Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 83: Section 83


The main thing is that the special effect of the Destiny Sniper was omitted, allowing the vampire to go into heat on the spot.

Well, this is a secret that cannot be told even if you are beaten to death.

By the way, the communication tool given to him by the vampire was also omitted.

This is also to avoid your dear Majesty getting jealous.

"etc… "

After hearing this, the empress narrowed her eyes and asked, "Ancient Demon Clan?"

Li Xini nodded: "According to Augurola, the military advisor should be from the ancient demon tribe. He claimed that the great civilization he belonged to was the ancient demon tribe. Moreover, the military advisor is not from the Kingdom of Loen. His help to the Kingdom of Loen may be for the same purpose as his help to Cyrus."

For now, the military advisor does appear to be very mysterious.

The ability he demonstrated, apart from the abolished divination, was the ability to control monsters.

Draw the power of nature to strengthen monsters.

It sounds evil indeed.

"In other words, the ruins of the ancient city of Hera are the tombs of the ancient demons?"

The Empress murmured to herself: "Could that legend be true?"

As a time traveler who is a poor student, Li Xini would not hesitate to ask, "What legend?"

"How could you, a user of dark magic, not know this? Don't act stupid."

The empress curled her lips and said, "In the earliest legends, there were only three continents and one island in the world. The early human race lived on the other two continents. After experiencing a huge disaster, they crossed the ocean and came to the East Continent. But at that time, the East Continent was ruled by the ancient demons."

Li Xini really didn't know what this was and could only say "oh".

"What happened next is obvious. Humans needed a home to survive, so they had no choice but to go to war with the ancient demons. However, due to the disparity in strength between the two sides, as invaders, they were beaten back repeatedly."

The empress paused and said, "Because at that time, the ancient demon clan had an extremely powerful demon king whose strength was almost beyond the current sorcerer level. Moreover, they possessed the power to communicate with the evil god, which is black magic."

A strange color flashed in Li Xini's eyes, communicating with the power of the evil god.

He thought of his own Book of Truth!

"Rather than communicating with the evil god, it's better to say that they sacrificed themselves and used the altar to pray for the evil god's power to make some exchanges. At the same time, the ancient demons also possessed extremely strong combat capabilities, so their advantage was overwhelming, until one day, they gradually lost this ability."

Li Xini raised his eyebrows: "There is such a thing."

However, the empress's next words made his scalp tingle.

"Because the Demon King disappeared."

The Queen said: "The ancient demons lost their most powerful support, and humans at that time happened to discover the power of light magic in the East Continent, and the Church was born. The Church held high the banner of God, claiming that the ancient demons were the root cause of the troubles in this land, and set off an unprecedented war."

Licinius did not listen to the rest of the story.

There was only one sentence left in his mind.

The devil disappeared.

"How could the Demon King suddenly disappear? Such a powerful Demon King, surpassing the peak power of existing warlocks, must be on par with gods, right? And he is related to gods..."

Li Xini felt a little panicked. All this was a little too coincidental.

He pondered for a long time and couldn't help but say, "So the current demons are the group of people who were driven to the northernmost part of the East Continent. Isn't there still a demon king?"

Since his memory awakened, he has read many books on world humanities.

It is said that there is a group of demons living in the northernmost part of the continent, above the ice sea.

The Queen nodded and said, "Yes, I went there when I was a minor and had a fight with the Demon King. Although I didn't gain much advantage, I was chased by the Demon King's army in the end. But the Demon King was just the king of the existing demons. Although he was indeed very powerful, he was not beyond the scope of a warlock."

Licinius was stunned.

Your Majesty, you are so brave, God is visiting you.

You are here to look for trouble!

"So the demons nowadays are not the ancient demons. They just retain the powerful fighting power of the ancient demons. There are not many people who can use black magic, and they are even worse than humans."

The Empress pondered: "According to the military advisor, people with the talent for black magic either have a part of the ancient demon bloodline, or are followers of the evil god..."

Judging from the battle in ancient times, the human race and the ancient demon race must have captured each other during the war, and it is not surprising that they gave birth to offspring.


Licinius suddenly realized something of vital importance.

The Book of Truth does not equal black magic.

Because the contents recorded in the Book of Truth can allow him to directly enter the world above the gray fog.

That is, the abyss where the evil gods live!

A few days ago, Irena also sought the power to summon the evil god through unknown means.

However, she did not enter the gray fog world.

It’s just that the real sage sensed her prayers and performed a miracle. This is fundamentally different.

"If the origin of black magic comes from these evil gods, then when the ancient demons lost the ability to communicate with the evil gods, black magic became extinct? Apart from me who has an immortal body, I can't think of anyone else who is qualified to face these evil gods directly."

Li Xini's thoughts were like a storm: "Perhaps, it is because of the disappearance of the Demon King that no one can communicate with the evil god, so the black magic gradually disappeared, and the ancient demons were defeated by humans!"

Wow, this idea is a bit bold, but it is not impossible!

If the source of black magic is the evil god, then everything can be explained.

Different from earth, wind, water, fire, strengthening and spirit.

It is also different from light magic.

Black magic is not a product of human research, but a gift from the evil god.

Only because there were people who were able to communicate with the evil god, this magic was passed down.

The one who controls the means of production is the evil god!

Until one day, no one can get the goods from those who control the means of production. The development of black magic will come to a standstill, and humans will find various ways to crack and surpass it.

Other magics are constantly developing and are being steadily passed on to the next generation.

As long as you are talented enough, you can learn it.

As for something as secretive as black magic, it cannot be passed down in a stable manner, so in the long course of history, some of it will inevitably be lost, and it may even become completely extinct in the end.

I'm awesome!

"What did you think of?" the empress asked, staring at him.

Li Xini was silent for a long time, then shook his head: "No, I still need to confirm my thoughts."

At this time, there were sounds of ghosts howling outside the tent.

There were also the sounds of light, cat-like footsteps.


Noren poked his head in from outside the tent and said, "Are you okay?"

But the next moment, her face suddenly fell.

Because the young man that she was thinking about was leaning on the bed, looking lazy.

The absolutely beautiful empress was sitting beside the bed, and the two of them seemed very intimate.

According to Licinius' plan, once the Mad Lion releases the Hammer of God, Noren can take action.

She felt relieved when Noren led his men into the orc army and killed them indiscriminately without anyone caring.

Because she knew that the young master won.

She was worried that the young master was injured, so she hurried back to the camp.

Unexpectedly, I saw such an infuriating scene as soon as I came in!


Liz stood guard at the door of the tent and glanced at the ice girl.

I thought to myself that if you had been on the top of the mountain, you would probably have seen a scene that would have driven you even crazier.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired."

Licinius shrugged. "How's it going? Did you save all the people alive?"

Norn hummed, "I followed your instructions and brought back the broken limbs. However, I accidentally killed several of them because I wasn't paying attention, so the total number is 471."

Licinius nodded with satisfaction, turned around and asked, "Your Majesty, I want to use these captives for a sacrificial ceremony."

When dealing with these orcs, anyone who talks about treating prisoners well is a fool.

Even though he couldn't fight a war, he knew that wherever the orcs passed, no grass would grow.

It’s always GG for men and CG for women.

They massacred the city and tortured the prisoners, not sparing the elderly or children.

"You want to investigate the matter concerning the military advisor and the ancient demon tribe?"

The empress raised her eyebrows and said with a half-smile, "There's no need to waste time. The ruins of the ancient city of Hera are inside the city. Although that place is indeed very dangerous, I can accompany you there."

Li Xini was stunned: "Really?"

"Well, you are my subject, you can go anywhere you want." The empress said arrogantly.

What a terrible line!

Li Xini looked back and forth at her beautiful face and graceful figure.

The empress glanced at the sulking expression of the girl outside the tent and said playfully, "The premise is that you have nothing to do with that woman Augurola, right? Stay away from her, she is not a good person."

After these words came out, Norn's face fell even more.

Li Xini waved his hands hurriedly: "No, no! How can it be related? Not now, and never in the future. If I have anything to do with her, my whole family will die, okay? Even I will die with her!"

When the empress saw such a poisonous oath, she felt much more satisfied.

Chapter 96: Licinius's Eternal Infamy (4.5k)

After tonight's battle, the pressure on the Brentanian Empire Army's defensive front has been greatly reduced!

Just because of the departure of the Mad Lion Duke!

After releasing a super-level thunder magic like Hammer of God, even a top-level warlock of level six would need to recuperate for a long period of time, and his combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

In addition, the commander-in-chief named Xiao must have dealt a heavy blow to them.

I believe that this Grand Duke will not appear on the battlefield for at least seven days.

There were also rumors in the army that not only was the Grand Duke of Mad Lion seriously injured, but even the Grand Duke of Blood was injured in the Bernier Grand Canyon. If nothing unexpected happened, he would not appear on the battlefield.

This means that the two most powerful fighting forces of the Kingdom of Loen are gone!

For a moment, the army was in an uproar.

While the soldiers were showing off the commander-in-chief's power, they also did not forget to curse the enemy for being despicable and shameless!

You can't even beat two against one, and you get killed in return. Do you know how to play

Under the command of the Red Dragon, the Glory Legion, with 72 Titan cannons, recklessly pushed forward the battle line, winning victory after victory in just 15 hours, destroying the enemy army, making them cry for their parents and looking for their heads everywhere. The soldiers had never fought such a rich and refreshing battle, their morale was high and their blood was boiling.

They can rely on their advanced weapons to attack us unscrupulously.

There is no need to worry about being sniped by the enemy's high-level combat forces, which is really cool.

And in the process of the two armies confronting each other, there is always some shouting and cursing.

The army of the Kingdom of Loen would also curse loudly, claiming that it was clearly a one-on-one battle between men, but Xiao had arranged an evil alchemical matrix in advance, using conspiracy and trickery to harm the Mad Lion Duke and severely injure him.

The Blood Duke was also accidentally attacked while rescuing the situation.

These soldiers from the Kingdom of Loen even slandered Xiao as a black magician!

How could the soldiers of the Legion of Glory stand such ridicule? Their eyes turned red on the spot. In order to defend the honor of the commander-in-chief and the dignity of the Brentanian Empire, they directly shouted that if they had the guts, they should fight head-on. No one should rely on weapons and the power of sorcerers, but a fight with real fists, swords and guns!

However, when the enemy also rushed onto the battlefield with high morale.

What greeted them was the roar of seventy-two Titan cannons.