Your Majesty, Please Come In

Chapter 57: Wedding banquet (below) (32)


Don't stay in heaven. Run to the world. It is where to put the rules of heaven. "

Yuehua looked terrified. got up. Bend your legs and kneel: "I know I was wrong."

"I punish you to stay at the mansion and think about your past. You can't come out for a month." Feng Yin opened her lips indifferently.

Yuehua listened. Liansheng should be. I was stunned. I was too talkative just now. Shouldn't mention the little fox in front of Feng Yin. Perhaps Feng Yin would not condemn this innocent person.

well. But strange. Why did Yuehua come to the mortal world. He was only punished to think about his mistakes in his own house. without punishing others. But I was punished for drinking. It was so cold that I almost lost my soul for nine days. It is entangled with the white clouds and green smoke.

really. I was born a curse. Not to mention the harm. It also involved the people around him. Feng Yin said those words before leaving her mouth. The heavenly soldiers and generals standing on both sides bound me backhanded and tied up the little fox. The little fox who fell asleep opened his eyes wide. Look around with those misty eyes. It looked like he hadn't woken up yet. It's not clear why this is the case.

"Master Gu Luan..." the little fox called out. It made me look up at him. Finally, he buried his head in guilt. Stop looking at those innocent eyes.

"Little fox. I'm sorry. It's because of me. I have implicated you innocently." He didn't wait for his reply. I sighed and said again: "Little fox. I don't know what kind of person I am in your heart. But no matter what. You need to understand this. I am not a good person. If you hurt others, you will end up hurting yourself. I beg I don’t want your forgiveness. Just let you remember. Not because of me. It’s just that I lost the original pure happiness. I just ask you to go forward. Don’t trust others. You have also dragged yourself down.”

I have so many words. It seemed that he was a little nagging. Just can't help it. These words are all out of guilt. From the gut.

The little fox listened. Not to say forgive or not. Mind or not. Just raised his voice suddenly. He yelled at me: "Master Gu Luan. What Xiaohu did is right. The little fox likes Master Gu Luan. The little fox understands. Master Gu Luan is very good. Everything is for the sake of the little fox. So even if the little fox dies To repay Lord Gu Luan's kindness."

well. What a stubborn fox. But it doesn't matter. After all, this is the little fox...

Here we express our heartfelt love to each other. Feng Yin over there was not happy about it. With a cold snort, he said, "Let's go."

The word is concise and clear. Feng Yin left. The heavenly soldiers and generals followed suit. So I dragged the two of us back to the sky.

Look at the white clouds. There are a few idle cranes. I feel a lot of emotion. Can't help pulling the corner of his mouth. With a wry smile...

It was the lower realm that returned the piano. Then pick up some Tianshan Spring and Baihualu needed for wine making. But never thought of it. This piano was delivered very well. This time I came back, I was tied up by Feng Yin's people. And Feng Yin's complexion is not good. I think I'm still angry.

Just my momentary stunned god. In the blink of an eye, the little fox had been taken somewhere. Then I remembered that the wound on the little fox was not healed. Now I don't know where to go. I don't know how Feng Yin will be convicted. Little fox, he... it should be good or bad.

"Feng Yin. Where did you take the little fox..." I asked hastily. Forget about your current identity and situation.

As soon as the words come out. The guard beside Feng Yin shouted loudly: "Bold."

This sound reminds me of my identity. Just can't. My heart is really worried. He had no choice but to open his eyes wide and look at Feng Yin. Hope to hear good news from him.

Feng Yin smiled softly: "Don't worry, Gu Luan. That monster should be punished by him. Don't forget, Gu Luan. My fairy world and the demon world are incompatible."

I heard a thump in my heart. Out of etiquette, he said: "Feng Yin. He is still injured. You can't do this to him. It's all because of me. You can do anything to me. Don't hurt him. I... I promise. No more Threat to the soul of Gu Luan Xing. Really."

Feng Yin snorted coldly: "I can't see it. Gu Luan, you are so worried about that monster..."

"Tsk tsk. Gu Luan, Gu Luan. Just because you are like this now. Do you still want to threaten me at all? I advise you to give up that ridiculous idea. Don't forget. I am the king of the fairy world. Even if you set yourself up I'm dead. I can also protect Gu Luan from any harm. Heh. Speaking of which, you will be the only one who will die. Why do you have to do this."

Why so. People like me. There is no difference between being alive and being dead. just don't want to. Feng Yin guessed my little thoughts thoroughly. I guess it's because they got along for too long. We have been together for a long time. Naturally, you know what the other person is thinking.

ridiculous. Know each other so well. Originally, it was the people who were dearest and dearest. And now... it's ridiculously tight.

subsequently. Feng Yin didn't listen to my nonsense anymore. Just wave your hand. Someone put me down.

well. Come on. God has been so kind to me. voila. My last life. In the last world. They were all locked in dark cells. Now is no exception. This rarely bright prison is dark and cold. But compared to the usual places. It's much better here. Although all the things used in punishment here are hung on the wall. Although my feet are handcuffed with chains made of black iron for thousands of years... But at least there is a bed and a wooden table in this cell. a chair. There is also a cup of tea on the table. I should also be content.

now. I leaned against the cold wall. I could hear screams from time to time. Involuntarily got goosebumps.

Want to come. Not only the cell is the same as me. Just the pain of flesh and blood. Also very related to me. I turned to look at the cold instruments of torture hanging on the wall. I couldn't help shivering. Immediately glanced away. I don't know what kind of punishment I will receive later. But it doesn't matter how the punishment is. The pain is still the same. Alas... so I say ah. This is punished or something. It's better to die directly. A moment of pain is better than a punishment that will last for an unknown amount of time.

The screams that seemed to never end. The harsh questioning sound was also mixed with the sound of punishment. I have to admire myself. Under such circumstances. I can still move my eyes to the direction of the prison door so indifferently. Then thoughts wandered. I don't know where to go.

As if carefully. I saw it when I was in prison. Feng Yi talked to me with runny nose and tears. the end. He even slammed on the prison door. How do not want to go. How did it go in the end. I remember that the other princes dragged him away by pulling their arms and hugging their bodies.

well. I don't know what happened to Feng Yi after I died. But want to come. In that life, there was such a person who valued love and righteousness. Not in vain.

I'm so lost in thought. Without returning to his senses, he fell into a deep sleep. I don't know how long I slept. In a daze. It felt like someone was staring at me. What's more, he reached out to caress the side of my face. A hot drop slid across my cheek. Sitting on the side of the bed, the man seemed to be bewildered...

"Ziqing... Ziqing. A little more. A little more and you will be back by my side..."

I was confused and thought it was that life. He just said in a low voice, "Don't cry."

I think he was taken aback by my words. It won't take long to come back to God. and bowed down upon me. Said to me: "Ziqing... Ziqing... Is it you. Is it you... You know. In these thousands of years, without you. My life would be worse than death. I will wait for you for thousands of years. It's been a long wait... Finally... Finally, are you going to come back to me? Great. Great... "

"Ziqing. I swear. I will never be naughty again. I will listen to you. Don't leave me again. I promise you. As long as you can wake up, I will hide in the mountains and forests with you. Live in peace No more asking right and wrong in the demon world. No more fighting for power and status. Only with you. Only you... "

Just now he was in a daze. Now that's what I'm hearing. that voice. I am not familiar with it. Isn't that Feng Yin? He, he, he... how did he say something powerful in the demon world. He is not Jade Emperor. What position of power is missing. Is he crazy

I opened my eyes. Want to find out. Wait until you see who's coming. I did choke on my saliva. How can not spit out stuck in the throat. If you can't get up or down, come.

Sure enough, my guess was right. This person is Feng Yin. It's just that what I heard and guessed just now is the illusion that I think too much. Or fell asleep with a dream of yellow beams. This catchy Feng Yin. There is a gentle smile on the corner of his lips. His eyebrows are curved. I am very happy to think about it. Cheeks are rosy and moist. I don't feel like I have cried at all.

I stared at him stupidly. He looked back with a slight smile. "Gu Luan. You're awake." The blurted words were as usual. Only the scenery is different. No matter how you think about it, it's ridiculous.

One hundred and forty kings are not alone

I nod. Think for a long time. Still, he said all the doubts he had heard and thought just now: " What did you just say?"

"Me." Feng Yin raised her eyebrows. "Gu Luan. You should think too much. I just did it. But I didn't say anything."

Could it be a hallucination that I just fell asleep? I sigh. Worth mentioning. It's not good for me anyway. It's just that I was a little concerned about the words Ziqing and the demon world just now. Think about it now. I'm all like this. Why worry about what's there and what's not. After all. When did Feng Yin get annoyed. no more punishment. It is very possible to return to the Nine Heavens.

Little fox or something... I have been a burden on him in my life. I don't know if I will have another life. If so. Pay him back if you can. It’s fine if you can’t pay it back. How far should we go at that time. No matter what, I can't contaminate my bad luck on him again.

only. What I think is ultimately unreal. I don't know if there will be another life.

I did not speak. Silence broke out in an instant. In the ears, there were screams that could only be heard from time to time.

Shaoqing. Xu Shifengyin was not used to such a silent and awkward relationship. Just smile. He said again: "Guluan. What do you think..."

What he said puzzled me. What am I thinking. What do I think? Tsk. I'm staying here for days. What should I think. Thinking about how to die in the future. Is it pain or what. I'm not interested in that.

I just don't want to answer. After all, I have no idea what Feng Yin is asking.

Feng Yin lowered her head. Those willow-leaf eyebrows frowned slightly. It seemed a little wronged: "Gu Luan. You... still don't want to be with me."

I moved. Leaning towards the corner very calmly. Only one sentence in mind...

As far as you can get away from Fengyin. This phoenix chant is due to the soul of Gu Luan in my body. He has always regarded me as an orphan. She is so obsessed. Not annoying.

I'm just being silly. Moving inward, Feng Yin followed suit without hesitation. The parted head was snapped back. Forced my eyes to look at him. Look at me burning with anger. It was short of a moment of recklessness. Fist on it.

Although reckless. But I still couldn't help opening my mouth angrily: "Feng Yin. Have you had enough trouble... You can see clearly for me. I'm not a lonely Luan."

Feng Yin's eyes widened. He snapped: "I said you are what you are."

Accompanied by that sound of scolding. There is also a "pop" slap. Crisp and crisp. It made my cheeks burn and hurt. My head is also a little dizzy.

This applause started. I caressed the place where I was beaten. Staring blankly at the cold wall in a daze. And in the heart and in the brain. But it was empty. No thoughts or thoughts. instant. The entire prison was too quiet. then. break this silence. It was Feng Yin.

Feng Yin's slightly dazed Dan Fengyan was a little at a loss. And some grievances. He lowered his head: "Gu Luan. I... didn't mean it. You don't want me. I just can't get used to it. Obviously you used to... never violate my wishes. But now... I really don't understand. I can't accept it either. You are so rude, but Gu Luan..." Those words were full of grievances. After a pause, he said again. "Gu Luan. I... I'm sorry... But can you also understand my feelings."

I was slightly taken aback. Unexpectedly, the three words "sorry" can be heard from Feng Yin, who is the master of the fairy world. It's just that these three words are extremely heavy. I can't bear it.

It is also extremely ridiculous to think about it. The origin of these three characters is for Gu Luan. I want to hit Feng Yin. How can he think that Gu Luan is living well in my body. Then my single thought. Where is it again.

I really want to laugh. Laugh at his infatuation. Also laugh at my past infatuation. I want to come now. They could laugh so hard that people fell to the ground.

subsequently. Feng Yin raised her eyes. Stare straight at me. He said again: "Gu Luan. Do you... still care about me? Do you want to be with me forever and never be separated. As long as you want. You can do whatever you want me to do."

Look into his eyes. I will know. He is serious. Just so what. I am not alone. That is, not to guess Gu Luan's mind. I can't answer Gu Luan either.

But look at Feng Yin's infatuation. I still couldn't help but say: "Your Majesty, I am not Gu Luan. No matter how you ask me, I am not. How can I answer for Gu Luan."

Feng Yin was silent. There were many emotions in those eyes. I don't want to speculate. He only went on to say: "Actually, Your Majesty. If you really like him, you can completely wear away my will and soul. In that case, wouldn't it save a lot of effort. I know. But with your Majesty's ability, I will definitely be able to completely eliminate my evil spirits." Under the precondition. Gu Luan will not be hurt at all."

"Ah. Your Majesty. Look at my thoughts. If you agree to me, then the plan will be successful. The time saved will allow you to spend more time with Gu Luan."

Come to think of me, I am even sarcastic. Coupled with a little bit of sincerely looking forward to the words. Feng Yin was completely annoyed. I saw him staring at me with a downcast face. Those gloomy eyes really wanted to tear me to pieces. I guess it is to prevent me from spoiling the image of Gu Luan in his heart here.

"Gu Luan. I know you still don't want to forgive me. But it doesn't matter. I have some time to spend with you. Some are ways to remind you of my original position in your heart."

I remembered. Just for me. I just look at other people's past. Gu Luan and I are just holding such an exceptionally similar face. Nothing to care about.

I closed my eyes and went. Out of sight, out of mind momentum. Just want to fall asleep. Waking up to nothing. It's a brand new day. No wonder Feng Yin is bold enough. And shameless. As soon as I opened my eyes I could see the person sitting in the cell next to me. Keep your eyes open. From time to time, I looked here curiously.

But Feng Yin closed her eyes and leaned forward. I just feel like something is covering my lips. Soft and soft. Intuition told me. It was Feng Yin's thin pale pink lips. And the tongue seemed to be dissatisfied outside. Stretched inside again. I was taken aback. When you open your eyes. What I saw was a beautiful human face posted very close. And the pair of closed eyes on the face. A person with an intoxicated face. I was so surprised that I shut my mouth a little bit. bit his tongue.

It turns out. I'm really out of control. Just thought about taking it easy. Don't be so frightened that you bite Feng Yin's tongue. Result. Really bite.

Feng Yin covered her lips. Frowning: "Gu Luan. What are you doing?"

actually. I'm just shocked. I didn't mean to bite your tongue either...

"Ahem. Actually, that... that..." I blinked. Such a shocked faux pas. Make yourself like a first-timer who has just paid for fish and water. How to think how shameful. so. The words came to my lips. I don't know how to answer. Simply close your eyes and shut your mouth. No answer, no question, no smell, no look.

Half an hour passed. It was an eerily quiet day. I don't know whether Feng Yin left or stayed. Is it annoyed or what. When I slowly opened my eyes. The catching Feng Yin's face was slightly annoyed. But in an instant. Soothed his complexion. Laugh out loud. He whispered: "Ziqing..."

I am dumbfounded. I vaguely remember this voice. It was what I heard when I was asleep just now. Although similar. But I always feel like something is missing. Just as it should be. But I can't figure it out.

Feng Yin caressed my hair with one hand. That looks stupid. I was stunned to see it. Can't move.


If possible. I really want to ask the last question. Ziqing in these words. It should be me. Still the one from the demon world.

Feng Yin could see my thoughts. chuckle. It's just that the smile brought a little sadness. With a little annoyance and apology. Even the words are...

"Ziqing...Uncle Emperor." Feng Yin buried her head in front of my chest. I was shocked. This appellation. It's been a long time since I heard it. one year. two years. ten years. Still a hundred years. Can not remember. But I understand. Feng Yin only sees me as me. It wasn't Feng Ziqing from the demon world. Nor is it the lonely Luan in the fairy world. Just the real me.

Maybe it's my illusion. I actually felt a warmth in my chest. Feng Yin... Did he cry? But... why.

"Uncle, I'm sorry... this was not my intention. I... I'll let you go now. Just remember. Go as far as you can. Don't come back. Remember... stay away from me. Remember. I never I never thought of treating you like this. I know it too. You are not Guluan..."

I was dumbfounded. He didn't wait for my reaction either. Then straightened up. Unchained my feet. The long hair covered his eyes. I can't see his expression at the moment. Of course I can't guess. After all, he was still as strong as before. So inexplicable. Although it is even more inexplicable at the moment.

the end. I sat up dumbfounded. Just now I wanted to open my mouth to question him. He leaned slightly. Put your lips to my ears. There was a lot of apology in that whisper. And... involuntary.

Illusion... It must be an illusion.

"Uncle Emperor. I'm sorry. Don't blame me. What I did. It wasn't what I thought. It wasn't what I wanted..." His soft whisper paused again. It seems a little relieved. "If you wait for me... I will definitely find you."

What to do with him. It's important to think about it. It's just that the sound is too small. I didn't catch it. Just about to ask. He straightened up. He turned around and stroked his forehead. Vaguely as if. Those eyebrows were slightly frowned. It looked so painful. With that somewhat unsteady pace. It made me feel a little depressed. Congested.

I remember grabbing his wrist. He turns around. His face was gloomy for a moment. Instantly busy. The words I wanted to ask were stuck in my throat. finally. I only had time to ask one more question: "Feng Yin. When will you let that little fox go."

Feng Yin stretched out her hand to remove it. Forced a smile. The smile was pale. He reached out and pressed his forehead. As if trying to suppress something: "Uncle, don't worry. I will send someone to let him go." The words fell. raised his lips. He took a hard step. He just stopped after walking a few steps. He turned his head slightly and said. "Remember. After I'm gone. Get out of here immediately. Don't come back." Somehow. That look is serious. It is rare for me.

one hundred and forty one

This kind of him reminded me of that life, when I was with him, he also called the emperor's uncle in a low voice, but the emperor's uncle called him, and after a long time, he called me. The name, the voice was low and soft, with laziness, it was not the violent appearance at that time.

Perhaps, Feng Yin had no choice but to do this to me, shed tears because of no choice, and said to me with a stern expression, let me get out of here quickly, and don't come back again.

I was still terrified of such a violent man, and I didn't know when he would change his mind, so I gave up the idea of finding out and helping him through the suffering, and walked out of the sky prison directly after he staggered away , want to leave the fairyland.

Under the Nantian Gate, there is a person standing with his hands behind his back. That person is dressed in red and has black hair, and his posture is chic and casual. I can guess who that person is before he approaches.

In this sky, there will be people in red clothes and black hair, who else but Yuelao

I stepped closer, Yuehua turned around and said hello, then she frowned again.

I couldn't understand it, I didn't care about all this, I opened my mouth and asked: "Yuehua, why are you here?"

Yuehua sighed and raised her eyes: "Your Majesty sent me to pick you up, and said that no matter what happened, I must protect you."

Sure enough, Feng Yin has something to hide from me, and it is out of his control, that's why he made such a bad plan.

The center of the chest is jumping like a deer, I am really worried, I don't know if the matter is serious this time, Feng Yin... will he be in any danger

Everything is unknown.

Yuehua let out a long sigh and pulled back my thoughts, only to see that his eyebrows were almost huddled together, I don't know why he was so worried.

"Yuehua, is there anything bothering you? You might as well talk to me."

Yuehua looked at me slightly, lowered her eyes again, and sighed again: "That little fox hasn't come yet, I don't know what's going on." , "Oh, brother Guluan, you said that your majesty is a man who promises everything and is hard to chase. Why hasn't he let the little fox out until now? Could it be that he has regretted it?"

repent? I understand Feng Yin, in that life, once he said what he said, there was no room for turning around, so I also believe that he, who called me the emperor's uncle, would never go back on what he said, unless... he changed his temper suddenly, and then If he becomes such a violent person, then I can't figure out what's on his mind.

Maybe it's God's will, or maybe it's the bad luck I was born with, just thinking about it like that, I saw Feng Yin leading a group of people walking towards me and Yuehua in a mighty manner, There is a person, look carefully, that person has a young face, white clothes and white fungus, if it is not a little fox, who is it? It's just that the little fox closed his eyes tightly, and he probably passed out, so he didn't know if there was any serious problem.

Looking at Feng Yin who was approaching, he opened a pair of peach blossom eyes filled with anger, and the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, with a half-smile, combined with his violent aura, it was very frightening.

"Guluan Aiqing, where are you going?" The voice raised slightly, and the voice of Aiqing was so cold that I felt goosebumps all over my body when I heard it.

For some reason, I felt that the Feng Yin in front of me was not the same as the Feng Yin I saw just now, but in a moment, I dismissed the ridiculous thought in my mind.

That willow leaf has a little bit of cinnabar in its eyebrows, its lazy appearance, and its lips that seem to be smiling but not smiling, who else would it be if it were not Feng Yin? And think about my appearance, similar to Ziwei, Gu Luan, and Feng Ziqing, it is all a coincidence, it is impossible for such a coincidence to pop up a person with the exact same face as Feng Yin.

I didn't answer, Yuehua at the side saluted slightly and said something: "Your Majesty, I beg you to let the little fox go."

When Feng Yin heard this, she raised her eyebrows slightly: "Let go? If I remember correctly, I should have punished you to think about your mistakes in Yuelao's mansion, and you were not allowed to take half a step. What, even what I said, you Don't you want to hear it?"

When Yuehua heard this, she knelt down and said in a muffled voice: "I dare not, it's just..."

Just what, but he stopped talking, and I couldn't guess what Yuehua wanted to say, so I just stood there, speechless.

As soon as Feng Yin raised her hand, two heavenly soldiers directly bound Yuehua's hands and took her away.

"Gu Luan, come back to the palace with me, and I won't care about you." The voice was still the same, with a touch of laziness in the elegance, but I just noticed it now, and I didn't realize what Feng Yin had brought to me. Feel.

"No." I frowned, and only answered these two words.

I don't understand why he backtracked, and no matter whether he was in the prison just for show, like a cat catching mice, watching me running around in embarrassment with cold eyes, what else would he feel? is interesting.

"Heh..." He sneered, squinting his eyes slightly like a cunning fox, not knowing what was going on in his head, and what he was scheming, "It doesn't matter if you agree or not, it doesn't matter anyway. I can't help you!"

"Come here, take me away." He waved his hand as he turned around, and said in a cold voice, and then the heavenly soldiers rushed over and bound my hands. After that, I could only watch helplessly as the little fox was taken away again.

In this way, I returned to this long-lost heavenly prison, which is ridiculous to think about. The warmth I had just been lying on the couch hadn’t disappeared much, so I lay back down again. I lowered my head and fiddled with the The iron chains on my feet made the iron chains make harsh noises when touched, my eyes were wandering, and I started to be dazed again.

It's just that when I woke up, I didn't know what I was thinking.

When she regained her senses, Feng Yin smiled and sat beside the bed, as if nothing had happened.

"Gu Luan, are you awake?"

I nod. He said again: "Gu Luan, you have to understand my painstaking efforts, I am thinking about our future."

I was dizzy from hearing this, I didn't know why, Feng Yin said again: "Gu Luan, don't deny yourself again, stay with me for the rest of your life, okay?"

These words sound so tempting, just thinking that if I agree, there will be no vacancy next to the pillow in the future, and there will be someone who can talk to me, tell what I think, drink tea, and live a comfortable and happy life Life is what I wish for in my life, but I feel that the first sentence is inappropriate no matter how I hear it.

Deny yourself? What he said was, I am Guluan, not myself

Obviously, when I saw the past that Gu Luan experienced, I only felt that it was something that happened to others. How could it be my own experience, and how can I deny it? !

At that moment, I lowered my eyes, "Your Majesty was joking, I am me, and it is only me, not a lonely Luan." Looking at the iron chain on my feet, I wondered in my heart how the thousand-year-old black iron can not damage the leg bones. it.

After Feng Yin heard it, to my surprise, he smiled instead of anger: "Gu Luan, are really not Gu Luan, it's good that you can understand this, you are Feng Ziqing, aren't you? Ziqing ?”

I was stunned, I really didn't understand whether the Ziqing he was referring to was me or Feng Ziqing from the demon world, if it was the same as I thought, then it wasn't me.

"Your Majesty, you are joking. I'm not the one from the demon world. I'm just an ordinary mortal. It's just that I look similar to Guluan Xingjun, so I was mistaken for him."

Feng Yin snorted coldly, stopped smiling, and said: "Stubborn!" After a pause, she slowly said, "It doesn't matter who you are, as long as I know that you are my Ziqing, it's enough for you. And answer me, do you want to stay with me for the rest of your life or stay in this prison for the rest of your life?"

Staying with Feng Yin, who has an unstable temperament and who will make me lose my head at some point? Tsk, with such fear, I might as well spend my whole life in prison.

"How?" Feng Yin was a little impatient.

I sighed and made up my mind: "I am worthy of His Majesty's favor, so Your Majesty should let me stay in this prison."

Once the words were settled, Feng Yin's face darkened, as if she didn't want to believe what I said, she asked again in a deep voice: "You... Seriously?"

After hearing this, I nodded immediately: "Really! Please go, Your Majesty, the prison is dirty, don't disgrace Your Majesty."

Maybe it was my mistake, but I actually heard Feng Yin snort coldly: "Defiled? Heh... I have been in prison for thousands of years, where did the talk of defilement come from?"

I was shocked. With the words of thousands of years, he is a generation of emperors. How could it be possible? I must have heard wrong.

Feng Yin lowered her eyes in front of her, feeling a little lonely and restless, "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, I still remember that you were the one who came to save me at that time, but I harmed you for my own selfishness behind that time. "

"Ziqing, don't you blame me, okay? Stay with me, okay?"

Staring at those eyes with some expectation, I couldn't help pressing my forehead: "Your Majesty, I've said it all, I'm not Feng Ziqing, and I'm not Gu Luan, you can fall in love with him or miss him." , It has nothing to do with me. Now I just want to be myself in peace."

As soon as I said this, Feng Yin's face became even more gloomy, so gloomy that I turned my eyes away and didn't look at him for a moment, but the voice was faint and resentful, and it rang in my ears: "I clearly know what's wrong, You don't want to forgive me, so... you can't blame me for being ruthless!"

As soon as Feng Yin made a move, he was really ruthless. When I was stunned, he stretched out his hand and exerted a little force, forcing me to open my mouth, and fed me a pill that I didn't know what it was. I couldn't pay attention for a while, I swallowed it After swallowing it, I could only feel the bitterness that slipped through my throat. I swallowed it so astringently that I wanted to vomit it out, but I retched for a long time, but I couldn’t figure out why. Just an old face.

After finally recovering my breath, I raised my head and stared at Feng Yin's face with a triumphant smile. I opened my mouth, but somehow I couldn't speak.

Fengyin smiled triumphantly on that side: "Ziqing, you won't agree to me. I don't want to hear half of what you said, so I don't speak anymore, just be so quiet, very good."

This, this... Does this mean that I will not be able to speak for the rest of my life? Oh my God, how does this make me look good again? !

One hundred and forty-two must be Ziqing

Maybe, I really am Gu Luan. If it is not Gu Luan, I would be no different from him. In the last life, I brought the misfortune on my own, but in this life... in this life, I lived peacefully and did not provoke Feng Yin. , I just went to the mortal world occasionally, I just want to be with Qing Heng, I, I... Where can I find me!

Why am I just like Gu Luan, so unlucky, I really don't accept it, obviously I am not some Feng Ziqing from the demon world, nor some Gu Luan from the fairy world, why both of my favorite people recognize me as him, and in the sky I'm afraid these friends are not friends anymore, alas, that's all, I don't think there is anything to do with them, I'd better think about how to talk.

It's just that the consciousness was erratic, and I thought of the word Gu Luan again, and suddenly I wanted to laugh. I am alone, I am afraid that I have to grab Gu Luan's job, right

Consciousness returned, and Feng Yin, who was smiling slyly like a fox, couldn't laugh no matter what, because I couldn't speak, so I had to snort, glance away, and don't take another look at Feng Yin, who is suspicious of his mood and behavior. Moan.

No matter what, I don't want to believe it. The original Feng Yin who always liked to wear a lazy and elegant smile was just pretending. Not long ago, that Feng Yin buried her head on my chest, and the warm tears wet my cheeks. Clothes, everything, just to see me laughing.

No matter what, I don't want to believe it!

But... the facts are in front of me, I really can't help but believe it.

"Ziqing... don't you remember? You told me to let me put aside all false thoughts and let me live freely in the world as you like. Have you forgotten all of this?" The phoenix eyes were half closed, revealing How sad.

I haven't forgotten, really, because I don't even remember that I ever had this kind of thought and made such a sentence, and the person in that word is definitely not me, just the wish alone knows that I am so Lazy, how can I want to live a chic life in the world? If my wish is really granted, I would like to find a small village and live a peaceful life with the person I like. Chic and wonderful.

"Ziqing, blame me, blame me for not listening to you at that time, I regret it, Ziqing... you, please forgive me?" Feng Yin blinked her eyes, and I couldn't help but feel a little bit like crying. Dazed, such a pitiful appearance, this is the first time I have seen it in my life

"Ziqing, are you still unwilling..." As soon as the words turned around, the look of grievance in the eyes faded a bit, and a bit of mist entered the eyes again, "You are not Ziqing at all. If Ziqing, he would not be right. Even so, I am indifferent.”

I was silent, Feng Yinhan said, with a bit of murderous intent in his words: "You know what? Sometimes, I really want to kill you, but someone is in the way and I can't do it. Last time , if that person hadn't obstructed you, and that little fox got in the way, you would have died long ago, and the one in front of me must be Ziqing!"

Alas, I can't guess, it turned out that he really wanted to beat me to death that time, but who was that person in his words? Is it a pity? It's hard to tell, at that time, Xi Ran was lying on the couch undressed, so shocked, how could he come back to his senses and hinder him, wouldn't he

So that person... who could it be? It's really incredible.

Sigh, it's better to stop here, if you can't think about it, then don't think about it, I, I can live one day in this life, even if I will return to nine days in the next moment, as long as I am carefree and carefree at this moment. It's good to have no worries.

Feng Yincuu on one side