Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 88: Section 88


She was secretly observing from under the quilt at the time and her face turned red.

Although she was indeed very curious, she obeyed the young master's orders since he told her not to ask.

Norn seemed silent and expressionless, but in fact she was very clear about one thing.

That is, the young master would never leave her alone.

So no matter how the young master commits suicide, even if he learns black magic, it doesn’t matter.

Because the young master is absolutely sure, he will not joke with his own life.

"Have you seen enough?"

The Empress asked, "Let's go to the end of the tomb and I'll show you something."

"Apart from these sculptures and murals, is there anything else important here?"

Licinius raised his eyebrows. This underground tomb seemed mysterious, but in fact, it had been mined by countless people a long time ago. The valuable magic resources had been cleared out, and there were only a few valuable things left.

Just like what someone famous said.

What you thought was a tree-lined path was actually already busy with traffic.

"have… "

The Empress said: "There is a holy relic here that cannot be taken away."

Licinius' eyes lit up, the holy relic is a good thing!

However, at this moment, the tomb passage shook again, and a coffin lid flew out out of thin air.

Amidst the strange and teeth-grinding sound, another skeleton stood up!

"Oh! It's the second round of questions and answers!"

The skeleton looked very excited.

Li Xini was also very excited. He didn’t expect that there would be a second round of social death questions and answers!

"Kill it!" the Empress and Noren said in unison.

"Uh..." Li Xini sighed. There was no more fun to watch now.

He already knew that rule was so cowardly, so he just made one up!




Five kilometers away from the Berne Grand Canyon, the Iron Legion’s camp is stationed.

Cyrus stood on the edge of the cliff, looking into the distance with a gloomy look in his eyes.

The wind blew his cloak, making it rustle.


Lieutenant Colonel Mary stood behind him and said respectfully, "The Red Dragon General Staff has just issued an order requiring us to engage in a tentative battle with the enemy on the southwest front. We don't need to go too deep, and we can just use guerrilla warfare. We must hold them back for a day and a half, so that we can cover our headquarters and complete a frontal breakthrough. Is that what you think?"

No matter how the Brentanian Empire fights internally, it must unite against foreign enemies in times of war.

After all, if the interests of the empire are damaged, no one will suffer.

No matter how ambitious Cyrus is, he will not openly disobey military orders.

However, he narrowed his eyes, and a cold smile appeared on his lips: "No, attack on all fronts."

Lieutenant Colonel Mary was stunned: "All-out attack? Are you serious?"

"The military advisor deceived me, causing me to be seriously injured and still not recovering."

Cyrus licked his lips and said hoarsely, "But when I dug him out from the ruins of the ancient city of Hera, I deliberately left a trick in reserve, so I know what he wants to do... The military advisor will not fight a battle without confidence, he must have a trump card hidden."

Lieutenant Colonel Mary was shocked: "What do you mean?"

"After he betrayed me, I guessed that he would definitely defect to the Kingdom of Loen."

Cyrus said grimly: "Because he is a descendant of the ancient demons. In addition to black magic, he dreams of regaining the body of the ancient demons. Only the Kingdom of Loen has such conditions."

Lieutenant Colonel Mary was stunned: "What does that mean?"

"Vampires, werewolves, lions, minotaurs, and even elves. Can you guess where these alien races came from? Who are their ancestors?"

Lieutenant Colonel Mary seemed to have thought of something and felt a chill all over her body.

"Yes, that's his purpose."

A trace of greed flashed in Cyrus's eyes. "I haven't been in a hurry to hunt him down because I've been waiting for this opportunity. I was originally seriously injured and had no chance of winning against two top warlocks, but the Mad Lion is already injured. If there is only Augurola left, I may have a chance."

He paused and said, "Although I am injured, I can still use mystical techniques to recover to my peak condition. She may not be able to stop me in five minutes."

Chapter 100 What is the Book of Truth

From the deepest part of the tomb, there were countless sounds of steel twisting and bones rubbing against each other.

Li Cini was responsible for leading the charge, with more than twenty skulls following behind him, like a team of undead. These were his little brothers whom he conquered along the way by relying on the evil god's aura.

Along the way, every time a skeleton appeared, he would knock it down with a slap, and then with just a brief eye contact, the other party would change from a ferocious evil spirit to his beloved grandson.

In the end, they actually formed a group.

He affectionately called it the Social Death Street Dance Team!

"It's a pity that the rules of the forbidden land can only be used in the forbidden land."

Licinius thought: "It would be fun if I could take it out..."

In the darkness at the back, the empress folded her arms across her chest, her eyes filled with lingering fear. She had experienced countless life and death situations in her life, but she could walk such a thrilling distance of less than a hundred meters.

"Fortunately, he was able to ignore the rules here. Otherwise, he would have to answer more than 20 questions about the rules. Would he have to answer more than 20 private questions? Damn teacher, he didn't even remind me in advance!"

She muttered quietly and glanced at the ice girl next to her.

Norn looked expressionless, but her trembling eyes revealed her inner panic.

"Stop, there is a dark room here." The empress stopped in front of a mural.

She stretched out her slender white hand and pressed hard on the wall.


The ground collapsed with a loud bang, and the huge stones on the dome made a rolling friction sound. The walls on all sides were actually moving and sinking in the tremor, crisscrossing and overlapping along the predetermined trajectory, accompanied by the rustling of floating dust.

In the end, the long and narrow tomb passage turned into a secret room.

There was a bang, and blue flames illuminated the secret room. It was surrounded by mottled and dilapidated walls. A huge coffin stood in the middle, entangled by countless rusty iron chains.

There was someone lying inside, wrapped in a shroud, with his head lowered, as if he was sleeping.

Licinius was shocked when he saw this strange scene and said, "Your Majesty, is this the holy relic you mentioned? Isn't this... a corpse?"

The Empress smiled and said, "Who says a corpse can't be a holy relic? There are many things in this world that you can't imagine, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. This thing is called the Secret Keeper. It seems to be a naturally formed holy relic, a fusion of the mystery of something and a dead body. The rule is that you can exchange some information with him for any secret he doesn't know."

She paused. "Of course, it's limited to what he knows. And you can't ask him what questions people have asked him in the past. He won't betray his clients."

Licinius raised an eyebrow: "It's quite interesting!"

This corpse must have died of gossip before he died!

The Queen nodded and said, "Among the ruins of the ancient city of Hera, the only thing of value right now is this thing. Of course, there are also a large number of magical resources underground, such as rare ores, magic energy crystals, etc. If all of them are mined, it will be enough to support the warlocks of a small country."

Licinius asked, "Is it impossible to take it away?"

The Queen replied: "Yes, the Secret Keeper seems to be formed based on the rules here."

At this moment, the corpse wrapped in the shroud raised its head, its dead eyes suddenly emitted a faint green light, and it uttered a hoarse and low voice: "Woman, why is it you again!"

The empress narrowed her eyes and said calmly, "Why can't it be me?"

There was a hint of frustration in the Secret Keeper's hoarse voice, and the bronze coffin was shaking.

"I've already made an exception for you once! Don't do it again! If you break the rules again, I will really fall into an endless sleep, and you won't be able to get any information from me anymore!"

It growled, "Rules are rules. A person can only ask three questions in his lifetime! You asked six times! Don't go too far! I have a temper too!"

Oh my god, this brother is so pitiful.

Licinius's eyes revealed pity.

He knew without hesitation how His Majesty had made an exception.

It's nothing more than violence, violence, and violence.

"In the beginning, I did use force to force it to demolish the ruins, which made it make six deals with me as an exception. The purpose was to make it sleep quietly to prevent someone from coming in and getting something from it." The empress glanced at him and explained casually.

"Is it?"

"What did you ask?" Licinius asked.

An inexplicable smile appeared on the empress's lips: "You will know when you return to the capital. Although I have been stripped of my power, I have not done nothing in these years."

The keeper yelled at the top of his voice: "Because of you, I fell into a deep sleep for three years! It was not until I completed another transaction recently that I felt alive again. Go away! I don't want to see you!"

Licinius suddenly caught a word.

This guy said it recently completed another transaction!

Suddenly, he saw a row of blurry footprints on the dusty ground.

"Your Majesty..."

He whispered, "Someone has been here recently."

"I see..."

The empress narrowed her beautiful eyes and hummed.

She looked at the corpse again and said, "I came here this time to introduce you to a new customer."

The Secret Keeper seemed stunned for a moment, then looked at the boy and girl beside her: "Two?"

"No, just me," Licinius said, standing up.

Noren is just a seventeen-year-old girl who doesn't know any secrets and cannot be exchanged.


The keeper hesitated for a long time and said, "Three questions. If I know the answers, I will answer them. In exchange, you need to give me a secret that I don't know. If you don't want others to know your questions and secrets, you can try to touch the coffin with your hand, so that only I can hear your voice. Similarly, if you don't want others to know my answers, you only need to touch the coffin."

Licinius understood the rules and got straight to the point: "How did the Frostian family perish?"

The Empress raised an eyebrow.

Norn had no expression, but there was a ripple in the depths of his eyes.

The keeper answered without hesitation: "I don't know. Don't ask me questions like this. No one has exchanged relevant information with me, so I can't answer. Ask another question."

"Where did the Demon King of the Ancient Demon Clan go?"

"have no idea."

"Why did the ancient demons lose the ability to communicate with the evil gods?"

"have no idea… "

Good guy, he knows nothing about anything!

Licinius was silent for a moment, then asked, "Three or four years ago, a man left this tomb. He was a descendant of the ancient demons and mastered the black magic of that era, but he had no ability to communicate with the evil gods, so he was desperate to find something and even went to war with Brentania. You just need to answer whether I am right or not."

The Secret Keeper was completely stunned.

A smile flashed across the empress's beautiful eyes. This is the so-called power of words.

The keeper couldn't tell how many questions these were. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Yes, now it's your turn to tell me a secret. Low-level and boring ones don't count."

Oh, so the fact that I used to look at my little wife’s vagina while she was sleeping doesn’t count, right

Li Xini curled his lips, not caring about the two girls beside him, and said directly:

"What he was looking for was the Book of Truth."

The Secret Keeper obviously didn't know this secret, as his eyes glowed with a lush green light.

Apparently, he has the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood.