!

"Go away! Get out of my way!"

I saw a young professor rushing upstairs with an anxious look on his face and scolding harshly.

Behind him, there was a bustling scene as a group of miscellaneous alchemists carried huge boxes upstairs.

When Ai Lei saw those miscellaneous alchemists, her face turned ugly.

Fortunately, four months ago, she had managed to complete an alchemy research project with her senior classmates in the same group.

Otherwise, even with the amulet of the Valerius family, she would have to accept the penalty of demotion and become a miscellaneous alchemist.

The daily job is to move alchemical materials, like a worker on a construction site.

"Hurry up! Professor Lillian and the others have been waiting for a long time! We must complete the advanced technique sent by His Majesty today. If we can create that thing, it will definitely be an achievement that shocks the world. We may even be received by the great sage!" the young professor roared.

"Understood! Professor!"

The miscellaneous alchemists were sweating profusely, but their brows were filled with excitement.

They seemed to know that they were taking part in a great study.

"Bud, go open all the thirty-seven underground warehouses for me immediately!"

The young professor suddenly remembered something: "Bring me all the flying dragon spines! And the platypus stomachs, the Alpha-level recycled metal. Once Professor Lillian and the others have successfully refined it, we must immediately start mass production because the war on the border is about to break out!"

"This is a first-class military achievement. You idiots will be rewarded by His Majesty and promoted to true alchemists! So move! Move like cows and horses!"

He roared hysterically.

The group of people's eyes immediately turned red, and they rushed upstairs carrying the boxes like crazy.

"Mercury of Destruction! I wonder if there is still this thing in the forbidden warehouse! Her Majesty the Empress specifically asked for a piece of Mercury of Destruction. If we can get Mercury of Destruction, the other party will be willing to hand over the decoded alchemical formula to us! This is a unique opportunity. If I can't grasp it, I can commit suicide..."

The professor muttered to himself and rushed up the stairs like a madman.

Ai Lei watched this scene from afar, but she actually didn't feel that surprised.

Because this is the character of the alchemists in the Secret Tower.

A crazy researcher who sees alchemy as everything.

Even higher than life.

If some unheard-of alchemical formula were to come to light, they would completely lose their minds.

"Senior, what happened?"

Ai Lei couldn't help but ask a female alchemist next to her.

The senior student glanced at her and said calmly, "Don't you know? News came from the border that the Empire is going to go to war with the Kingdom of Loen again. And this time, His Majesty has received the help of a genius technician to manufacture a batch of secret weapons and put them on the battlefield."

"A genius technician? An alchemist?"

Elle was a little curious.

"No, the most talented alchemists in the world are all in the Secret Tower."

The senior student shook her head and said, "So we don't know who it is..."



The news that the border war had broken out again spread across the empire at the fastest speed.

The Kingdom of Loen acted even faster.

It seemed that they had already stockpiled a large number of military forces outside the ancient city of Hera, ready to go to war at any time.

At the same time, the First and Second Legions of Glory stationed on the border defense line, after receiving the order from His Majesty, assembled their troops as quickly as possible and marched towards the location of the ancient city of Hera.

The storm is surging...

At this moment in the ancient city of Hera, soldiers set up a military tent as a temporary meeting room.

Licinius leaned back and forth in a recliner, swaying comfortably, holding a plate of freshly peeled grapes, and said calmly: "Although I must be the commander-in-chief of this operation, I have to remind you that you should not count on me for military command. I don't know how to do it at all."

Noren stood behind him, peeling the grapes and putting them on his plate.

When Licinius said that, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

The empress looked at him deeply and asked, "Are you serious?"

"What else? I'm not a soldier, how can I possibly know about marching and fighting?"

Li Xini shrugged. "If you want assassination and infiltration, divination or counter-divination, even decapitation operations, and technical support, you can ask me for help, but I'm really not good at commanding a war."

The empress immediately didn't want to pay any attention to him.

Old Neil was stunned, wondering why this man was so brave.

Red Dragon was shocked and couldn't help but say, "How dare you call for war in front of the Mad Lion and Blood Dukes? I thought you had already won!"

Now that the two countries have declared war, the news has spread throughout the world.

It's too late to regret.

The best fighter in the empire is undoubtedly Cyrus.

How much contribution he and his Iron Legion can make is indeed an unknown.

"We are definitely sure to win."

Licinius stuffed a grape into his mouth and said lazily, "War is nothing more than the right time, right place, and right people. I will help you create all the conditions for victory, and I can also help you destroy all the difficulties you may face. In other words, I can give you an overwhelming advantage in this war."

He chewed a grape and said, "Even if a pig comes to command us, we can win. But I think I may not be as good as a pig in areas that I have never been involved in, so I will leave it to you."

Red Dragon:"… "

The empress raised her carefully painted eyebrows. She probably understood what the boy meant and ordered: "Red Dragon, then you will be the commander-in-chief of the military. Is there any problem?"


The Red Dragon saluted respectfully, but hesitated for a moment: "But Your Majesty, I must tell you the truth. Regarding this war, I don't see where our advantage is. I have no confidence."

Her words are also the concerns in everyone's mind.

Whether it is high-level combat power.

Or the number of lower-level soldiers.

Or maybe it was the intelligence and logistical reserves where our side was at a disadvantage.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see this.

"Don't panic, let me make it for you."

Li Xini jumped up from the recliner and said faintly, "First, we have an overwhelming advantage in armaments. Although you can't see it yet, just do as I say. Second, although we don't have an advantage in numbers, we can definitely use armaments to even the odds."

"You can rest assured that all numerical advantages will be eroded in the face of truth. Then you will see that human life is as fragile as an ant in the face of artillery fire."

He paused. "As for what you said about intelligence? Oh, have you all forgotten what I do?"

In terms of intelligence, he has the support of Baidu Evil God!

All intelligence systems are nothing but a pile of shit in front of the evil god.

In terms of armaments, he has the support of the True Sage.

Why do you mortals fight against the evil gods

This is a typical case of what seems to be a headwind but is actually a big tailwind.

High-end hunters often appear as prey.

Li Xini felt that his cheat was a bit harsh. If he was the opponent, he might as well just click and leave it at that.

"And the high-level combat power."

He scratched his head and thought carefully: "Are you sure that the information about the Mad Lion is correct? There is no flaw at all? Although I still need to go back and do divination to confirm it."

The Empress said: "One hundred percent correct."

Li Xini glanced at the file on the table and said calmly, "If that's the case, I can make sure that the Mad Lion Grand Duke has no room to play in this battle. I am absolutely sure."

"As for the Blood Duke, there are some risks."

He stroked his chin and pondered for a moment: "But it's not impossible to deal with it."

Dead silence…

Tria swallowed her saliva and couldn't help asking, "Captain, are you serious?"

Licinius asked, “What if not?”

"That's the Mad Lion Duke." Hayden reminded.

Licinius was silent for a moment and smiled silently.

A sixth-level peak warlock is certainly powerful.

However, when he saw the magical information the other party possessed, he understood.

This person is destined to be controlled by him.

"Don't worry. Compared to the Mad Lion Duke, the Blood Duke is actually more difficult to deal with."

Li Xini sighed: "Secondly, there is the issue of logistics. This is indeed difficult to deal with."

In war, the most important thing is money!