Your Majesty, Please Come In

Chapter 60: Wedding banquet (below) (35)


, No. There is no gentleness at all.

One hundred and forty-nine real number misunderstanding

The woman just stopped talking when she heard the words, and she was still sobbing when she spoke: "Xiaoxian has reached the age to talk about marriage, but Yuelao is unwilling to match up with Xiaoxian no matter what, Xiaoxian... If Xiaoxian can't get married How good it is, I beg Your Majesty to make the decision for Xiaoxian!" After the words fell, there was another burst of sobs, and big drops of tears rolled down one after another from Xingren's eyes as if the thread had been broken.

Pfft... so that's the case, uh... ahem, wait, isn't that what the saying goes? Are all the immortals abandoning emotions and desires? Then what's the matter with matchmaking and marriage? This, this... I really don't understand the situation...

So I opened my eyes, looked at Feng Yin's irritable appearance, and knew that he didn't bother to pay attention to me no matter what, and looked at Flower God, his cheeks were flushed from drinking, and he was chatting and laughing with a few immortals at the moment, and he didn't care about me at all. Paying attention to what happened here, and so on, I looked at Yuehua who was forced to stand aside with raised eyebrows.

Looking at each other, he rubbed his forehead, a little helpless: "This fairy is not from the fairy family who cultivated Taoism, she is from the Huang clan, and if the Huang clan reaches the age of marriage, they will come to me , let me draw a red line for them, they are either marrying the fairy family in heaven, or finding a lover and getting married by themselves, but this year's situation is special... "

Cough cough... It turns out that this is the case. I have been taught that if there is a woman I like, I will give up my status as a fairy family and live together with that woman. Thinking about saying this, I looked at the man standing next to me and couldn't help but smile.

It's just that I was joking about what I said just now. In this body, I don't think there is anyone who can live in both places.

Feng Yin raised her eyebrows, obviously impatient: "Yuelao, what's going on?"

Yuehua was also very angry, but her duty was here, so she had nothing to complain about, so she knelt down and said, "I can't do anything... the fairy looks so good, no one can match her."

Pfft... This statement is too obvious, Yuehua.

Sure enough—the kneeling woman heard the subtext, and immediately widened her almond eyes, pointed at Yuehua, and stuttered a little angrily: " you nonsense!" Then it came out of those eyes again, "Your Majesty, Yuelao insulted me so much, you have to make the decision for Xiaoxian..."

Feng Yin raised her eyebrows, raised her hand to rub her forehead, but I glanced slightly, and saw with sharp eyes that the corners of her lips that were covered under the wide sleeves were raised and raised uncontrollably, after a while, he put down his hands, and then stopped his lips. Jiao Na smiled: "Old Yue, since the matter is yours, tell me, what should I do?"

Yuehua lowered her head, pondered for a moment, and then said in a muffled voice: "Your Majesty, I... can't do anything."

The woman persevered, wiped away her tears, choked with sobs: "Your Majesty... you have to make decisions for Xiaoxian!" Look, she even took these words as a treasure.

Feng Yin raised her eyebrows, thinking that she was in the interest of playing: "Old Yue, it's not as good as this. You committed a crime of dereliction of duty. I think you have made no mistakes over the years, so I will deal with it lightly." Yuehua raised her head slightly, and I also Opening his eyes and looking at Feng Yin who was smiling slightly, he paused slightly, and then said, "I will betroth you to this Phoenix Fairy, okay?"

Yuehua was slightly stunned, obviously frightened by Feng Yin's words, she just stayed there, and the woman stared at Yuehua with a pair of almond-sized eyes, from top to bottom and from bottom to top After sizing it up, it can be seen from those eyes that this woman seems to be quite satisfied with Yuehua's appearance and character.

After a while, Yuehua came back to her senses, and immediately said loudly: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty is not blessed to suffer! You should take a severe punishment! I can bear it!"

There is a clear meaning in these words, the crime of dereliction of duty is the most serious, so he is determined, and he is not willing to marry this woman, he is really... ambitious!

Feng Yin raised her eyebrows, but she was not in the least bit annoyed, but judging by the smile just now, it is estimated that Feng Yin didn't know what kind of smile she had become in her heart.

"Hey, since Yuelao insists on this, then I will punish you to stay in the mansion for a month and not leave the mansion. You go back and reflect on yourself."

Yuehua heard the words, as if she had received the amnesty, she immediately kowtowed to thank her, stood up from the ground, and went back to the house without looking back, facing the wall and thinking about it.

And the fairy kneeling on the ground looked at Yuehua's receding figure and twitched again: "Your Majesty... he is gone, what about the little fairy's marriage? Your majesty, you have to decide for the little fairy..."

Feng Yin looked at the woman who was kneeling and crying in front of her, her red phoenix eyes were slightly raised, and the eyes were full of embarrassment: "This... oh, this is embarrassing for me, let me think about it, I I will come up with something, um... don't cry now, it's too noisy."

When the woman heard the words, she really stopped talking, fell silent, and stared at Feng Yin unblinkingly with a pair of almond eyes.

After a while, Feng Yin sighed and said loudly: "Everyone, please stop what you are doing now and listen to me."

Hearing the words, the Xian family stopped their movements and looked up at Feng Yin with their eyes open.

"If there is any fairy family who is not married and falls in love with this fairy of the Phoenix clan, he will take a step forward. I will regard myself as the beauty of an adult, and I will make the decision to agree to this marriage." Look around with interest.

It's just that as soon as Feng Yin said this, those people who were originally full of joy stopped their joy, and all of them showed fear, instead of advancing, they retreated, and one retreated faster than the other. Left, oh no... there is only one person left.

The flower god's cheeks were flushed, his peach blossom eyes were slightly drunk, he was holding the jug and cup, drinking happily, probably because he was drunk, so he didn't listen to what Feng Yin said just now , and that's why... He held the wine pot in his hand, filled a cup, looked around with drunken eyes, shook his head and smiled, as if he saw me, so his eyes were full of joy, and he walked forward with brisk steps It's okay, and he opened his mouth and said-"Guluan, this wine is pretty good, although it can't compare with your Baihuaniang, but... hiccup... it's still a good wine~"

Seeing his joyful face, I had the urge to throw away his flagon and give him a glass of cold water, but there are so many people at the moment, the head can't be so rude.

Flower God drank another glass of wine while walking, didn't see who was walking too hastily and didn't have a stool to straighten, so when he lifted his foot and bent his body, he was about to fall. And I, the Flower God, are friends. Naturally, if a friend is in trouble, I should solve it for my friend, right? So I took a natural step, and pulled back the body of Huashen that was about to touch the ground.

It was only later that I remembered that something terrible was about to happen at this very moment.

I dragged the flower god who was drinking, and looked at the dumbfounded looks of the immortals, Feng Yin's slightly stupefied and then slightly annoyed expression, and then at the kneeling woman's big almond eyes, Turning around, I looked at the two of us, the flower god, from top to bottom, from left to right. There was a little satisfied look in his eyes, as if he was still thinking about which one to choose...

I I I... what did I do

In fact, that... that... can I drag the flower god back, and you all just pretend that you haven't seen anything

Only, that's just not going to happen.

Just when all the gods were in the gap, I looked at the flower god who was drunk, and when I had the urge to stretch out my hand to slap him awake, the woman said: "Your Majesty, Xiaoxian thinks...these two immortals are still alive." It's sloppy, Xiaoxian thought, if the two immortal families are the same, why not follow me to the Phoenix clan."

When she finished speaking, I stared at her with wide eyes and opened my mouth, but sadly, I couldn't say a word.

You, you, you... you think beautifully! Even if I die, I won't go to the Phoenix Clan.

Although I have been unlucky since I was a child, there must be a limit to being unlucky, it's really annoying! It's just that I couldn't speak, so I had to bow my head unwillingly, and now I have such an aggrieved appearance, and I really complied with that sentence - a dumb man eats coptis, and he can't express his suffering!

Immediately complaining, complaining that Feng Yin has nothing to do all day long, what kind of elixir was given to me, so I haven't said a word until now.

Feng Yin looked at me and didn't agree with the woman's words, she was silent for a while without saying a word, only from those eyes full of mist like stagnant water, it could be seen how angry he was at the moment.

At this moment, Immortal Baicao, who had gone to nowhere, came over with a cup in his hand, with a livid face, I thought he was thinking of pulling the flower god out of my hand, who knew he raised his hand , raised the wine glass in his hand, and poured all the cold water in the glass on the face of the flower god who was drunk and bewildered, only I had pity on me, I was wet from the disaster, and I was also unlucky.

Flower God was woken up by this cup of clear water, and when she woke up, she was full of anger, opened her peach blossom eyes, wiped the dripping water dripping down her face, and roared angrily: "Dead wood, what the hell are you doing?" What kind of madness did you get, and you actually splashed water on my face!?"

Baicao bit her teeth, as if she wanted to get angry, but tried her best to stop it, and only sighed softly: "You should wake up from the wine, take a good look at the current situation."

The flower god was puzzled, and opened his eyes to understand the situation: "What's the situation? Isn't there just one person kneeling?" He stood up straight, "Eh? Face water?"

This Flower God... Sure enough, he was very drunk just now, but when he woke up, he didn't remember anything.

Huashen blinked and looked at me with puzzled eyes, but I couldn't speak. He waited for a long time but still didn't get the result, so he sighed, looked at Baicao again, and continued to blink his peach blossom eyes: "Wood, don't be angry. , you also know that I was drunk just now and don't know anything, so why don't you remember the villains, please tell me?"

Baicao sighed, and before she could speak, someone said: "Flower God, that woman is a fairy of the Phoenix Clan, and she came to the fairy world today to get married. His Majesty just said that if anyone takes a step forward, he will promise that person to the Phoenix Clan." Fairy, and Flower God, you just took more than one step, so, do you understand?" The voice was gentle, but very familiar, there was no way, everyone remembered my own voice.

One hundred and fifty

Emperor Ziwei wore the same purple clothes as before. Gentle as yesterday. Smile still. Those red phoenix eyes reflected the bright red clothes. Glancing lightly, he hurriedly avoided. There were a lot of thoughts remaining in those eyes. It seems that there is still some helplessness hidden.

When did Ziwei come. oh. wrong. When should he be here. Why is he so strange to Feng Yin? And why Feng Yin turned a blind eye to it. This doesn't make sense. Feng Yin, he is not...

Well. wrong. He is not Feng Yin. Naturally, Feng Yin didn't have feelings for Ziwei anymore.

sigh. I was meddling again. Really don't look at the current situation. Sigh again. But don't take Feng Yin's jokes seriously. He glanced at the bloated body slightly. There was nobility that could not be concealed on her pink face. Look at yourself again. All in Tsing Yi. How shabby ah no. If only I was married more. What a shame, no. Look at my small body. How can I be worthy of a fairy? No.

Look at Flora again. People are famous and have their own masters. It's not good to embezzle new things. The key is not wood. voila. His pair of peach blossom eyes. A piece of hibiscus noodles. It's just like a girl's house. His body is as soft as boneless. If this becomes a pro. The wedding night in the bridal chamber. Be crushed by this fairy. It must not be crushed. At that time, the red hall will be replaced by white mourning. Where does it make it? No.

so. I and the Flower God all retreated. Phoenix Yin. You just pretend not to see it. Or just act like nothing happened. You didn't say anything just now... okay.

cough cough. But look at that pair of piercing red phoenix eyes with a frightening coldness. I knew that Feng Yin didn't listen to what I said in my heart at all. well. The mute eats coptis. I can't tell the pain. The suffering is not small at the moment. It's so bitter that I don't want to eat any more for the rest of my life.

"Oh. That's how it is." The flower god beside him heard what Ziwei said. Suddenly realized when nodding. then. It was only after I realized it. His eyes widened in surprise. Zhang Zhang. It took a long time before he could utter the words. "No, no... No way... Aha... Wood. Is this... a joke."

Baicao was speechless. Straight to the forehead. Guessing that he was getting a headache from Huashen's temper, he was thinking of ways to escape. Shaoqing. Feng Yin looked away from me. He looked straight at the Flower God. Then he raised his eyebrows. He said coldly: "You are not joking. Do you think I am joking?"

These words frightened the astonished Flower God into confusion. His stiff body seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar. Even how to move. I don't know either.

Feng Yin only snorted coldly. Fu moved his eyes to me again. Continue to be cool-eyed.

subsequently. The Flower God returned to his senses. He knelt down with his legs bent. Head down low. Without concealing regret. The flower god knelt down. Baicao also knelt down. Let Baicao kneel... I wondered if it would be inappropriate for me to stand alone. Simply. I bent my legs. kneel down. Knees hit the ground. There is a soft sound. It made me feel pain all over my body. But Feng Yin still looked straight at me. He didn't even have the slightest intention to look away. So I gritted my teeth. Suffocate the humming sound in his mouth. Also followed the flower god. put your head down.

I knew I was dead wrong. So that's what I did. Kneel straight. Head down. Looking at the clouds against the knees. Full of regret.

But this behavior. It seemed to annoy Feng Yin. I just lifted my eyelids. Inadvertently caught a glimpse of the hand under the wide sleeve turning white. Then the spoken words. It is also like a word for a word. Squeezed out abruptly.

"Gu Luan loves Qing."

Cough... the word Aiqing sounds kind. But this is a cold word. I really have no luck.

I can't tell. Feng Yin took a breath. Kai Lip gritted his teeth again and said, "Who told you to kneel down..."

I... myself...

It is estimated that if the answer in my heart is known by Feng Yin. Nothing good will happen to me.

"Okay. Great. You don't want to talk, do you..." Feng Yin was clearly out of breath. I even forgot about my inability to speak. But I looked up. His face was extremely ugly. That posture. Also want to pull me up from the ground. Then drag it to a secluded place where no one is there. It took a beating to relieve my anger.

I know I can't speak. Can't justify anything. Simply lower your head. To show that I knew from the bottom of my heart that I was wrong. Feng Yin can do whatever he likes to relieve his anger. I don't have much time anyway. It doesn't matter anymore. Furthermore. The soul of Feng Ziqing still lives in my body. Feng Ziqing was his favorite person. He was full of apologies. Don't be so rude to me. That can't be done. What if I hurt Feng Ziqing? No. So... cough cough... Fengyin, calm your anger...

Feng Yin opened her mouth. It seems that I want to say something more. Just haven't spoken the words yet. It was interrupted by the fairies of the Phoenix clan who had been ignored for a long time. The woman's voice was resentful. I guess it was because of Feng Yin's delay in answering. Afraid that he would repent. Her small thoughts will also be in vain: "Your Majesty, you have to make decisions for Xiaoxian... Xiaoxian is willing to..."

It's just that the words of willingness have not been fully said. Feng Yin gave him a cold stare. Then said in a cold voice: "Shut up."

These two words are scary. Obviously, that Fairy of the Phoenix Clan was stunned. Then he lowered his head. Shut up obediently.

I am watching quietly. Who knows that this good show will be closed before it is staged. While sighing in my heart. I was almost scared away by Feng Yin's very kind Guluan Aiqing calling me. Shaoqing. I didn't hear any more words from Feng Yin. I am a little puzzled. Leng Ran raised his head. It was only seen that Feng Yin changed her previous cold face. A slight smile hung on the corner of his lips. That smile is gentle and eye-catching. I couldn't help but look stupid.

It really is a word of love. It should only be given to one person. It cannot move outside. You shouldn't move either. For me. I regret it.

Feng Yin smiled lightly. Danfeng looked at the fairy kneeling on the ground with a slight smile. Then she said softly: "This is the daughter of the Huang family. Talk about the marriage. One is not to marry if you don't like it. The other is that if the person you are looking for is already married, or if you want to belong, then there will be no embarrassment. What I said That's right."

The woman heard the words. He didn't react in time. Only half an hour passed. Then he nodded blankly: "Your Majesty, what you said is not wrong at all. Our Phoenix Clan has such a rule..." The words paused. The woman was slightly surprised. "Could it be that the two of them are already married. Keyi Xiaoxian has always heard about it. Immortals are all gentlemen. They have always been famous for breaking through the world. How could they get married."

The woman's words are true. But I don't know how this truth angered Longyan. The words just fell. Feng Yin's smile faded away. It's just that the movement is too small. Not easy to notice. Guess I'm the only one who has nothing to do. He stared at Feng Yin with a pair of eyes and realized it.

Thinking like this. I want to laugh a little bit. I don't understand what's wrong with me. This fairy world is full of clouds and cranes. Good wind and good scenery. And kneeling next to me are the Flower God and Baicao Xianjun. Those two were not bad in appearance. At least I can't compare to them. That's it. I was in a trance. She always looks towards Feng Yin's cheek unconsciously. This look. Just forget the time. Forget what's on your mind. Forget everything in your head.

This moment of ecstasy. I just came back to God. Feng Yin pulled my arm with one hand. Pull it up from the ground. He held me gently in his arms. He leaned over my ear. whisper something. But the voice was too low. I didn't catch it. But think about it carefully. I am just like him now. It's like a whisper between lovers. Let me... a little intoxicated again.

Flower God Baicao raised her head together with the woman and all the immortals. Obviously stunned. More consternation. But look at the look on their faces. I just found out. This should hurt Feng Yin's face above ten thousand people.

But it's nothing. Even more surprising is yet to come. Feng Yin he was overjoyed. He opened his mouth and said: "Gu Luan Aiqing is my man. He has already married me. Therefore, Gu Luan and his actions just now are just hypocrisy."

The woman froze slightly. I was speechless.

then. There was complete silence all around. It was so quiet that you could hear an embroidery needle drop.

And then. Then there was no more silence. Noisy tight...

Who said: "It's absurd. Since ancient times, there is no reason for men to be together with men. That is the ethics."

Who said again: "Your Majesty was bewitched by that vixen. That's why he thought of such absurd things."

Who raised his voice and replied: "Oh, I didn't expect it. The Guluan Xingjun who was usually quiet and desolate turned out to be a corrupt monarch. Disturb Chao Gang's vixen. It's really embarrassing for me."

absurd. Hu Meizi. Tut tut. ridiculous. This liking is liking. It doesn't matter what morality is long. What is against the will of God. snort. Since ancient times. There is a saying that the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious. So I borrowed Feng Ziqing's soul today. Pushed against his body. According to Longfeng. It should be Chengxiang. What else is said to be unreasonable. God forbid. I see. It is clearly unfair. People are rigid.

There is one more. And the most important one...

Who said I was Hu Meizi who went to seduce Feng Yin. Who said that what Feng Yin said must be the truth. Where have I ever been married to Feng Yin? Even the lonely memory in the brain. There is nothing in a red robe. Two or two go to church and get married. Tsk. Feng Yin only joked. They all believed it.

Even more immortals are bold. An attitude of righteousness. Hold your head high. stride forward. Salute again: "Your Majesty. The Lone Luan Star deceives the Lord. The intention is wrong. Forget Your Majesty and think twice before doing it. Severely punish the Lone Luan Star."

Feng Yin frowned. I guess I didn't think of it. This can still happen.

The other ministers stepped forward together. He cupped his hands and said, "I hope Your Majesty will think twice."

I look at this picture. Obviously know it in your heart. This fairy family is no different from ordinary people. No. to be exact. This idea is passed down from immortals to mortals. Naturally, these immortals performed better. That's disgusting right now. How can it be concealed

Fortunately, there are Flower God and Baicao who speak for me. They all kowtowed. Just say that I was wronged. I don't know anything. Those words warmed my heart.

One hundred and fifty one nightmare (on)

On the other hand, Ziwei Emperor Xing was extremely indifferent, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and his smile was faint, but he didn't know what was hidden in the smile, which made the original gentleness lose a bit, and added a little bit of bitterness.

According to my guess, since Feng Yin said the words, and Feng Ziqing's soul is still in my body, he will never let anyone hurt me at all. Thinking of this, I feel a bit bitter from the bottom of my heart up.

Alas, I blame me for thinking like this, if I hadn't looked at Feng Yin's face, I would have thought he was Feng Yin, and given him my affection for Feng Yin by mistake, it would be... difficult to accept.

Feng Yin in this room raised Liu Yemei, ignored the preaching of those immortals, and just pulled me up: "I can't wait for you to preach here, I know what to do and say, whoever dares to mess up again Don't blame me for being ruthless."

As soon as Feng Yin finished speaking, the hall fell silent.

After a while, it was the woman kneeling on the ground who broke the silence. She looked at Feng Yin, at me, and then at Flower God. She felt that it was a pity, sighed, and fixed her eyes on Flower God again. At the place, he looked up and down again, nodded, and was quite satisfied with the flower god.

"Your Majesty, you said that this Shangxian is married to you," the woman paused, and then she squinted her eyes and smiled until her eyes became a line. "Then this Shangxian also married?"

The Flower God who was being mentioned widened her eyes for a moment, and opened her mouth and said: "Don't, don't, I'm married too... Ah, no, I have someone I like, girl, please take back your kindness!"

The woman thought it was because she was afraid that the marriage would fail, and it would be difficult to marry a satisfactory person to return to the Phoenix Clan. Therefore, she was full of doubts about what the flower god said, and said without hesitation: "Do you have someone you like? Then where is the person?" Why don't you get married?"

The Goddess of Flower was asked the question, took a look at Feng Yin, who was looking at him with interest, and then at Immortal Baicao, who was staring at him and couldn't bear to blink, wrapped his hands around his forehead uncomfortably. A stray strand of hair hanging down in front kept circling, the more entangled his expression was now, the harder his hands were exerting, he wished he could break his hair in half.

Then, the Flower God put down the long hair in his hand, looked up at the woman, laughed a few times, and then said: "Oh, it's not that I don't want him to get to know you, or that I don't want to be with him for the rest of my life." , No, you should also know that the rules of the immortals are strict, right? So I can only put this thought in my heart, but people, I can’t forget, forgetting is ruthless and ungrateful, which is against the way of the immortals.”

I really admire this statement, but I am the only one who admires that's all—the woman obviously didn't believe it, and raised her eyebrows: "Empty words are not credible, if you can point out that person, I can believe!"

This is embarrassing for the flower god, let me point it out, if you look at it from the standpoint of ethics, the matter between him and Baicao is really against the laws of heaven and ethics, and there is no good fruit to eat. Immortal Monarch Baicao, this cannot be done.

If it was not against the norms, then he would have to name fairies at will, and if this maidservant was not chosen, there were only a few fairies present in the hall, and none of these fairies looked like Baicao, so he probably would not like any of them.

Just when the God of Flowers was struggling, Baicao said, "To tell the truth, Your Majesty, I have been in love with Xiaohua for a long time, and in private I forced Xiaohua to follow me, so I can't blame Xiaohua for all these mistakes. Your Majesty, if you want to punish me, you can punish me alone." , Xiaohua is not at fault at all." One sentence covered all the faults, even though Huashen fell into the situation I was in, fortunately, it relieved him of the current siege.

Sure enough, the woman was dumbstruck, speechless.

"Stupid wood, what nonsense are you talking about?!" At this moment, the flower god, like a cat with a blown hair, opened its mouth to reveal its fangs, its beautiful eyes were glaring, and it almost jumped up and scratched Immortal Baicao. Two paws.

Baicao ignored it, just looked up at Feng Yin, waiting for Feng Yin to open his mouth and tell the final result.

Tsk, these two flirts are envious of a loner like me.

After a while, those red and phoenix eyes were filled with interest, and the eyebrows were raised: "Oh? Xiaohua?" I don't think so, but the words in this mouth are focused on this, and the words are settled, so everyone will be slightly stunned.

I coughed dryly, took advantage of others not paying attention, raised my hand and tugged at Feng Yin's sleeve, and said in a low voice: "Isn't it the God of Flowers? Feng Yin, don't care about this title."

After Feng Yin heard this, the corners of her lips turned up, her brows were filled with joy, she raised her hand to cover her lips, coughed lightly, and then she turned serious and said: "So, Immortal Baicao, are you guilty?"

"Xiaoxian is guilty, and I hope His Majesty will deal with it. Don't punish Flower God."

The flower god on the side had no time to interrupt, so he could only grit his teeth and stare fiercely at the side face of Immortal Baicao. There were many thoughts in those eyes, which vaguely seemed to mean that if you had any troubles, I would definitely follow.

Immortal Baicao could only keep his eyes straight, lowered his head slightly, and was in love with the white clouds that could not be seen swimming on the ground.

For some reason, after hearing what Immortal Baicao said, Feng Yin's red phoenix eyes smiled even deeper: "Sin? Baicao, baicao, tell me, why are you guilty?"

Baicao was taken aback for a moment, then opened her mouth, and replied in all directions: "I shouldn't force the Flower God to work with me..."

Rubbing her forehead, Feng Yin raised her hand to interrupt the words, and opened her lips to cut off the end of the words: "You just like it if you like it, there is nothing wrong with it, if it is wrong, then I forced Guluan Aiqing, wouldn't it be the same? Wrong? So... should I punish myself with the cruelest punishment in the heavens?"

Baicao was at a loss for words for a moment, but the flower god was the first to react, and immediately smiled: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your fulfillment!"

Feng Yin smiled softly, as usual gentle: "Get up."

According to the words, the Flower God and Baicao Immortal both stood up. After losing their fear, the Flower God did not forget to complain to Baicao: "You wood, I warn you, if you dare to do what happened today, I will do it next time." It's just that I don't know you!"

Baicao Immortal raised the corners of her lips imperceptibly, and spoke softly, full of tenderness and pampering: "If there is a next time, I will still be like this, because I don't want you to be hurt..."

The Flower God was stunned, and then sighed: "Wood, I really have nothing to do with you."

Tsk tsk, look at this sweet couple, I really envy others, I shouldn't have paid attention to them since just now.

The woman kneeling on the ground beside her was stunned, and when she came back to her senses, she cried to Feng Yin, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, you... you have to make the decision for me!"

"Sit down?" Feng Yin chuckled lightly: "You have also seen that these two people are already in love with each other. Could it be that you want to separate them?"

The woman shook her head in a daze, but her almond-sized eyes did not stop: "Your Majesty...but..."

As soon as the woman finished speaking, Feng Yin went uncharacteristically, or lost her playfulness, and snorted coldly: "The Immortal family shouldn't talk about love, and your Huang clan and the Feng clan should be a couple, why? Could it be that everyone from the Feng Clan is dead, and they even recruited relatives to the Immortal Realm?"

The anger in those red and phoenix eyes was burning, it was true, and those words were obviously aimed at the two clans of Feng and Huang. If I remember correctly, Feng Ziqing used to be the head of the Feng clan, alas, I really don’t know What happened during that period made Feng Yin have such a prejudice, but it doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with me, and I have no right to care about those things.

At this moment, I saw the woman open her mouth in astonishment, but I couldn't hear anything. In the end, I couldn't see anything. I only knew that the place I was in was so dark that it seemed endless, and it was only me. A person seems to have been lonely for thousands of years, his heart seems to be frozen, cold to the bone, but... no one knows.

In such a cold night where I can't see my fingers, I walk alone, and I can hear a small sound, but I can't hear it clearly. I just walk like this, and I don't know how long I walked. Maybe an hour and a cup of tea , Maybe a year or a half, a hundred years or a thousand years, the more I get to the end, the more I can't remember clearly, it seems vaguely, I only know that it is not right to go on like this, I should stop and think about it, but I don't know how to stop Next, what should I think about, walking like that, until now, until now... I forgot who I am.

The initial confusion and the current panic, it seems that this is the first time I have encountered such a situation in my life, but when I think about it carefully, I can’t remember the life I think about, how I lived, but the more I think about it, the more I feel. I couldn't remember it, but it made me have a splitting headache. In the end, I was so afraid of the headache that I stopped recalling it.

Lifting my legs and taking a step, I walked for a long time, and finally, a halo appeared in front of me, as well as the laughter of a young man, and the gentle sound of a flute.

I finally found a ray of light, and walked forward impatiently. Before I had walked for a long time, I touched a piece of warm sunlight. Under the sunlight, two teenagers looked at me with bright eyes against the light. A young man in white clothes and black hair, with inexplicable hostility in his eyes, was frowning and retreating.

I don't know what's going on with me right now, I just feel dizzy, probably because I've been walking for too long and I'm exhausted, so I can only watch the boy with the halo slowly retreat, and I also Due to lack of energy, he tilted his body and fell to the ground, and his eyes slowly closed afterward.

I don't know how long it took, but I just heard someone say to me in my ear: "Hey, wake up, what are you doing here?" I was a little dissatisfied with the words, I slowly opened my eyes, and the eyes caught my eyes. , was the face of the boy who had just retreated.

"Are you awake? Get up when you wake up, you big man, don't want me to pull you." But even though he said that, he stretched out his hands and pulled me up from the ground, but what I admire Even though he is still a young man, his strength is enormous.

"Dirty, really, you stained the clothes my brother gave me, you pay for it!" He frowned, seeing the white clothes stained with dust, and complained dissatisfiedly, thinking he hadn't heard When I spoke, he looked up at me with some doubts, "Are you a fool? I'm talking, are you listening?!"

One hundred and fifty-two nightmares (middle)

I was stunned, but without words, he sighed, a little helpless: "Forget it, let's not talk about this. I am Qingxuan, the son of the demon king. Who are you? What is your name?"

I replied, "Feng Ziqing."

It turns out that my name is Feng Ziqing, alas, my head hurts, I actually forgot my name.

As soon as I finished speaking, Qingxuan's eyes widened, and he stuttered a little: "You, you... are you Feng Ziqing?! That... that one from the Feng... clan?!"

I pressed my forehead, which was throbbing and throbbing, and nodded my head, humming lightly, as my answer.

Seeing this, Qingxuan pondered for a moment, and then whispered to himself: "Feng Clan is also considered to be an Immortal Clan. My father said that the people of the Immortal Clan and the Monster Clan are enemies and cannot be left behind!" A long sword with a faint cold light came to me. Before I could react, Qingxuan held the long sword to my neck. His fingers moved slightly. In a blink of an eye, the cold sword had already cut the flesh of my neck, and the blood flowed with it. As it flowed out, a little bit of bright red overflowed, slipped into the collarbone, and soaked the white clothes on my body.

I closed my eyes, only thinking that I was seriously injured, even if I resisted, it would be difficult to go back to the Feng Clan, and I would die if I met other monsters at that time, it would be better to die at the hands of this young man, so, I I don't even want to resist.

Qingxuan was a little puzzled, stopped the movement of stabbing the sword forward, retracted the sword, pulled a sword flower, and put his back behind his back: "Forget it, because you look good and you have injuries, I will not kill you."

I opened my eyes and looked at him. According to what he said, I thought it was a little funny. Just ask, who would say that a man is good-looking? No problem, he's still a kid after all.

In the forest where the grass is green and the flowers are so fragrant, looking at his face that does not look like a monster, it is so beautiful that it is beyond the reach of the flowers and plants. If you look closely, the eyelashes are curved and long , has a pair of very beautiful Danfeng eyes, the pool of water in the eyes is as bright as a white moon, one can see the bottom at a glance, has no scheming at all, and is as innocent as his child's identity, the pale pink lips under Danfeng's eyes are slightly Close, with a smile that seems to be nothing.

He glanced at me, blushed, folded his arms around his chest, turned around and snorted softly: "Don't get me wrong, I just remembered what my father said