Your Majesty, Please Behave Yourself

Chapter 90: Section 90


The brilliant and blazing light bathed her body, and the dust on her face was instantly purified, making her look like a god.

"In this world, the person who can kill me has not yet been born."

She said arrogantly: "Just don't let me come back to save you."

At that moment, she turned into golden light and disappeared on the spot.

"So strong..."

Norn commented: "Your Majesty's true strength is likely to be level seven, and she is a compound warlock of the solar system, or even a three- or four-system compound. She is right. If she doesn't suppress the world tree, she is invincible."

Li Xini smacked his lips. So what if he was a seventh-level solar system warlock.

Even if I unblock your account, I will still have you under me.

"Noren, you must hide the ring well, don't let His Majesty find it in your hand."

He said seriously, "Now go back to the camp and wait for me. I'm going to go out for a while."

The sacrificial ceremony must not be carried out in the headquarters camp, otherwise it will easily be disturbed.

Norn hummed: "I see..."

Licinius touched her head and turned away.

At this moment, an orb in his pocket became hot and smelled of blood.

"Xiao, there is something wrong with the military advisor and the mad lion. They were deliberately defeated by you in the Bernier Grand Canyon. It seems that their purpose was to lure Cyrus to do something, and they even wanted to deal with me..."

Li Xini was slightly startled. It was the voice of the vampire!

He hesitated for a moment and replied, "Then you better be careful. I just received news that his goal is to use the blood, or life essence, of all of you Inhumans to complete himself and return to his peak state, that is, the real... Ancient Demon Clan!"



At this moment, the headquarters camp of the Brentanian Legion was empty.

There was only the logistics department, some wounded soldiers, and a pastor responsible for rescuing the wounded.

Tria sneaked into the barracks from the side door, slid down slowly along the wall, picked up the communication mirror, and said, "Night Crow, how are you doing? According to the captain's instructions, the alchemical matrix is ready. I have never been so panicked in my life... Why are you in such a hurry?"

Fortunately, she is also a half-demon, half-human hybrid.

Otherwise, carrying so many alchemical materials and running ten kilometers back and forth in such a short time.

It is almost impossible to complete the task.

Even she had already used up all her magic power.

In the communication mirror, Hayden replied, "Don't mention you. I'm even more panicked now. I'm escorting nearly 400 prisoners. We're such a big target! If there really are people from the Inquisition among those priests and they find us, we can only commit suicide on the spot."

This is the professional ethics of the night watchman.

I would rather commit suicide than be taken prisoner.

"I don't know what's so urgent."

Tria murmured, "But the captain's situation must be more dangerous than all of ours. After you send the prisoners over, it's best not to return to the headquarters. Run as far as you can."

Hayden replied: "Roger that..."

At the same time, on a cliff near the headquarters camp.

Jeanne leaned against the stone wall, her pitch-black inquisitor robe fluttering in the wind. The wind blew her long silver hair that fell to her ankles. Her face, which was naturally charming yet cold, had no expression.

Chapter 102 The Loli Queen is always the God!

Jeanna glanced at the sky and said softly, "I always feel a little uneasy."

In her hand was a crystal ball, which recorded the images of the negotiations between the Brentanian Empire and the Kingdom of Loen. As the only reference evidence she had, she had watched it over and over again countless times in the past few days, not missing any details.

The ultimate goal is the ancient city of Hera.

Jeanne put away the crystal ball, fished a gold coin from her pocket and threw it into the air.


She stretched out a finger, and the gold coin fell on her fingertips, showing the reverse side.

This gold coin may look ordinary, but it is actually an extremely high-level holy relic.

It's called Lucky Coin.

And its greatest function is to predict good or bad luck for today.

Whenever the coin is on the reverse side, it means that something bad will happen today.

"Lady Jeanne, our people have just returned from the Iron Legion."

Allen stood behind him and said respectfully, "Nothing has been found yet."

Lisda, carrying the Holy Light Great Sword, reported: "There is nothing found in the headquarters camp at present."

"It's normal. After all, no one is a fool. The Inquisition has been operating for so many years. No matter how good the concealment method is, it will be discovered, even if it is hidden among the priests. The heretics have always been cunning. Now that they have smelled our scent, they will never show their tails." Jeanna said calmly.

"If you can't find it for the time being, then you should go to the battlefield first. You are from the Brentanian Empire and you should protect your country's soldiers as much as possible on the battlefield."

She paused and said, "Remember, the Kingdom of Loen is an invader. You must know right from wrong. There is no such thing as a joke when it comes to national affairs. It is our duty to judge heretics, but this is not an excuse for you to act rashly."

"Understood, Lady Jeanne."

Lisda nodded.

Lady Jeanne's meaning was very simple. If they encountered incidents related to black magic, they would be allowed to investigate on their own, but they must keep a sense of propriety and not easily get involved in or disrupt the empire's plans.

Even if you encounter a heretic, you must distinguish between the primary and the secondary.

Protecting innocent people is the most important thing.

If we act recklessly, many innocent soldiers or civilians may die.

"But what about the owl?"

Allen couldn't help but ask: "People like this are in power..."

Jeanna was silent for a moment, then said, "I'll test him when I get a chance."

As the Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisition, she was in a high position and would not be as naive as a child.

From the perspective of the Brentanian Empire, this war must be fought.

Jeanne was well aware of this.

If we try to force trouble on Brentanya's side at this time, it would be considered as taking sides.

However, among the group of judges in the back, an adjutant stood up and said, "Are we just going to let it go? The evil sacrifice in the city of Roma, aren't we going to find the culprit?"

The young adjutant's name was Joshua.

In his early years, his family died in a riot by heretics.

Jeanne glanced at him and said, "Heretics are indeed unforgivable, but if the power of the Inquisition forcibly intervenes and affects the course of the war, how many people will die?"

Joshua lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Heretics are synonymous with evil, but if more innocent people die because of our investigation, it will not be a victory but a shame for me," Jeanne said coldly.

However, at this moment, a distant and loud roar sounded above the sky!

A majestic and mysterious aura descended upon the earth.

"What's this?"

Jeanna turned her head and looked towards the distant southwest, a hint of shock flashing in her eyes.

It was such a great existence that even she could feel her soul trembling.

"Lady Jeanne!"

Lisda's eyes were filled with shock, and she said in a lost voice, "Back when we were in Roma City, a warlock had described a similar scene before, and many people had felt this majestic will that descended out of nowhere! But every time, it was accompanied by a strong smell of the bathroom, but not this time!"

Alan turned on his Peeping Eye, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything because the distance was too far. "Could it be black magic? But I don't feel any dark aura."

Jeanna was silent for a second, then gave the order: "Listah, Alan, and Joshua, take your men to take a look and just watch from a distance. Don't act rashly and conserve your fighting power."

"Considering the possible danger, I allow you to carry the Cross of Judgment."

Her eyes were iron-gray, revealing a cold and hard meaning. She warned, "But remember, the Cross of Judgment is for you to save your lives. You must never use it to attack casually. Do you understand?"

The three nodded: "Yes, sir."

"To prevent the tiger from leaving the mountain, I will stay here."

Jeanna said solemnly: "Be careful."



In the world above the gray fog, countless pairs of mysterious and deep eyes looked down below, like terrifying cracks spreading in all directions, revealing the original darkness of the universe.

Endless gray fog rolled around, vaguely reflecting the dark and deep basement.

Licinius stared at the mist, his expression becoming particularly solemn.

Because this time, he used four hundred evil souls who had committed the crime of massacre, and he finally saw all the scenes he wanted to see!

The first thing reflected from the mist was the huge bronze coffin and the Secret Keeper.

The hunched figure in a black robe said in a hoarse voice: "If I want to completely evolve an army of undead into a true undead race, where can I get such a huge amount of energy? What should I do specifically? And... how can I preserve this energy?"

This person is actually the military advisor!

The keeper thought for a moment and replied, "The World Tree. The person who is suppressing the World Tree is named Viltiana Via Salvatore. You can use the flow of the underground river to build an altar."

The military advisor seemed to suddenly understand, and then said meaningfully: "Then in return, I can tell you... First, the royal family of the Kingdom of Loen is my descendant. Second, I will go back and dominate them. Third, I will use a large amount of alien and human blood to complete myself and regain the body of the ancient demon race."

Secret Keeper: "What a delightful secret."

"I have paid your debt."

The military advisor turned around with a strange smile on his lips.

Gray fog rolled in, obliterating all images.

Damn it!

Licinius finally understood at this point, and murmured, "The military advisor deliberately revealed this news to the keeper, because he guessed that Cyrus would definitely ask! The military advisor's purpose is to lure Cyrus and bring the army to raid him? And then help him complete the ritual!"

At this point all the mysteries have been solved.

No wonder the military advisor was able to directly occupy the body of a prince of the Kingdom of Loen.

Because he is the ancestor of the Loen royal family!

This madman wanted to use soldiers from both countries as sacrifices for this cruel and bloody ritual.

And he will step on the corpses of countless people and return to his peak state!

"What is Gouba of the Undead Legion? He wants the World Tree! Damn it, this bastard will find ways to force Your Majesty to take action, so as to release the power of the World Tree."

Licinius jumped wildly in the gray fog: "Underground river? Altar? Where is it?"

Following the guidance of the Hundred-Eyed Evil God, all his arrangements were correct.

Whether it is starting a war or arranging the battle situation.

But from this perspective, it is clear that the Brentanian Empire is in a stalemate.

"You wouldn't lie to me, would you?"

Licinius stared at the slit-like pupils in the gray fog dome: "We are an equal exchange."

Hundred-Eyed Evil God: “…”

Licinius felt the thoughts He conveyed, which meant that they still had the upper hand.

But according to his analysis, everything is over.

"Calm down, Licinius, you must calm down and think carefully about what you missed..."

Licinius took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

However, at this moment, the gray fog began to stir again, and the sound of horse hooves could be heard faintly.